Chereads / Weapon Society / Chapter 35 - Not straight, not so straight

Chapter 35 - Not straight, not so straight




-No! You're doing it wrong!

-Why don't you do it, then?!-I protested.


Layla walked up to me and yanked her sledgehammer straight out of my hands. She then adjusted her fingers around her weapon's handle and swung it against the wall.


The wall crumbled down as the hammer came in contact with it, and a hole appeared in it. I peeked through it and even though the moonlight was faint, I was able to get a proper view of the playground where the kid was earlier.

I walked inside and as soon as I set foot in the ground, a door opened in front of me. I put my hands inside my coat, ready to take out my knives in case I had to, but when a little head peeked from behind the door, I calmed down.

-Hello, buddy.-I said while crouching to his height and faking a smile-Umm, can you go look for Kat, please?

The kid flinched when he saw me getting close, but after a few seconds he got out of hiding.

-You're not an adult?-he asked shyly.

-Do I look that old?

-No, sorry…-he said while looking down in embarrassment-It's just that grandpa says that kids shouldn't be doing adults' work.

I laughed at his words. So this "grandpa" of his was trying to preserve the old world's rules? It's very noble, but I've seen people being doomed because of that mindset.

-Excuse me, could you bring your grandpa here?-Layla asked him while going through the breach in the wall.

As soon as the kid in front of us saw Layla, he slammed the door with all his might. While yelling the word "adult", the kid ran inside the building, causing a ruckus as he stomped against several things in his path.

-Good job,-I scoffed-didn't know you could be so scary.

-What's wrong with him?-she asked confused-I even gave him a nice face.

-At least we know that you scare the kids off, so we don't have to be wary of them anymore.

She rolled her eyes at my comment and flicked my forehead. I laughed at her gesture and then got up beside her.

I walked up to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked from inside. Layla told me to move aside, and in the blink of an eye, she brought down her hammer on the door.

-I was planning on sneaking through a window or something, but I think this works too.

-Kid, we already broke a wall.-she laughed while before messing up my hair-Who cares if we destroy this place a bit more?

With a smirk on my face I nodded to her words as I brought out my combat knives. Just as I took a step inside the building, Layla held the hood of my cape and pulled me back.

-Whatever happens, be careful, ok?

I looked at her weirdly.

-Why are you being like this all of a sudden?

-Jacob, I'm being serious.-she said before putting me back in my place-I may hold a grudge against your father, but I still have some respect for him in me.

-What are you trying to say?

-I want you to fulfill that last request of his,-Layla told me while holding my right hand-so no matter what happens, that should be your first priority.

I turned around and looked at the hallway in front of me. I took a deep breath and as I laughed at her words, I responded.

-Let me guess, you haven't gotten over your ex, haven't you?

-Kid, I'm being fucking serious right now…

As she ranted about my lack of seriousness, I started to walk inside the building. I turned around to watch her and while she kept complaining about what I said earlier, I said something to calm her nerves.

-I've been trying to fulfill that request since he died,-I spoke in a serious tone-so you can rest assured that I'm not going with him until I finish this shit.

I kept walking down the hallway with Layla following close behind. Only the faint light of some candles illuminated our path, so we had a hard time seeing our surroundings.

Every time that we came across a door, Layla broke it down with her hammer. Most of them just had empty rooms behind them, but after breaking a few more, we found a room that made us realize what this building was.

-A school?-Layla said while her finger roamed on a chalkboard.

-A capitalist scumbag school…-I scoffed while tearing down a painting.

Layla laughed at my comment and walked up to me to help me.

-You're not one to talk. Your father was pretty expensive.

-Excuse me? He only charged the quantity that he needed.-I said as I changed my technique to destroy the painting-Plus, if you knew so much about him, then you'd know that he spent the excess of his money in-

-Animal shelters.-she interrupted with a proud smirk on her face-I know how he was, I was just teasing you.

I rolled my eyes and hit her elbow playfully. We then laughed for a bit before we heard some steps approaching us.

Layla covered my mouth with her hand and made a "shush" gesture. She held me against a wall, listening closely to the source of the steps, and when they stopped making noise, she sighed 

in relief.

-You know I already know where you are, right?-a deep voice said from behind the door.

Me and her got startled by the voice, and we barely had the time to react. As I tried to reach for my knife in order to throw it, a mysterious force pulled Layla in the direction of the door.

I looked to my side, hoping to see someone that could've pushed her, but I was even more astonished when I saw that we were all alone in that room.

My legs rushed over to Layla, hoping to get some answers from the man that spoke to us before, but just as what happened with Layla, I was suddenly pulled by an unknown force.

Just as the "mysterious force" stopped working on us, we quickly got up and put our backs against each other.

-Any explanation?-I whispered as I tried to anticipate the next attack.

-We only have a candle and a bit of moonlight to see, so no, I know just as much as you do.

We walked away from the door, and in a split second, a group of trembling kids surrounded us with torches.

-Remember what he told us.-said a girl who looked just a couple years younger than me-We only have to hold the light for him, there's no need for us to intervene.

Among all the kids, I managed to spot a blonde head that immediately drew my attention.

-Kid! What are you doing over there? Come here and let's get out!

Kat tried to take a step forward, but she was quickly blocked by the oldest kids in the circle.

-I'm afraid that won't be possible…

In a calm tone, the deep voice that talked to us earlier emerged from behind. Just as I began to move my head and body to face it, a boot flew towards my hand, knocking my knife out of it.

It was a very tall and big person. Even Layla couldn't match his height.

I quickly scanned him with my eyes, but I couldn't get a glimpse of any weapons on him. Only a faint shine that surrounded his hands was visible, but that wasn't enough to explain how he pulled us earlier.

