Chereads / Harry Potter and the slytherin Prince / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 – Extra Lessons

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 – Extra Lessons

The entire sixth year were waiting in expectation for thier one hour Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with Professor Pentagon on Tuesday morning. A secret bet had been set up amoungst the school by Monday afternoon, in which even the Slytherins were partaking, on when the Professor would turn against Harry. Not if, but when. The entire school knew it would be asking too much for a Defence Professor to actually like Harry and even Harry himself had entered a bet for the first Saturday of half term. The Slytheirns had also started thier own bet on how Professor Pentagon would try to kill Harry when she attempted it.

Tuesday morning arrived, the sixth year Defence class lined up outside the Defence classroom ready to be called in and every student was casting covert looks towards Harry. Just as the bell went, signalling the start of class, Professor Pentagon opened the door to her classroom smiling.

'Good Morning. Would you come inside and take a seat.'

Bemused the class enter quietly and quickly grab thier usual seats. Gryffindors on the left, Slythierns on the right and Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff separating them in the middle. They all tense as the door to the classroom shuts and Professor Pentagon walks to the front of the classroom and is still smiling. Sighing as a whole they get out thier textbooks and some parchment ready to start taking notes from the book.

'Good morning class.'

'Good morning Professor Pentagon.' The class intones warily, trying to work out if she is as nasty as Professor Umbridge behind her smile.

'Welcome to your first lesson in Defence for your sixth year.' Professor Pentagon smiles before sitting down and pulling out a small book from the top drawer in her desk and opening it. 'I'll start with the register so i can begin to learn your names. First is Hannah Abbot.' Professor Pentagon looks up. Hannah raises her hand.

'Present Professor Pentagon.'

'Thank you Hannah. Next is...' Harry zones out as does most of the class. He is soon startled by Hermione, who is sitting next to him, nudging him in the ribs.

'Harry Potter.' Harry sits up straight and raises his hand.

'Present Professor Pentagon.' Harry says before dropping his hand back down.

'There is no need for me to learn youre face Mr Potter, i have been seeing it for years.' Harry groans as the rest of the class smiles. Luckily for Harry Professor Pentagon goes back to the register and continues. After finishing with Blaize Zabini, she puts the book away in her desk and stands up.

'Today is not going to be a practical lesson as it is only a single period. Your double period on Thursday will be our practical lesson.' Everybody sits up straighter at the words, practical lesson. 'Therefore i am going to start with giving you list of everything you should of learnt for Defence Against the Dark Arts in school so far. The rest of this week and next week will be spent reviewing everything quickly and covering anything you haven't learn't already, as i understand from the Headmaster your past Defence Professors, omitting one, were far from adequate.'

What followed was pure torture for everybody. In one hour they managed to write a list of every Defensive Spell, Offensive Spell and Dark Creature they should of covered for thier O.W.L.S sorted by year. Even Hermione had started to complain about writers cramp. Once they had finished Harry noticed that there were a few spells they had never been taught and mentally designated his free afternoon to finding the incantations and learning them. With five minutes left of the lesson Professor Pentagon finally finished.

'You can all put your quills down now and stretch out your hands. For the last five minutes whilst you all curse me for making you write so much, i am going to tell you about Saturday mornings Advanced Defence class.' All the students sit up straighter and lean forward causing Professor Pentagon to smile. 'Yes, i can see that has caught your attention. As in Advanced Potions only the four top students will be required to come to the Advanced lessons. I will not be letting in any other students should one of the top four elect not to come. Therefore this Saturday morning i have aquired the Great Hall to test you on some basic spells. I will be looking at how complete your blocks are, if your offensive spells actually work and i will test everybody to see if any of you are capable of power attentuation.' Murmers start in the class. 'I know none of you have ever learnt power attentuation and unless you become an Auror you will never have to learn it. I would be very surprised if anybody here could control how much power they put behind a spell.' The entire class turns and looks at Harry. Harry blushes and rubs the back of his hair. 'I can see that you all think Mr Potter is capable of power attenuation. Can you Mr Potter?' Harry nods getting redder. 'Unusual but understood. I look forward to testing your power out on Saturday Mr Potter.' The bell goes. 'That brings our lesson to a close. All of you come to the hall at 10am on Saturday morning. If you are late you will not be tested. Dismissed.'

In no time at all the class is empty and Professor Pentagon sighs and collapses into her chair. Minutes later Professor McGonagall enters the room.

'Ready for lunch Pologia?'

'The sixth years hate me.' McGonagall raises her eyebrows in surprise.

'I'm sure they don't.'

'You should of seen their faces when i made them write all lesson. I thought it was a good idea to give them lists of what they should know by now, and it took the entire lesson for them to write it all down.'

'They don't hate you, they are just weighing you up. They are trying to see if you are going to be a Professor Umbridge or a Professor Lupin.'

