Several Months later.
Seth had become immensely power with the force within these last few months. He became a powerful duelist under Dooku's teaching, but suppressed his abilities with the force. Darth Bane had taught Seth many skills using the dark side of the force. He taught him powerful moves such as force destruction, force choke, force insanity, force drain, force lightning and other powerful moves. Seth favorite to use was by far force crush. He had also killed around 20 Jedi now and each day he grew stronger.
Seth was meeting up with Dooku, general grievous, Asajj Ventress inside of Dooku's command ship. They were discussing their new plan to launch an invasion on the clone homeworld of Kamino. If they were successful in destroying the clone production centers and their homeworld they would deal a massive blow to the republic. The plan was simple. While General Grievous began an assault above the planet, several ships would be destroyed on purposed and drop debris into the ocean planet. The debris would be filled with underwater battle droids that would deploy once they reached depths of Kamino's oceans. From there Seth and Ventress would lead an assault from underneath the water and attack the clone facilities. The plan seemed solid and the separatist prepared their attack.
Seth was told by Dooku to hide his identity. So he put on a his engineer mask from the sprawl to hide his face. Why a the engineer mask one may ask. Well these mask were quite terrifying when worn by a person holding two red lightsabers. The meeting ended and Dooku headed elsewhere while the three lightsaber wielders started their assault. Seth and Ventress moved to their own individual ships and once the leaders of the operation were ready they headed towards Kamino in a massive separatist space fleet.
Meanwhile on Kamino.
A republic battlecruiser just docked with the cloning factory of Kamino. Two Jedi knights, Anakin Skywalker and obi wan Kenobi exited their ship and met up with Jedi master Shaak Ti, a female Togruta, who was located on Kamino, overseeing the clone troopers' training.
"Masters Skywalker, Kenobi, welcome to Kamino." Shaak Ti said to the Jedi knights.
"Greetings Jedi." The Kaminoan director of the clone program said.
"I wish our arrival wasn't under such circumstances. We believe Grievous is planning a separatist attack on Kamino." Obi wan said as the republic had intercepted Grievous's transmission.
"But the republic blockade is far too strong, they would not dare."
Several Hours later.
Seth and his droids were now in their drop pods. They were about to exit hyperspace.
"It is time to begin the operation." A droid said.
"All units, prepare for drop." Seth ordered.
"Roger, roger." Several hundred aqua battle droids said as they entered their pods. Seth deployed [F.L.A.M.E.] and set her for underwater mode. Now with everything ready all they had to do was to wait for the ship to take damage so they could drop into the water undetected. The separatist fleet just exited hyperspace.
"Attack formation echo 3." General Grievous ordered.
"Status." A commander droid asked.
"Deflector shield raised. Destroyers in position. Forward cannons ready. Landing craft prepared" A droid responded.
"All ships are in position."
"Commence attack." Grievous ordered. The fleet attacked the blockade and the battle began. Anakin Got into his starfighter and headed towards the battle. Seth's ship was hit and the plan started. As the 'debris' fell into the ocean the hidden droids and Seth deployed. Asajj Ventress's forces also landed in the water and began to build the underwater assault crafts. The amount of debris falling caught obi-wan's attention. The Jedi decided to check out if something was odd about the debris.
"Ventress I'm going ahead." Seth said to the Dathomirian.
"Do what you want. Just don't expect me to help you if you run into any trouble." The assassin said.
Seth floated towards the surface and was directly underneath one of the cloning factory domes. He cut open a hole in the bottom of the dome and entered it. Seth started to plant explosive throughout the cloning factory dome of Tipoca city.
Meanwhile with Obi-Wan.
The Jedi master Obi-Wan took a single seat submarine down towards the fallen debris where he discovered that the debris was actually parts for several separatist Trident.
"Hold it right there. Do not move." A aqua battle droid said. Obi-Wan quickly turned around, but the aqua battle droids quickly surrounded him. They threaten to crack open his pod, but Obi-Wan quickly pressed the eject button. The droids continued to chase after him. Obi-Wan would have not made it had it not been for a passing Aiwha that gave the Jedi a lift to the surface for air.