-Are you "grandpa"?-I asked with a frown on my face as I remembered what the kid at the door said-You don't look like you're blood related to any child in this place.

-Only the kids can call me that. You abusers scumbags don't have the right to do so.

The man got into a fighting stance and invited me to go after him with his hand. At first I tried to not give into his taunt, but my resolve wasn't enough.

I ran with my knife in my right hand and tried to aim for his leg. Just like before, a mysterious force pulled me up and then threw me on the floor, causing me to let go of my knife.

This time however, I managed to see that the man raised his arms while I was being pulled upwards, so I deduced that they were related somehow.

-Jacob, I think I know what he's doing…-Layla told me while she helped me to get up- Doesn't that shine remind you of something?

I focused my attention on the man's body, which was surrounded by something that shone in the exact same way as my knives and Layla's sledgehammer did. 

So he was using one of my dad's creations? But why wasn't I able to see it? 

-I figure it must be some type of thread or cable, that's why he has that long range and unpredictability when he's attacking.-Layla said before wiping some dust out of my cape.

-So, what's the plan? How are we supposed to attack someone whose weapon we can't see?

Layla smirked and covered her mouth while whispering to me. I nodded as I heard her plan, smiling as I thought how much I'd be able to show off in front of this "audience".

-Ready?-she said while stepping aside.


Since my knives were too far away from me, I didn't bother to pick them up. 

-You better be grateful for this, you're the first person that makes me take out these…-I said as I put my hand on my back and brought out 2 curved knives.

-Karambits? Really? I think you played too much shooters game, kid-he mocked me as I put my fingers inside the holes of the knives.

-I was never a fan of these, but I think they're the most useful against you…-I talked back while getting in a new stance.

Me and the man stared at each other for several seconds. Then, after taking a deep, deep breath, I rushed forward.

Just like before, a force pulled me up and made me fall to the floor. The only thing that changed this time was that the knives weren't blown away from my hands.

-Very clever,-he laughed while wrapping something around his hand-but having your knives won't help you with this…

The man tried to stomp on me, but I rolled to the side at the last second. He stretched his hand as if he was throwing something, and as soon as I felt something brushing my neck, I rolled back to his side.

With a strong leap, I got back on my feet, now facing him closer than before. He applauded ironically at my moves, claiming that even though I "abused Kat", he acknowledged my battle prowess.

-Grandpa, he didn't do anything to me! He's my brother!-a voice yelled from the circle surrounding us.

The old man, who was about to attack me, stopped in his tracks and looked weirdly at me.

-Is that true?

-Yeah… And as his older brother I have to take care of her…

He checked on me from head to toes and then, unconvinced, he spoke again.

-Liar-he grunted.

-Fuck you-I flipped him off while my hands were still holding the Karambits.

-Do you seriously expect me to believe that you didn't brainwash her?!-he shouted out while pointing at me and the kid-After all, she's white and you're…

I looked at him in disbelief. 

-I'm what, exactly?-I asked him as I threw one of my knives to the floor, but before it reached it, I kicked it and pressed it against the man's left leg.

He let out a loud grunt as blood ran down his leg. At that moment, as he started to lose balance, he tried to bring me down to the floor with him. 

The man threw his metal thread and attempted to put it around my neck, but as soon as it shone beside me, I held it with my left hand and pulled him against me. "Now!" I shouted, giving Layla the signal to keep going with the plan.

As soon as she heard me, she rushed to get beside him and swung her hammer in the side of his body, underneath his ribs. 


The man began to fall to the side, and at that moment I stabbed his stomach and let gravity do the rest of the work.

That giant, who threatened us with his thread before, was now on the floor with 2 slices in his body.

The silence invaded the room, and the only thing that could be heard were some kid's cries as they saw their "grandpa" lying on the floor.

-Kid! We're leaving!-I yelled to Kat-And please pick up my knives from the floor!

Kat made her way through the kids and quickly rushed to my side. I withdrew my weapons from my hands and after cleaning my hands on my opponents pants, I hugged her tightly.

Beside us, Layla watched amused at the bleeding figure of the man, who was grunting on the floor. She then stepped on his arm and took his weapon.

-Quite interesting choice, I gotta admit.-she claimed before kissing her hand and placing it in his forehead-I'd love to know what he said to you while he made this, but I don't have the time to do so. Plus, you don't seem in the state to talk, so I guess I'll stay with the doubt.

She giggled as she talked to him, and the kids around us overlapped her voice with their sniffs and sobs.

Just as I was about to break the hug, a shadow ran beside me and Kat and took something from her hand. Everyone gasped when they saw the shadow approaching Layla, who wasn't aware of it.


Blood splashed from Layla's leg and stomach as she quickly pressed the wounds. She tried to attack the perpetrator, but right when she held her sledgehammer up, she passed out on top of the man, making the blood of them both splash.

-Melissa…-Kat whispered as she saw the kid holding the bloody knife in her hand.

The kid yelled and kicked Layla's immobile body as she complained about what me and her did to her "grandpa". 

I stood up, fully enraged and quickly got beside her. I thought of disarming her and using that knife to stab her, but a memory of Layla quickly flashed in my mind.

Just as the kid turned around to see me and attempted to attack me, I brought my knee to her arm and made the knife fall from it. Then, in a swift motion, I hit her neck with my calf, sending her flying to where the other kids were.

I rushed to pick up my knife and threw it in Kat's hands. I then gathered all of my strength and while placing Layla's body on my shoulders, and her hammer on my hands, I ran to the closest window.

-Kid! Time to go!-I ordered her as I jumped on the window-No time for hesitation, let's just bail!