'They all look towards Mr Potter. Well apart from the Slytherins, but even they expect him to be the best. Quite surprising really, i thought the Slytherins hated him.' Professor Pentagon leans back in her chair thinking.

'Oh they do. But even they know he has defeated or escaped He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named five times already. That is quite a feat.'

'Apparently Mr Potter can do power attentuation.'

'I wouldn't be surprised if he could. He has been able to conjure a Corporal Patronus since his third year.' Professor Pentagons chair hits the floor with a thud.

'A Corporal Patronus at 13! That's unheard of.' Shrieks Pentagon.

'Why don't we discuss this during lunch Pologia.' McGonagall offers.

'Thanks.' Pentagon stands up and follows McGonagall down to the Great Hall talking.

By Friday afternoon Professor Pentagon had been declared the best Defence Professor along with Professor Lupin. And bets had tripled as to when she would turn against Harry as she was far too sweet to be nice for long. Harry and Ron finally escaped Gryffindor Tower where the bets were being counted and walked down to the Quidditch pitch, brooms thrown over thier shoulders, whilst Hermione was in her Arithmancy lesson.

'I love being able to relax whilst Hermione is working.' Ron smiles as they reach the pitch. Harry grins back at him. 'Are we chasing the snitch, tossing the quaffle or are we just racing?'

'Just racing.' Harry replies as they reach the centre of the field. They mount thier brooms ready.

'Just a few laps first to get warmed up then we can race around the goalposts.' Ron says quickly before kicking off from the ground hard, shooting up high leaving Harry still standing there watching. Harry quickly follows catching Ron up effortlessly on his Firebolt.

'Come on Ron, can't you make that broom go faster?' Harry teases before racing off turning his broom sharply and heading towards the goal posts. Ron cheers as Harry zooms in and out of the goalposts and then back to Ron, pulling up short to hover in mid air next to him.

'Stop showing off Harry.' Ron teases. 'We can't all afford Firebolts.'

'We'll swap next week, you use my broom, i use yours. I'll still beat you though.' Harry laughs before speeding off again. This time Ron laughs and swings around chasing after him. After a few laps around the pitch dodging non existent bludgers and Chasers, they settle into a slower pace to chat about Quiddtich try outs.

'You looked at the list of people who have signed up for Quidditch try outs?' Ron asks.

'Yeah. Have you?'

'Yup. A lot of second years. Hermione thinks it's because you're the seeker and now that you are the Chosen One everybody wants to get to know you. She also said something about the girls signing up just to look at you.' Ron pulls a disgusted face. Harry blushes and rubs the back of his hair. They hear some cheers from the stands and turn thier heads to see a group of girls pointing and waving at them. 'They really should get a life.' Ron comments looking at them before turning back to Harry. 'Has Dumbledore approved the DA yet?'

'Yeah. I asked him Thursday. He seemed really pleased that we were continuing with it. I have to ask Professor Pentagon if she won't mind being the covering Professor, as she is the Defence teacher.'

'When you gonna ask her?'

'I was thinking tomorrow morning after we have all had those try outs for her Advanced Class.'

'Good idea. Just as long as nobody has accidently hexed her.'

'Do you want to get into the Advanced class?'

'Nah, not really. I'm not good enough. It might be cool to stay with you but i don't think i could cope with the extra work on top of my Prefect and Quidditch responsibilities.'

'I wonder what hexes or curses she'll make us use?'

'Why do you care, i saw you on Tuesday learning all of the spells we hadn't covered from that bloody long list she gave us. It's me that's got to worry. I can't do a basic stunning spell without it either blasting an entire chunk of a wall away or causing a small shock that wouldn't stun a fairy.' Harry laughs before diving as if going after the snitch closely followed by Ron. Just as Harry is about to crash he pulls up out of the dive and shoots back up into the air, corkscrewing. Ron follows, but at a more sedate pace with no fancy flying. As they meet up again and start another lap Ron starts thier conversation back up again.

'Snape will be posting the 4 students for his class as well at dinner tonight. Will you go if you get in?'

'Probably.' Harry shrugs.

'Rather you then me. Electing to spend more time with Snape.' Ron shudders. 'No thanks. You and Hermione are welcome to him.'

After circling the pitch again and spotting that the girls were still there Harry and Ron look at each other. At a nod of their heads they pull thier brooms up into a steep rise and fly off towards the lake leaving the unwanted audience behind.

'Come on Hermione we'll be late for dinner.' Ron complains loudly standing at the bottom of the girls staircase whilst Harry is sitting watching on a sofa by the fireplace, they are both wearing casual robes.

The Common Room is practically empty, save for a few seventh years finishing off a bit of homework before going down to dinner.

'Finally.' Ron says as Hermione comes down the stairs with Ginny. They have both changed out of their school robes, Hermione is wearing some blue casual robes whilst Ginny is wearing jeans and a top she must of borrowed from Tonks as it has a a large question mark with the words, Which Witch? emblazoned on the front. 'What could possibly have taken you so long?' Ron continues.

