Chereads / Infinite Stratos: Operation BLAZE / Chapter 64 - chapter 64

Chapter 64 - chapter 64

IS Academy, Arena 5.

"Human, You have something of mind. I recommend handing it back. Immediately." Abiding Watcher said as she lifted up her hard-light spear. Seth looked around him and knew that situation wasn't good. There were too many students that would get hurt at best. He didn't want to have their deaths on his hands. He knew that getting the students out would be his first priority, then securing the relic. Blaze sent Samus a message explaining what he was gonna do.

Seth thrusted both his hands forwards, and Watcher charged forward. She would have reached Seth in an instant, but then she felt an invisible force press her against one of the arena's walls.

"Students! Out! Now!" Seth shouted towards Chifuyu who knew quickly followed her brother's words and herded the students that didn't have an IS unit out of the area.

Now all that were in the arena was Seth in [B.L.A.Z.E.], Samus in [Varia], Chifuyu in [Byakushiki], Maya in a [Raphael-Revive] unit Cecilia in her [Blue Tears], Houki in [Akatsubaki], Charlotte in [Joan Of Arc], Laura in [Schwarzer Regan], Kanzashi in [Uchigane Nishiki], Tina in her [Jaeger] unit, Natasha in [Silver Gospel], and Iris had deployed her [Fang Quake] 3rd gen IS unit.

Abiding Watcher was unable to think of a logical solution to her predicament, but none the less, she had a solution. Seth watched seven sphere of purple light form around Abiding Watcher and a beam of energy formed from each of them. Blaze deployed her AT field and was able to protect Seth from the incoming attack, but the attack had broken the Je'daii master focus for just an instant and that was enough for Abiding watcher to move away. Seth moved his eyes around the arena, but the force began to scream at Seth to move. He narrowly avoid these first strike from Abiding Watcher's spear, but the second strike made contact. The force from the attack had blown the young emperor back into the wall, and he would most definitely feel that in the morning.

Abiding Watcher suddenly came under fire from multiple IS users. She raised a barrier to protect herself, but suddenly a glowing red object had suddenly closed the distance and she nearly failed to block the incoming attack. Seth had deployed his fold out armor and had two energy blades out. His first strike was strong, but the slash was meant to open up Abiding Watcher's defense for the second strike. Seth thrusted his right hand forwards and made contact with a shield that protected the Forerunner machine.

The thrust had enough energy to force Abiding Watcher back, and soon found herself being attacked from multiple people. Chifuyu, Iris, and Houki, close range users, began to charge towards Abiding Watcher as she was down.

"Houki, Wait!" Seth shouted as he realized that Abiding Watcher was too fast to engage close quarters for someone of Houki's level. The young Shinonono was suddenly pulled away from Abiding Watcher via grappling beam.

"What the-!? I'm trying to help! " Houki shouted as she failed to notice that Iris and Chifuyu had also pulled away themselves. She finally noticed that the space surrounding Abiding Watcher was vaporized. Luckily both Iris and Chifuyu had pulled away once they could tell that Abiding Watcher was leaving herself open on purpose.

"Samus, Cecilia, Laura, long range support!" Seth shouted at the trio as he closed the distance between him and the construct guardian.

"Got it." Samus said as she began to fire on the metallic being.

"Wait! Aren't you worried about hitting him?" Cecilia took note at how close Seth was engaging this mechanical being.

"I'd be impressed if you actually hit him." Samus replied. Cecilia raised her starlight mkII. Laura and she began to fire on the mecha, almost hitting Seth several times, but he always avoided it last second. Charlotte, Kanzashi, Tina, Maya and Houki switched to a mid range support role as they began to blast the being.

