Miguel sighs. "'Respect... People... will... respect you...'"The crowd cheers."I've been fighting Fridays and Saturdays... People... will respect you..."The crowd cheers even louder."Okay... Let's do this..." Miguel begins walking to the light, but he passes by Anna.Anna asks, "Hey, Miguel! About Friday next week... Uh... Are you perhaps planning to-...?""Uh... Anne... Kinda in a middle of something here...!" yelled Miguel."Oh! Oh, right... Somehow completely forgot about that... Good luck, dude!""Uh... yeah..." Miguel walks out into the light only to be heavily booed by the audience.There, he faces his final opponent: Tyrone Bernardo.Miguel just grimaces upon staring at him.Tyrone sneers and arrogantly grins. "Hello, Miguel Azral.""Hello, Dumbass..." said Miguel."Ohoho! Shit talkin' me, huh?" smiled Tyrone.Miguel just stares at him with flared nostrils.Miguel transforms into an Aswang."Hohoho! Going all out, are we? Huh...?"Miguel seems to be in control right now, which is something he hadn't done at all in any of his previous fights. He was stoic, calm, and tranquil, staring at Tyrone with a solemn and terrifying gaze. He ticks his wings rather loudly with pure intimidation and a smoldering anger.*TIK, TIK, TIK, TIK, TIK, TIK, TIK, TIK, TIK-!!!*"Fine! I'll go to my FINAL FORM from the START!!!" roared Tyrone."You only have one other form other than this, dumbass," Miguel spoke in a deepened voice."GRRRRRRR!!!" Tyrone transforms into the Coldroach King.Miguel goes for a defensive back stance.Tyrone keeps still with a strong guard."Come on, Tyrone..." smiled Miguel, while Tyrone stared angrily. "I thought you were the bigger man."Upon hearing that, Tyrone's eyes turn veiny and he charges with a simple Cool Fist, with ice surrounding his fist, but Miguel dodges and knee kicks flames out of his knee and into Tyrone's chin."HA!!! HE JUST GOT BAITED!!!" laughed Dylan. "We haven't seen this before from Miguel! Usually, he's sloppier, but for the very first time, he's careful and calculated.""Wow, Dylan! Actually announcing correctly. First time for everything, huh?" smiled Jedan."SHUT UP!!!" yelled Dylan.Tyrone stumble backward and cools his face down to avoid further damage. He hisses at Miguel.Miguel just keeps ticking his wings.Tyrone observes this. He immediately shoots ice at Miguel's wings as he spins around and does Phoenix Wings.Tyrone dodges and does a roundhouse kick only for Miguel to change attacks mid spin, folding his wings and doing a flaming hook instead. "HELL HOOK!!!"Tyrone's genitals get struck by Miguel's fist.Tyrone screams in pain, backing away. "OOH!!! STRUCK BY A FLAMING HOOK!!! THIS LOOKS LIKE A SLOPPY BEGINNING FOR OUR CHAMPION!!! Which... is a bad thing, actually..." said Dylan.Miguel smiles and does a Hell Rush, blasting his flaming fists over and over again as Tyrone blocks most of the attacks.Tyrone growls and headbutts Miguel over and over, but Miguel manages to bite his head and dig his fangs into Tyrone's head."Yo... That was just plain dirty... Is that a foul?" asked Dylan."NO RULES!!!" cackled Prometheus. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Prometheus immediately switches to whispering. "(C'mon... Transform...)""Keep it up, Miguel!" smiled the Reaper. "(Pro. We aren't actually going through with this, right?)"Prometheus doesn't answer.Tyrone shrieks and begins freezing Miguel's teeth.Miguel responds as he burns his scalp with Dragon Breath.Tyrone screams in pain and backs away. "This isn't FAIR!!!" he growled. "I AM THE SCHOOL'S SAVIOR!!! THE MESSIAH!!!""Sheesh... Someone call Napoleon. He wants his God complex back," smiled Prometheus."Dude. You have a Napoleon Complex," said Dark."Yeah. Whatever..." he rolled the eyes in his goggles.Miguel smiles and prepares another stance.Tyrone throws several punches. "COOL RUSH!!!"Miguel simply dodges all of the attacks, acting like a leaf in the wind.Tyrone growls as Miguel begins doing ballet dance movements. Angered, he just blasts a wave of ice at Miguel as Miguel is struck by the ice.Miguel growls as he covers half his snout with his arm while ticking his wings.Tyrone roars and