"Thanks for the lift friend." Obi-Wan said to the Aiwha. However the sense of relief was short lived as several Trident assault emerged from the water and attacked the city.
"Anakin the city is under attack! I need you here now!" Obi-Wan said on his communicator.
"On my way." Anakin said as he headed back to the surface of Kamino.
The whole city of Tipoca entered lockdown. Blast doors started to close everywhere. The trident units were equipped with a drill/hammering ram. The drills spun up before they rammed into the blast doors, destroying them. The drills of the trident units open up and deployed battle droids. The droids activated and began to fire.
"Open fire!" A clone ARC (Advance Recon Clone) trooper said. The nearby clones open fired and the battle began. As the clones opened fired, a cybernetic general stepped out of one of the trident units. General Grievous brought out his lightsabers and attacked the clones.
Meanwhile with Seth.
"And that the final one." Seth said as he placed the final explosive charge down.
"Seth we should start the second objective." Blaze said.
"Right. Time to assassinate the bastards behind this whole program." Seth was given a mission by Dooku to kill the Kaminoans in the cloning factory. He knew that the best way to do an assassination would be to go with stealth. Seth kicked opened a ventilation shaft and it dropped to the ground.
A nearby squad of clone troopers hear the sound of the ventilation shaft being kicked and rushed towards the source of the sound. The saw a man wearing a silver metal mask.
"Halt! Identify yourself!" The leader of the clone squad said. Darth Dominus looked at the clones before he brought out his two curved red lightsabers and charged at them. The clones opened fire, but Seth repelled several of the blast before he slashed two of the clones head's clean off. Seth threw his lightsabers at two more clones, killing them instantly. The last clone had to warn the other about this dangerous threat attack the factory.
"We have a code-" The clone was lifted into the air and began to gasp for air. Darth Dominus closed his hand causing the throat of the clone trooper to be crushed. With the clone trooper dead, Darth Dominus continued to move.
Meanwhile with the others.
Asajj Ventress just impaled a ARC trooper with her lightsaber killing him. General grievous arrived just in time to see Asajj killed the trooper.
"Your skills are impressive. They might even be a match for my very own." Grievous said as he approached Asajj.
"Please, Dooku may have taught you how to swing a blade, but hat hardly counts you as my equal. By the way, where is that young boy. He was supposed to meet us here."
"Stupid brat, he's jeopardizing the mission. Child report your current status!" General grievous yelled into his communicator.
"I would prefer not to be called a child. Anyway I've finished my primary objective, now commencing secondary objective." Seth said to general grievous.
"Secondary objective? What secondary objective?!"
"Master Dooku ordered me to assassinate key Kaminoan scientist and plant a virus into the network to destroy any data regarding the clone program." Seth cut the communication as he was approaching the target.
"I'm heading off to the DNA chamber." Asajj said as she left. General grievous ordered his droids to continue the assault.
Back to Seth.
The two large doors of the command center opened and revealed inside of it, Jedi master Shaak Ti and a lead cloning Kaminoan researcher along side several clone troopers. The group inside the command center looked towards the open doors and saw a man wearing a metal mask with green lights. They could only hear his breathing. He had a black hood over his head. Shaak Ti knew this person in front of them was trouble.
"Identify yourself!" Shaak Ti said as she drew her blue lightsaber. The clones in the room raised their weapons as well. Darth Dominus responded to the Jedi by deploying up his red sabers.
"A Sith? Get the scientist out of here!" Shaak Ti ordered the clones to move, but as they were about to move the Kaminoan through a second door, Seth used force destruction on the door's control panel, preventing it from opening.
"It looks as though he doesn't want anyone leaving." Shaak Ti took a defensive pose and the clone troops aimed their weapons at Darth Dominus. Seth used Accel and appeared in front of two clone troopers. They were shocked at his speed and could react in time to avoid being cut in half.