'Some of us Ronald do more then throw a robe over our heads. We actually have a shower first.' Hermione scolds.

'We had showers. We just don't spend hours doing our make up.'

'Ronald Weasley, i do not spend hours doing my make up. In fact i don't wear any during the school week only for special occasions.'

'Come on you two. Stop arguing.' Harry inputs grabbing their arms and marching them to the portrait, with Ginny trailing behind giggling.

'Well done Harry.' Ginny then turns to Ron and Hermione. 'Honestly you two are like an old married couple.' Ron and Hermione blush as Harry laughs.

'Thanks Gin. I can't say that. I'd get killed if i did.' Hermione playfully hits Harry's arm. 'Ow Mione, that hurt.' Harry yelps. 'You're not supposed to hit the Chosen One.' Hermione simply shakes her head in response.

As they reach the bottom of the Grand Staircase, Hermione squeals in delight when she sees Snape sticking a piece of parchment to the notice board near the front doors. After grabbing Harry's arm she drags him across the Entrance Hall to the notice board. Snape sneers at them as they come up and turns away stalking into the Great Hall his robes billowing behind him.

'I must discover how he does that.' Harry says as they watch him leave.

'Not now Harry.' Hermione scolds moving up to the list and reading it.

'Couldn't we check after dinner?' Ron asks as he arrives with Ginny. Hermione suddenly squeals and hugs Harry.

'We got in, we got in.' Harry stares at her in disbelief.

'You both got in.' Ron asks shocked. Hermione nods and hugs Harry again. Ron reads the list and then turns to Harry. 'Bad luck mate, Malfoy also got in.' Harry groans.

'Justin Finch-Fletchley got in too.' Ginny adds also reading the list. 'So at least Malfoy's on his own.' Hermione finally lets Harry go. Ron seeing his chance speaks loudly.

'Can we go into dinner now?'

'Yes Ronald we can.' Hermione glares daggers at him. Ron looks a the floor and mumbles something which makes Hermione huff and stalk into the Great Hall. Ron quickly takes off after her calling out her name.

'Looks like you have a lot of extra work this year with Advanced Potions and Defence. Wow Harry are you trying to kill yourself under a mountain of books?'

'We haven't been tested for Advanced Defence yet.'

'Come on Harry, you were the one who taught us last year. You can beat most poeple in a duel already. Of course you'll get in.' Ginny says to Harry as they trail after Ron and Hermione, sitting down opposite them at the Gryffindor table. Hermione is still giving Ron the silent treatment.

'Congrats on getting into Advanced Potions, Mione.' Hermione smiles gratefully at Ginny and then looks pointedly at Ron, but he is still clueless.

'What?' Ron says when he notices Hermione looking at him.

'If you can't figure it out Ronald, i'm not going to tell you.' Hemrione huffs before standing up and moving further down the bench. Ron looks over at Ginny and Harry confused.

'What did i do this time?'

'You never congratulated her on getting into Advanced Potions.' Ginny scolds.

'Course i did.' Ron looks at Harry for back up.

'You didn't mate. Sorry.' Harry replies. Ron huffs.

'You could go and concratulate her now.'

'No, she's the one who walked off without telling me why she was angry, she can come and apologise to me.'

'Ronald Wealsey, get your self down to your girlfriend and apologise.' Ginny yells at him.

'No.' Harry seeing disaster about to strike, as Ginny is swelling up looking remarkably like Mrs Weasley when she is yelling at the twins, interceeds.

'So Ron. Looking forward to tryouts next weekend? Have you come up with any ideas on how to test out potential chasers yet?' Ron nods and launches into a bunch of plans that he has been formulating using Harry's birthday present, whilst Harry had been at lessons. Glancing at Hermione Harry sees her looking miserable next to Lavender and Parvati who are talking a mile a minute over her. Harry mouths 'Well done for Potions.' at her causing her to smile back. Wondering at the fuzzy feeling Hermiones smile causes inside his chest he turns his attention back to Ron's description of a chaser move he remembers from the Quidditch World cup two years ago and how they can use it in the Gryffindor Team.

Next morning Harry was up just as the sun was rising and instead of turning back over and trying to get back to sleep he gets out of bed and after picking up a few of the extra Potions textbook he brought over the summer goes down to the common room. Surprisingly Hermione was already up and reading through her sixth year Potions text and making notes. She looks up when she hears Harry come down the stairs sitting down beside her.

'Morning Harry, i thought i would be the only one up.'

'Nah, couldn't sleep.'

'Nightmares?' Harry shakes his head.

'No, i haven't had any since we came back to school. Why are you up?'

'Nervous. Snape could ask us anything and we are expected to know the answer.'

'Mione, i doubt he'll ask us anything we shouldn't already know. We are only just starting today.'

'He asked you in first year some really hard questions.'

