Chereads / Mr.Rathore's Obsession / Chapter 5 - Chapter - 5

Chapter 5 - Chapter - 5

Call it her intuition or observational skills, Sejal had noticed how Abhiraj's current girlfriend Myra looked uncomfortable around him . As if she is scared of him . For someone who is claims to be in love , she doesn't seem to gaze at Abhiraj with love filled eyes . Rather she seems to avoid eye contact with him as much as possible. She seems to be alert at all times rather than being relaxed around the man she claims to be in love with.

She doesn't seem to love Abhiraj. On the contrary , she seems to fear him and avoid him .

God forbid ,if Myra happens to be Abhiraj's doll , then neither she would be able to avoid him nor God would be able to hide her from Abhiraj .




Ruhi kept pacing back and forth in her huge room . The tension in the room was thick. Fear gnawed her , knowing very well her brother would find out that she is the real culprit.

Ruhi gulped nervously remembering the darkened face of her brother last night. She knows if he finds out then her condition will be worse than her own mother.

Her brother and father both are psychopaths . One mistake and you will be begging them for death . Last night, she could hear mother's agony filled nerve wrecking screams coming from behind the closed door of her parents bedroom. A shiver passed down her spine remembering her mother's screams .

She doesn't want to face such consequences. She had to do something to escape the punishment but she didn't know what to do .

She wasn't the only one who was in such dilemma , all her other siblings who were accomplice in the chandelier crashing accident too shared the same emotions.

All of them hurdled in Ruhi's room , fearing for their lives , were trying to come up with somekind of solution to escape this situation .

Some cursed themselves in their hearts for flowing with Ruhi's plan while some others were upfront to argue with Ruhi . There were also certain people who thought it would be smart to just keep be silent.


" WHAT ?! Did I Ask You To Join Me !!! Who was it lamenting about how they had no fun recently and can't wait to cause trouble" Ruhi argued back . She was already stressed and mentally exhausted. She was in no mood to back down .

" OH! I WAS A FOOL TO FOLLOW YOU , HERE I AM TRAPPED BECAUSE OF YOU " Veer was never the one to admit defeat.

" Because Of Me—

" GUYS SHUT UP!!! Will the matter be solved with you all fighting and arguing. Rather than wasting your time on blaming each other find a solution " Arohi Singh Rathore, Ruhi's eldest sister interrupted both of them .

" Sorry " Ruhi and Veer timidly apologised.

The room fell into silence with everyone being invested into thinking of plans to escape this situation.

" Ah! I have an idea !!! " Sonia , Veer's younger sister caught everyone's attention.

" Big sis Ruhi , you should apologise to Myra dii ¹ " Sonia stated.


Ruhi didn't understand why she needs to apologise and that to Myra . But others did. They understood what Sonia was indicating at . They too had observed the same and had their own doubts.

" Because that bitch might be your soon to be Bhabhi² " Trisha Desai, Ruhi's cousin from maternal side, who was has been silent all along finally spoke up .


" Let me give you a reality check darling , nobody cares about your opinion. And Abhiraj who never had followed anyone's wishes, would most definitely would not as well. " Trisha replied.

" Ruhi dii , there is a high chance of Myra dii becoming the Rathore family's badi ³ bahu ⁴ . Haven't you seen how Abhiraj bhai⁵ was taking care of Myra dii? He personally applied medicine at the slight scar on her arm. He even went as far as to drop Myra dii at her house. Have you seen anyone get such special treatment from Abhiraj bhai ? " Akshat, Trisha's younger biological brother spoke up .

" No...." Ruhi trailed off .

" Exactly that's what I meant. Myra dii has special place in Abhiraj bhai's heart . Ruhi dii if you apologise to Myra dii, she will not hold any grudges against you . She seems to be a forgiving person. She will forgive you and when Abhiraj bhai finds out that you are the real culprit, she can convince Abhiraj bhai to not punish you " Sonia explained.

" That's a good idea" Everyone agreed upon the plan .

" What if we tell to Sejal dii about our mistake ? " Veer suddenly asked .

" NO! " Everyone was quick to reject his suggestion.

" You idiot haven't you seen what she did to Yamini aunty ? " Trisha spoke up , repulsed by his idea .

