Chereads / Unibook: Roses and Thorns – Just for Them / Chapter 20 - Bees and coconut

Chapter 20 - Bees and coconut

Donan's constant complaining started to amuse Luna more and more. He was at his limit; the skirt he was wearing seemed to have a life of its own, and every step he took felt more torturous than the last.

"Hey, Luna, are you sure this isn't making me look even more ridiculous? There's no way you're not messing with me!" Donan blurted out, a mix of frustration and nervous laughter in his voice. He had walked in circles through the forest so many times that the trees started to look the same.

Luna, still carrying the lightness she always did, simply looked at him with a mischievous smile. "I'm just waiting for you to get the hang of it, Donan. You might even get comfortable with that skirt."

He looked at her with an almost desperate expression. "Comfortable? You think I'll get comfortable with this? This skirt is ridiculous, Luna!"

She let out a soft laugh. "Well, you're the one wearing it, not me. I'm just here, watching you... unique style, let's say."

Donan grew a little more frustrated and crossed his arms, making an effort not to look at the ground. "I'm a normal guy, okay? This makes no sense! This damn forest, you, the skirt, the bats... I just want to get out of here!"

Luna stopped for a moment, looking at him thoughtfully, as if trying to understand what he was feeling. But soon, her mischievous smile returned.

"Did you know that men get more nervous about these things when they feel out of control? I think you're just feeling the chaos here, but relax. It's just a skirt. And deep down, you're starting to realize that without it, you'd be even more covered in mud."

Donan scoffed, but for some reason, Luna's words started to make sense. He couldn't deny it, without the skirt, he'd probably be even dirtier. What seemed ridiculous was, somehow, serving a purpose.

"I think I've reached my limit with this, Luna. But honestly, if this forest doesn't end soon, I... I don't even know what to do anymore."

She laughed again, louder this time, with a touch of affection. "Okay, okay, we'll find a way out soon. But in the meantime, try not to freak out, Donan. You know, as much as I'm having fun with this, I'm not the type of person who likes to see others crawling on the ground."

He smiled, but it was one of those laughs without much conviction, still with the skirt swaying in the wind. He felt the humidity of the forest mixed with his growing frustration, but at the same time, he knew he had no choice but to keep going.

"Oh, and are you sure I don't look like... I don't know, some kind of circus performer?" Donan asked, his voice full of self-irony.

Luna laughed again, unable to hold it in. "You know, you're starting to develop a bit of personality... it's not so bad, actually."

Donan didn't know whether to laugh or get even more frustrated, but the truth was, little by little, he was starting to relax with the situation. He was with Luna, after everything they'd been through, and this ridiculous moment was, in some way, proof that he wasn't as alone in this as he once thought.

Donan, already tired of the teasing and the way Luna was testing him, decided to step away and take a shortcut through the forest.

The intention was simple: to get away from those embarrassing situations and show that he could manage on his own. However, what he didn't realize was that his impulsiveness had led him down an unexpected path.

The moment he entered a narrower trail filled with dense vegetation, he heard a loud, unsettling buzz. Before he could figure out what was happening, he came face to face with a beehive. In a rushed movement, he pressed his body against the tree where the bees were, unaware of the imminent danger.

With a sharp buzz, a swarm of bees flew toward him, quickly settling around his head and shoulders.

Donan, in panic, started running uncontrollably through the forest, screaming and trying to swat the bees away. However, his back had now become a feast for the bees, which continued to chase him. The buzzing seemed to grow louder with every step.

"Ahhhh! Luna! Luna, help!" he screamed desperately, jumping and crawling along the trail, but the bees wouldn't give him a break. His skirt, now an unlikely piece of clothing, swayed awkwardly as he ran.

Luna, who was farther away, heard his cries and ran toward the sound. When she caught up with him, she couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the state he was in—out of breath, with the skirt hiked up, and the bees still pursuing him.

"Oh, Donan! You're impossible!" she exclaimed, but quickly pulled him behind a tree to try to calm him down. "Don't move. I'll help you, but it's going to be a little... embarrassing."

While Donan looked confused and sweating, Luna took out her little bag and began pulling out some items: bandages, ointments, and even some kind of soothing cream. But, as always, she couldn't resist poking fun at the situation.

"First, let's calm those stings down. You don't want to look like you're turning into a bee ball, do you?" She wrapped a band around his torso, tightening it slightly. "Now, pressure is important. You need to feel some volume here."

Without waiting for more explanations, she pulled out a fruit from her pocket. A small coconut, perfectly chosen for the task. "This will help ease the pain," she said with a mischievous smile, as she placed the coconut inside the band, creating the impression of "volume."

Donan, embarrassed and powerless, tried to protest, but the words got stuck in his throat. He couldn't complain, not now, when he was actually getting treatment for the bee stings, no matter how... peculiar it was.

And as if that wasn't enough, Luna, with her sharp and quick mind, continued.

"Now," she said, "we need to protect your... backside. What if the bees are more interested there, right?" She wrapped another band around the back of his skirt, so that with the coconut still in place, Donan had the impression of wearing a makeshift bra.