'Questions, that if i had read my potions textbook before coming to school i would of known.'

'That's the Dursley's fault.' Harry just smiles at her.

'Maybe, but Snape wouldn't know that. Now, what is it you are reading? We both could review the stuff together as i know from past experience trying to get you to do anything when you are panicking about school work is futile.' Hermione smiles at him gratefully.

'I was just going over the twelve uses of Dragons blood in relation to Potion making.'

'Where had you got up to?'

'Second one.'

Hours later after they both had changed into their school robes, they make their way down to the Potions Room for their first advanced lesson. When they arrive, they see that Justin and Malfoy are already waiting outside of the classroom. Justin comes over smiling when he spots them.

'I'm glad you two got in. I was worried i was going to be with just Slytherins.' They smile at him. Draco snorts.

'I'm very surprised you got in Potter.' Malfoy drawls. 'I can understand the mudblood getting in, but you...' Malfoy sneers. 'But of course, Dumbledore's Golden Boy had to get in.'

'I'm not surprised you got in Malfoy, I was just wondering how much you had to pay Snape to let you in?' Hermione asks. Draco's cheeks turn pink.

'I do not have to buy my way into Potions. I have been top of the year since we started school.' Scowls Draco.

'Well I suppose with your father in Azkaban it would make it slightly more difficult getting to your family money. I heard the ministry shut your account?' Justin asks. Malfoy pulls out his wand.

'Actually they didn't. The account is in the control of Narcissa Malfoy.' Harry quietly adds. Malfoy, Hermione and Justin turn and stare at him. Harry shrugs in response. 'It was in the Daily Prophet a week ago.'

'I don't need you to stick up for me Potter. I can do that myself.' Sneers Malfoy. At that moment Snape comes out of the classroom.

'Put your wand away, Malfoy.' Snape waits until Malfoy has replaced his wand into his robe pocket. 'You may all come inside now.' Following Snape they all walk quietly into the room. The first thing Harry notices is a huge pile of books is already laid out in front of Snape's desk. Surrounding Snape's desk in a sort of a semi circle are four benches each containing a simmering cauldron, three knifes, three stirers and three pestle and morters.

'Pick a desk.' Malfoy goes and stands behind the desk on Snape's right with Justin next to him, then Hermione and finally Harry on Snape's left. Once they have all picked a place Snape continues. 'This will be your desk for the next two years. In front of you is a new set of Potions equipment that is now yours. You will look after them carefully. If i spot any of you lending other students any of these you will be out of this class. Understood?' Snape glares around at them all as they nod quickly. 'This equipment is important. Before now it hasn't mattered what sort of knife or stirer you have used to to make potions, but from now on it will. Reactions between ingredients is the most important part of potion making and using the wrong metal stirer could cause unwanted reactions resulting in a completely useless potion. Therefore when you get back to your dormitories throw out those horrid wooden stirers you have been using for the last five years. You will never be using them again! From now on if the method states use a gold knife, you use your gold knife, do not substitute it. If any explosions are caused by your recklessness you will serve detention with me every night until you finish school.' Malfoy raises his hand. 'Yes Mr Malfoy?'

'Are we to use this equipment in our usual Potion lessons during the week as well, sir?'

'Yes. I expect you to bring these everytime you come to this classroom to work. In the Apothacaries in Hogsmeade their are specially made cabinets that you can buy that will have space for all of your ingredients and impliments. I suggest you buy one to prevent any losses as you will have to replace these if you misplace them.'

Malfoy, Justin, Hermione and Harry nod quickly.

'The point of the next three weeks is to teach you how to make small adjustments on complex potions as even the most experienced Potion Masters make mistakes. Today you will be starting to correct the potions on your desk.' Snape moves his hand to indicate the four cauldrons. 'Each potion is different so there will be no working together, this is for me to see how much you really understand. The potion that your cauldron contains is in one of these books.' Snape again waves his hand indicating the large stack of books on the front desk. 'It is up to you to figure out what it is and make the correct ingredient adjustment. I have made this simple, you simply have to discover which ingredients are already in the poiton, find the correct method and add the missing ingredient correctly. For the rest of this lesson i will be lecturing on using different spells and potions that are used to look for ingredients.'

Harry, Hermione, Justin and Malfoy quickly get out some parchment and quills from thier bags whilst Snape walks around thier tables and places two new large textbooks on thier desks.

'Here are your textbooks. I expect you to use these wisely. Also other books will be helpful, but it up to you whether you purchase them or borrow them from the library.'

Harry looks down at the two books. The smallest is covered in green leather and entitled, Poisonous Plants and their Properties By Arson. Nick, and the larger is covered in brown leather entitled, Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble By Herus. Bang.

'The basic...' Snape begins to lecture.

