Cash Flow

To calculate how much Alexander Blackwell earns in cash annually from Blackwell Investments, we'll focus on income streams that provide liquid cash flow, such as dividends, real estate income, and non-dividend profits.

Breakdown of Cash Income:

Dividends from Equity Holdings:

Apple: $825 million

Amazon: $5.04 billion

Microsoft: $768 million

Tencent: $100 million

Samsung Electronics: $413 million

Johnson & Johnson: $6.35 billion

Novo Nordisk: $1.08 billion

AstraZeneca: $499.2 million

Nestlé: $4.22 billion

LVMH: $324 million

Toyota: $492 million

Volkswagen: $384 million

Total Dividends: ~$20.49 billion

Real Estate Income:

Brookfield Asset Management and Vonovia SE: $20 billion

Non-Dividend Profits (Tech and Other Business Models):

Amazon (non-dividend profits): $5.04 billion (counted above in dividends)Other Non-Dividend Income: $190 billion (likely reinvested into the business rather than distributed as liquid cash).

Energy Sector Returns:

Saudi Aramco: $2.7 billion

BHP Group: $2.7 billion

Shell: $1.68 billion

Total Energy Sector: ~$7.08 billion

Other Incomes:

Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare: $10 billion (assumed to include dividends already listed above).Total Cash Flow:

Adding the components likely to result in liquid cash flow:

Dividends: ~$20.49 billion

Real Estate Income: $20 billion

Energy Sector Returns: ~$7.08 billion

Total Liquid Cash Flow: ~$47.57 billion annually.

This figure represents the approximate cash income Alexander Blackwell can use annually, though much of it may still be reinvested into Blackwell Investments' operations or new acquisitions.