" It's better to go to Myra dii regarding this matter rather than Sejal dii " Sonia couldn't imagine talking about this to Sejal. She has always got some dark vibes from Sejal . Genuinely saying she doesn't like Sejal . To Sonia, Sejal seems to have a twisted personality. Sonia isn't a judgemental person but to her Sejal seems to be the person who wouldn't hesitate to push her ally into hellhole if she received benefits in return.

On the other hand , Myra seems pure who just loves Abhiraj excessively. Her personality doesn't seem fake . She seems genuine and approachable person. Sonia has never talked with Myra but she finds Myra's presence comforting. Sonia doesn't understand why Ruhi hates Myra but worships Sejal .

" Yeah , Ruhi you should just apologise to Myra " since the majority suggested, Ruhi couldn't deny anymore.

" Fine but only me ? Shouldn't you all come along as well ? " Ruhi questioned.

" Ruhi darling, you were in the forefront of this incident, we weren't. You were the one threatening the waiters to tamper with the chandeliers , we weren't. We were just there to have fun . Everything was done by you so it will be justified for you to go alone and apologise . Take the responsibility". Trisha cleared that none of them was tagging along.

For the first time Ruhi felt betrayed. She clenched her first in anger .

" FUCK YOU ALL " Ruhi then stormed out of the room.

Those who were elder than Ruhi shook their head in disappointment. Before all of them dispersed to their own rooms .

Unknown to them , their was a man with blue eyes hidden behind the window who heard everything.




It was late at night approximately 10:00 pm and Myra was busy completing her assignments since tomorrow is the last date to submit assignment. She was invested in her assignment when her phone begun ringing. It was from an unknown number.

Myra generally doesn't pick up unknown numbers but she wondered what if it's some emergency and her family is calling from someone else's phone . Because who will call her at such late night.

She finally picked the call .

~ On the phone~

[ Myra : Hello ]

[ ??? : Hello , this is Ruhi...Ruhi Singh Rathore]

Myra was stunned and speechless as well . She never expected Abhiraj's sister will ever contact her . Was this in plot ? Myra wondered .

[ Myra : Ah yes . Hii Ruhi , how may I help you ]

[ Ruhi : Are you free now ? ]

[ Myra : Umm yeah ]

[ Ruhi : Can you come downstairs? I am under your apartment]

[ Myra : WHAT !?! ]

Myra in shock stood up from her seat .

[ Myra : Are you being serious? ]

[ Ruhi : Yeah....Can you please come down? ]

[ Myra: Okay, wait for me . I am coming]

Myra quickly hung up the phone before rushing to her wordrobe. She was wearing am oversized tshirt and shorts . She quickly changed into a presentable attire – a blue top and black jeans . She tied her hair into a pony and checked herself in the mirror before rushing downstairs.

Getting out of her apartment complex, she looked left and right, trying to locate Ruhi but she couldn't find her until her gaze fell onto the other side of the road . There was a huge and expensive restaurant known for its exquisite dishes , normally visited by only elites. In bold sparkling fonts it was written Morsuri Restaurant. And near the entrance beside a tall plant , was Ruhi standing and waving her arms at Myra.

Myra quickly yet cautiously crossed the road to reach Ruhi .

" Shall we go in " Ruhi asked pointing to the restaurant. Myra froze up looking at the restaurant. First of all she didn't bring money. Second of all this restaurant is hella expensive. Third of all only VIPs are allowed into this restaurant. And fourth of all why is Ruhi of all people inviting her for a dinner ? Did the sun rose in west or something?

" Uh.. actually I can't...I haven't brought any money with me and—"

" No worries. The dinner is on me " Myra was left with no options to deny anymore.

To her astonishment, Ruhi reached out to hold her wrist before dragging her into the restaurant. The guards at the front bowed respectively. Myra knew her position in the social hierarchy. She was sure that due to Ruhi only , she got entry into the restaurant otherwise she would have been kicked out even for standing at the front of the restaurant .

The intricate designs and lavish decoration blew Myra's mind . She was stunned by the beauty of restaurant. She was so lost in observing the beauty of the restaurant that she forget about she being dragged by Ruhi . In her inattentive state, she let Ruhi drag her into one of the VIP rooms .

After settling down, Ruhi pushed forward the menu and asked her to order . Seeing the prices, Myra was speechless. She didn't dare to think about ordering.

" No thank you. I will just have water " Myra pushed back the menu to Ruhi . She didn't wish to look at the menu anymore.

" You don't have to worry, Myra dii . The bill is on me " Ruhi said nonchantly.