stomps at Miguel. Miguel rolls away as Tyrone continues stomping until Miguel separates his body and teleports his upper half behind Tyrone, proceeding to crush his abdomen by connecting his body parts back together with his tentacles.Tyrone roars and rips Miguel in half but Miguel regenerates with his flames and reconnects his body through his tentacles.Miguel then tries snapping his snout at Tyrone's neck but Tyrone pounces backward. Miguel then strangles Tyrone with his tail while Tyrone is flapping his wings like an insect.He begins cricking like a cricket by vibrating his wings."Ew. Are you looking for a mate?" asked Miguel."No! No.... SHUT UP!!!" yelled Tyrone."OH. MY GOD. YOU'RE TURNED ON!!!""Is Tyrone into CHOKING!?" smiled Dylan."WHOHOHOA!!!" smiled Dark."Dark. Please. They are children," said Prometheus."Stupid children," said Herculea."I'm not turned on. Don't worry. I'm just frantically amused by how disgusting they are," said Dark."Yes. Indeed. Children are disgusting and stupid and I WILL KILL ALL OF THEM!!!" roared the Reaper.All three stare at the Reaper with an "Ayo what this guy sayin'?" look."I'm sorry. I haven't killed anyone in three days," said the Reaper. "KILL HIM, MIGUEL!!!""I'M TRYING!!!" roared Miguel. "I'M TRYING MISTER REAPER!!!"Meanwhile, the crowd is just stunned and terrified by what's happening.Tyrone begins shaking while Miguel tightens his grip, sadistically sneering and squinting his eyes."YES!!!" roared the Reaper. "Sorry! I mean...! Snap his neck as carefully as possible!""Reaps. What the fuck is wrong with you?" asked Dark."Prometheus is my adoptive father. What do you think?" asked the Reaper."Fuck you, dude," said Prometheus. Tyrone roars as he finally uses the end of his tail to slap it at Miguel."Ew!" yelled Miguel. "WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE A PLUMBUS!?!?""Why do you THINK!?!?" sneered Tyrone.Miguel screams like a girl."I'm kidding. This thing is more like a nose or some shit. Can smell your-... WHATEVER!!!" Tyrone uses Cool Whip and whips Miguel away.Miguel dodges and blasts punches at Tyrone again while midair, but Tyrone laughs and blasts Cool Drill at Miguel, who manages to slap it away with his hand this time.Miguel then somersaults and ax kicks Tyrone in the head. "Time to use the BIG GUNS!!!"Miguel dodges Tyrone's next few punches as his hand begins glowing orange. "Hell..." he growled.Miguel just keeps dodging.Miguel then does a fake Aerial Hell Cartwheel Kick, which makes Tyrone try to catch his foot only for Miguel to flip backward and blast a punch from behind Tyrone instead. "HELL FIST-!!!" Miguel's energy begins leaving his body and entering his fist."Oh my God..." said Tyrone, sensing a powerful force of energy, more powerful than Miguel and Tyrone combined. Something within Miguel is just... dangerous...The Reaper stands up in dismay. "NO!!! MIGUEL!!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE-!?!?""-...OF THE PHOENIX!!!" Miguel slams a deadly punch at Tyrone that even shook the Reaper just a little.*BANG!!!*Tyrone's chest gains a massive hole in it as Miguel's fist goes thru his chest.The impact was so powerful that Miguel's own fist explodes and pops like a bloody balloon.The impact was so powerful that the entire plate tectonic beneath the Philippines shook, causing a 7.2 earthquake immediately handled by Athena and her crew.Everyone screams as the shockwave and wind blast was so powerful that they were forced to hide from the impact.Then, the shaking stop as a commotion could be heard in the entire ring.The dust begins to settle to show that Tyrone's lower 3 quarters had been dusted. Tyrone still stands in the air with the lower part of his body, which is now made of dust. It slowly crumbles as Tyrone's body falls to the ground.Miguel is shown to have glowing light blue eyes and is transformed somewhat.However, no one could see much of his form. He is glowing a very bright blue or cerulean.Miguel pants angrily and blows wind out of his nose.He stares at Tyrone, menacingly. His eyes glow light blue.Tyrone quivers in fear. He roars as he regrows all his body parts.Tyrone