Chapter 23 - The Blood of the Aswangs

"3,996, 3,997, 3998, 3,999... 4,000! And there you go! 4,000 Pisos to represent 4,000 Pesos!" smiled Prometheus."Yeah. Thanks, po, sir," sighed the Taho vendor, carrying a very heavy bag full of coins. "Could you have just change this to bill-...?""Okie! HOCUS POCUS!!!" Prometheus warps the coins into 200 20-peso bills."I was hoping... Thousands?""C'mon, Jerry. The plenty-er the better. Now, give 'em...""Sir. 'Plenty'er' is not grammatically correct po..."Prometheus warps out his eskrima sticks."Okie. Sorry sir. See you tomorrow!" The taho vendor gives him 100 bottles of soy milk.Prometheus teleports into the basement, which is freezing cold, and places the soy milk into the fridges.Prometheus then twists some dials and pulls down some sliders to further lower the heat of the basement. "Perfect!"He then teleports into the dining room. "HEY GUYS!!! I GOT US PROTEIN FOR TOMORROW'S-!!! AH!!!"The Reaper worriedly bounces his leg repeatedly as Prometheus meets with Aurora Morningstar and MABUS."What the shit are you doing here!?" growled Prometheus."Where's the boy," said Aurora."Yeah. About that. False alarm. He isn't a Hybrid. Go home. The war may continue. Just let me find a way to make better Splooge for you. I have a lot of time. Believe me.""I would believe you if that insect girl ally of yours hadn't stolen some files in one of my ships' registry," said Aurora. "I want the so-called 'Prince.'""Well... Sorry. But you can't have him. I've been observing carefully these last few months for some progress..."Earlier...Prometheus deletes some of his old recordings and begins recording new ones."I basically ended up placing myself in a dead-end. The war must continue. I am sorry. The boy is not a hybrid."Prometheus deletes the next one and begins recording another."I'm sorry to my world. You can keep it for now... Just PLEASE don't destroy it!"Now..."Oh! I WILL destroy it! Lest you give me the boy...""YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!" roared Prometheus. "Hey Prom-!" Miguel is suddenly grabbed by Athena's clones, who cover his mouth."I've been working hard! FOR FORTY YEARS!!!" Prometheus roared. "I just want my world back!""Your world? Your world doesn't even care about you! Even after you revealed to the worlds that you are God's Avatar... No one cared! No one simply cared! Your father called you a blaspheming scammer... Your own friends had you crucified in service of ME!!! And I came to the world in their last moments... And after several years of suffering, I offered to stop their time for eternity while they stay conscious, screaming silently while they suffer eternally for their sins. Instead you bargain while I enslave them! Isn't this what you want?""I did... I wanted vengeance...""You even told me to save your two wives and husband years later. Just them! You had won! What else do you want!?""I WANT MY FAMILY BACK!!!" he roared. "I WANT WHAT'S FAIR!!! I thought I wanted respect. But that isn't worth their lives... THEIR SUFFERING!!!""You just want to be their savior.""I don't WANNA SAVE THEM!!! I WANT THEM SAFE!!!""Like the Prince?""WHAT DO YOU THINK!?!?" roared Prometheus. "I told him the same made-up story we tell the harvests. Then the Reaper's alters reap. And my alters sowed more worlds for you! Is that what you want? I'm just another replaceable tool for you!?""You are five days past your expiration date. I AM BECOMING IMPATIENT!!! GIVE ME THE BOY!!!""The boy isn't a Diwata. The war will continue. Just give me more time and DON'T DESTROY MY WORLD!!!""How many more people will die just because you won't let me kill the boy for his blood? Out of all the alters, he has the highest potency in his blood! He could create more fuel for us! Fuel that actually doesn't run out! He could solve our world's fuel crises!""Well, we don't have a fuel crisis in our world.""Prometheus... Sure, the Splooge can regrow. But for it to fill up an entire city, it takes an entire year to replenish. The Splooge Gardens are running out of time if we want to grow Hell and your worlds! We want the Splooge NOW!!! GIVE ME IT!!! GIVE ME THE BLOOD OF THE ASWANGS!!!""So... It's true..." said Miguel.Athena is trying to pin Miguel down, but Miguel had teleported into the room."I'm... not the Aswang Prince..." said Miguel with a heartbroken look."Kid..." said Prometheus, looking guilt-ridden.Aurora smiles. "Okay... I'll play your little game..."Aurora teleports the Reaper away."MR. REAPER!!!" yelled Miguel."Unless you formally decide to give me that boy... I will have an additional mortgage to your payment. You may have your world, but