Relationships are never-ending,
They are bonds formed over lifetimes.
But when they begin to unravel,
Take a moment,
And reflect a thousand times—
Such is their essence.
A priceless union carrying the message of cherishing relationships.
The fire of the gaze reaches straight to the heart,
It reveals the struggles and touches the tenderness of the soul.
A world of boundless love is contained in a single call,
Relationships may strain but never truly break.
The strength of a silky thread becomes evident,
When a cry of " o Mother ! " brings a surge of worry in a father's eyes.
Tears threaten to fall but never quite escape,
The edges of the eyes cradle their flow.
Misunderstandings dissolve when there's understanding,
The true worth of relationships is realized.
An overflowing river meets the still waters at the confluence…
To countless joint families,
Who overcome countless misunderstandings in this fast-paced era through the path of understanding,
Who endure mountains of sorrow yet choose to stay united always...
Dedicated with love and respect.
Relationships should be like rivers...
Pure, clean...
Just as a river flows gently,
Crossing rocks, valleys, and obstacles,
So should relationships, crossing misunderstandings and challenges,
Remain endlessly flowing...
Relationships should be like rivers...
Pure, clean...
But deep, like the ocean,
Whose depths are hard to reach,
Without turmoil, but with a sweet melody...
Of love.
In which if anyone steps in to poison,
They should drown in their own doing...
Relationships should be like the sky, vast and high,
Like mountains, firm and unshakable,
Like fire, radiant and alive,
Like the heart, strong and enduring,
Like the earth, generous and kind...
Relationships should be... "Relationships".
A novel...
That leaves you speechless...
That dives deep into the heart's core...
That forces you to gather the tears in your eyes...
Presented here...
The moment you read the title Sangam, and even with just the glance at the cover, you must have felt a fresh wave, right? And it's only natural!
The very structure of this book is designed with you in mind…
The name ' Sangam ' is derived from the Marathi language. It means the confluence of rivers, a union, or a coming together.
How did the journey of writing this book begin? Who were the guiding hands behind it? We'll explore this in the 'Acknowledgments,' but if I were to speak about it here in the introduction, this book is the dream of my family and me. A dream we've lived in reality, and the fact that this book is now in your hands signifies our success.
It was through my childhood love for reading that I dreamed of this book, and its fulfillment has led to our first novel... Sangam.
"Preserving relationships..." is the core theme that unfolds through this book. Both the beginning and the end of this book are bound to touch your heart deeply.
In today's world, people are no longer ready to recognize one another. For a person, there is no time to stop, no time to even look back and lend a helping hand. The common excuse is, "I don't have time." And it's this reason that leads to so many relationships breaking apart. The truth is, we are always ready to give time to external tasks, but the concept of giving time to ourselves is fundamentally wrong. Time belongs entirely to us, and we should ask ourselves whether this reason is truly valid and whether we are genuinely giving enough thought to it.
In earlier times, the joint family system was a norm. Even if there were four brothers, their families lived together. There was love in the relationships. No matter how much they fought, they lived in harmony and warmth. Those relationships were driven by the heart. Leaving aside the heartbeat, how many people still have a heart that beats with genuine love?
The heartbeat itself requires a reason to live, and to live fully, one must have a reason. And that reason is our people — the ones who truly matter.
In today's fast-paced and competitive world, everyone is running after their own dreams, driven by self-interest. There is nothing wrong in pursuing dreams; in fact, they are the very reason for living. However, getting so caught up in the pursuit of these dreams that we break our relationships, disconnecting from the people who matter, and then falling into the trap of people who only see "me and mine," only to be betrayed by them—what is the purpose of such a life?
If you find yourself caught in this cycle, stop! Think about it, and return to the ones who understand you. Only then will you truly find the reason for your existence.
Relationships are built on trust. Trust is the foundation of every bond. This foundation must be strong. No matter how terrifying a lie may appear, if our belief remains unshaken, that is true trust.
Take a moment to evaluate how much trust exists in your relationships. If it's strong, congratulations! But if it's lacking, don't worry! Trust yourself, and look at your relationships with fresh eyes... Start a new...!!
This is the age where "A real brother can be the worst enemy." In this era, when blood relations are driven by greed and thirst for wealth, we are witnessing terrifying experiences. Siblings fighting over money and property, breaking bonds for immoral reasons—there are people with devilish tendencies alive in this world. But, there is no need to fear.
Despite all the darkness around, there is always hope. Relationships built on genuine love and trust can still survive and thrive, and it is up to us to nurture them with sincerity and compassion. The light of true connections will always shine through, no matter how dark the world may seem.
The work of the soul is indeed to perform with purity. Even if thousands of evils descend upon this earth, the force of Dharma, in the form of Lord Narayana, exists in this age to destroy them.
This book is for all those who have a heart. But... beware...
If the person in front of you is not worthy of the relationship, and is involved in criminal tendencies that go to any extent, it is best not to maintain any connection with them, no matter who they are. Do not, for a moment, think that this novel is one-sided.
The story reflects the importance of recognizing the value of relationships and the strength of standing firm in your convictions, even if it means distancing yourself from harmful influences.
