Dinner was unfolding in an almost oppressive silence. Only the clinking of cutlery echoed through the dimly lit room. Everyone seemed lost in thought until Bella decided to break the silence.
— Caden, do you remember what you promised me? she asked, putting down her fork.
Caden looked up, surprised.
— What are you talking about?
— You were supposed to tell us about your dream, she reminded him with an encouraging smile.
Zetch lifted his eyes from his plate, his interest piqued. Aletha, on the other hand, remained silent, absentmindedly playing with a piece of bread.
Caden sighed before starting.
— Alright… I already told you about my first dream, but I'll also talk about the one on the train. I'll repeat everything so we're all on the same page.
He took a brief breath.
— I saw that woman again, the one who warned me of danger. And there was also this monastery with strange engravings on the walls.
Zetch frowned.
— Engravings? Can you tell us more?
Caden shook his head.
— I don't remember the exact details, but… this monastery feels familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before.
A heavy silence settled over them. Zetch crossed his arms, thinking.
— And this woman in your dream? he insisted.
Caden hesitated for a moment before answering.
— I feel the same way… I don't know why, but I have the impression that I know her.
Aletha, who had remained quiet until then, finally spoke up.
— So, to sum up, she said seriously, we have to find the other eight Zodiac sign bearers like us and face a threat we know almost nothing about?
Bella nodded.
— That's right, but we don't even know where the others are.
— In that case, Zetch suggested, let's start with the simplest lead: the monastery engravings. If that place feels familiar to you, Caden, there must be a reason. We need to learn more.
— Alright, Bella agreed. We should start investigating first thing in the morning.
Everyone nodded, aware that this mystery likely concealed a truth essential to their survival.