Chapter 10 - Girl's talk

Shiori-san's tutoring on my little sister finished before lunch, so mom decided to go shopping... and she really invited Shiori-san to come with her..

"Shiori, can you go with me for shopping groceries? I plan to cook ramen and fried chicken for lunch so I need to buy many stuffs..."

Shiori-san nodded, and they left together.

I sat on the sofa with Nishi while waiting for them..

"Nii-chan, let's play SFO while waiting for mom.."

"Huh? But you just studied a while ago.... you will forgot all those lessons if you immediately play...."

Nishi pouted and replied

"But you play with Shiori nee-chan instead of studying right? Or you like playing to her more than me??"

To think that Shiori-san would influence my little sister in just a couple of hours of teaching...

I don't have a choice but to agree...

"Okay, but promise me to study again tomorrow okay?"

Mom's POV

This girl.... I just realized... 

my beauty would be pale in comparison if we're walking this close...

Her brownish long, straight hair, her pinkish lips and cheeks... the way she walks would make you think that she's a model... 

The way she dress.. to think that even she wears long sleeves and leggings, it would still make her this hot...

And that bouncy things... it should be at least H cups

Age and genetic unfairness indeed...

"So that's why my son did it with you last night..."

"Did what mom?"

 I said it loud!

This is it.... I need to confront her....

Miyako... for the sake of your son... 

"Uhmmm Shiori... aside playing games, what else did you and Haru did last night??"

"Mom? We just played games all night..."

By the looks of her face, and according to mom's intuitions, its clear that she's... lying!!

The confidence on how she answered, and on how she maintained eye contact... she's imitating the signs of answering the truth...

in short this is what they call.... reverse psychology..

But you're still too young to deceive me Shiori...

"Oh nothing happened? What about before you leave Haru's room??"

"EH!! ah uhmmm..."

Bingo! I intentionally asked a specific and hard to predict question to destroy her composure

She's blushing, and her hand are fidgeting... its clear to me now..

She became turned on by just remembering what she did... 

I pat her back and said...

"Its okay Shiori... just tell me what happened... mom will still accept you..."

"B... b... but mom, p.. please... keep it a secret.." 

"Of course Shiori... I won't tell anyone, you can trust mom..."

"Okay but... this is so embarrassing.."

Embarrassing? Oh I guess its her first time... I'm glad...

"Is that your first time Shiori?"

"!! You knew? What I did?"

"Yes, of course I do..... are you familiar about the phrase.. You can't hide anything from your mom?"

"Then... its my first time mom..."

"Ara, I'm glad... is it good? Did you enjoy it??"

"Mom that's too embarrassing!!"

Wow.. her face is so red... and she's shaking.. from the looks of it...

"Even if you don't answer me... of course I know... it feels good right??"

"Eh?? Mom!!'

"Ara, its okay.. we're both girls here.... sometimes, its good to talk some girly stuffs you know?"

This is it. Playing as a reliable mom so she can let her guard down...

"O... okay, but mom.. to be honest, I felt a bit guilty.."

Oh? did she really beat my son that hard??

"What's the reason?"

"Because... I did it when he fell asleep..."

Shiori!! My son already passed out.. and you still continued!!

Calm down Miyako.. your son is okay... just tell Shiori not to do it again....

But I need to ask it.. the most important question...

"Shiori... did you use a protection? when you did it??"

"!! Mom!! I just kissed him on the forehead... we didn't did that!!"


And after that... we became awkward to each other....

Just our eyes meeting each other feels like I'm going to die out of embarrassment...

sigh... I clearly made a wrong assumption... the conversation that I heard... it should be just some stuff talking about the game...

We finished shopping and now, we're about to go home, but this silence still remains...

I should fix this before we arrive home...

"Shiori-san? I'm sorry... for making some wrong conclusions..."

"No mom, its okay... I understand how parents feel... I'm a teacher after all.."

"You're so mature Shiori... but to be honest, I won't mind even if you did it... as long as you won't get too rough to my Haru..."

"!! What are you saying?? I... there's no way I could.... do that.."

She's blushing, how cute. Just like a maiden in love...

"But Shiori, once again... sorry for judging your innocent love to my son... do you want something as an apology?"

"Then mom, its enough if you let me help you cook for lunch..."

Ara, she unconsciously agreed on that innocent love.... congratulations Haru...

But before that... let me do the help I offered...

"By the way, did you find something unusual about Haru?"

"Unusual? Mom, what do you mean.."

It seems that Haru didn't tell Shiori the whole story about the reason why me and his father divorced..

"Shiori, do you know the term on gender identity called 'asexual'?"

"Of course mom, why?"

"I guess, Haru already told you why his father isn't with us right? But the reason for our separation... I hate to admit it but, its partly my fault..."

She looked at me, curiously... and she stay silent. It looks like she want to hear the story...

"Since I'm young, or rather, since I gain enough knowledge about the world, I already know that I'm asexual. I don't ever feel aby sexual attractions on my opposite or even same gender. But even though I'm like that... I still know how to love."

"I meet Haru's father when I'm in High School, 2nd year to be exact... at that time, he's college. We just happened to meet through the mixer that was arranged by my friend."

"We met, we became friends, and we hanged out together. He's kind, he always there whenever I need someone to talk with... and that's the reason why I fell in love with him.'

"We started going out when I became 3rd year... but even we're dating, I didn't tell him about me being asexual."

"Like other men, my ex-husband is kind of a pervert.... so embarrassing to say, I got pregnant at the age of 19 with Haru,..."

"Doing lewd stuff feels nothing to me... I just let him do what he wants because seeing him happy is enough..."

"But that's the reason why he left me, 7 years ago... to think that not being good in bed is enough to make him choose a random girl he just met with amazing bed techniques..."

"Knowing that I'm asexual, and Haru being my son, I think there would be a chance that he would be like me.... and it makes me kind of worried about his future.... that her wife would leave him just the same reason as his dad.."

Shiori's face... I felt her sincerity to listen to other's problem

She's really indeed a teacher...

"To be honest, I would be at ease if something really happened between you and Haru..."

"You have it rough mom... but don't worry, Haru is a healthy boy at his teens..."

"sigh... but since he became a teenager, I haven't seen any dirty magazines or even erotic manga when I cleaned his room...

"No mom, I'm not talking about that..."

"So after all something really happened!!!" 

"No, Mom!! I mean, we're already in an era where cell phones are a huge part of people's lives, so..."

"You mean... But what tags does he usually view?"

"Don't worry, Mom. It's vanilla."

Haru, the fact that you don't watch NTR is the greatest proof that I raised you well.

Haru's POV


What the hell? Is this a cold?

"Nii-chan, you okay? It could be a cold. Take a bath first,"