Chereads / Legend Like Barry Sanders / Chapter 24 - Let's avoid bullying

Chapter 24 - Let's avoid bullying

"Okay, that's fine, but hey, I don't like how you talk to me, Garriso. Or do you just forget I am the team leader? " Hey, you better respect me as your captain, okay?"

"Okay fine and I am sorry captain." [Garriso]

[Footsteps approaching]

They all turned back to look at the person who was coming and that was Coach Wilson. Coach Wilson appeared from the other gate. Coach Wilson knew what was going on there because he overheard them outside, but he surely pretended as if he knew nothing about what was going on there. So, Coach Wilson shouted to ask what was going on.

"Hey boys! What's going on?"

Henry responded back immediately because he never wanted Coach Wilson to know what was happening between them and that was what he thought. While Coach Wilson knows everything already. So, Henry and the other players also pretend nothing was going on, but it really shows in Lefah's physical looks that he's worried.

"Nothing! Coach. " We're just preparing for training please!" [Henry]

"Okay boys!" [Coach Wilson]

After Henry responded to Coach Wilson, he returned to Lefah and Garriso and said, "Hey, don't think you guys are free because Coach Wilson is in. You will be free today, but remember you still own me a punishment. Don't forget."

"Oh, whatever Henry." [Lefah responded to Henry]

"Hey! Boys, come around immediately! Coach is in!"

Henry left Lefah and Garriso alone and started calling the players to come around because Coach Wilson was in, and it was time to start training.

Garriso snickered at Lefah about how he responded to Henry and said, "Hey, I am sorry for not supporting your words. Because I knew once we were new to this team, we would surely be bullied. So, I wanted my imagination to look like an interesting story to tell after here."

"Hey, that was really seriously annoying bro. That boy is really crazy."

"Yeah. And I know that Lefah. I think I have to teach you how to play with crazy people just like Henry." [Garriso]

[Lefah snickered]

"Yeah, that will be great bro. Because if Henry doesn't care next time, and he tries this gibberish again, I am going to hit him down bro."

"Yo", you have to come down bro. It has not gotten to that, my man. " Hey, let's run fast to join them. Immediately, Henry starts reading his lists of punishments to us." [Garriso]

Lefah and Garriso run to join the players.

[Team cheers for training time] "Whoo! Hoooo! [Team]

The players weren't focusing on the pitch and being rude and mocking themselves, so Coach Wilson called all of them to come around and stop what they were doing immediately. The tone Coach Wilson used clearly tells how annoyed he is. And nobody can imagine how silly the players were.

Coach Wilson was just standing in the coach's station line looking at the players and asking them to come around, all because he wanted to talk with them about how to train as players. Lefah and Garriso ran fast to Coach Wilson immediately, but the other players were still walking majestically, just like the president of the institution. Henry and the other players didn't consider how important the training was to Coach Wilson, which made Coach Wilson really annoyed to call off the training.

Coach Wilson shouted at them and said," Hey Boys! Will you run fast here before I lose my displeasure?"

[They started running because they got to know how serious Coach Wilson was.]

[When they reached Coach Wilson's line. Coach Wilson looked at their faces and asked them to make a complete lineup to face him.]

"Hey! Lineup and face me immediately now! " I want every one of you to tell me why we're here today and also tell me what made the team champions of last season's league, but didn't win the final championship but won the semifinals." [Coach Wilson]

"Hope you guys know me already?" [Coach Wilson]

[Team] "Yes Coach"

"Good, but I don't think you players see me as your new head coach. Am I lying?" [Coach Wilson]

[Team] "Yes coach."

"That's great. Now! Once I am not lying. Who's Henry? And also, the team captain?" [Coach Wilson]

[Henry stepped forward from the other players and responded to Coach Wilson.]

"I am Henry, and the team captain, sir." [Henry responded to Coach Wilson immediately.]

"Okay. And I see you, young man. Thank you for being the captain. As a team leader, I don't think it's a joke, as you see it, Henry. You can join the line again." [Coach Wilson]

"Okay Coach." [Henry]

"Okay. And my first question to ask is, was this the training method you guys put in place in last season's league, and the team ended in the semifinals?" [Coach Wilson]

"Who is going to answer this question? Hey, Henry. You are the captain, so answer me." [Coach Wilson]

Henry was about to answer Coach Wilson's questions by saying "You know," but Coach Wilson shut him up and counted his talking.

"No! Caption. Shut up! I think I am not done talking yet. Let me finish before you talk."

[Lefah and Garriso snicker about how Coach Wilson shut Henry up.]

"Hey! I am serious. Don't snicker about this, boys!"

[Both]" Sorry coach."

"Hey! Tell me, captain. Did the former head coach perform some magic to take the team to the semifinals bowl game last season or was it your own effort? You can speak to me Henry."

[Henry stepped forward and turned to the players and smiled at Coach Wilson and responded to him.]

"Hey my boys! I think Coach Wilson doesn't know how best we can play right?" [Henry]

The other players respond by saying;" Yes! And we have to show him the best in us!" [Team]

[Player's cheer and laugh]

"That's my big boys!" [Henry]

[Henry makes a loud noise and joins the line again]

Coach Wilson struck his palms in order to applaud Henry and the other players and cheer on them and said, "Oh I see, I don't know how best you can play because. I am new to your team, right?"