[Mom can't you just come with Eris?] I begged Mom,

[I'm sorry sweetie but you know that I'm a teacher there, right? I'll be busy arranging my notes. I'm sorry] Mom apologized,

[What about you Ifrit? Aren't you free?] I was desperate at that point,

[I also apologize darling, but I have to accompany Lyssa, on account that I promised her Mother, Pari] Ifrit told me with an apologetic grin,


[What do you mean "accompany Lyssa "?] I was suddenly curious that I forgot my anxiety,

[Well, Lyssa also gained admission into GPA, didn't she tell you? ] Ifrit asked confused,

'That... that.. that traitor!!! After I complai- confided in her'

[She... didn't...tell me] I answered quietly seething in an unimaginable rage, I'm sure that she did it to spite me, I can just see her grinning at me

[If you would excuse me Mother] I politely said getting up and turned to leave,

Where're you headed?] Mom asked,

[Nowhere in particular, just my room. I'm pretty exhausted] I replied and left,

[She takes after you in that aspect, you know?] Ifrit said chuckling,

[Which aspect?] 

[Your silent but deadly rage] 

[What!! That's not true!] She denied,

[Come now Celeste, we both know it's true, we even have testimonies of the past]

[Liar. Anyway, I can't believe she got admission honestly speaking, even though she's my child] Celeste said regaining her composure,

[I agree. I was wondering, how did you do it?] 

[To be honest, it was near impossible to get her to read, so I asked Bella and also promised her a reward] She said as she called a maid to refill her cup,

[So what's the reward? I figured it was something that would pick her interest] He stated,

[Well, it's the use of Oberon's Platinum card for Seven hours]

[Seven hours? Isn't that too small?]

[Little? Don't underestimate her, any more time and she would finish Elmswood's funds] She sighed as she took a bite form a cookie,

[It's that bad?] Ifrit asked amused,

[Yes and it was all we could think of at the time, give that she doesn't like dresses or jewelries, typically anything that girls like]

[Just like you then]


[Anyway, tell her I said we'll meet at the uniform fitting] Ifrit said standing,

[You're leaving?]

[Yes, it seems there's a problem that requires my utmost attention at the moment]

[Alright, then I'll see you]

[Sure] Ifrit winked as he turned into a pillar of fire and disappeared,

[Clean this up for me, would you?] Celeste told the maid's as she stood up and left, 

[Yes, Your Majesty] They replied getting to work.