It took Chifuyu a minute learn the AI construct's pattern, but she soon realized the machine had a certain pattern. She saw Seth entered a bind with the machine and used [Ignition Boost]. With Yukihara ability, Reiraku Byakuya active, she showed that the title of Brunhilde wasn't just handed out. To all but Seth, and Iris, Chifuyu's blade appeared like blue blur as it struck abiding watcher twice. The first was to push away spear of light, the second strike hit dead on the right elbow joint, severing the arm from the body, however, because the machine could not feel pain, it immediately caught the spear in a flash, and slashed towards the opened former world champion, and it would have landed a major blow, had Seth not quantized and appeared in between the two. Using his to energy blades to catch the spear and lock it in place, he momentarily held the Forerunner machine still.

"Sis!" Seth shouted and Natasha fired several energy beams from [Silver Gospel] hands,This was followed by Seth pulling out his beam magnum and fired two shots. The barrel of the rifle glowed red from the two rapid shots. At the last second, Abiding Watcher raised a powerful barrier that was tanked the two powerful beams like they were nothing.

"MOVE!" Samus yelled as she had charged up [Varia]'s zero laser. As the blast began to work on the Forerunner barrier, the other IS users began to join in on the assault. As Watcher's barrier began to deteriorate, she had to use her trump card. A ring of golden light began to form around Abiding Watcher's body.

Seth had the Forerunner machine dead in his sights with his beam magnum raised up, but noticed something odd. The magazine for the beam magnum was glowing orange and was raising dangerously high in temperature.

"Seth, it's gonna blow!" Blaze said inside of Seth's mind. The je'daii hastily threw the gun towards Abiding Watcher. The rifle exploded in a massive explosion that got the group's attention. That was when they noticed that several parts of their IS suits were glowing a bright orange. Seth noticed that [B.L.A.Z.E.]'s wings, hands, and several other parts were not glowing.

"Blaze, emergency purge protocol! Toss your weapons!" Seth said, alerting the group. Blaze took control of not only Seth's suit, but Samus, Charlotte, and Houki's suits, since they all had Imperial tech inside them. A majority of their IS Suit's armor and weapon holders began to eject itself and exploded from the mysterious energy wave being emitted from the forerunner. Laura was able to remove her railgun before it blew up, but her wrist mounted beam sabers were embedded and couldn't be remove. The ensuing explosion damaged her machine's hands, but she was alright for the most part.

Cecilia launched her glowing bits, and fire her missiles, before throwing her mk II starlight rifle. This saved her from most of the damage she would have received had she not, but her thrusters. They exploded, causing damage to the suit, and disabling all flight capability, but the shield protected her body from the harm. The same was for maya, Kanzashi, Chifuyu, Natasha, Tina, and Iris. Most of their units has damage level or higher.

"What the hell was that?" Iris asked as her machine was damaged by an unseen force. Seth dematerialized [B.L.A.Z.E.] and was now in his grey Mjolnir armor. Seth extended his arms out and Abiding Watcher was pressed against a wall. The energy barrier surrounding the arena was suddenly shut down.

"Dunois, now!" The young emperor shouted, much to the confusion of Charlotte, but suddenly seven figures clad in black mandalorian armor appeared. Three were wielding T-7 Ion disruptors, two has RPS-6 rocket launchers, and the last two wielded Z-6 rotary blaster cannons. The two with the Ion disruptors fired their weapons at the shielded machine. Both the barrier and the unknown ring of golden light disappeared, Abiding Watcher saw two rockets headed er way, but due to the electromagnetic properties of the Ion blasters, she couldn't move. After the rockets hit, a barrage of plasma bolts began to hit the heavily damaged forerunner machine. The Z-6s along with the smaller blaster wielded by the royal guards began to take its toll on the machine, but her systems came back online.

"Move back! Danger close!" One of the royal guardsmen said as the shields of Abiding Watcher returned and created several orbs of plasma. However Abiding Watcher was struck by several Ion torpedoes from a squadron of [Y-wing] bombers. They were tailed by several [V-wing] interceptors who unleashed the wrath of their laser cannons at full power. The blasts from the laser cannons were strong enough that the girls in their damage suits. After the [V-wings] flew past, the group waited to see if the machine was finally dead. As the smoke from the straddling run settled down, they could finally see the machine again. To their shock Abiding Watcher was still moving. However it was clear that it suffered immense damage.

