Chapter 41 - Meeting the Ministry.

September 2184. Bunker 00. Tunnel 03.

The EXO-45 advanced steadily through the dimly lit tunnel, its heavy treads grinding against the cracked floor. As it moved forward, the layout shifted, revealing a broader space flanked by platforms on either side. The area was eerily desolate, save for a section of the ceiling that had caved in, scattering debris across the floor. The machine came to a halt, its powerful lights sweeping across the surroundings, while the SEAF soldiers behind it maintained a vigilant watch, weapons trained on every shadow.

"Clear... Sheer luck on that end. I don't like tunnels as it is," Ryle muttered, stepping ahead of the EXO-45. His voice echoed faintly in the hollow expanse. "Looks like the vault door is right ahead of us. Head back to the tunnel's entrance and wait for us; this shouldn't take long. We're just going to do a quick survey."

Following his orders, the squad moved aside as the EXO-45 pivoted, its servos whining softly, and began its return to the tunnel's mouth. Ryle adjusted his flashlight, illuminating the imposing vault door ahead. As they closed the distance, its reinforced structure became apparent—this would require brute force or specialized equipment to breach.

"We tried before, but it's sealed tight," Doll said as they approached the door.

"I can see that," Ryle replied, running a gloved hand over the cold, unyielding surface. "This would need specialized explosives or a cutting laser. Now that we've mapped the area, we can plan accordingly."

"And so, our little adventure comes to an end," Uzi quipped, her voice carrying a mix of humor and resignation. "It's been fun in its own way."

"Uzi, we've got plenty more adventures ahead," N countered. "There's still a lot left to uncover."

Ryle nodded, his tone shifting to a professional cadence. "That's right. You drones have proven invaluable sources of information, and we've still got questions to ask. For now, fold up the Watchdog, and let's head back to the bunker. Jason's likely returned, and it's about time for his report. We need to brief him on what we've found."

"Oh yeah, Jason wanted us there for his call with the Ministry," N recalled, glancing at his chronometer. The trip to the vault had taken nearly two hours.

"We'll make it back in time," Ryle assured. "Let's move out. Thank you all for your help. Now, it's just a matter of breaching this door and uncovering what's behind it."

As they regrouped, Uzi hesitated, then spoke. "Ryle, can I ask you something... as a personal favor?"

"What's on your mind?" Ryle asked, tilting his head slightly.

"My mother went missing four years ago," Uzi began, her voice quieter than usual. "She didn't take much with her, but she had a few things she always kept—like this." She pulled a black choker from her pocket. "But there was also a name tag she always wore. I haven't been able to find it in her room..."

Doll's optics flickered briefly, betraying a hint of sadness before returning to neutral. She looked away, guilt lingering in her posture.

Ryle nodded solemnly. "We'll keep an eye out. If we find anything that might be hers, you'll be the first to know."

"Thank you," Uzi said softly, her grip tightening on the choker.

"And if you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask," N added with a reassuring tone.

Ryle raised a hand, signaling the squad to form up behind the EXO-45. "Alright, let's get moving. We've got reports to make, and you three need to be back for the Ministry briefing."

As they marched, one of the soldiers turned to N. "I've got a question for you. Did you fight the Illuminate? I heard they invaded here, but they haven't been seen in over a century."

N's optics brightened slightly. "I did. So did Loric. It was... strange. And you're right, the Illuminate haven't been sighted in over a hundred years."

Intrigued, Ryle signaled the EXO-45 to keep moving but leaned in closer. "What do you mean by 'strange'?"

N's expression darkened, memories surfacing. "When the invasion happened, several Illuminate warships breached the SES defenses. Hundreds of them. Loric noticed the planetary defense guns weren't firing. The few that were active barely dented their shields. These were 380mm cannons, but they were silent. We broke into one of the defense systems and found its controls fried. It wasn't just one gun—reports came in of widespread sabotage."

"So someone sabotaged the colony's defenses... the Illuminate can control minds, according to old reports. That means long-term planning. Sleeper agents," Ryle said, his tone growing grim. "But why Copper 9? Why go to such lengths?"

"That's the real mystery," N replied. "The invasion happened in 2084. Even now, V, J, and others puzzle over it. Oh, and Tessa... her home was attacked during the invasion."

"Tessa's home?" one of the soldiers asked.

N nodded. "It's been a question ever since. Why target her home specifically?"

As they continued through the tunnels, the questions lingered heavily in the air. Ryle's voice cut through the silence. "The Illuminate's tactics here don't match anything we've seen before. If this was a deep strike, it raises another question—what was here that scared them so much they risked a suicide mission?"

The group fell silent, the implications chilling.

