I began to flip though the pages and found an interesting one so I read the page in more detail-
January - 20th - 974
Me and Chance finally gave up trying to find a teacher for magic so we snuck into a local wizards house and "borrowed" some interesting books on magic if no one will teach us then we will just teach our selves! Chance took a book on bardic magic while I took a book on elemental magic!
We are planning to star training today since the old wizard finally gave up looking for the "borrowed" books so we should be fine now as long as we keep out of sight!
Oh I remember this! Heh~ We had no damn clue what hell we were doing but we just kinda winged it and by some miracle it just worked... How many times did we nearly kill our selves I don't know but I am confidant the times were not zero but was that not what made those days so fun ignorance is bliss as they say, I once again flipped threw some more of the pages of my life.
(In my stories all months have 30 days because I am to lazy to use how they normally are.)
January - 30th - 974
Today Chance blew up a tree and may or may not have started a forest fire... I am not sure how we managed to get away with it but the chances nearly made me play to a God I don't even believe in... Don't tell mama I said that... Anyway half the forest burned down so we are gonna lie low and take it a bit slow for now. Other than that today was pretty good I'd say I mean I made some progress and made a small rock float!
Ahh this was when I first learned my favorite spell telekinesis though I didn't know it at the time I had accidently used the most convenient spell in the universe... Well I might be a bit biased but it has saved my time and life on countless occasions so I think it is worthy of the title.
Another thing is me and Chance learned imagination based chantless magic which was apparently supposed to be excusive to masters or something but it turned or people just tend to limit themselves based on knowledge of those who came before so when we basically taught ourselves magic we weren't corrupted with that preconception.
Looking back we were lucky as hell weren't we? Wow I never thought about that... I wonder if Chance knew or not we both were pretty dense so probably not but who knows it's not like I can ask him... "Maybe some other time if fate allows it~"
I sat there in silence and rocked in my rocking chair a couple times pondering...
I guess when you look back you start to notice a lot of things you never realized before huh? How fun! if only I realized this sooner maybe in my next life then I guess... Welp time to continue I don't have the luxury to waste it anymore after all!
So I flipped to the next page-