Snape finished lecturing just before the bell went giving Hermione, Harry, Justin and Draco time to fill vials with thier potions to take with them and store the rest of the potion in the cauldron away in a corner under protective spells. After quickly putting their everything into thier school bags they walk up to the Great Hall and arrive just as Professor Pentagon is about to shut the doors.

'Professor. Sorry we're late, we had Advanced Potions this morning.' Hermione says hoping the teacher will still let them in.

'Of course, i understand.' Professor Pentagon opens the door enough for them to slip inside and then shuts it behind them. Looking around Harry and Hermione spot Ron sitting with Neville on a bench to thier left, whilst Justin joins Ernie McMillan and Draco joins Nott. Now the doors are shut Professor Pentagon stands in front of the class and takes out her wand.

'Good morning everybody. The two spells i will be testing you with are the Disarming Charm and the Stunning Hex. You will use a Protego Block to protect yourselves. The use of other spells will result in your instant removal from this hall and the chance of being in my Advanced Class. For the first 15 minutes i would like you to get into pairs and practise these three spells, then i will call a halt, at which time you will all sit back down and i will call you alphabetically up to the front and have you perform for me. Once you have finished you will leave the hall. Results will be up tomorrow morning at lunchtime. Pair up now please.'

The students all stand up and sort themselves into pairs. Harry gets up to pair with Ron, but Hermione has already beaten him too it. He looks around the hall and sees everybody else has already paired up.

'Mr Potter, if you would care to alternate with a pair of your choice for now please.'

'Okay Professor.' Harry nods before joining Ron and Hermione who have already started duelling.

'Expelliarmus.' Hermione says casually flicking her wrist.

'Protego.' Ron yells. A small wall appears in front of Ron blocking Hermione's spell.

'Inspirate.' Ron yells at Hermione. Hemrione blocks too, but the force of the spell causes her to take a step back.

'You okay Mione?' Ron asks.

'Yes. Harry your turn with Ron now.' Hermione steps aside letting Harry take her place.

'You wanna go first Ron?'


'Protego.' Harry's block comes up fluidly forming a shimmering circle around him. 'Inspirate.' Harry yells back at Ron. Ron's shield isn't strong enough and collapses causing Ron to go shooting back.

'Ron!' Hermione shouts and rushes over to him. 'Ennervate.' Ron wakes up and shakes his head. He notices Harry, Hermione and a few others staring at him.

'Ouch. Merlin Harry, try not to kill me.'

'Sorry, Ron. I figured your block could withstand that.' Hermione and Harry help Ron stand up as Professor Pentagon comes over.

'Are you okay Mr Weasley?'

'Yes, Professor. Just a bit of a shock.'

'Are you well enough to continue?'

'Yes.' Pentagon nods and then walks off. 'Harry you duel Hermione for a bit whilst my head stops spinning.'

Harry and Hermione stand ready facing each other.

'You go first Hermione.'


'Protego.' Hermione Stunning Hex bounces off Harry's shield and hits the wall.

'Expelliarmus.' Harry's Charm hits Hermione's shield, which collapses causing Hermione's wand to fly through the air. Ron catches it from his seat.

'Nice, Harry.' Ron says as he passes Hermione her wand back as she storms over to collect it.

'Times up. Everybody sit back down now please.' Professor Pentagon calls out before Hermione and Harry can start another duel. Sitting down in the centre of the benches they watch as Professor Pentagon accio's a piece of parchment to her. 'I will cast both the Disarming Charm and the Stunnig Hex at you so i can see your block. Then you will send both spells at me and i will block them. After i will ask you to try and cast the stunning spell at different levels of power to see if anybody has natural Power Attenuation. I must press on you, that it is extremely rare and i do not expect more the Mr Potter to be able to accomplish it. First up is Hannah Abbott.'

Hannoh stands up and goes nervously over to the Professor.

'Ready Ms Abbott?' Hannoh just nods. 'Expelliarmus.' Hannah's block comes up as a wall in front of her deflecting the charm. 'Good. Now, Inspirate.' The stunning spell crashes through the block and sends Hannah flying. Just as Hannah lands conjured pillows cushion her landing. 'Ennervate.' Hannah slowly wakes up and shakes her head. 'Would you care to test your power attenuation Ms Abbott.' Hannah nods and shakily returns to her place. 'Start when you are ready.'

'Inspirate.' Hannah says. She then yells 'Inspirate.' Unfortunately both of her stunning spells are the same power.

'Good effort Ms Abbott. You are free to leave the hall now.' As Hannah leaves Professor Pentagon calls up the next student. 'Susan Bones.'

The spells and blocks are repeated as the next few students are called up in turn. Nobody is able to do the power attenuation. Harry feels immense pride when all of last years DA members are able to create a block capable of blocking the spells but some of the Slytherins are not. Out of the Golden Trio Hermione is called up first.

