How I would fix current Spider-Man comics
Disclaimer this is just a fan fiction so instead of any one getting mad I recommend you take that energy and instead try to find ways to make more money, go to the gym be a powerlifter, body builder, sprinter, long distance runner, trained fighter or something instead of just reading comics all day.
( Peter Parker is in his apartment one night when starts thinking about how Aunt May was with Doc Oc about how MJ cheated on him about how Black Cat cheated on him and how Qwen the love of his life cheated on him with Norman Osborne taking her virginity then got her pregnant and if all that was not bad Enough he then tricked Spider-Man into killing her. )
( In a moment of Realization Peter shouts )
Peter Parker: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!
( He then suits up and swings to an abandoned building in front of a junkyard. He then starts using vehicles in the junkyard to bench press, shoulder press and with webbing curl among other lifts. He also practices the hand to hand combat by shadow boxing as he remembers his training for with and without his powers from Captain America, Wolverine, Daredevil AND Shang Chi. )
( Peter Parker then suits up in his black suit )
( ONE week Later )
Jo Jona Jamsion: So he wears this new suit so what Parker I'm not paying you more.
Peter Parker: Alright see you
Jo Jona Jamsion: Where are you going!!! Get back here!!!!!
Peter Parker: I was and am going to sell my photos for a fair price to another publisher. I'm sure they would love to make more money being the only ones in town to have photos of the super hero that everyone likes to talk trash about.
Jo Jona Jamsion: Fine Paker!!!! I will pay you more!!!!
( Then Betty Brant comes in and turns on the TV for everyone to see Doc Oc in A new carbonadium armor fighting Black Cat )
Jo Johna Jamsion: Parker!!!?
Betty Brant: He is already on his way to get the photos.
( Spider-Man arrives in Queens to see Black Cat getting joked out By Doc Oc only for him to be sent flying by a punch )
Doc Oc: Do you like my new suit arachnid? I am now the superior Doc Oc.
Superior Doc Oc: I made it to finally kill You!!!!
( BUT Spider-Man says nothing only thinking about his aunt and the man she was With. )
( AND then just like that Spider-Man attacks and breaks Superior Doc Oc's arms and breaks through his suit. )
Black Cat: Good Job Spider
Black Cat: Not in a taktive mode today, well I like that you are wearing the suit I made you.
Spider-Man: I only wear it to remind myself not to make more mistakes like you.
Black Cat:
Spider-Man: I saw you saving civilians when I was swinging in so I won't put you in prison. Go home Felicia and stop stealing.
( Spider-Man swings away leaving Superior Doc Oc webbed up to be detained by Shield and taken to the raft. )
( After getting paid for his new photos Peter takes out his phone and deletes MJ Aunt May and Felica Hardy after this he starts swinging but then his spider sense goes off as he is attacked by the Green Goblin. )
Spider-Man: How did you find me?!
Green Goblin: That tracker on your acting out black suit
Green Goblin: Made by Otto to avoid your spider sense. We were supposed to do this together but you will have to settle for me!!!!
( They start to fight but Peter remembering everything stops holding back and beats Norman into the empty part of a where house )
Green Goblin: I like this side of you. I wonder how far you will go HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!
( just then Peter's spider sense goes off he jumps up ducking Norman's glider AND webs himself down on to it destroying it. )
Spider-Man: You don't get off that easy this time!!!
Green Goblin: I wasn't trying to.
( Just then the Purple Man Comes out and speaks to Spider-Man and starts to mind controlling Him )
Green Goblin: IT takes a lot to fool that sense of yours now Spider-Man you are going to do a lot of bad things for me
Spider-Man: Norman!!!! Ah!!!!
Green Goblin: HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!
( BUT then Peter starts to disobey )
Purple Man: WHAT OBEY!!!!
( Then He knocks out the Purple man )
Green Goblin: What!!!!!
Spider-Man: Oh please I have the body and athletic ability of An Olympic Parkour athlete, the world's smartest mind calls me the biology guy and I have been trained by the world's best fighters all with and without my powers not to mention living through my Peter Luck do you really think I could not break out of mind control?
Green Goblin: AND yet you are still broke, cheated on and are stupid Enough to keep being good.
Spider-Man: AND I'm still here!!!!
( Spider-Man goes to attack the Goblin but just then a second Glider comes crashing through the window and Peter ducks once again but then the glider explodes putting people on the street in danger from falling parts of the building. )
( Spider-Man controls his anger to do the right thing and save the people but while doing so the Goblin and the Purple Man get away. )
Spider-Man: Next time Norman!!!!
( After a long day of Super Hero work Spider-Man making sure there are no trackers on him goes back to his apartment but when he gets home he sees an injured woman.)
Silk: Peter I need your Help
Next Issue
The Amazing Spider-Man
Peter Parker and Cindy Moon