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Great alter.

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The day of abandonment. Monsters roamed the lands as some sort of predators, criminals were coming from nowhere and broke all that is lawful, the concept of reality was slowly becoming a suggestion...and yet, despite all odds...they adapted. the year in the messed up callander is 2093, and what was left of earth has evolved into some weird insanity that's functional despite what happaned. People live in cities and countries in a world that's gone mad, where super heroes are now a normal Monday, new job opportunities have arrived, and trail chambers, otherwise known as dungeons, spreaded like wildfire to test people of all kinds. In such a bizarre plane of existence, can our young lead survive the trails ahead of him, and make something great of himself? Maybe even saving existance itself from collapse.

Chapter 1 - Every story has a start

It has been over 2 malenia that the day of abandonment has whecked our world for the insane. What we thought was normal back than has now been a memory long forgotten, since now we have all sorts of stuff that will normally be fiction to the standered man.

Now we live in quite a sociaty that's impressivly cept alive by spheres of imance energy, imance magic, and imance influance, so called cores that have helped what was left of humanity back than survive the onslaught of the new modern world.

Eventually, towns and cities were formed, than those cities grew into nations, empires, and what have you, and it all continued until we found a stopping ground, where most land was reconquered and we now live in a society where fiction meets reality, and the supernatural becomes natural.

Despite the hardships of abandoning the earth of the past, they continued like nothing had ever happaned, and that leads us to where we are currently.

Oh right. Forgot to mention who I am. My name is Junnosuke Kiyoshi (潤之助 清), and I'll be the main character of this story, as I become from a no name random, to the savior of the existance.


It was a normal Saturday on Merch 4, 2093, where I was enjoying some videos on CrazyWatch (what one'd call our world's version of YouTube), mainly about a never ending trand of dungeon hunters.

There are just so many of them with many different powers, skills, twists and themes, ranging from fire and ice friendship combo, to stuff revolving around teddy bears, plant based nature powers that is worth theorising about, and so on. Some even created devlogs of custom made, and unfortunatly illigal, dungeons that are manually powered by normal people.

Outside of these are your stereotypical things you'll find on the earth of the past. Stores of different kinds, companies fighting over not so serious stupidity, a night club where bunny people perform dances and songs, and the 1 or 2 cult groups that have tried to revive the old way even if it's a bit gone from now.

I, for exemple, was preparing for my final year at my current school at the time, knowing that I'll likely never see it again after that day comes. It wasn't seriously spectacular, just a collection of words of encerougement for the future students and stuff like that.

But while my intentions were noble, I was a target for bullies of all kinds. The top popular girl at the time, Suna Wijemanne (崇為 විජේමාන්න), was an exemple, not exactly giving me an easy time, and tends to make an emberesment of me and moking my apperance.

Can't say I blame her, as I was somewhat tubby, had the face of a guy that farted and blamed it on someone else, had zero connections to magic, was get the drill. My biggest issue was in my phisical skills, to the point that I couldn't move a simple steel table by myself.

Despite that, there were still people that I were friends with. Among them was Kouchu Surridge (コウチュ Surridge), who was in the same class as mine, and was dressed and built like a jock. Large arms, thin legs, tough chin, has a neck for lather jackets despite not being able to bring them to school. That kind of jock.

We made friendship after we countered our biggest problems if we were working toghether, since a flaw he had was with his thinking process. Half illiterate, having trouble knowing what's left and right, will only be listining if called by his first name, the usual. This tends to me helping him on equations he'd otherwise be unable to complete by himself.

This got him to help me on my phisical weaknesses, helping me slowly but still in a friendly kind of manner. Still not a reaching healthy standereds of normal human bodies at the time, but I was getting there.

It was doubly surprising since Kouchu had an ability that allows him to form a suit of armor that resembles functions like the armored exoskeleton of Kuwigatas, or stag beetles as you may know them in English, hence why he's named like that.

Anyways, While watching heroics videos, I was confronted by Wijemanne during recess, mocking me in the usual style as you'd expect.

Suna: Oh look! Dreaming big to the stars like those handsomes, tub man?

Kiyoshi (me): Oh! Hello Wijemanne. No, I was...just watching some super hero videos. I'm thinking on helping in some sort of way, but my lack of skills is a bit hindering.

Suna: Really?

Before I knew it, she took my phone by force like nobody's bisuness.

Kiyoshi (me): Wha-?! Hey! That's not nice! Give me back my phone!

Suna: Come on, why bother? I'm just looking at what you've got on CrazyWatch! Oh girls!

With that, she shoved me to the side and gathered with her small yet popular group of girls that were at the top of the food chain. Practacly no one was capable of beating them if they were in a group, as my poor friend was about to show in a moment.

They've made fun of what they thought were my interests, thinking I'd want to become a super hero just so I could be known on CrazyWatch as well. At the time I couldn't even begin to think of such an idea, as the closest thing I'd thought of a good job idea would probably involve some obscure postition on a tech company, or work at reception and dispatch heroes on the scene.

I was just sitting there, hopeless to get my phone back or break away from the girls. That was when I've heard my friend coming by.

Koushu: How ya doing Junnosuke?

Kiyoshi (me): Koushu? What are you doing here? Warn't you suspanded for demaging the vanding machine at the teachers lounge that one time?