'Ms Granger, block first.' Hermione blocks the spells easily with a shield that completely surrounds her in a sphere. 'Well done Ms Granger. Now hex me.' Hermione's spells are strong enough a gong reverberates around the hall. 'Excellant. Try and make your blasting hex milder.' This is where Hermione slips up. She cannot change the amount of power behind her Blasting Hex. 'Good try Ms Granger. If you'll wait outside.' Hermione goes back over to Harry and Ron, picks up her bag and leaves the Great Hall, shutting the doors back behind her. The Hall begins to empty and soon enough Harry is called up.

'Now Mr Potter, you block first.' Harry raises his wand ready seconds before Professor Pentagon fires a Blasting Hex at him. Harry's block comes up fluidly, a golden sphere surrounds him blocking the hex easily. Professor Pentagon nods in approval as several people murmer appreciatively. 'Now block the Disarming Charm. Expelliarmus!' Harry's block again closes around him leaving him still holding his wand. 'Now your turn Mr Potter. Whenevcer you are ready.'

'Inspirate.' Harry shouts. A bright red line shoots out of his wand, Pentagon blocks the curse just as easy. She nods again.

'Disarming Charm now.'

'Expelliarmus.' Harry yells. Next moment Professor Pentagons wand is flying through the air towards Harry. Harry catches it and then looks at Professor Pentagon. 'Sorry.'

'No need to apologise Mr Potter. I wasn't expecting your Charm to be so powerful. My own fault for underestimating you.' Harry passes the Professor her wand back and they get back into postition.

'Now lets test your power attenuation. Everybody seems to think you have natural control. First I would like a mild blast please' Harry nods. He barely speaks at he says the incantation.

'Inspirate.' A very pale red line shoots at the Professor easily defelected.

'The strongest Blasting Curse you can accomplish Mr Potter.' Harry stands back a couple of paces causing Professor Pentagon to raise her eyebrow slightly.

'Inspirate.' Harry shouts and imagines his magic pouring through his wand creating a bright red light. A blindingly red curse shoots out of Harry's wand. Professor Pentagon takes a step back for balance as the spell hits her block. Harry cancels the curse as it is deflected and Pentagon lets her block drop.

'Can you make the spell powerful without shouting Mr Potter. Perhaps non-verbally?' Professor Pentagon asks mildly.

'I can try. But we only started learning non-verbal spells this week.' She nods. Harry raises his wand and in his mind shouts 'Inspirate' imagining the spell working. A mild red curse shoots out of his wand. It bounces off the block the teacher conjures and it disappears. Harry is breathing very heavily.

'Thank you Mr Potter, it has been very informative. You may leave now.' Harry nods and leaves, leaving the remaining students whispering behind him.

'Lisa Turpin.'

Harry sits down on the steps of the Grand Staircase next to Hermione.

'How did you do?' Hermione immediately asks.

'Not as good as you.' Hermione looks at Harry suspiciously.

'What went wrong?'

'I disarmed her.'

'You disarmed the Professor and you think that will make you fail!'

'Yeah. Who likes being shown up in front of one of your own classes.' Hermione shakes her head in dispair.

'Harry. She was testing how powerful we were to get into an advanced class. I think you just proved you are powerful enough to be in that class.' Harry shrugs. 'I am amazed you haven't used this power in previous years. I mean you used it for the Patronus Charm but most of the time you don't bother.'

'I had a good teacher this summer who told me not to hide it.'

'Who?' Harry shakes his head smiling.

'I'm not falling for that Hermione.'

'It was worth a shot.' Hermione smiles at him. The doors to the Great Hall open and out comes Lisa Turpin.

'Everything go okay?' Hemrione asks.

'Yeah. Not as good as Harry here, but it went fine. I'll see you in thre library later Hermione. Bye.' Lisa walks off up the staircase towards Ravenclaw Tower.

'What you meeting her for?'

'Homework. We are in Arithmancy together, and Professor Vector gave us a long list of questions to answer for homework.'

'It's only the first week back.'

'I know but he had already marked the homework from summer by yesterday afternoons lesson and half the class got a lot wrong so he is making us do some more for practise. Due on Monday.'

'That's cruel.' Hermione just shrugs.

'He just wants us to do well on our N.E.W.T.S.' Harry opens his mouth to reply but luckily the doors to the Great Hall open again and out comes Ron. Making his way over he drops down on the other side of Hermione.

'I blew it. My Blasting Curse couldn't of disabled a pixie let alone an adult, but my block was good. It looked like your two, so it must of been right.'

'How was your Power attentuation?'

'What power attentuation, Hermione?'

'It doesn't matter Ron. Most wizards cannot do power attenuation unless they are angry and she did say that none of us had ever done that before. In fact only Aurors and a few other professions expect you to know it.' This cheers Ron up a lot. Not long after Blaize Zabini leaves and a few moments later Professor Pentagon leaves too. As soon as she leaves Harry jumps up and goes over to her.

'Excuse me Professor Pentagon.'

'Yes Mr Potter?' The Professor stops walking and turns around to face Harry.

