Chereads / Creation of the Alpha Universe / Chapter 2 - The Hierarchy

Chapter 2 - The Hierarchy

In the infinite universe in which the Alpha Universe unfolded, divinity was not an equal force: the gods and goddesses moved under a strict hierarchy-a hierarchical order in the skies that defined their power, dominion, and influence upon the multiverse. Their relations with the temporal world were sewn into the psychological, physiologic, and algorithmic fabric of reality, defining the fate of the civilizations and the people.

Laws of Divine Influence

The presence of gods in the multiverse was not some matter of faith; it was a systemized structure of influence deeply enmeshed in the laws of physics, algorithms of existence, and the minute details of psychophysiology. Divine power had a systematic flow: unseen equations governed their level of intervention and their impact on the mortal plane.

Physics of the Divine: The gods existed beyond the grip of times and spaces, their essence inlaid in the cosmic tapestry. They vibrated in the fundmental-forces of nature like gravity, electromagnetism, entropy molding the very fabric of reality.

Algorithm of Influence: There was a divine formula that dictated the reach of each god's power, weighing mortal belief, devotion, and cosmic alignment. Those who grasped this structure could manipulate fate itself, bending divine will to their advantage.

Psychological Control: Gods shaped human thought through whispers in dreams, guiding decisions, inciting ambitions, and planting fears. Leaders, warriors, and scholars often mistook these divine nudges for intuition.

Physiological Manipulation: Lesser gods directly changed the mortal body, imbuing strength, resilience, or sickness, as needed. A warrior blessed by Twasa could withstand lightning, while a healer dedicated to Nsi-Osa could mend wounds that nature could never heal.

The Greater Gods: The Pillars of Creation

The Greater Gods were the ones at the pinnacle of the divine order, beings of immeasurable power whose will shaped the multiverse. Their dominion extended beyond mere planets or realms; they were the architects of reality, the weavers of time and space, the embodiment of cosmic forces. Their interference in the mortal world was subtle yet profound, influencing the course of history through unseen forces.

Amashan, All-Father - Supreme Deity, god of strength and justice; his existence itself could rebuild reality. The law was whatever he willed, his words could not be broken, and his wrath devastates.

Uhamshu, God of the Seven Seas - Ruler over the waves, his command determines the weight of life with the oceans, storms, and the fluidness of life itself.

Igba-Oge, God of Time: an omnipresent entity in any moment in time, for he could bend past, present, and future on a whim.

Dai-Ule, Goddess of Balance: the medium between good and evil, that balance which ensures that the multiverse never leans one way into chaos or utter order.

Awu-Ra, Creator of Suns: sacred fire, controller of light and heat, cosmic originator of life and restoration.

Osu-Wa, Goddess of the Moons: The silent observer, guardian of dreams, and mistress of the tides.

Ana, Goddess of Land and Beauty: The shaper of mountains, rivers, and all that is lush, the creative force which lends stability to the universe.

The Greater Gods never took an active interest in the affairs of mortals. Instead, through subtle shifts-dreams, visions, natural events, fate itself-they influenced mankind, their power working at a psychological level, planting thoughts and guiding choices. A ruler's ambition, a hero's calling, or a scientist's sudden inspiration could all be traced back to the whisper of a Greater God.

The Lesser Gods: The Hands of Fate

Beneath the Greater Gods were the Lesser Gods-the gods who regulated more specific parts of reality. While their power was immense, they were not omnipotent, and they often walked among mortals to shape the world in more direct and tangible ways.

Twasa, God of Thunder: He controlled the storms, lightning, and thus was a harbinger of destruction, yet a bringer of renewal.

Ekwueme, Goddess of Good Fortune: Prosperity brings good luck, trade, and wealth.

Ikenga, God of Wisdom and Trickery: He is a paradoxical god, who advises kings and deceives the unworthy.

Ajiju, God of Destruction: A force of ruination, embodiment of the inevitable end of all things.

Nsi-Osa, Goddess of Healing: The gentle force of recovery, savior of the wounded and the broken.

Unlike the Greater Gods, the Lesser Gods were more intimate with mortals, guiding them both in body and mind. They interfered directly with human physiology, giving strength, stamina, disease, or healing. Their existence in the mortal world was often manifested in the form of miracles, curses, and feats of a superhuman nature.

Divine Realms and Their Influence

Every god had a place in heaven-a place that reflected his nature. The Greater Gods dwelled amongst the Ethereal Sanctum: a plane of existence outside mortal comprehension where time folded inwards in endless spirals, and reality could be rewritten at will. The Lesser Gods inhabited near-heaven realms, acting almost as a bridge between the gods and mortals.

The Storm Citadel-Twasa's Realm: the place of eternal storms and crackling energy where lightning never stopped.

The Golden Bazaar, Ekwueme's Realm, was a celestial marketplace in which fate was bought and sold, and a person's standing depended upon one's devotion.

The Labyrinth of Deception-Ikeng's Realm: an endless maze where truth and lies were mingled, parting with its wisdom only to the worthy soul.

Black Wastes (Ajiju's Realm): a domain of decaying everything, where complete destruction and utter decay reigned supreme, while rebirth was but a far-off dream.

The Healing Gardens: a haven of renovation, where even the gravest wounds could be undone, and belong to Nsi-Osa.

Conflict Between Divine Orders

Yet, all was not well in the heavens. The Great Balance established, several of the Lesser Gods wanted more dominion, to rise beyond their ordained place. Ikeng, god of wisdom and trickery, would try the rigid strictness of fate and whisper forbidden wisdom into mortal minds. And Ajiju, god of destruction, saw the multiverse only as an ever-decaying construction needing rebirth through annihilation.

These divine disputes bled into the world of mortals through wars, revolutions, and renaissances. Every time gods clashed, civilizations rose and fell anew. The circle kept going round-creation, perdition-in constant weave within the tapestry that is the Alpha Universe.

Prophecies and Forbidden Knowledge

Among the mortals, there were seers and scholars who deciphered through the hidden laws of divine influences. Some sought to use that knowledge for their own good, while others feared it would bring nothing but divine wrath upon them. Whispers of prophecy spoke of a time when that hierarchy would shatter and gods would rise as mortals fell.

Still, the divine order held, while the hierarchy would always be brittle, always fated to lurch into collapse. The gods watched, man worshipped, and the cosmic wheel turned slowly, setting things up for yet another inevitable showdown-one that raged across heavens and redefined the very godhead.