I'll take your precious Reaper.""NO!!!" Miguel charges, activating his Aswang form only for Aurora to slap him into the plates cabinet.Prometheus is unable to attack her at all for some reason. "You'll pay for this...""By the way! I'm waging war on this world! So... Consider that nerve TOUCHED." Aurora teleports away with bubbles leaving her body.MABUS turns to Prometheus. "Your Reaper killed my Prince..." said MABUS.Prometheus gulps. "He just happened to join the wrong side.""If he was a child, it'd be filicide. What makes you and I different, Prometheus, is that I would never kill a Prince." He smiles as Prometheus' goggles turn red. "Consider that nerve touched." MABUS teleports away as well with bubbles leaving his body.Prometheus falls to his knees, quivering.Miguel slowly stands up. "Where's Mr. Reaper?"Prometheus' eyes quiver. "WHERE IS HE!?!?" roared Miguel. "Open a portal to him. NOW."Prometheus doesn't answer. "PRO!!! PROMETHEUS!!!""I CAN'T!!!" roared Prometheus. "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT BLASTED PLACE HE'S IN!!! EVEN IF I DID, SHE'LL DESTROY MY WORLD!!!""Your... world...?""Kid... You're a Prince... an alter of me containing Aswang blood... In the market, your kind is very, very valuable... I am an alter of you who can wield bubble magic. I was placed on Reaps' universe to recruit him as my Reaper. He was supposed to kill you.""WHY!?!?""Because I manufactured your universe... I never mentioned this, but my bubble portals don't only help me get to places. It helps me move around time.""Time travel!?""Yes.

I went back to primordial times and made sure your world existed."

"What are you!? Our God or some shit!?""No, you fuckin' idiot...""Why!? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME EXIST!!!? MAKE ME SUFFER!?!?""Because that's my job. I'm a Prometheus. A former Avatar of God. After I was crucified on an ankh, God was insulted with my world. Allowed Aurora to rule it. Forsook ME!!! And now I was forced to wage war on her... For forty... years... Forty... long... Goddamned years..." he began sobbing. "I made all of you... AND FOR WHAT!?!?""I feel very... BETRAYED right now... Prometheus...""Least they aren't-..."Later..."-...TOOLS FOR AN ENTIRE MULTIVERSE'S POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC INTEREST!?!?" asked Anna."I know! Just-!""Huh. I feel like you used Miguel!" yelled Jedan."OH, PLEASE!!! FUCK OFF, DUDE!!! You used Miguel as well!" yelled Prometheus."Bitch, please. You're only turning us against each other like any classic villain would!" yelled Lord."Yeah... THAT'S RIGHT!!! YOU LEFT ME THE MOMENT YOU WERE TOO SCARED TO DEFEND ME!!! Call that a friend..." Miguel shook his head."Dude. I'm defending you," said Jedan."Yeah. And you used me as well and proceeded to cast me aside because you no longer need me," said Miguel."You're ALLOWING HIM to turn us against each other!" roared Lord."Am I!? Or have you ALWAYS BEEN against me!?!?" asked Miguel. "I said I was sorry. None of you did! 'Cept you, Anna! <3!""Aw! Thank you, my dude!" smiled Anna. "So, is that an Oreo Cheesecake for breakfast or ice cream cake?" "Anna. Seriously. Our beloved master was just kidnapped by the literal daughter of Satan. Could you be at least a bit more concerned?" asked Miguel."Oh, come on! I sensed their energies thru my string! Prometheus was way stronger than both of them!" smiled Anna."Yes. But I cannot interfere," said Prometheus."Why!?" asked Miguel and Anna."Because she will destroy my world!""Okay... WHAT IS your story, then!?"Prometheus sighs. "Many years ago..."Around forty years ago, Prometheus was originally an alter of Miguel Ibarra. Just one of many of the Miguel Ibarras out there. You see, Miguels are actually quite rare. Only a few are ever seen or even born in each set of worlds. This makes the Miguel more powerful because of his rarity and uniqueness.Now, this Miguel was special since he was placed in a high table among other Miguels. He was hired as the Avatar of God. This is not a role equivalent to a Messiah. He acts as a representative of God, along with the other super beings out there. Each are very powerful because of their rarity, but some act as the literal cream of the crop. These individuals are known as the Avatars. However, some Avatars fail, and their worlds are destroyed as punishment.Prometheus was chosen as the next Avatar. He was chosen because he was a genius writer, though, he only ever wrote fanfiction. But the events he chronicled were so exact to reality that he could be revered as a Prophet. But as an Avatar, he soon failed.In Prometheus' case, Prometheus took advantage