'I was wondering, you see, last year we started a Defence Club and the Headmaster said we could continue it as long as we have supervision. I thought I'd ask you, I do not want you to think I am treading on your territory or anything. You wont have to teach just be there in case of accidents.' Harry rubs the back of his hair nervously but looking hopeful. Professor Pentagon smiles at Harry.

'I would love to supervise Mr Potter. I can bring marking to do, that way you wont think I'm watching over your shoulder.' Harry smiles in relief.

'Thank you.'

'It's my pleasure Mr Potter. I'm here to make sure the students learn Defence and if this clubs helps, then I am all for it.' She nods her head and walks away. Harry turns and grins at Hermione and Ron.

Early next morning the entire sixth year filled into the Great Hall and sat along the four benches provided. The Slytherins at the back, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff in the middle and the Gryffindors at the front. Laughing and chatting they fail to notice when Professor McGonagall and Snape enter through the side door.

'Silence.' Snape sneers. The students suddenly stop talking and sit up straight facing the front as the two Professors get up onto a raised platform in front of them all. 'Detention for the next student that talks out of line.' The Slytherins at the back grin at each other. McGonagall steps forward and raps her wand on a wooden lecturn.

'This is the first of the years Wizarding Ettiquette lessons. As you all know the Ministry only accept students who have received Pass certificates in Wizarding Etiquette. You could score top marks on all your NEWTs, but would not be accepted if you fail Ettiquette. Therefore this year we will be covering all topics you will be examined on next summer. As with your other exams you will sit written paper in the morning and have a practical exam in either the afternoon or evening. Topics covered include: Dancing, Table Manners, Apparel, Courting and Forms of Address.' There is an outbreak of murmuring and whispers. Ron turns to Harry on his left.

'Dancing!' He exclaims. Harry just nods in understanding. Professor Snape steps forward.

'Due to the fact that the Headmaster is organising a Christmas Ball this year we will be covering Dancing, Apparel and Courting this term. For those of you who do not understand the word Courting, it is the same as dating, but there are rules you have to follow.' Snape spits out the last few words. A few people snort into their hands. The idea of Snape discussing dating was ludicrous even to Harry. A lot of the pureblood students nod their heads in agreement with Snape.

'First we will split into two groups. The males will stay here with Professor Snape and the females will follow me.'

Professor McGonagall steps down from the platform as the females stand up and leads them out of the Great Hall. Professor Snape then steps forward and sneers down at the males.

'I have no time to teach dunderheads, so you will make notes or remember everything i say.' A few students reach into their bags for parchment and quills, Ron and Harry being two of the few. 'As i am sure the purebloods amougst you will know there are three different types of robes males can wear. What are they? Mr Malfoy?'

'They are Casual Robes, Dress Robes and Work Robes.'

'Well done Mr Malfoy, 5 points to Slytherin. I can see you are all wearing wearing casual robes this morning. Who can tell me the 3 things that define a casual male set of robes? Mr Nott?'

'The collars are not allowed to be higher then 1inch above the collar bone, the robe must be floor length and have 4 buttons at the front which must be fastened at all times. Sleeve length is generally determined on fashions at the time. For the last 3 years sleeve length has been full length due to the fashion of wearing long sleeved under robes.'

'Well done Mr Nott. Another 5 points to Slytherin.' A hand shoots up in front of Snape. 'Yes Mr Weasley?'

'My brother Bill says that a male can have 5 buttons on the front of his robes as long as they are not used to visit in.'

'5 points from Gryffindor for speaking out of turn. But Mr Weasley is correct. A Casual Robe with 5 buttons is permitted to be worn around the house or in school, but never for visiting. It will be taken as a personal offense by the other families. Therefore from tomorrow I do not expect to see any male sixth year without the correct Casual Robes outside of school hours. Do you all understand?' There is a general murmer of yes. 'Good. Now, who can tell me the requirements for male Work Robes? Mr McMillan?'

'They must be full length, have long sleeves, and have an emblem on the left breast telling people their employment status. Each Department in the Ministry has their own emblem and usually specifies the colour required for all Work Robes.'

'Correct. What would the emblem be if you were looking for work? Or self-employed? Mr Malfoy?'

'If you were unemplyed...' Malfoy sneers as though unemployment is a dirty word. 'You would wear an emblem with a large T on the front, which stands for inactive in Latin. If you were self-employed like my father and his father before him then you would wear your family emblem but it would be sitting on a golden background.'

'5 points to Slytherin. Mr Potter?' Snape seems surprised to see Harry's hand rising.

'I was just wondering, sir, i know a lot of pureblood families have thier own business' but what would the emblem be if they were employed by the family business and they chose to have another job in the Ministry?'

'Mr Finnegan care to explain.'

'You would just wear both emblems at the same time but they would be smaller to fit them onto the golden background.'

