"What happened? something like this is not supposed to happen when this skill is used."
Lucy went beside her and checked her body.
"Nothing happened, she only fainted. It seems because she used it here on Genesis, it took heavy troll on her. She just need some rest Tracy,Triti can you please take her to bedroom and lay her on bed."
Lucy explained after checking her.
"Okay". Twins agreed and moved to hold her.
"Nekoli, you are in charge of him. Do as we had discussed before. Let's go Rhea we need to take care of May." Lucy said while walking away out of room with Rhea.
"You should check your card. No need to worry about her. If Lucy says, she is okay then she is absolutely fine." Nekoli said as she saw him looking towards the door.
He moved his eyes from door to the the card.
Omni Card:
Name: Gin Long.
Race: Primal/Demon.
Gender: Male.
Class: Null.
"It is called omni card and also citizenship card. After awakening as your identity you have to show this everywhere. Even if you didn't make it now, one will automatically be created by world spirit just the moment you enter tiral space." Nekoli informed him.
"What is class?"
"Well class can depend on two factors. Normal level and your soul Tier. Which one of even is higher will show on your card as class. Some professions like alchemist, blacksmith, array magicians mostly have higher Tier soul than their normal levels. So their class show on level of their soul. Higher your class more respect you will get in almost every place."
This card can't be destroyed by anything as far as i know. Even if there is, i don't think someone powerful as that would even bother with such simple card. The vortex of energy you saw was universal energy. May only initiated the process. It was our planet Genesis's world spirit that did whole other work.
Okay if you have anything we will talk about that on the way. We have long way to go." Nekoli said as she walked out of the room.
"Where are we going?" He asked while following her.
"To our city's main shopping bazaar in central district."
Moment later outside Mansion they entered transport vehicle.
"Go streight to main central bazar." Nekoli told the maid who was at driving position while wrapping her face with a cloth. Only her eyes were visible.
"How long will it take?" He asked as he remembered she said it will be long road.
"Two hours."
One hour later at Mansion.
May opened her eyes and saw Lucy and Rhea at her side.
"Aah." With slight headache she tried sitting with one hand with other hand holding her head. Seeing this Lucy and Rhea held her from sides to sit on bed properly with her back on bed's headboard.
"What happened back then? Why did you faint? Why did it took such troll on you to check his soul?" Lucy inquired with her multiple questions.
May did not answer her but asked her own question, "Where is he?"
May did not answer her but asked her own question, "Where is he?"
"Nekoli took him with her as we had discussed before to get him any pick of his liking."
May, "Okay let me fresh up a little then we can discuss."
"Sure, take your time."
Seeing her leaving through the door Rhea commented, "She seems like to be in a very deep shock (🤯)."
Lucy, "Can't be imagined someone like her with supreme Tier soul experienced in his soul to become like this. Ahh! need to know exactly what did she saw."
"I will get some soul calming tea for us." Rhea informed her while leaving through the door. Only Lucy was left there thinking about Nakoli's words of last night.
'It seems like he is more pitiful person than all of us combined. He was literally crippled for 50 years and it seems dies while at it, and i could feel that he wasn't faking it when he muttered them subconsciously.
When he muttered those words, his eyes were like abyss, a lost soul with no direction. With my own lifetime experience of judgement i firmly believe that he has no bad intention toward us. Still as you planned do your confirmation with May and Rhea but i am sure you guys won't find any fault in him.'
Rhea entered the room with tea and saw Lucy in daze while looking at front, "What are you spacing out for?"
Lucy woke up from her daze and suddenly asked, "Since you met him, how many times have he lied?"
"Only once."
That also can't be said truly a lie."
"What do you mean?" Lucy inquired.
"What he gave the reason for his surname, that is a lie. Meaning he had different reason but the reasons he said those were his true wishes. This much is confirm based on his emotions that i felt with my ability."
"I see." Then Lucy turned silent in her own thoughts.
After some time May came back looking fresh.
"First have this tea before saying anything." Rhea gave May tea as she was going to sit.
"Okay" After taking it, she seeped the sea slowly and mind became more calmer.
"Soul calming tea?" May asked while going for second seep.
"Yes, can't you tell by smell! You had to drink to to know what it is!"
"Sorry was thinking something else." May said while seeing another mouthful.
"May you should have calmed down. Talking while enjoying the tea. So start your story what happened?" Lucy interrupted May.
May while drinking slowly started telling her view, "When my soul energy touched his body, it felt no resistance as it traveled towards his conscious. There i was his soul form two hands, two legs, more mature looking than current appearance still similar, very majestic manly face.
Basically his primal appearance."
While talking they could see that she almost drooled. Even little saliva leaked leaked between her lips (💋).
" Next moment his soul changed to something that looked hybrid of primal and void demon which was not much different than normal. With only his skin volour being dark green. Void demon's characteristic.
After staying in that form for few moment he changed again to a ten meter tall void demon still with a handsome appearance and much bigger body. His features only changed slightly, not by much.
Then after staying there i was just about to leave because his primal and void demon appearance already appeared. He shouldn't have other appearance then i was proven wrong.
To Be Continued.