"Negative on the target, get the second squadron- what the!" The Guardsman, as he spoke to the command bridge of the [Nobunaga]. Arcs of Force Lightning streaked across the arena and struck Abiding Watcher, this was the first time Iris sand some of the guardsmen had seen such a power from Seth, who was unrelenting in his attack. The blue lightning continued till the heavily damaged machine collapsed on the ground.

The royal guards approached the fallen, blasters at the ready, but when they got with 15 meters of the machine, it sprung up and thrusted its lance at the closest guard. The guard was mere moment away from a fatal injury when an unseen force froze the forerunner machine in place.

Seth raised his arm up, lifting the machine in the air, and began to slowly close his hands as the sound of twisting metal could be heard. Abiding Watcher could not make sense of what was happening to her as her body began to be crushed from this unseen force. All attempts to break free were futile. Multiple systems failures appeared in her mind before it all went black as she was crushed.

Seth brought out [F.L.A.M.E.] and charged her particle cannons. At the same time he lifted the crushed body of Abiding watcher into the air and had [F.L.A.M.E.]'s cannons locked on. In a fury of red energy, the body of Abiding Watcher vanished. Seth dematerialized [F.L.A.M.E.] and appeared once again in his mjolnir, but something was off. Seth found himself struggling to move in his suit. He theorized that his Force lightning had fried the wiring in his suit. Even in the damaged suit, he made his way towards the [Giver] relic.

"My lord, are you alright?" One of the royal guardsmen said as he rushed towards the Je'daii.

"Captain Dunois, I'm alright. You and your men were of great assistance." Seth said as he removed his helmet.

"Dunois?" Charlotte asked as she and the other approached with many questions in their mind. Especially Iris who has no clue what was going on. Charlotte knew that voice coming from the royal guard was familiar. The leader of the royal guards looked towards Seth who was busy trying to figure out how the [Giver] worked. Sensing his gaze, he spoke.

"You may reveal yourself to here." Seth said as he was trying all sorts of thing to get the [Giver] to activate. The Royal guard removed his mandalorian helmet and revealed a brown eye dirty blond haired man, much to the shock of Charlotte.

"Acel?!" Charlotte gasped as she got closer to her cousin.

"Hello cousin, it has been a while." Acel said in French to the blonde, violet eyed girl. Charlotte was wondering why he was now wearing this black armor and what he was doing with the Empire. Acel explained that his girlfriend had contracted a mysterious disease that the best of European medicine couldn't figure out. When Seth became aware of the situation Acel was in, he was willing to offer his empires full medical expertise, but in exchange for this, he would have to serve the Empire. He explained that he was doubtful at first, but now he was really glad he joined. His girlfriend, now fiance, was healthy and she might have a kid on the way, and he was making more money too. Things looked very good for the 24 year old former GIGN operative. As the two were talking, several holograms appeared from the [Giver] Acel put on his helmet and raised his weapons for the [Giver] as did the other Royal Guards.

"Easy boys, everything is alright." Seth said as he began to interact with the holograms. He found schematics of a lot of forerunner technology. He found the blueprints for the Halo array both the older and new models. As he continued to search he came across what he was looking for.

"Found it!" Seth said as he brought up a map of the Milky Way galaxy with slipspace route mapped out. Hyperspace and slipspace worked in a similar manner, the only different was that hyperspace was significantly faster, but for it to work is needs to be properly routed, otherwise one could crash into a rogue black hole, or planet if the Hyperspace drive safety features failed. So with this map and if the galaxy were similar, his empire could have a huge advantage. Saving so much resources. He opened a call with Tabane.

"Oh! You're back!"

