Chapter 23 - Epilogue

In the aftermath of the events, at Parker Tower, the rooftop, Alex is standing above the grave of Arianna just as Jessica walks up to him and takes Alex's hand.

Jessica: She would've been proud of you, Alex...

Alex: She is.....she's still proud of, I guess you're going back home to France, huh?

Jessica ponders.

Jessica: No.....Mr. Parker offered me a full-time job here....also, a room....a home....I will be working to send money to my mama and sister.....and I'll be with you...alongside my friends and boyfriend.

Alex: Uh...."boyfriend"?

Jessica: Yes, Alex Miller. You and I are now boyfriend and girlfriend.

Alex smiles as Jessica smiles back.

In the dayroom, Josh and Trisha are laying down on the couch.

Trisha: I'm so glad I get to hold you.....I really thought I was going to lose you.

Josh: Trisha, I'm going to be serious for once in our relationship and give you a reason why I'm still here.....

Trisha: Okay.....shoot.

Josh: while I was "dead", I was heading towards this bright white light and in that light, I saw your Dad....

Trisha sits up and looks at Josh.

Josh: She said to me "Turn around, boy and tell that girl how much she means to you. That she's the reason why your heart won't stop beating. She's the reason why your spark will never burn out. She's the reason for living. I can't be with my daughter anymore.....I can't protect her, but you can"...and then he sent me back to you....all so you can hear my reason to stay alive, Josh.

Trisha, tearful and touched, kisses Josh.

Trisha: I think that's the most romantic thing you've said by far.

Josh: Well, it wasn't meant to be. It was meant to get you in tears, but we can call it romantic.

Trisha: (laughs) You jerk.

Josh: That's why you love me, don't you?

Trisha: Yeah, that is why I love you.

In his office, Eva, James and Charles are talking.

Charles: Well, the news isn't really blaming the Enhumans for the that's good news....if anything, it's global warming. Unexpected weather occurrences.....

James: It's amazing the power of the press.

Eva: No one will know about the Atlanteans besides us.

Meanwhile, John is walking around the Parker Tower, before he suddenly looks outside his window and shakes his head. John walks outside to notice Caspian standing beside the pool on the roof.

John: Tell me you didn't break our pool to get in here.

Caspian: No.....your pool has a very large access vent.

John: Ah...

Caspian: Anyways, I came to thank you, John. Because of you and your team, our past has been resolved. History has been rewritten. I'm sorry your alliance with the Purifiers had to end, though.

John: Well, sadly, we both knew it was temporary...

Caspian: What of the Purifiers?

John: They'll be out of sight.....Adrian won't cause any trouble.

Caspian: I hope you're right for the world's sake.

John: It was....what about Ramses?

Caspian: My brother has confessed to everything...he will be imprisoned for 200 years.

John laughs as Caspian keeps his serious posture.

John: Oh,'re serious?

Caspian: Don't worry....we don't age, remember? 200 years will be over before you know it.

John: Yeah.....if we're not dead by then.

Caspian: Maybe one day, I'll lend you and the Supers some of my immortality secrets.

The two men laugh.

John: You saved one of my students' life.....hell, you saved all our lives....

Caspian: Years from now, our children will tell their children of the bond that Enhumans and Atlanteans share because of your actions. You have my trust and respect. Should you ever need an ally, John, you can find me at any ocean.

John nods, before shaking Caspians' hand.

Caspian: Farewell, brother.

Caspian dives back into the pool and exits through the vent system into the sea. In Atlantis, Caspian is announced the new King of Atlantis with the Atlantean Civilians, Keera and Ragor present. After the ceremony, Keera, Ragor, the Atlantean Soldiers and Civilians bow. At Parker Tower, Quantum, Dragonfly, Power Surge, Sun Sorceress, Thermo, Phantom and the Owl are in the hangar where they enter the Eagle. Seconds before it takes off, Quantum at the team and smiles, looking forward to the future. Once airborne and out of the hangar, The Eagle jets off into the sky.