"That's... unsettling," one soldier muttered.

"And the nuclear bombardment?" N asked.

Ryle's face hardened. "Two possibilities. Someone under Illuminate control authorized it, or the SES executed it on orders from so high up the chain, that they couldn't refuse. After the Ministry briefing, N gathered everyone who was here during that time. Jason needs to hear this."

The weight of new questions pressed down on them as they marched back toward the bunker. Whatever the Illuminate had sought, its secrets were buried deep—and the truth, terrifying as it seemed, remained tantalizingly out of reach.

Bunker 00. Command Room.

Stepping into the command room, Jason was the first to enter, followed closely by James. As before, Jason's Guard Dog trailed him, silently recording everything. It was James's duty, as a member of the Ministry of Intelligence, to observe and document the scene. Surveying the room, his eyes fell on V and J, who were both engrossed in the holographic display of Copper 9, managing the influx of reports from the colony amid the recent surge in activity.

"You're back. I assume everything went well. And who's this?" V asked, her gaze shifting to James.

"This is James," Jason replied, gesturing to his companion. "He's with the Ministry of Intelligence—fresh out of cryo. He's been assigned to document everything and assist with analyzing any new information or discoveries."

James offered a friendly smile and waved. "Pleasure to meet you. And may I ask who you two are?"

"The name's V," she said. "And this is J."

"Anyone else interesting you plan to bring along?" J asked with a wry grin.

"For now, just him," Jason answered. "I've handled the immediate matters with Alia and Isaak. Anything noteworthy happened while I was gone?"

"Other than getting bombarded with calls from all directions thanks to you humans and your constant activity? No. But I've never seen this place so alive," V said, her tone a mix of exasperation and curiosity.

"I like it," J interjected. "It's been too quiet for too long if you ask me."

"Good," Jason said with a nod. "It's about time for my report to the Ministry of Defense. As I told Lizzy, Thad, Rebecca, Emily, Uzi, and N, this time, it's going to be a group meeting. We'll need Martin here as well."

Both V and J turned to him, their optics flashing with surprise at the mention of involving them in a Ministry of Defense meeting.

"This will be an important archive, sir," James commented. "And it'll be interesting to see what comes of it."

"You want… all of us here for that?" J asked, incredulity evident in her voice.

"Why, if I may ask?" V added, tilting her head.

Jason exhaled, his voice steady but firm. "For the past week, my reports have been my words alone. It's time Super Earth hears your voices. If we want to keep moving forward, they need to understand you. Plus, this will help clear up some things—but I'll address that when the time comes. For now, we just need Uzi, Martin, N, and the others here."

"And they need to see the consequences of their actions," Jason continued. "If they do, there's a chance we can get the other ministries onboard. This could help lift the communication blackout or ease the fleet lockdown. Even if it doesn't, they can still assist by processing what we gather and sending feedback—or help us solve some of the challenges ahead."

Super Earth needed to see and hear the drones, Jason thought. He hoped this meeting would resolve several critical issues and begin rebuilding trust between the drones and Super Earth. While progress had been made, there was still a long way to go. This meeting, and others to follow, would either push them forward—or send them back into stagnation.

"That's… a century of isolation," V murmured. "For many, moving past it won't be easy. I'm willing to try, but it'll take time."

"I feel the same," J said. "I'm willing, but we'll need patience."

Jason gave a resolute nod. "I understand. I'm not expecting this to be quick or easy. But it needs to be done."

"I'll go get Martin and let him know what's happening," J said, stepping out of the room.

All that remained now was to wait for the others to arrive and begin the meeting. The results, Jason knew, could determine their future.

Bunker 00. Entrance

After the latest news broadcast, the SEAF soldiers resumed their tasks around the bunker's entrance while Lizzy, Thad, Rebecca, and Emily lingered nearby. The broadcast painted a grim picture of the galaxy—engulfed in endless war and its devastating toll. Despite assurances from the SEAF soldiers that the likelihood of those threats, whether Automatons or Terminids, reaching Copper 9 was remote, fear still lingered. The idea of such horrors arriving felt all too real for drones like Emily.

"You know, I always wondered what it was like beyond those cloud-covered skies," Rebecca said, gazing upward. "Now, I kind of wish I didn't."

"Hey, you heard them. We're fine," Thad replied, his tone firm but reassuring. "I trust their word."

"It's still something to worry about," Emily interjected. "Sure, they might not come anytime soon, but how long can that last? Months? A year?"

"Emily, all of you, relax," Lizzy said, her voice steady. "You've seen what the humans are capable of. Even if those threats do come, they and the combat drones will protect us. Have faith in that."