"Hello my little bunny."

"So when are you coming to see me, hehe."

"In due time, but before that I needed to ask a favor."

"Sure. Anything for my husband."

"How quickly can you prepare 100 recon droids with hyperdrives?"

"I could have it ready in six days. What for?"

"We're about to expand. I'll tell you and the other later tonight. Love you." Seth said as he ended the call. Samus saw the map as she got closer, and instantly knew what he was up to.

"Seth is that-"

"Hopefully it is. Captain Dunois, call the [Azrael]. We need a full escort. Now!" Seth said as he put on his helmet. It didn't take long for the [Azrael], an Arquitens-class light cruiser to arrive. It was escorted by 6 [Q.U.A.S.A.R] units. The 325 meter long ship hovered at edge of the Island of IS academy. It open it's main bay dock and members of the 121st legion arrived in the arena. They brought a hover lift with the. Seth used the force to lift the [Giver] on the lift and left with them. A second team recovered the body of abiding watcher.

"Did he get taller or am I imagining things." Kanzashi asked. The group had to get their units to the repair bays. All the while Iris had a few questions for Natasha, since she could tell that she knew then what she stated in her report.

Later on Lunar base.

The young emperor had arrived at the Lunar base. He first headed to the R&D department to have his Mjolnir armor removed and studied. After meeting with Tabane face to face, he saw that he had a message from the matriarch of the Sarashiki family. The matriarch wanted to meet with the young emperor and discuss business. Seth replied back to her and said he would arrive in two days. He created several clones and they ran off to conduct some much needed work while he headed to his private hanger. He arrived in his imperial modified ETA 2 interceptor.

"R8 are you ready?" Seth asked the astromech droid. He let out a few cheerful beeps in response. Seth boarded his ship and flew towards the moon's orbit. Once outside he docked with one of the Hyperspace rings made for smaller craft that couldn't have a hyperdrive on them. He punched in the recently acquired coordinates from the forerunner map. The light from stars round Seth began to streaked before the familiar blue tunnel of Hyperspace surrounded the Jedi interceptor.

The jump from Earth and the intended coordinates did not take long. As the ship jumped out of hyperspace a familiar planet came to view. The planet that what was known as Reach in the last universe he visited looked surreal in its natural untouched form. Seth detached the hyperspace ring as he reached a stable orbit, and headed towards the surface, in one of the more hospital areas of Reach. Once safely on the ground, Seth popped open the cockpit of his fighter, and hopped out. R8 began to record Seth as he grabbed a flag that was stored in the fighter's storage area. He unfolded the deep red flag with the symbol of the Je'daii order in gold that sat in the center of the flag. He planted the flag in the surface of Reach cementing his Empire's claim to the planet. He couldn't help but feel that this planet was strong with the force.

The royal family would hold talks about the recently acquired data and about their new found territory.

Two Days Later, Nara Japan.

The fact that an unknown machine attacked IS academy and damaged several IS units from different countries, and an Imperial warship entered the Academy's airspace meant that the world wanted an explanation. The Empire's response was that it was unit associated with some unknown group and was currently investigating the remains for any clues of it's origin. Which of course was a lie.

Seth had a clone go in his place at school as he had a great many things to attend to. He visited Neptune and Nepgear. The doctor watching the CPU has that her due date was coming soon and that despite the speed of the pregnancy, no complications were appearing to her. After checking on her and making sure she felt loved, and cared for, Seth left with an important task ahead of him.

It was a calm friday night and Seth was inside of a [Theta] class transport shuttle. He arrived that the Sarashiki compound and landed said shuttle inside the courtyard of the large palace. As the force user, who was wearing a cloak, stepped on the ramp of the shuttle heading toward the courtyard, he was surrounded by several women, who appeared to be wearing traditional Japanese clothing.

"Halt! Identify yourself." One of the woman said to the cloaked figure. Just then Tatenashi arrived in the courtyard. Seth removed his hood and revealed his face, much to the shock of the next head of the Sarashiki house.

