Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

1st Pov

Gazing down at the blue orb before me I was reminded of my family 'I wonder what happened to my family after my death.' Thinking about my family didn't send me to tears as I expected, instead it just gave me a hollow feeling with traces of warmth. 'Huh, I always figured I was pretty weird' I think. In my last life I was one of four children, my parents had been divorced for a few years and I barely talked to any of my family members.

'I suppose reminiscing won't help much' deciding to focus on my current situation I push thoughts of my family to the back of my mind. Floating through the void of space I began considering my options, I knew for certain I wouldn't starve to death because I could feel my instincts telling me so, additionally I could feel me cells synthesising the solar radiation bombarding me. Knowing I wouldn't starve to death I knew I could live till I get to earth so the option of waiting was there.

The main problem with my current situation was I had nothing to propel myself, the only option to speed myself up would be to cut off a part and throw it. This wasn't viable though because I didn't have anyway to cut off part of myself. Another option I briefly considered was reconfiguring my body into a thruster of some kind by using my techno-organic nature and shapeshifting, the fault with this idea though was I once again had nothing to use as fuel without mangling myself and I had no idea had to begin using my energy to form an ion thruster.

This left my final option, calling for help. My idea for this was to use my ability to control radio waves to send a signal towards earth in the hopes it will attract someone's attention and they'll send up a ship or drone of some kind to investigate. Then once the ship gets closer, I can study it before using matter manipulation to strip it for parts and propel myself towards earth.

Looking within myself, I began to probe around in an attempt to activate my radio wave manipulation, after a few minutes of trial and error I realise that at some point I started a second train of thought. The feeling was similar to opening to different apps on a computer, I was able to think with both trains of thought as if they were one but at the same time, I was able to think in two different directions.

Scrolling through my memory I tried to figure out how I started the second train of thought, a few seconds into looking I found the point I started the second thought branch. Repeating the actions I'd previously done I focus on one task, as I focus on the task I mentally present myself with two different options and without thinking attempt them both at the same time. With a metaphorical click I feel something slip into place in my mind and with a small mental effort I start a third train of thought.

Taking a small break from attempting to control radio waves I decide to experiment with this new ability I discovered. The ability to split my thoughts solidifies in my mind my path deviating from my previous human existence, this new ability breaks everything I knew about being human. Snapping out of my existential thoughts I focus on the mental trigger I felt earlier and create a fourth train of thought, continuing this I get to sixty separate trains of thought before I start to feel a bit of mental strain. Shutting down a few different thoughts I settle with fifty sperate trains of thought for the time being.

Satisfied with my brief delve into my new ability, I focus back on my original task and delve back into my mind. Now with fifty trains of thought I quickly notice a faint new sense, focusing on this sense I start to hear static. Along with hearing static I begin to feel a separate feeling, I can sense this feeling is linked to my ability to control radio waves. The feeling is as if I had a new limb that is entirely in my mind, the feeling is foreign but at the same time feels entirely natural and in part freeing. It's as though part of me was always sealed away and I only just noticed it, the limb feels weak and cumbersome but I'm able to control it.

Focusing half my thoughts on learning to control the new mental limb and the other half on figuring out the new sense, I start an extra train of thought to ponder my future plans.

'At the moment I can't do much. I'm stuck in space for around eighty days unless I manage to figure something else out, also I'm now in the marvel universe heading towards earth as an alien lifeform with little clue what type of world I'll be landing on. Of these two problems the one I'm least worried about is being an alien, I mean why should I care? I'm far stronger than I was as a human and can control nearly everything about myself. I never really liked being a human anyway so to me this is a major upgrade, though I will have to figure out my shapeshifting as I don't like looking like a space rock. The other problem of being stuck in space shouldn't be a problem for long either.' I guess overall I'm chilling.'

Ending the extra train of thought my focus turns back to my other thoughts. Turns out my enhanced intelligence skill wasn't bluffing; within the few minutes I was pondering I was also able to get a cursory understanding of my ability and level it up seven times.

[-Radio wave Manipulation Lvl 8/100 (+7)]

Using my new understanding I dedicate one train of thought to sending pulsing signals in morse code towards earth with a simple message S.O.S, I figure a classic should get someone's interest. Using another train of thought I focus on receiving signals because you never know if someone sends a reply, I don't plan on responding though. Finally, I use ten thought columns to train radio wave manipulation, and with the rest of them I try to understand my new body.



3rd Pov – Earth two days later

Within a dark room illuminated solely by the light of multiple computers monitors a hunched silhouette of a man could be seen, the man had greying hair, bad posture, and very obvious signs of sleep deprivation. This man could be seen staring intensely at the screen in front of him leaning in to get a closer look, whilst rapidly clicking his computer.