Born long after the nuclear bombardment, these younger drones bore none of the scars their elders carried. While they were familiar with the horrors that still surrounded them, they had also witnessed humanity's resilience—fighting back, holding the line, and driving the enemy away.

As they pondered these things, footsteps echoed from the door leading into the bunker. Emerging first was Ryle, his confident stride breaking their train of thought.

"Ah, see? I told you they'd still be here," Ryle said, grinning as Uzi, Doll, and N followed him.

"You're back—and in one piece. Honestly, I was a little worried," Thad said, relief evident in his tone.

"Thad, you worry too much," Uzi quipped, her voice laced with mock exasperation.

"Has Jason returned yet?" Ryle asked.

"The big man? Yeah, not long ago. He's inside, probably getting things ready for the big meeting," Lizzy replied.

"Then we need to move," Ryle said, gesturing for the others to follow. "The Ministry doesn't exactly have a reputation for patience. The report might already be starting."

As they followed Ryle into the bunker, their thoughts swirled with anticipation and uncertainty about what lay ahead. For now, all they could do was wait and see how the meeting unfolded.

Bunker 00. Command Room

Jason stood at the command table, his fingers deftly entering commands. A holographic screen flickered to life, displaying the Super Earth symbol. The connection process had begun, but he hoped the others would arrive before the Minister appeared on screen.

"I think this will be the first time in Super Earth's history that a meeting like this has ever happened," James said, glancing at Jason and V. "It's going to be fascinating to witness."

"I'm just trying to figure out what to say," V admitted. "It's been so long."

"That depends on whether he calls on you to speak," Jason replied. "It's just how he operates. You'll get used to it, but I'm sure he'll have some questions for you."

The door slid open, and J and Martin entered, followed by Ryle and the others. Their presence brought a sense of urgency to the room.

"Good to see you back. Any issues?" Jason asked.

"None," Ryle said. "The three of them were a big help. We've mapped the tunnel and found the endpoint. Now it's just a matter of seeing what's on the other side of the vault at the end."

"Understood. We'll address that after this meeting," Jason said.

"I didn't expect you to call us all here for this," Martin said, stepping forward. "But I'm ready."

Jason nodded as the group arranged themselves around him. The hologram shifted, and the Minister's face appeared, a cup of Liber-tea in hand.

"Jason, on time as usual. And... what's this?" the Minister said, scanning the gathered drones.

"Sir, I've invited them to this meeting to add their voices to mine. I thought it was time," Jason explained.

The Minister studied the group, his gaze lingering on V.

"Hmm... this is promising," he murmured under his breath.

"What was that, sir?" Jason asked.

"Nothing to concern yourself with. I see you've formed quite a rapport with them. And these smaller ones—who are they?" the Minister asked, gesturing toward the younger drones.

"These are the drones created after the nuclear bombardment a century ago," Jason replied. "They're just a few years old. As for V, N, J, and Martin, they're combat drones that have been operational for the past hundred years."

"Is that so? Their names—just a single letter?" the Minister queried.

"It's always been that way for many of us," V replied. "Most drones prefer simple names."

"It's been a long time coming, sir," N said with a grin. "It's a pleasure to be back in contact with Super Earth."

"I never thought we'd see humans again, let alone reconnect with anyone on Super Earth," J added.

"Jason's given us some insight into what's happening in the galaxy," Martin said. Though he wanted to voice his frustrations with the Minister and Super Earth, he held back—now wasn't the time.

"And the little one behind you?" the Minister asked, gesturing toward Emily.

Before Jason could answer, Martin spoke up, his tone sharp. "Why the total communication blackout? Why keep the fleet here? Why not just get us off this frozen rock?"

Jason winced, fearing Martin's bluntness had jeopardized everything. But the Minister remained calm, his gaze shifting to Jason.

"I was going to address that," the Minister said. "But it seems all of you need to know. A few days ago, we discovered a traitor who had tapped into our communications. We don't know who they were working for, but it's clear we have unwanted ears listening."

Jason nodded, his suspicions confirmed. "I had a gut feeling something like that was behind the blackout. Combined with the other threats, it makes sense—it's a matter of trust."

The Minister inclined his head, and Jason, noticing Emily standing behind him with the smaller drones partially obscured, shifted to the side of the table. This adjustment gave the Minister a clear view of all the drones, a necessary gesture considering Super Earth's threats came not only from outside but within its ranks.

"A traitor?" Martin asked.

"Yes. Many sympathize with or collaborate with Super Earth's enemies. I've found compounds harboring such groups, and from what I've learned, they'd rather see the Automatons invade or let the Terminids run rampant." Jason's voice carried a note of grim certainty.