"Seth?" Kanzashi asked as she and another blue hair, red eyed woman arrived next to Tatenashi.

"So you've come. Ladies stand down." The woman ordered.

"Yes, Sarashiki-sama." One of the maids said as they moved away from the Je'daii. Seth moved towards the matriarch of the family and noticed the similar facial structure she had with her daughters. Her hair longer than her daughters hair, roughly to the middle of her back. She couldn't been older than 25 he thought to himself considering how youthful she looked. He was led into a room with high end tatami mat flooring. There were several cushions on the floor for them to sit on.

"Please have a sit." The matriarch said. As Seth was about to sit one of the maids approached him.

"I can relieve you of your garb and weapons." Seth removed his grey cloak and handed over both lightsabers that were on his waist.

"Thank you." The maid said as she took the items and stood up, while a second maid arrived and served Seth and the Sarashiki family members tea.

"I see where your daughters get their beauty from. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"You flatter this old woman. I see now why both of my daughter are infatuated with you. Now then, shall we discuss why we are here today? Emperor Dominus, you're causing quite the mess on the international community. Creating highly advance technology, declaring the formation of a new nation, toppling a foreign government, and violating the UN space treaty and Alaska treaty. I could go on, but that's beside the point. The reason I called you here was to learn what type of person you really are. I wanted to know why it is you are changing the very balance of the world?"

"Because I'm sick of the way this world and the way humanity is shaping." Seth stated immediately. The matriarch of the family looked towards Seth with a calm gaze while she sipped her tea. Seth continued on.

"Humanity is far too divided as it is now. We still don't care for our fellow person. I want to create a society that actually cares for one another. That would work towards the betterment of humanity. I want to create an empire that expands multiple star system, but for this to happen, we cannot let our conflicts of the past come with us."

"And you would use force to end these ideals?" The matriarch said in regards to the recent military intervention of the hermit kingdom.

"No, I will not force others to follow me. But I refuse to standby and watch people being denied basic human rights. When there is a great injustice, the empire will step in, but we do not force people to join us. Those that do, do so of their own free will." The current sarashiki matriarch let out a slight chuckle.

"You are exactly how I imagined. You are an interesting man, but talk is cheap, are you willing to back up your words with action. I want you to show me your determination in a fight."

"Haven't your daughters told you about my abilities? Like superhuman reflects, telekinesis, shooting lightning from my hands?" Seth said.

"I am aware of your talents, but you should know that the title of Tatenashi hat be earned. Come with me." The matriarch of the home said. Seth was brought to a training room. He took to one end of the room, while the Kanzashi and Tatenashi mother took to the other matriarch tied her hair up in a ponytail and took hold of a spear a maid brought for her to use. A maid was coming to offer the young man a sword, but Seth materialized [Kurikara]. He unsheathed the blade which began to leak blue flames.

"Begin!" One of the maids announced. The mother of two launched herself towards the emperor, but he vanished in a blink, only to reappear beside her. She redirected herself, but as she placed her spear on the tip of Seth's neck, she noticed that the blade was cut clean off, with slight burn marks on it. She looked to her left and saw the broken off blade, floating close by her own neck.

"So it appears my daughters did not hyperbolizing your abilities. I am bested" The matriarch said as she entered a more relaxed state. Seth dematerialized [Kurikara] and pulled the broken blade into his hand. A maid came over and took both parts of the broken weapon. Tatenashi was about to remark on the match, when she noticed a confused looked on the young emperor's face.

"Seth, is everything alright?" Kanzashi said as she too noticed the look on his face.

"We have uninvited guests." This put a chill down the back of the youngest member of the Sarashiki. Tatenashi quickly brought out [Mysterious Lady] and was about to move when [Mysterious Lady] dematerialized.

"Anti-IS field. Umbrella." Seth said out loud.

