A Boy Awake From His Sleep to Found Himself in Middle Of Forest, With nothing But His Clothes and A Layer of Gravel Covering His Body, He Stand up Brushing off The Gravel.
He looks around, His face tired And He Take look at his tiny hand and He realizes And Began to Trembling.
"A-ah.. ahhh! This cannot be real!?"
He scared as Hell As He Looking around, his Stomach Crumbling and He Tries to Stand still By Holding a Tree Besides Him, He A bit Dizzy For What Happening now.
He tries to remember what happening before then, but he forget what Happend to him, He know he is Reincarnated but He Cannot Remember a Single Memories From his Past.
"Ah.. I.. this cannot be real.. I.. I Ah! I need safe place from now.. i cannot Stay in here for long time.."
He Walks Towards The Fotrest, His Head Cannot Think Straight, His Body is Weakenes Whatsoever Happening to Him, He cannot Remember Anything, Besides an Survival Insinct He has.
He Was Survival He Suggest Beacuse, He Still can Remember Exactly What to do In The Middle Of Dangerous Fotrest, Maybe he was a Survivalist? He cannot Remember it But from now on, Its Useful Skill For him.
He doesnt remember even his Name, His Back Name, Or Even Where he Came From, He Doesnt Know Where he came Birth And He know that he been reincarnated Thats All.
Its Bit Weird to say, But yeah he feels or he realizes hes been reincarnated but He cannot remember exactly What happend to him Thats exactly Make him Getting Reincarnated.
His Tiny Leg Trembling and In the end He Find a Safe Places In The Middle of The Forest, There is a Campfire maybe its From Previous Adventurer.
He stay there quitely, Luckly he Found a Food From the Last Adventurer And Eat it Hungrly, He Still in Danger And The Campfire Cannot Be A long last.
He hears a Footstep and When He Hears it He Snuck Up into a Bush and Hide on it, On that time.. He got Unlucky beacuse Couple of Wolves Arrive and Sniff the Air, Before Then The Wolves eat his Last Meal.
He Bites his Own Shirts in Frustation, Beacuse it was his Meal not them, He sigh and Keep Trying to Hide and Not To make An Sound For a bit, He Feels His Breath Getting Heavier.
Lucky For him He Drop the Meat Nearest to The Campfire, So the Wolves Targetted On the Meat not Him, He Also Keeps Trembling, He dizzy, Stress, and Also Fears Of Death.
He is Still Hungry Despite of that.. He Cannot Do Anything In the Middle of the Forest Without anything Besides Himself and The Food That Been eaten.
He Keeps Staring at Them Before The Wolves Leave, He Sigh in The Relief and Arrive Back At The Campfire, He Grab The Bones In The Ground And Bites It, He Cry of sadness, Why this Happening to him? He is Just Mere A human, Why this Happend to Him? WHY THIS IS MAKING HIM SUFFER!?
This Mind Of him Keep figthing, He Scratch the Ground In Frustated Stated until his Finger Blooded, He Is Getting Angered Amd Angered.. Frustated, Stress is Slowly Covering His Eyes, His Vision Slowly Get Blured.. He Slowly Gets Tired.. His Finger Losing a Blood.. And He Lay on the ground Tiredly, His Eyes Tired of This Nonesense..
Until He Remember Someone.. Something Calling him To calm down.. Someone.. Who Cares about him.. Something Who Wants Him keep alive and Always Value a life..
Someone.. Something.. He looks into Fire in the Campfire.. He slowly Getting up and Spit His Blood With His Saliva And Get a leaf Covering his Blood, He Doesnt Want To die Just Now..
Someone is Not Worth of Die.. He Must Know Himself Better, He Must Know Who He is..
He Take Deep Breath And Steady Mind, He cannot Getting Crazier And Crazier Beacuse Its Gonna Make him Loses Life Again, He Wants This of his life more worthy Before His Past Life.. He Doesnt Know What His Past Was But he wants to Make His New Life is Good and Peaceful.
So He Decided to Make A Stone tools, By Searching around The Bushes He Found a Knife Tools, This Previous Adventurer so Clumsy, They Didnt Even notice to Leave a Useful Tools Here.
So What Should i do now? His Mind Still Messed up But He Cannot Think to Much, He need to Move.
So He Started to Looking For Something, Of Course a Food, And Flint for a Fire, He Slowly Get up And Looking around For a Easy Kill Animal.
For His Instinct Survival is Not other: Chicken Or Even Fish.
Those two Animal Is Easiest to Catch But Fish is Fast, He Doesnt Worry about it Beacuse his Eyes is Fast, So He Decided To take Brave and Go out To Catch Some Fish.
Well He still Trembling on Leg, He Make Himself Believing And Trusting this Body, And Slowly His Leg is Getting Less And Less Trembling.
He sit down in The Nearest Lake And Take Deep Breath On The Lake, The Lake Was a Bit Small But There is Couple Fish There.
To Make Himself Steady He Taking a Deep Breath And Looks At The Fish, He Jump and Landed on The Lake, And Eventually A Couple Of Fishes He Got in his Hand.
He is An Experience Indeed, So Its Clarify: He Are Survivalist From Past, In His Conclusion.
So he Is Survivalist On the past, But His Mind Telling Him Once How Can i Died if I am Survivalist? I should can avoided The Death.. But how?
He Shakes his Head And Continuing to Catch Some Fishes, and Total He Got 6 Fishes, Wo-ho! A Food Its Going to Full filled His Stomach-
And A Couple Of Crocodile Coming, He Step Back With A Fear, He Notices Its Just Two Crocodiles, He Grab 4 Of His Fishes And Throw At Their Mouth.