"He's correct," the Minister interjected. "We cannot allow them to learn Copper 9's location. Imagine what would happen if they captured even one of you and transported it back to Automaton Space. I'm sure you combat drones can visualize the implications. The danger isn't confined here; traitors might lurk even among the fleet orbiting Copper 9, including the Helldivers."

"Wait, a traitor among the Helldivers?" The speaker, to everyone's surprise, was Uzi. Despite her limited experience, she'd perceived the Helldivers as unwaveringly loyal.

"And who might you be?" the Minister asked, narrowing his gaze.

"Name's Uzi. Part of the group born long after everything went down here," she replied confidently.

"Born?" the Minister repeated, his brow furrowing.

Jason intervened. "I'll send you a detailed report later, sir. The situation with them is far more complex than anything we've encountered. These drones are beyond mere machines."

The Minister nodded but refocused on the issue. "As for the traitors among the Helldivers, there's a splinter group called the Chaos Divers. Unlike their comrades, who remain loyal to Super Earth despite their disdain for its government, some among them have one goal: to see Super Earth burn. This threat underpins all our actions, including the execution orders and communication lockdowns. If not for the war and these risks, we'd have simply relocated you all to a safer world."

His words settled heavily over the group. Jason had explained the reasoning before, but hearing it directly from the Minister gave it weight. It became clear this wasn't just about Super Earth's survival—it was about protecting the drones from becoming pawns in a larger war.

"I understand your logic," Martin said. "It's harsh, but it's the only choice. Better this than risking our people being enslaved or worse."

The Minister inclined his head. "I'm glad you see the necessity. Unfortunately, trust within the SEAF, SES, and Helldivers is tenuous. Otherwise, I'd send fleets to assist you. For now, I can rely only on Jason and the fleet above Copper 9."

"We'll manage, sir. The SEC Lucas is operational, and the Fortress Protocol is underway. As a Helldiver, it's my duty to protect Super Earth's people—and that includes this colony." Jason's voice carried a steely resolve.

"You've proven trustworthy, Jason," V said, stepping forward. "But Minister, it'll take time for many of us to fully trust Super Earth again."

"We've endured horrors for a century. I'm willing to trust, but you'll need to earn it," J added firmly.

"I feel the same," N said. "We can move past this, but it'll take time."

"As long as Jason and his team continue helping us, we'll have no issues with Super Earth," Martin concluded.

The Minister turned his attention to the smaller drones. "Do you have anything to add?" he asked, addressing Lizzy, Thad, Uzi, Doll, Rebecca, and Emily.

Lizzy hesitated before speaking. "We only know about humans and Super Earth from the older drones. This is all new to us."

Thad nodded. "I'm still learning too."

Rebecca added cautiously, "Humans have a mixed reputation among us, but so far, you seem... different."

Emily, however, was visibly shaken. "I... I'm scared," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

The Minister's expression softened. "Do you know why you don't need to be afraid? You're under Managed Democracy's protection. We hold the line so the enemy cannot cross it."

"She's just overwhelmed," Jason explained. "Sir, another issue: how did the broadcast about our disappearance get approved?"

"We're investigating. It was leaked, but so far, no major repercussions. Still, questions are being raised among the Helldivers," the Minister said grimly.

The broadcast had been brief but far-reaching, likely seen by many due to Super Destroyers' integrated TV systems.

"I'm not afraid," Uzi said defiantly. "Super Earth will keep them at bay and win."

"I hope you're right, Uzi," Doll replied.

The Minister exhaled heavily. "On behalf of Super Earth, I apologize. We still don't know who ordered the nuclear strike on Copper 9, but we'll investigate. Jason, continue your mission, and we'll reconvene next week. Daily communication risks compromising this location."

As the hologram faded, Uzi muttered, "Hard to tell if he's lying about the strike."

Jason turned to the group. "Now you see why things are the way they are. His logic is sound."

"How long do you think this will last?" Martin asked.

"Months, possibly longer. We need the Fortress Protocol completed before making significant moves," Jason replied.

A flashing red hologram appeared, interrupting them. The Democracy Officer's face was pale with worry.

"Helldiver, we've received an SOS from Meus. Thermal readings at his location triggered orbital fire."

A flash of light from the window confirmed the Titan's cannons firing.

"Is he alive?" Jason demanded.

"Yes, patching you through now," the Officer said. Moments later, Meus's strained voice came through.

"Still kicking... got a sample of something interesting. Encountered unknown hostiles. I'll explain when I return," Meus said, his voice weak but resolute.

As the line went dead, the command room fell silent. The night was far from over.

Edited thanks to ELE73CH.