of his status and claimed he was the Messiah or the Second Coming of Jesus, which was a massive insult to Heaven. He became a powerful magician and hosted talk shows and wrote books about his outlandish misadventures in space-time, even explaining secrets of the Multiverse that should not be. Prometheus did much. He elongated people's lifespans. He cured cancer. He solved the Riemann's Hypothesis. He solved several of the world's problems such as global warming, rivaling ideologies, and war.Thus, his punishment was that Aurora, one of the True Devil's daughters, would conquer his world and enslave his people for forty years.You see, Prometheus was seen as a fraud by his own family. Especially by his own father who shunned him, even calling an invader to help talk some sense into him, unknowing that this invader, MABUS, was meant to kill him. St. Miguel Ibarra would then lose his world as it became a territory of slaves of Aurora. St. Miguel Ibarra was then humiliated. The way to remove an Avatar of their status is to kill them. You see, an Avatar is unkillable since they resurrect each time they are killed. Thus came his first death by crucifixion on an ankh to represent his transformation into a Prometheus.And thus, Prometheus came to be. He was lunged into a random world where a Reaper would be born. But instead of raising the Reaper to kill the Prince, he raised him to conquer worlds and advance their technology to the point where the world was unstoppable, eventually finding and battling Aurora over his lost dimension. But at the fortieth year, Prometheus saw all the deaths that came because of his arrogance and decided that it was time to fulfill his function and kill Aswangs: Dreadful and heartless beasts. However, Aurora wanted Prometheus to kill a Hybrid, which are Aswangs with Souls. This was deemed illegal in the laws of the Omniverse. But Aurora bargained his universe which he had lost.So, Prometheus used the old made-up story from his old fanfiction book:The Aswang Prince.All MABUSes, after all, end up using this to raise their Hybrid Cattle. But, Prometheus had recently broken the deal and didn't give Miguel to Aurora, causing Aurora to take the Reaper in hostage."And here we are now...""Question," said Anna."Yep?" asked Prometheus."Why'd you speak in third person?""To be more epic.""And why did you think you were the Messiah.""No. It's called lying.""Why'd you think God wouldn't find out?""That's the POINT of lying. Which, in hindsight, is stupid since He's Omniscient.""So... Who's Aurora...?""Aurora Morningstar and her current MABUS. The two most terrifying space-time dark wizards in the Multiverse. Aurora is one of the daughters of the Devil himself and MABUS is her subservient Prometheus who went rogue and became evil since she spared his version of his Prince.""Wait... She did this before?""Yeah... I'm the literal second coulda been MABUS. Luckily..." He patted Miguel's head. "I chose the right thing.""Why would you?" Miguel pouted."Because it was right."Miguel smiles. "OH, COME ON!!! HE'S FEEDING YOU LIES!!!" yelled Jedan."Yeah. And I'm the reason you're all together," said Prometheus. "And why you're all still alive. If they didn't send me to get Miguel, another Prometheus would've gotten it. Who knows what he would've done?""Oh yeah!? What's the Splooge made of?""Blood of the Aswangs," said Prometheus. "Hay Naku... You didn't have any hunch at all? How do you think you got your tentacle powers, Anna? Or your regeneration, Jedan? Or your ability to transform, Lord!?""And the school!?""An elaborate cover-up to make Miguel stronger. Then there was this whole dumbass Plan B I kinda abandoned where I used 'em for *speaks ominously* my new army. *stops speaking ominously*. Haha! Boy, do I hate Nazis!""You keep saying that," said Anna."Yeah. And you'll keep hearing it. Anyway... I'm... asking... for your help..." said Prometheus."What's in it for us?" asked Jedan.Miguel growls. "Dude. Mr. Reaper's practically my Dad at this-...""Shush..." smiled Jedan.Prometheus smolders. "Are you-? ARE YOU SHITTING ME!?!? I GAVE YOU A MANSION!!! SHELTER!!! JED'S PARENTS AND BROTHER ARE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!!! ANNA WAS DISOWNED BY HER DAD!!! LORD WAS KICKED OUT BY HIS FATHER!!! BITCH, I OWN Y'ALL!!!"Lord speaks. "Stop physically-...""Never physically harmed you," said Prometheus."Okay. Stop psychologically, verbally, mentally, and SPIRITUALLY abusing us.""Done.""AND NO BAMBOO STICK!!!" yelled Jedan."WHAT!?!?? Awww..." said Prometheus."And more breaks!" smiled Anna."Awwww!!!" yelled Prometheus."Well...?" asked Anna.Prometheus sighs. "Fine."