In the aftermath of a thousand stresses, simple mistakes when the serene silence begins, an older fellow sits at his computer with furrowed bushy eyebrows, and closes his eyes. He is not tired, he is searching. When the man closes his eyes, the constant flickering of scenes from innumerable worlds, planes, and alternate universes flickers the essence of stories in his mind. The complex number I, as it turns out, is not just a simple number that results in -1 when squared. Depending on the directness with which you observe it, it actually cycles between 1, -1, And a special form of zero which divided by itself becomes 1 or -1. All that is to say that the imaginary can be realized and the real drift into having been imagined - so called "Ghosting". The mans vision flickers between these at a ridiculous rate, while he searches for the perfect story pieces, hitting down notes here and there.