"Can you tell how many are here."

"I count 43 humans, and a dozens unknowns. Could be some form of unknown bio-experiment. Lady Sarashiki, I wish to offer you and your daughters safe passage aboard my shuttle."

"I am more than flattered, but there is highly sensitive data that must be secured. Once the data is secured then we can leave."

"I understand. Gentlemen show yourselves." Seth said and two Royal guardsmen removed their active camouflage, much to the surprise of the people in the room.

"At your service lord Dominus."

"Gentlemen, protect the Sarashiki family." Seth ordered and the guards obeyed. But before they headed towards the data room, Seth used the force to take back his things, and placed the cloak on Kanzashi.


"Please don't take this off. This cloak is made of special material and is resistance against, bullets, plasma, fire and electricity to a degree. Will you make me happy by not removing this?" Seth said as he looked deeply into those red orbs. Kanzashi couldn't help but turn red at the intimacy Seth showed her. She could only nod in response. Before they began to move, two USS (Umbrella secret service) members barged into the room, but the moment they entered they were lifted into the air by an unseen force and began to gasp for air. The matriarch of the Sarashiki house looked at Seth as he had his right hand extended outward and in a cup shape. He closed his hand and a clear cracking noise could be heard.

"Oh my." The mother of the Sarashiki sisters said in awe of what she just saw. This power was horrifying.

"I apologize you had to see that." Seth said as he exited the room and ignited one of his lightsabers.

The Umbrella members were using plasma weaponry instead of ballistics. There were clear advantages to using plasma instead of ballistics such as higher ammo capacity and overall more damage per shot, but Umbrella couldn't have accounted for the fact a lightsaber could deflect plasma rounds.

"How did Umbrella become arm with this technology? I thought your empire was the only one with such technology?" The mother of two said.

"I'm not the only one who has left this dimension and brought back items."

"There are others." Seth didn't respond as he continued onward. After killing their way through the compound, they arrived at the data room. The two maid that came with them began to work on getting the vital information. As they were working on getting the data, Seth sensed something above them.

"Look out! Above!" Seth warned. Just then several spiders the size of small dogs came from the ceiling and attack. Two leaped towards the emperor who effortlessly swung his purple blade of plasma and struck them down. Several leaped towards the Sarashiki family members. All but two were shot dead by the royal guards. The last two were hit by the matriarch of the family who threw two hidden blades at the creatures, ending their lives.

The maid, as they worked to get the data, came under attack by a few of those things. They were able to fend off a few of them, but one avoided death and launched its webbing towards one unlucky maid. Said maid moved to avoid the webbing, but it latched on her right bicep. She thought nothing of it, until an unfathomable burning sensation took over her right arms.

Her screams attracted the more of those things towards, her, but they were met with a volley of plasma and blades. Seth and a royal guard took a look at the maid's wound and saw her skin was melted off where the webbing struck and was getting worse.

"How bad is she?" The matriarch asked.

"Bad. She'll need treatment quick if she wants to use her arm again. Guard, your medical pack." The royal guard removed a pack from his belt and handed it over to Seth. He took the synth-bacta patch in it and readied it. They placed the synth-bacta patch on the woman and injected the maid with painkillers. Seth created a clone and the clone carried the injured woman.

"How the data collection?" The matriarch asked.

"It ready Sarashiki-sama." The unharmed maid said.

"Shall we?" The blue haired woman said as she turned toward Seth.

"Is there anything else of value of this compound?" He asked.

"Nothing that can't be replaced."

"R8 ready the shuttle. Let's move." Seth extended his arm out in the direction of the shuttle and used the force to blast a hole in the walls that stood in their way. They rushed towards the shuttle with little resistance as they had cleared most of the enemies, but Seth sensed a second wave coming soon. As soon as they were on board and the matriarch of the family was able to get confirmation that most of her people made it out safely, they set off.