A person who does not have a heart within the cage of their chest is not worthy of your trust. However, the other side is that if a mistake was made by that person in the heat of emotion or out of compulsion, they are certainly deserving of forgiveness. What truly matters here is intent. When the intent is corrupted, that person ceases to be human. A person born as a human should behave like one... with kindness, understanding, and integrity.
This reflects the essence of true humanity — the ability to empathize, to forgive, and to always strive to act with a pure heart.
I repeat once again, this book is for everyone who has a heart. This novel is based on relationships — for parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, and every relationship, whether by blood or by choice. It is for every bond that connects us, woven with love, trust, and understanding.
Do read this book, and read it thoroughly. Read it line by line, page by page. Read it again and again. This is the kind of book it is. You can also gift this book to your loved ones. My hope is that you take away everything worth learning from it. If something doesn't resonate, you are free to let it go. However, I sincerely believe that there is nothing wrong in this book. That is my honest opinion.
The book offers a loving message about the place and extent to which misunderstandings should be given in relationships, and it speaks about the heart, relationships, people, and emotions.
The affection that originates from the heart and touches another heart is what relationships are made of. Therefore, our core principle should always be "Preserving relationships", not breaking them.
As I mentioned, this book is both my dream and my family's. The fulfillment of any dream is often supported by many, both known and unknown. Similarly, this book has been made possible through the support of many.
The journey of this book actually began in February 2020. In 2022, the novel is nearing completion. I started writing this novel when I was just 14 years old. At that age, I was beginning to write, and it was a huge decision for me to start with a novel. It was my parents and my sisters who especially supported this decision. It is because of their encouragement that I found the motivation to complete this novel.
My father, Mr. Chandrakant Sitaram Pandit, my mother, Mrs. Pooja Chandrakant Pandit, my elder sister Sonal (Mrs. Ridima), and my younger sisters Sneha and Netra have played a significant role in the success of this novel. Although any endeavor may begin alone, it is always supported by many until its completion. This novel, too, carries the support of my family.
They recognized my talent and encouraged me, and it was in that moment that I considered myself a writer.
Although the writing of this novel began four years ago, it has not taken four years to complete. I started writing this novel in February 2020. The novel was halfway done when... the pandemic hit. Lockdowns were imposed, schools were closed, and stepping outside became difficult. While I was at home, the writing of the novel progressed smoothly. However, perhaps to avoid the impact of the outside world on this novel... my writing remained incomplete.
In such circumstances, taking care of myself and my family became more important. That year, I did not write the novel. During that time, people realized the true value of human connection. Many homes were destroyed. It is perhaps by divine grace that this novel has come this far, reaching its present stage, with the purpose of healing the fractured relationships and bringing them closer once again.
For two years, everything was shut down—work, school, everything. After two years, schools reopened, though it was with a heavy heart. During that time, I was about to enter my 10th grade. Writing can happen at any stage, but an academic year only comes once in a lifetime... Therefore, I had to once again put the writing on hold.
On May 1, 2022, I resumed writing the novel... and today, the novel is complete and published. In total, the journey of this novel spanned four years. Though there was a delay, it turned out to be for the best. The time in between allowed my thought process to mature even further. In the end, everything that happens, happens for the greater good.
Throughout the journey of this novel, every page of this book carries the support of my family. Without their guidance, wholehearted consent, and cooperation, the journey of this novel would never have been so smooth.
From the cover page of the novel to the back page, every word carries their cooperation. It is because of them that I am able to connect with you today. It is through their love that I have been able to unravel these relationships. The idea for the dedication page was suggested by my sisters. When my elder sister (Sonal) found out that I was writing, she praised me immensely. My parents gave their approval to my writing and recognized my talent. Sneha and Netra have been the first critics of my work. They made me aware, word by word, whether what I wrote was appropriate or straying off track. They have fulfilled their duty of guiding their younger sibling with great care.
Every character in this novel is my own creation. I share a deep, personal connection with all these characters. The challenge of becoming a Nishith I.P.S. officer was given to me by my sisters, and I embraced it. The name Sadanand for the assistant of the grandparents in the novel was suggested by Sneha, while the name Dr. Prithvi was suggested by Netra.
The phrase "Life is like a race filled with obstacles" was something I once heard from Sneha during a conversation, and I've adopted it. While writing the novel, there were times when I felt like crying, and there were moments when the flow of the story seemed to be losing its way. Sneha pointed these out and suggested improvements.
That's why I say that every word of this novel carries the support of my family. The big heart of my parents, I could portray through my mother and father. The sibling bond, I have drawn from my sisters... and even the description of the young Nishith in this novel is based on my nephew, Rajveer. The success of this novel's completion belongs not only to me but to my entire family.
How can one express gratitude for something so immense? When their importance is so great, gratitude itself becomes insufficient. Therefore, I have dedicated an entire section of my first book to express my thanks, giving it the significance it deserves.
I am eternally grateful to my parents and my sisters, and I consider it my fortune to remain in their debt for this lifetime.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude, along with my family, to all the known and unknown individuals who have contributed to this novel.
And now, the journey of Sangam continues...
Thank you!