I was a kid. A normal kid with not much to go off on. I didn't care about the future or the past, Just The Present.
I got a quote from one of the best movies I've ever seen and vowed to follow that quote till the day my soul died.
"Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."
I made that vow when I was younger and so far it hadn't failed me. I knew I always had problems coming for me the next day so I prepared in the present, Mistakes I learned to never do that I did yesterday, I learned in the present.
That's my way of life. Im an easy going, cool headed kid with an easy life. Both my parents are in the picture, my friends love me, my family encourages and teaches me everyday. It's something I've found truly valuable in life.
I got sick during the pandemic. I looked at those incoming diseases and spit in their face saying they hit like a bitch. I never once cared for people that didn't matter to me. If I met a random in the street and had a genuine conversation, Id consider you part of the squad.
Of course I've had people who've abused that side of me for personal gains. No, I wasn't ignorant...I just didn't want to see it. The evil that's in this world...it's a horrible thing, truly is.
Living in the US of A was always comfortable as long as you minded your business at times. I grew up in the hood, surrounded by gangsters and shooting and all that shit. I had a group of homies I used to travel with, hang with, Bond with...
Until we were caught in between a gang war...
None of em but me survived...
Their parents hated me afterwards saying it was my fault and...it partially was...
I could have gone a different route, I could have done this or that or this.
I realized my true weakness that day...
My Incompetence, my Ignorance...
I then changed.
Under the easy going friendly persona I had as a mask...Was an extremely calculating and cold kid.
Only my parents felt the shift in my demeanor, but cast it aside as me 'growing up'...
And they weren't wrong...
While in my villain arc...I found anime. Something that made me happy. A past time that let me really bond with myself. Cold and good.
Then I watched MHA...
It is my favorite anime to this day.
But the fandom...Don't associate me with them freaky ass niggas for real.
Im ashamed to think of them as fellow fans fr.
That's all Im gonna say about my MC. Do with it as you will.
Thanks for reading, until next time my brothers and sisters...