As they flew in the air towards safety, Seth called in an orbital bombardment of the compound to destroy any of those creatures and the second wave of enemies. As the situation was appearing to calm down, the radar aboard the [Theta] class shuttle showed that they had trouble coming their way.

"My lord, three infinite stratos units detected, two [S.T.A.R.S.] unit coming fast, [F.L.A.R.E.]'s signature appears to be leading the way." One of the royal guards said.

"Prepare to jump into hyperspace. Destination Reach." Seth order.

"In atmosphere?"

"We'll be fine. Do it."

"Yes sir." The guard said as he punched in the coordinates.

"What are you planing..." The Sarashiki matriarch was left speechless as she sat in the cockpit of the shuttle, with her daughter show were also in awe. She saw them quickly exit the earth's atmosphere and soon saw the stars round them become streaks of light, before they as well vanished and a blue tunnel appeared around them.

Back on the surface of the planet, that clone was about to start his attack on the unknown shuttle when he saw them disappear into a blur. He wonder what he saw, but his attention was diverted when he saw large blue bolts of plasma rain down on the compound that was once home to a powerful family.

"Mission failed. They escaped, and the building is gone. Returning back." The clone reported.

With The Sarashiki family, over Reach.

The shuttle exited hyperspace and arrived in space above a earth-like planet, and they were approaching the Venator class Star Destroyer [Ieyasu]. They were currently conducting a survey of the newly added planet, but luckily for the Sarashiki, all Star Destroyers were equipped with highly advanced medical facility. As the shuttle docked and the ramp lowered, a medical team arrived with a medical pod and took away the injured maid. The second maid went with her. The royal guards were excused and it was now just Seth and the Sarashiki girls. They made their way to the ship's lift and arrived in the command bridge, where they met with a long grey haired man that was wearing clothing similar to Seth.

"Master Drallig." The Je'daii said.

"Dominus." The Jedi master responded. The Jedi had offered his assistance with survey the planet of reach as he had a little background history with such tasked during his tenure as a padawan. He brought Seth to a holotable and began to describe his finds. So far Reach was seeming like perfect place to move the capital when the time was right. It was just right for humans life, has a lush environment and has large amount of minerals.

"By now you're wondering why I've brought you here. I wanted to show you what a partnership with my empire entails." Seth stated.

"So you wanted to entice me. Unfortunately for you, it worked. I would love to form a partnership with you. I've seen your commitment and valor. You have earned my respect, not many people can say that. I want to offer you my daughter's hand in marriage, to cement our new partnership." This news shocked some of the officers in the room and Cin Drallig.

"Lady Sarashiki, I am truly humbled by your words, and truly grateful for your generous offer. Your daughters are very beautiful, show kindness and are cunning warriors. They are truly worthy of the name Sarashiki, but I cannot accept your offer. I cannot marry a woman I do not love, especially for my friends I careful. I don't want to rob them of their chance to find happiness if they don't love me." Seth stated. The words hear by the matriarch placed a smile on her face.

"You truly care for my daughters. You really know how to make me a happy woman. I'm glad of your answer, and respect your decision. If my girls want a piece of the empire, they just have to win you over, right?"

"That would be correct. Which is why I wanted to ask if you are alight with me taking them to a separate dimension in the coming spring break? Time flows differently in dimension and one day here could mean one year, or even century!"

"I see what your planning. Very well if my daughters are okay with it, then I will allow it." The matriarch said.

"That make me happy. I wanted to spend a lot of time with Kanzashi, if she accepts my offer."

"Offer?" Both Kanzashi and Tatenashi said in unison. A hologram of with images of the group that was in the palace appeared with numbers next to them along with Akikaze, Madoka, and Seth as well. The top of the chart said midichlorian count and they noticed that Seth, Akikaze, Peashy, Madoka, and Kanzashi all had numbers in the five digits. The number next to Kanzashi was 15,000.

"Kanzashi, you're very force sensitive."
