Despite Combining Their Attacks Howzer And Dreyfus Are Outmatched When Drona Arrives And Traps Dreyfus In A Chilling Nightmare With Bat Arrow The effect Of Drona Nightmare Spell Takes Its Toll On Dreyfus As Helbram Carries Him To Safety While Helbram Attempts To Brutally Finish Off Matrona And Everyone Near Her When Ghatotkacha Intervenes Helbram Reveals Himself As A Fairy And Ghatotkacha Former Best Friend Who Became Tortured And Enraged Single-Mindedly Focusing His Attacks On Matrona To Make Her Suffer As Ghatotkacha Fights Against Helbram At Equal Footing He Proclaims To Fulfill A Promise That He Made Seven Centuries Ago. Meanwhile Elizabeth And Hawk Find The Former Eldest Sister Margaret Liones And Attempts To Free Her But A Invisible Demon Appears