Koushu: I was hungry, and mommy forgot my food box. Anyways, what's going on?

Koushu was always defensive for me when I was outclassed at the strengh department, and always stood up for me when someone was making fun of me. So when I've told him what was going on, while he ignored the redicules the popular girls said towards him for befriending me, he stood between me and the girls, summoned his armor, and shouted;

Koushu: Stop making fun of Junnosuke! The man got a lot to learn!

Kiyoshi (me): Can you please calm down?! You'll cause chaos again!

Suna: Is that a challange? Ha! We'll just get the teachers to force a volleyball contast again! And we'll be making you our next target practice!

Koushu: Bring it on! I'm taking you all down!

Kiyoshi (me): Koushu, what are you doing?! They'll absolutly destroy you at that game like they did anyone else!

Koushu: I'd rather be the one who falls. I won't let you be pelted down until your crushed by them!

Suna: So be it! We'll smash that stag beetle suit so hard you'll beg for mercy!

And with that, the popular girls left us with stereotypical evil laughter of such people, and we were left with only eachother, taking my phone with them. Naturally, we were talking about what just happaned.

Kiyoshi (me): You didn't had to defend me like that! I would've done whatever they've wanted to get my phone back!

Koushu: But your weak! I'm strong!

Kiyoshi (me): And?

Koushu: And I'll get the phone back!

Recess eventually reached it's end, and both me and Koushu were ready to return back to our classroom when a sudden siren was heard, followed by an explosion, and than the automatic speakers spoke.

school speekers: Attantion all staff and students. The school is under the threat of EVIL GANG. Please go to the nearest bunker immidiatly.

The call was obvious, but not for everyone.

Koushu: An evil gang? Ha! I'm strong! I'll show them who's tough!

And with that, Koushu went off after the noise of commotion instead of running to a safe area.

Kiyoshi (me): Wait! Koushu! Stop! Those guys are more powerful than you could handle!

I screamed at the top of my lungs, but he couldn't listin to me, so I was forced to ditch him and safe my own butt.


I immidiatly found a bunker, but it was occopied by the popular girls, who couldn't even be bothered to let me in, told me to shoo off, and I was forced to find another bunker. I inevitably found another bunker and hid in it, And while inside, I was told that someone was phoning not only the local police, but also a hero to our location, which did reveiled me of some panic.

But it didn't lasted long before it was set right back in, as the metal door, which was designed to protect the unfornunate people like myself and the people inside, was suddently ripped open, and I was grabbed from my ankle.

I was screaming for help before looking at the perpetrator; a gigantic titan of a man who didn't bother with a shirt, showing a large phisique of abs and power. Long and wavy black hair, dark jeans, a goatee...he was built to be a villain to begin with. And spoke like one too.

Towering villain: It seems you're a bit light weight for some nerd of your body.

He than threw me outside like some sort of ragdoll, breaking a few of my bones in the process. I was in agony from what just happaned, when the guy was now much closer than enticipated.

Towering villain: Try to entertain me kiddo. It is my birthday today, and I don't want to waste it on a random school shooting like usual, less I'd kill everyone here.

Before I was going to be a smush to the wall and make the school pay for it, a man came by with a worried face. I could tell that he was one of the gangsters thanks to his clothing choice.

Gangster: May I interrupt your fun and games?

Towering villain: A distress signal was called? I've seen a phone on one of the people in that bunker.

Gangster: Y-yes. They've set it up and now the police are coming in to try and stop us.

Towering villain: Is that fear I hear in your voice? Through it would be beneficial for us to escape right now, I'd much rather break whoever's coming to stop us. I was getting bored with this meat sack anyways.

The towering villain than left to confront the police, but not before turning his face to the ganster and saying;

Towering villain: Fill the people inside this bunker with lead, and use the weakling over there as a human shield should the time come.

Gangster: Y-yes, sir genesis.

And with that, the towering villain, who goes on the name genesis, left the area as the gangster who came to him went to the exposed bunker, shacking scared as for what he was about to do.

It wasn't long before he exited the bunker, shacking even more after doing the massacre. He than looked at me with a shocked expression, and decided to put me in the bunker to hide my presence from what was going on.

I was worried for my friend considering the severe attack that the gang had caused, but I was powerless to do so, being phisically the weakest person out of everyone, and not being capable of doing much. I decided to ask the gangster something before he left anyways.

Kiyoshi (me): What's happaning? Why is this man doing it?!

Gangster: Beats me! I don't want to be on this psycho's hunting list either! We were forced to follow our his orders since he's our boss's 2nd in command.

The chaos of everything, with the blood and corpses being off to the side, and the fighting that's happaning outside, along with my friend possibly being in danger, I couldn't help but shout in fear, wanting everything to end, beating my hand to the ground.

After beating said arm, I started to feel a form of energy coming out of it. Not unlike the effect you'll notice when some dorment power inside of you was beginning to come out. That sort of assumption slowly turned to truth, as eventually my arm was glowing with magical energy.

I was confused as to how I menifested my secretly dorment powers, but I knew I could at least delay more death like Koushu and Wijemanne, so long as I understood how my powers worked. But I didn't had enough time, as somewhere far off from me, a sinister voice was heard.

Tow-{Genesis}-ain: Do I smell it right?

To be continue...