"He's fast." Shaak Ti knew she had to stay on high alert of she was to survive this duel after seeing how fast this Sith was moving. Seth deflected several blasters shots before he jumped and threw his lightsabers at the clones. They were killed instantly. Seth used Accel to charge towards the Kaminoan and slashed at him, but Shaak Ti used force speed and made in just in time to meet the Sith's lightsabers.
"Run!" Shaak Ti yelled to the scientist. The Kaminoan ran towards the only open path. As he ran, Seth broke off the bind he was in with Shaak and charged towards the Kaminoan scientist, but Shaak Ti appeared in front of him.
"Sorry, but I'll be your opponent." Shaak to said. Again the two of them entered a bind, but Seth only had one saber out. With his free hand, he unleashed a powerful blast of force lightning on the fleeing scientist, killing him.
"No. I will not allow you to attack any more innocent people Sith." Shaak Ti said as she took a dueling stance. Seth brought out his second lightsaber and began his duel against this Jedi master.
Meanwhile with Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were defending against a swarm of separatist droid. However something was off. There were not enough droids to take the city.
"Something's off. There aren't nearly enough droids to take the city. Anakin head towards the DNA chamber." Obi-Wan said to his former apprentice.
"Huh? Why?"
"Just go, I have a hunch."
"Why don't you go?"
"I've got something to check as well." Obi-Wan said as he left. Anakin left as well.
Back to Seth.
"She's a lot stronger than she looks." Seth thought as he was in a bind with Shaak Ti. He was surprised that the Jedi master could react fast enough to block Seth's lightsabers.
"Focus apprentice, she is not a Jedi master for nothing. Remember you are a Sith. Let your passion give you strength." Darth Bane said to Seth. The young Sith used force push to knock the Jedi master into another room and moved the battle.
Meanwhile with Asajj Ventress.
Asajj was currently in the DNA chamber that held the original DNA sample of Jengo Fett, who was the man that all the clone troopers were based on.
"Too easy." Asajj took the DNA sample and turned around. When she did a familiar man appeared in front of her. He had his lightsaber deployed.
"Skywalker, I was starting to think my presence was going unnoticed."
"You weren't planning on leaving without saying hello, were you?" Anakin said. Asajj replied by deploying her lightsabers.
Meanwhile with General Grievous.
Grievous and his squad of droids were currently hunting down any clone troopers he could find.
"Open up." A droid said as he approached a door.
"Get that door open and scare the remaining clones out of hiding." General grievous ordered.
"Roger roger." The droid said as he opened the door. The moment he did, a squad of clones blasted the droid with a barrage of blaster rounds.
"Blast them." A droid ordered and the rest of the droids open fired on the clone.
"All too easy." Grievous said.
"Define 'easy' general." A man's voice said.
"Kenobi." General Grievous said as he deployed two of his lightsabers. Obi-Wan brought out his own.
The two entered a bind, but grievous separated one of his hands and the third hand grabbed Obi-Wan by the face and threw him. Obi-Wan used the force and pushed the cybernetic general. Grievous was knocked back and quickly ran outside.
Back with Ventress.
Ventress led Anakin to a more open area, but Anakin was a far stronger duelist then the assassin. Anakin was able to retrieve the DNA sample back.
"It's over Ventress." Anakin said as he and a large squad of clones had their weapons pointed at Ventress.
"What, are you going to arrest me?"
"Actually I was going to let the clones execute you right now." Before the clones could fire, someone fell from the dome next to Anakin. It was Jedi master Shaak Ti.
"Shaak Ti?" Anakin asked. He suddenly moved and blocked a pair of red lightsabers. Seth was about to land the finishing blow to the Jedi master, but a second blue lightsaber blocked him. Anakin forced Seth out of their bind and took a defensive stance.
"Skywalker be careful. He's stronger than he looks."
"Well so am I." Anakin said as he was about to attack Seth. The Sith apprentice put away his lightsabers and held his arms out. He fired a massive torrent of force lightning at the Jedi and clone troopers. The Jedi used their lightsabers to block the attack, but the clones weren't so lucky. They were hit and electrocuted by the force lightning, killing them. Seth and Ventress jumped back into the air, just then general grievous arrived in an escape shuttle and took them away.