roars at him.Prometheus, sensing this, at first, is excited, but realized something... He realized that because of this form... it's all over... And suddenly, a certain feeling of heavy sadness entered his chest.And the dust clears..."What the fucking shit is this!? SSJ 7!?" asked Tyrone.Miguel squints his eyes at Tyrone.Dark and Herculea is terrified.The Reaper angrily turns to Prometheus. "WHAT!?!? IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED!?!?" he roared so angrily that his voice echoed in the entire arena.Tyrone roars and blasts punches at Miguel over and over again.Tyrone punches him over and over again only for Miguel to grab his shoulder and stare into Tyrone's eyes...Tyrone immediately feels heavy. He then vomits smelly insectoid green blood and slime all over Miguel's face.Tyrone then immediately secretes a lot of green blood and mucous."Is he... soiling himself?" asked Anna.Tyrone cries and whimpers, backing away. "Does anyone respect me yet?" asked Miguel.He looks at the crowd, stunned in fear."You don't... You fear me..." said Miguel. "For some reason, this feels... good..."Tyrone drops his guard and punches at Miguel over and over. Miguel dodges all of his attacks."HOW-!?!? HOW DARE YOU HUMILIATE ME!?!? MAKE ME SHIT MYSELF IN PUBLIC!!! IN FRONT OF ALL THESE PEOPLE!!?!?" he roared.Miguel just stared harder as Tyrone vomits more. "Listen. Listen well. I can now sense... feel the energy coursing in my veins. This is it. My Imperial heritage... I feel amazing... godly... powerful... I feel like I can destroy any of you without a single thought... I feel so complete right now... And I regret none of that. I am so Goddamned tempted to destroy... You may not be cheering, but I hear the cheers and chimes of angels singing for me... ME!!! Someone so great and powerful. Now, I am above you pathetic, useless, and weak people that mean NOTHING TO ME!!! A deity in your eyes. NONE OF YOU MEAN ANYTHING TO ME!!! Especially those holding me back..." Everyone, even Anna, was hurt by that.Prometheus and the Reaper are disappointed.Miguel punches Tyrone in the gut as he vomits more, secreting more slime as Miguel kicks him over and over. "A deity who kicks SHIT before him!!! RIGHTFULLY TAKING HIS THRONE!!! BECOMING A GOD OVER ALL OF YOU!!! POWER... ONCE A MERE WISHFUL THINKING NOW COURSING IN MY VEINS IN THE FORM OF DIVINE... HEAVENLY FLAMES!!!" he monologued, while Tyrone keeps on vomiting and screaming. "I'M NOT JUST A HERO!!! I'M A MOTHERFUCKING GOD!!! It's amazing! Intoxicating! Now, quiver before me, FOOLS!!! I AM THE PRINCE OF ASWANGS!!! AND PRINCE OF GODS!!!" he laughed while beating Tyrone over and over. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!!!"But he stops. Miguel immediately turns to Prometheus. Instead of an angry glare, he saw guilt, remorse, and most especially, disappointment. He looks at the Reaper, who gave the same look. He looks at Anna, who also gave the same look. Jedan, Lord, Happy, Athena (and her clones), Gerard, Fred... all of them look so utterly disappointed. He looked to see everyone staring at him, silently, finally listening to what he has to say. He was right. They don't respect him. They fear him. This glare, strangely enough, made him more powerful but vulnerable to breaking... He was powerful, but he was much easier to defeat right now, being insecure and left wide open. He even sees the Nazarene in the crowd for a short second.He begins feeling a different feeling.Embarrassment.He becomes paranoid, feeling that there are demons watching him. He began noticing voices in his head telling him what to do or what not to do."KILL HIM!!!""DESTROY THEM ALL!!!""BE FREE!!!""BE A GOD AMONGST MEN!!!""KILL THEM ALL!!!"Miguel opens his eyes and he's... back to his normal human form.Tyrone is on the ground, unconscious.Miguel had won for the very first time against Tyrone.He feels...Not at all that different. Not like he accomplished anything really.Because people are afraid of him, including his own friends. He feels powerless right now. By achieving power, he lost the little respect he already had.All they see...Is a monster...