On the screen in front of the man multiple graphs, charts, and sound waves could. From the speaker of the computer beep of intermittent length played in a repeating pattern, three short beeps followed by three long beeps and ended with another three short beeps, the sound echoing around the room. On the screen to the left of the man a blurry image of a asteroid could be seen, the asteroid in the image was estimated to be between 3-4 metres in diameter based on the data on the screen. Below the image a chart could be seen showing the approximate course of the asteroid and its collision with earth.

Though despite all the other data the man was focused on only one thing, the man was looking at a triangulation program. The program seemed to be tracking the source of the repeating pattern echoing through the room. As the man scrambled with the data on screen, he could be heard mumbling to himself like a crazed man.

"No ,no ,no, no, this can't be right? Why is the signal coming from a random asteroid?

Turning away from the screen the man picks up his phone from the desk next, unlocking his phone he dials a number and places the phone next to his ear before turning back to his computer. As the phone dials the man pulls up his email and starts composing a message whilst transferring all the data on his many screens. After a minute the phone stops dialling and a thick, charismatic voice can be heard through the speaker.

"Josh what's happening? it's not like you to call this late." - Neil

"Nile I've found a meteoroid" - Josh

The now named Josh hearing the person he called talk, reply with a slightly manic tone in his voice.

"What do you mean Josh? a meteoroid isn't anything special. Besides, you sound crazy when did you last sleep?" The person on the phone named Neil reply to the slightly manic voice of the caller.

"I slept three days ago; it doesn't matter though. This meteoroid is producing a S.O.S signal" – Josh

"What do you mean it's producing an S.O.S signal? It's probably just reflecting off a satellite, go to sleep Josh and call me later" – Neil

"It's not! I've been checking it for hours. The signal comes from the meteoroid, I'm sending you the data have a look at it." Finishing his sentence Josh hits send on the email he was composing, sending all the data he had checked for the last few hours to his colleague.

Sighing Neil on the other end of the call rubs the crease between his eyebrows turning on his computer and opening the email he received.

"Fine I'll look at your data if it'll make you go to sleep" – Neil

Looking through the data Neil at first sceptic and uninterested slowly turns face on to his screen and begins to read faster. The further he went through the data the more absurd it seemed. His colleague wasn't lying, from the data his was looking at the meteoroid was really producing this signal.

Finished reading through the sent data Neil picks up his phone as he speeds walks to his closet.

"Josh is this data real. I'm heading to the lab meet me there, I'll use the equipment there to get a better look" saying this Neil struggles to pull on his trouser leg as his hops towards the door to his room with a shirt under his arm.


1 Hour Later


"Amazing. I need to make some calls"

Neil now fully dressed stood in a brightly lit lab, next to him Josh sat at a seat in front of a computer. The computer was displaying massive amounts of data all focused on a small meteoroid flying past the moon towards the earth. The focus of the data was the confirmation that indeed the meteoroid was producing an S.O.S signal. Neil looking towards the data pulls out his phone and dials a number.

"Elon, I have something you might be interested in."


10 days Later


Infront of a rocket launch platform three men could be seen gazing out at the rocket from withing a shielded safety box an adequate distance away. Surrounding the men multiple people scurried around typing away at computers and checking values.

"Well Neil, this could be a pivotal moment in human history. Thank you for coming to me first" – Elon

Turning to Neil the unknown man earnestly thanked him.

"Well, you're the only one I know and trust enough to talk about this with Elon" - Neil

Replying to the now named Elon, Neil continues their conversation.

"Today marks the day humanity may contact an extra-terrestrial being, I hope everything goes well" -Neil

"In that case, if everything is going to schedule shall we launch the probe?" -Elon

Checking with the people scurrying around Elon confirms the rocket is ready before turning to the third man standing with them.

"Well Josh I think since this is your discovery you can launch the rocket" – Elon

Looking at John, Elon steps back and gestures towards a big red button set in the centre of the room before a large window. Giving Elon a nod John steps forward and presses the button. As the button is pressed a mechanical voice can be heard throughout the room.

{Launch in t-minus 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, Launch}

On the voices que all the engines on the rocket in front of the men ignite and with a mighty rumble that shakes the room, the colossal rocket slowly begins to move. As the rocket continues to build speed and take to the sky, the eyes of the three men can be seen glued to it the whole way up as one of them whispers.

"Please let this not be a mistake."



Meanwhile up in space an alien organism with the mind of a human waits.