"They got away!" Anakin said with frustrated.
"We must recover our forces." Shaak Ti. The two Jedi were about to move when they received a call from Obi-Wan.
"GET OFF THE PLATFORM! JUMP INTO THE OCEAN, QUICKLY!" Obi-Wan yelled. The two Jedi quickly learned why Obi-Wan sounded scared. Several explosion started all over the city of Tipoca.
"Move!" Anakin said as Shaak Ti and he jumped into the oceans of Kamino.
The republic force may have destroyed the separatist invasion forces, but it came at a heavy cost. The city of Tipoca was heavily damaged. The cloning machines were all destroyed or heavily damaged. The Kamino cloning data was destroyed. It was impossible to recover. Tipoca was not the only cloning factory, but a major producer of clones. With its destruction the republic's cloning rate was now only at 35%. Of what it used to be. This was a victory for the separatist even though they lost a lot of droid, but they can be rebuilt.
Several Months Later. Umbara.
Seth had now been in this universe for about a year and a half. He had gained the trust of count Dooku and was given the duty of securing the planet of Umbara. Yup, he was tasked with taking over a whole planet. For several weeks the separatist had been funding a insurgent group on the planet of Umbara. After the assassination of senator Deechi, the planet Umbara joined the Confederacy of independent systems. Seth and a unit of modified droids were currently on the surface of Umbara. They were warned that the republic was going to launch an invasion to try and take back the planet. The planet would be difficult to decent for one reason. The whole place was really dark. It was as if the planet was in a constant night time without a moon. This planet was messing with Seth's sleeping schedule. He was currently sleeping in his room.
"Lord Dominus, the republic has arrived." A battle droid informed Seth.
"Begin the countermeasures." Seth said. He got up from his bed put on his black leather Sith clothing and put on his Engineering mask. He arrived in the command room on the base the separatist had set up.
"What's the current situation?" Seth asked.
"We are detecting eight republic battle cruiser. They've launched their invasion force." Another droid said.
"Can you identify the ships?" Seth asked the droids.
"Three Aclamator class ships and three Venator class star destroyers. The Venator class ships identifies as under the command of General Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Anakin Skywalker, and General Saesee Tiin."
"This isn't good." Seth had done research and discovered that generals Skywalker and Kenobi were incredible at leading troops. They both had an incredible battle record. Obi-Wan was a very tactical man while Anakin was borderline reckless. Seth didn't have much battle data on General Tiin, but he was a member of the Jedi high council, that alone meant he was a force to be reckon with. Seth decided to divide his forces into three groups. The droids and he would lead an assault on generals Kenobi and Tiin, while the Umbaran militia would fight against general Skywalker. Seth knew that the 501 legion were a well trained clone group, but he had too focus on these two tactical generals.
Several Hours Later.
"Keep moving men." Anakin yelled to motivate his men to keep fighting through the shadowy world. However as he was moving, a clone transport appeared behind them. The clone transport open up and a Jedi master who was famous for his battle campaigns appeared.
"Jedi master Pong Krell? What are you doing here?" Anakin asked to the Besalisk Male.
"Skywalker, supreme chancellor Palpatine has requested that you return immediately to Coruscant."
"What?! I can't just leave. In case the chancellor didn't know, I'm leading a campaign."
"Not to worry Skywalker. I've been sent to lead your men in your absence." Anakin didn't like this idea, but he had to report to the chancellor. He introduced Krell to Captain Rex, before he left for Coruscant.
Soon after Krell took command, he changed the 501th legion's battle strategy from guerrilla tactics to more rash tactically incorrect fighting style, but it came at a heavy cost. The number of dead clone troopers was raising, quickly.
Several Days Later.
Seth's campaign against the invading republic forces was going well. He might have lost a few key cities, but he was able to secure the capital city and kept a constant bombardment on the republic forces. However Seth lost one of his key base and decided to investigate the recent loss.
Meanwhile at the Airbase.
