[ A/N ]
Hey guys and gals, sorry for the absence but exams, study, lazyness and procrastination are a bitch.
Plus i got 2 new ideas of storys, one is another fanfiction ( still in DxD, i like the world ) and the other is a completely original one sooo... Yeah a lot to do not enough energy, time nor will to write. But im still doing it ! Im picking this story up, and maybe Hermit not sure about this one, dont expect regular publication thought, im not capable of that.
[ Dianthea's pov ]
' Today is a bad day...'
"Dodge then psychic"
' First, Lysandre going crazy, then he awaken the Legendary Xerneas, and i still have to deal with Malva... And there is no one else to help me...'
"Confuse Ray, Moonblast, Cosmic power, Calm mind, psychoshock."
' Just me and Gardevoir, just like old times it seems... Everyone... *sob* I wont disgrace your sacrifice, lend me your strenght !'
"Its over Malva ! Lysandre already died and Xerneas left. Everything is over ! Stop resisting and maybe your sentence can be lighter."
" Hey, lighter ? I may gain 5 years from 100 ?? Dont make me laugh, as long as our dream and ideal still exist, we are not dead !"
"Malva... Im sorry. Gardevoir, Black Hole !"
And as Gardevoir created one, the world distorted, Xerneas suddenly appeared, red eyes peered from a crack in space, time slowed down and sped up, reality unraveled, cracking liké a broken mirror. At the same time, far from the epicentre of the black hole, from a point of view far removed from the human mind, an Arceus died. The aftermath of his death had a severe on his reality. Without him holding it together, this reality collided with another, the effet of this collision still largely unknown.
Suddenly, the world became void, a ... Shift in existence.
Dianthea found herself... Somewhere, in a parc, surronded by Pyroars and Littleo. Malva's own Pyroar called the one she subdued before, even at the cost of her death, she would bring Dianthea down with her for if Lysandre and herself cannot dream anymore, then so can't she !
Unknowing, or perhaps uncaring, of her new surrounding Malva continued her attack, exhausting herself and her remaining pokemon down to their very life. Gardevoir, sensing the desperate situation, acted far faster than she should have been capable with her injuries. Reppelling the pride of Pyroar while simultaneously teleporting Dianthea away, no more than a hundred meters, and finishing Malva and her starter, were Gardevoir's last action.
"Wh-what ? Gar-blegh, Gardevoir ! No ! You can't..."
' Wha-? They are still alive ? Heh, me, Kalos's Champion, at the mercy of some weak Littleo... What a joke...'
That is at this moment, the instant when i was at the doors of death, having lost all hopes that he appeared. He seemed flustered, confused and didn't seem to know what was happening and yet, he still came, still saved me. Gave me a refuge to rest, mourn and gather myself.
In my Darkest Day, at my worst, he was here...
M'y Silver lining