Myra chocked on the refreshment she was drinking hearing the word " dii ".

" Ruhi , I am not your dii . We are of same age . I am nineteen years old " Now , it was Ruhi's turn to be stunned.

" WHAT ?! Are you also doing graduation? "Ruhi asked in disbelief.

" Yeah , I am in my second year persuing bachelors in computer science" Myra responded.

" So cool ! I am doing bachelors in microbiology " Ruhi cheerfully stated.

" Since we are of same age let's become bestfriends" Ruhi offered. Myra saw no problem in making friendship with male lead's troublemaker sister hence she accepted.

" Yayy!! I am so happy Myra. Thank you for being friends with me. This deserves a celebration. Quickly deecide upon the menu , we will order food " Ruhi excitedly stated . Myra became awkward, she didn't wish for Ruhi to spend money on her .

" Actually you choose , I don't have much idea about the exquisite cuisines written on the menu" Myra said .

"Hahaha...okay " Ruhi happily agreed and quickly ordered lots of dishes.

" Ruhi, you ordered so money dishes. Will we be able to finish them ? " Myra asked nervously.

" If we can't then we will just pack them home " Ruhi replied.

" Will they allow us to pack this food home ? " Myra was in disbelief.

" Not really but I am there VIP ...No! I am mean VVIP customer after all my brother is Abhiraj Singh Rathore, head of Rathore group. They are bound to listen to me " Myra was speechless.

" Money speaks " Myra said .

" It surely does " And Ruhi didn't deny it .

" By the way, why did you contact me at this late hour ? " Myra asked . Ruhi was about to explain when the waiters came in and begun serving them dinner so she fell silent. She didn't want anyone to know about her being the mastermind of chandelier incident except Myra . Hence she waited until the waiter left.

After the waiters finally left , Ruhi explained everything about the Chandelier incident, how Sejal trapped her mother leading for her mother to be brutally punished by her father and her brother punishing the waiters.

Myra was listening patiently to the end was shocked, petrified and traumatized.

" Please don't tell this to anyone. I am only telling to you Myra . Please forgive me . I beg you . I will never do this again " Myra didn't know what to do but seeing how guilty Ruhi was feeling she decided to forgive her .

" Thank you ...thank you so much . I love you Myra"

Ruhi was so happy that she got up from her seat and went to Ruhi to hug her and give a peck on her cheeks , due to excitement. Myra froze up at the unexpected kiss on cheeks .

" From now on we are bestfriends " Ruhi cheered up .

" Yeahhh " Myra absentmindedly nodded .

" If you don't mind Myra , can I ask you for a help " Ruhi asked nervously.

" What is it ? " Myra asked taking a bite of her own food .

" If , by chance, God forbids , Abhiraj bhai finds out that I am the culprit behind the chandelier incident, can you convince him for me to not punish me and let me go " Ruhi asked .

Myra choked on her food and begun vigorously coughing. Ruhi quickly hand her one glass of water . Myra quickly drank water . The food stuck in her throat finally went into her stomach.

" Do you really think he will listen to me ? " Myra asked in disbelief.

" Yeah , he gave you special treatment. He hates skinship but that day he didn't let go off your arm . Not to mention he personally tended to your wounds , even going as far as personally dropping you at your home. No one has ever got such treatment from him . You are ofcourse special to him. There is no doubt ." Ruhi stated excitedly.

" You are either hallucinating or dreaming. I am being special to Abhiraj Singh Rathore...hah that's laughtable and absurd ." Myra muttered under her breath.

" What did you say ? " Ruhi asked not catching what Myra muttered.

" Oh nothing " Myra laughed nervously.

" Sooo...will you help me , please? " Ruhi gave Myra her puppy eyes . Myra didn't want to agree but she felt guilty after eating such expensive food hence she couldn't think of denying to one requestof Ruhi . Hence she could do nothing but only to nod hesitantly.

" Thank you so much Myra, you are the best " Ruhi cheered .

" Yeahh... let's just hope your brother doesn't finds out " Myra said .

" I hope so. " Ruhi followed.


[ Hindi is a language spoken in northern states of India]

[ ¹Dii - means sister in hindi ]

[² Bhabhi - means sister-in-law in hindi ]

[ ³ Badi - means eldest ]

[ ⁴ Bahu - means daughter-in-law in hindi ]

[ ⁵ Bhai - means brother in hindi ]