The clones have lost all trust in general Krell, not only because he made extremely bad battle plans. No the final straw was when general Krell give out false information of Umbaran soldiers wearing clone armor. The clone troopers of the 501th legion and 212 battle battalion unknowingly opened fire on each other. The clones discovered the cause of friendly, was the misleading information given to them by general Krell. They knew what they were doing was treason, but they couldn't forgive Krell for making them kill each other.
A large squad of clones from both the 501th and 212 battle battalion entered the command room of the currently occupied air base. They surrounded Krell.
"General Krell, you're being relieved of duty." Captain Rex said to the Jedi.
"It's treason then." Krell replied.
"Surrender General." Rex and the other clones pointed their weapons at Jedi general.
"You're committing mutiny captain."
"Explain your actions."
"My actions?" Krell said sarcastically.
"For ordering your troops against one another."
"Oh...that. I'm surprised you were able to figure it out...for a clone." The clone troopers started to get closer to the Jedi.
"Surrender general, you're out numbered." Krell used force repulse on the clones, knocking them back. Krell used his four arms and brought out two double sided lightsabers or lightstaffs.
"You dare to attack a Jedi!" The clones began to open fire on Krell. The four armed Jedi began to spin the two lightstaffs and deflecting the blaster shots. Krell began to slice and dice the attacking clones.
"I will not be undermined by creatures bred in some laboratory!" Krell jumped out of a window and landed several stories below. Using the force, he was able to cushion his fall. However as he got up, a group of clone troopers from the 501th were waiting for him. They opened fire on the Besalisk Jedi. General Krell got up started to deflect some of the blaster rounds.
As the battle between Krell and the cones was raging on, something black was flying above the airbase. Seth was currently in [B.L.A.Z.E.] and saw that the base had been taken over by the republic. He knew that he would have to either kill all the clone and the Jedi or he could destroy the starfighters and cause as much damage to the base as he can. Seth created two blue sphere in his hands before locking on to several, but then something odd happen. Seth saw the clones attacking the Jedi that was supposed to be leading them. He saw the four armed Jedi attack the clone without mercy. He knew that this was the perfect chance to strike. He unleashed a volley of missiles along with a barrage of energy beam.
General Krell and the clones began to hear the sound explosions and saw several blue energy beams rain down from above. The beam were aimed at several starfighters, fueling stations, and the armory.
"An separatist attack?" General Krell quickly brought up his lightsabers. From a cloud of smoke Darth Dominus bursted out with his two red lightsabers out. Krell moved just in time to block the incoming lightsabers. Darth Dominus leaped above Krell and slashed at his back, but the double sided lightsabers were able to block the attack. Darth Dominus used force push and Krell went flying towards a stack of crates.
Darth Dominus began to walk towards the Jedi, when Krell leaped into the air with both of his double sided lightsabers. Darth Dominus crossed his lightsabers and was able to block the attacks from the fallen Jedi.
"Wait! Hear me out." Krell's goal was to join Dooku side. That's why he betrayed the republic and forced the clones to kill one another. Seth was not in a mood to hear anything a Jedi had to say. The four armed Besalisk used his extra set of hands to force push Seth, but the Sith leaped up and got behind Krell. He slashed off one of Krell's right arms and his left hamstring. Seth narrowly avoided several slashes from the wounded Jedi. Krell knew that if he didn't do something, this would be the end of him, but before he could try to run, Seth threw his lightsabers and slashed off one of Krell's legs.
"Please...stop..." Krell begged as he knew he was at his end. He fell to the ground and his lightsabers fell out of his hands. Seth now crossed his lightsabers like a pair of scissor blades and held them at Krell's neck.
"No!" Krell said before Seth decapitated the rogue Jedi. Krell's body, missing its head, fell to the floor, dead. Seth picked up the double sided collapsible lightsabers and took them as a trophy. Seth saw that the air base as in disarray. The republic or the separatist couldn't use almost of the equipment and there was a lot of dead clones around them. He activated [B.L.A.Z.E.] and flew back towards the separatist stronghold.