'Thank you. What is then only difference between female and male Work Robes? Mr Longbottom?'

'The female Work Robes are only 3/4 lengths instead of full length, sir.' Neville quivers. Snape nods in repsonse.

'Finally who can tell me the requirements of male Dress Robes? Mr Boot?'

'You must always wear a hat to show you are a wizard, the robe must be floor length, but at the moment it is fashionable for younger males to wear a suit and a shoulder cloak which is only half length, your family emblem must be on the left breast if your family has one, if not it must have a small badge stating you are fully qualified witch or wizard and have finished school.'

'Correct What do you all have to wear as you are at school?' Malfoy puts his hand up 'Mr Malfoy?'

'We get to wear our family emblems still. To show that we are purebloods.' Snape smiles thinly.

'Yes, that is correct, but what do students wear who do not have a family emblem?' Malfoy shrugs clearly showing it is beneath him to know and he wouldn't associate with anybody who wasn't wearing one. Ron puts his hand up. 'Mr Weasley?'

'My dad says we wear a small badge with a letter H on it for Hogwarts and that all the magic school have their own badges with the appropriate letters on it. So Durmstrung has a D instead of an H.'

'Correct Mr Weasley. Before lunch today you will report to your Head of Houses office and collect the correct emblem or badge. Emblems with an 'H' are given back to the school when you graduate, but your family emblems are paid for by your family so are yours for life. To finish todays lesson your homework will be to write an essay on the differences between Casual, Work and Dress robes stating what badges or emblems you personally should be wearing and a diagram of said emblem or badge. To be handed in at the beginning of this lesson next week. You are dismissed.' The students rush to get up and leave before Snape stops them.

Harry is leaning on the wall opposite McGonagalls office with Hermione who is wearing a badge with the letter H on it. The door to McGonagalls office opens and Ron finally appears. He is holding a piece of fabric with a crest on it. Harry pushes off the wall and leans closer to look at it more closely. The emblem is of a red sun setting in the background with a wand pointing up with gold sparks coming out of it. Underneath is a Latin verse.

'What does that mean?' Harry asks pointing at the Latin.

'Urm, dad told me a few years ago, but i can't remember.'

'It means Follow Your Heart.' Hermione scolds. 'Honestly Ronald. I think you should know what your own family motto is.' Luckily Harry is spared being in the middle of thier usual arguement when McGonagall comes to the door.

'Mr Potter.' Harry quickly enters the office leaving a bickering Ron and Hermione behind. Shutting the door behind him he walks over to her desk. McGonagall, who has taken her seat again, opens a box in front of her and pulls out a piece of fabric much like the one Ron was holding.

'Here you are Harry.' Harry gingerly takes it. He is looking down at a crest with a large staff going from the top to the bottom. The top of the staff looks like a piece of diamond trapped in a wood crystal. The staff is covered in runes and there is a small number one at the bottom. Pointing towards the head of the staff are 4 wands. On the handles of the wands are the house symbols of a griffin, snake, badger, and raven. The whole emblem is white gold, yellow gold and silver. Harry holds it up and shows it to Professor McGonagall pointing at the Latin word underneath.

'What does this mean?'

'Unity.' Harry looks at her puzzled.

'Did you notice the number one on the staff?' Harry nods 'That means the Potter line has an unbroken line of males that can be traced back all the way to the original 12 magical families in Britain.' Harry nods. 'The Potters where and still are a very powerful family, during the time of the schools founding they were the family to preech Unity between the four houses and actually had a generation of four sons who each got into a separate house. That is why you have all four house symbols on your shield.'

'So the emblem can be changed.'

'Yes. If you would like too.'

'I have to wear this on all of my Casual and Dress Robes?' Harry asks dubiously. McGonagall laughs.

'You should be proud to wear this, Harry. If i remember correctly, they were the same words your father said when i first handed him the shield in his sixth year. He hated wearing it and it always ended up hidden by a fold in his cloak or myseriously disappearing by the end of the day. Your mother always had to convince him to actually put it on his Dress Robes and not leave it off'

'Can you blame him?' Harry asks bluntly. McGonagall smiles at him.

'Off you go Harry.' Harry leaves the room. Hermione and Ron are still outside waiting for Harry.

'What does it look like Harry?' Hermione asks peering over his arm at it. 'Ooooh. That's really pretty. Why have you got all four house symbols on it?'

'McGonagall says that in one generation there were four sons and they each got into a differnet house.'

'I remember reading about that in Hogwarts: A History.' Hermione exclaims happily.

'It's very white Harry. You think your ancestors were light wizards?' Ron jokes casuing Harry to laugh. Harry takes Rons arm and starts to drag him back down to the Great Hall.

'Come on. If we're lucky we can still be in time for lunch.'

'But first we are going to check the notice board and see if we got into Advanced Defence.' Ron rolls his eyes at Harry behind Hermione's back. 'I saw that Ronald Weasley.'