When They Catch It They eat it and Leaving him alone, He Kneel Down Trembling and Crying, My Food...-
Anyway He Decided to Not Complain And Heading Back to Cook this Fishes, In The Lake he also Found a Flint, And After Heading to The Campfire.
As He Thought The Fire Was Died and He Light it up With The Flint and Rock, For Some Reason He Struggle Beacuse His Hand Was Weak And Small.
He Frustated And He Take a Smart Way, He Grab Two Wood Stick And with a Physics He Scrubs Flint and Rock With Thats Stick Hardly and The Fire Lightening.
His Eyes Lightened and He Happy and Finally Can Eat, He Grab a Chopstick He Created with The Knife and Snuck it to the Fish, And Make a Stick Fish!
This is my meal.. i must valued it, He Then Cook the Meal in The Middle of The Forest, The Smoke Of The Fire Around.
"Ah.. i Hate this So Much Why would i Even Come to another world?"
He sigh and Looks at The Fishes Cooked in The Campfire, He Staring at Them Until Someone Screaming.
He Panicking And Stand Up With His Knife And As He runs He Totally Forget about His Meal And Runs towards The Sound.
He Hided on the bush and Looks Trought the Holes, There is.. Kinda Princess and An Ugly Freaking Bastard Holdimg The Princess Hand With Prevert Face.
The Ugly Bastard Say dont resist Princess~ The Princess Struggle and Moving At The Pace She Seems Crying of That Humiliton And Sexuality Harrasement..
He Trembling again, His Eyes Widening in fear, But upon that He Cannot Move Either to See that Happening, He Cant, He is too scared.. He Doesnt Want to Lose A Life again..
He Scared, help her, help her, help her, help her someone help her please!!!! His Mind Shaking and His Vision Blurs Again, He Cannot Think Anything Besides to do run away-..
A Vision Come again.. Something he Dearest is He loses Beacuse His Own Fears.. An Vision About Someone.. He Loved.. A Family? Maybe? He Doesnt Remember The Face..
Lets Hangout together Brother!
Brother Stay By My Side! Giggling
Brother i loved you!
Brother i want you to be kind!
He Screamed in His Mind Not Letting anyone Loses Again, He Determined More Even, His Eyes Full of Protective Vision.
Thats Princess Still a Kid And Dont Deserve An Harrasement.. She Still Have Something To Do! SHE HAVE A FUTURE JUST LIKE ME!
As The Ugly Bastard Want to Kiss The Princess, An Rock Throw Hardly Into The Ugly Bastard Eyes And Make His Eyes Bloodly.
The Princess Suprised And Sees Him, Standing There He Looks At The Ugly Bastard With a Disgust And He Smirked i May Die Now!
He Shouted at The Princess
The Princess Stood There With Worry And She Truns Towards The Boy and With Trembling.
"But what about you-"
He Take Deep Breath And Shout at Her again
The Princess Shock at His Statement, In Hint He Wants Her To Call for Help, And She Nods And Runs Away, As She Wants To Run The Ugly Bastard Hand Grab Her leg.
As Seeing This The Boy Cannot Hold anger and Runs Towards The Bastard With Knife and Slash His Hand, And Make The Ugly Bastard Loses The Grip And The Princess Runs Away.
The Boy smirks With Happy as He Realizes He Get Punches Hardly On the Face With That Ugly Bastard Hand.. The Ugly Bastard Slowly Grab His Tiny Hands With Angered Face.
His Head Slowly Drips A Blood, The Ugly Bastard Seeing The Boy Body Smirked With Pervert again Beacuse The Boy Body Looks so Tomboyish And Feminish, He Slowly Grab His Clothes And Then He Get His Awarness And Punches The Ugly Bastard.
The Ugly Bastard Angered And Grab His Axes And He Fastered And Targeted His Head.. He Will Died Sooner Or Later.. so He Just Hoped.. Someone Will Helped him.
He Stood There.. His Vision Blured Badly as Getting Knocked, He Can See the Ugly Man Wants To cut his Head As The Ugly Man Axes Arrives Almost At His Head..
Its Stopped..
Its Suddenly Stopped By thin Air.. He Looks Up At What Happening With Suprised.. The Barrier? There is Barrier Between Him and The Axes? How its Could Possible? Is He been Blessed or Been Protected By Something?
The Ugly Bastard Also Suprised and He More Angered And Tries Multiple times to Slash That Barrier.. the Barrier Slowly Cracked and He Slowly Runs Away Avoiding him..
"I see.. This Is My Power Or Abilities in This World huh? Why would i worried about the Wolves in The Forest if i had such power-"
As he talks The Ugly Bastard Comes towards Him And shoulder Bash him hardly, He Suprised and His tooth falls out one and He Landed in one of the rock.
His eyes as before is confident and Now More Terrfied, He Thought he Will win but no.. he just a mere lucky.. his vision Blurry badly.. like he cannot see anything..
As the Ugly Bastard Move Towards Him He Lifted His Axes, The Ugly Realizes The Barrier Its Gone And He Ready To Strike the Boy Down.
He Looked Down With Fear, And Stress.. He Thought He Can Have a Peacefully Life and Peacefully Mind.. He Can Be Peace.. But no.. He Will Died Again and He Cannot Change Anything..
He Closes His Eyes With Crying Streaming Down on His Eyes.. He Is Trembling.. He Says And Mumurs On His Mouth i am a failure..
The Ugly Bastard Goes and Tries To slash His Head.
A sound Of Clashes Sound Can Be Heared, He Looks Up Who is This.. Person? And He Just Seeing a White Haired Person And He Smiles at The Boy.
The Boy Smiles Back At The Same Point He Fainted Away And Letting The Guy Fighting the Ugly Bastard alone.
I am so usseless..