The Republic's campaign on the planet on Umbara lasted only three weeks before they decided to retreat. Dooku was increasing impressed with Seth's skills not only as a Sith, but as leader. He was appointed the rank of Admiral and given the freedom to do as he pleased. Dooku appointed a fleet of separatist ships with thousands of battle droids for Seth to use.
Several Months later.
[B.L.A.Z.E.] and [F.L.A.M.E.] had located the relic, but it was on the planet Coruscant, the republic's capital planet. It was inside of the Jedi temple.
"Just perfect." Seth said. He knew that trying to break into the Jedi temple would be impossible, not to mention suicidal. Sure he could use [B.L.A.Z.E.] and [F.L.A.M.E.] to bypass the tight security and enter the planet, he could also raise hell by unleashing [B.L.A.Z.E.] and [F.L.A.M.E.]'s power, but there would be a very short window for him to find the relic before a massive army of clones arrived. There was also the possibility of massive civilian casualties and at the Jedi temple there were very young children who would most likely get caught up in the fighting. Seth decided that the best course of action would be to sneak into the temple and search the Jedi vault. He was able to get the schematics for the Jedi temple and planned out his heist.
Several Days Later, Coruscant, Jedi temple.
"Come on, we'll be late for class." A Jedi youngling said.
"Hey! Wait up!" Another Jedi youngling said. As the young children turned the corner a hooded figure jumped down. Darth Bane taught Seth a force technique that allowed him to suppress his presences in the force. Meaning it was harder for Jedi to sense the Sith, but this was a double side skill. He couldn't use any force abilities while suppressing his presence, luckily his superhuman abilities allowed him to stealthily. Plus knowing an invisibility spell was extremely useful right now.
"Someone's coming." Seth turned invisible and several Jedi entered the hallway. They were talking about something. Seth eavesdropped on the Jedi's conversion.
"It was nice to speak with you my old friend, but I have matters to attend to in the vault." As the group of Jedi split, Seth followed the one that was talking about the vault. The Jedi master led Seth to the library that was said to store all the information in the galaxy in these halls. The Jedi eventually led Seth to the Holocron chamber. Seth stayed invisible until the Jedi left the chamber.
He quickly made his way around the vault. He found a ton of Jedi Holocrons and Sith Holocrons, and took all the Sith Holocrons and some Jedi ones as well, but he soon found the item he was looking for. It was a staff with a strange energy surrounding it. The moment Seth touched it, he felt an incredible power surge into him. He knew the Jedi had detected him and were on their way here. Seth began to head towards the exit a voice spoke to Seth.
"Leaving so soon are you?" Beneath Seth's mask his eyes were wide open with shock. He turned around and saw a short green life form with a cane.
"How the hell didn't I sense him?" Seth thought as he stared at the little green guy. Suddenly a purple lightsaber appeared at Seth left side at eye level.
"Don't move." A black man wielding a purple lightsaber said to Seth. Seth began to hear dozens of lightsabers deploy all around him.
"Surrender, against you, the odds are." Jedi grandmaster Yoda said to the Sith. Seth raised his hands slowly before he unleashed a shout.
"Feim Zii Gron!" Seth shout as he became intangible. Master Mace Windu slashed at Seth, but the purple lightsaber went straight through Seth.
"What the-?" Mace couldn't finish his sentence as Seth used a powerful force push and knocked the master Jedi back. Several of the Jedi in the room leaped towards Seth, but Seth was still intangible and phased right through them. Seth and Darth Bane knew there was no way Seth could stay and fight.
Seth narrowly avoided several Jedi before he activated [B.L.A.Z.E.] and flew through the roof. He was incredibly lucky to have escaped unharmed. While Seth was searching the Holocrons vault, Blaze and Flame began to download as much information in the library as they could. Within a 30 minute window the two were only able to download 5% of the data. The Jedi library was just too big. Seth now had the item he was searching for and he could leave, but something in his gut was telling him that was not a good idea. He still had about six months until he had to return to his world.
'Might as well use them.' He thought. Seth knew that something had was coming, but he didn't know exactly. This would also give him time to try and figure out the secrets of the Holocrons he recently acquired, but still Seth couldn't shake this uneasy feeling in his gut.