Fire Kingdom
The king sat on his throne with the prince
next to him while the old sage and other
ministers were present. The ministers were left wondering why the old sage was present in the castle after many years. "Old sage, do you mind telling us the reason behind your
unexpected visit" the prince said leaning on his royal seat. "Look at our once immature son. Anyways prince, I would rather prefer it if Aiden asked me that not you prince" the
old sage said making the prince a little furious but he managed to keep a straight face as he was not used to people opposing him. The old sage seemed to be the only
one known in the fire Kingdom who isn't afraid of the prince. Some of the ministers would wonder and wish to be like the old sage who was never afraid of the prince. But
of course they knew better than to say it out. The prince was fully aware of their thoughts but decided to overlook it. "Go on old sage" the king said. "Well, as it is now, it seems
none of you are even aware that the prince has taken a risky path" the old sage and the king stood up immediately then turned to the prince "this Kingdom should be your first
priority" the king said "seems you've forgotten your manners father" the prince said not even taking a glance at the king. The old sage signalled the king to sit down.
"Well, well, well now the dark world of this Kingdom would not be active anymore, as the prince has taken a step on his own" the old sage said "don't you think the prince is
always what you think of, it's always the prince's activities you're worried about. For once just leave the prince and think about
your kingdom old fools" the prince said to them and stood up "you all are dismissed" the prince said and stare at each of them before he quietly left the hall. Like that everyone left the hall.