Chereads / High School Dxd: Word of Creation / Chapter 20 - Chapter 19 - Dulio Gesualdo

Chapter 20 - Chapter 19 - Dulio Gesualdo

Secret Church Facility, Northern Italy –

POV: Hiyama Oreki –

I maintained the storm for as long as I could, but I didn't last longer than five minutes. I saw from a distance that the others had successfully got into the main building about three minutes ago, but I had to release the storm.

All of my Magical Power was gone, I couldn't even continue flying. I floated down as quickly as I could. Landing softly on the ground I sat down on the root of a nearby tree to rest for a second. Once I regained enough energy I would teleport out of-

What in the hell was that? I had heard a massive boom, like something big crashed into the earth. I looked around to find a massive plume of dust and debris floating from the east side of the compound.

I quickly got up and began to climb the tallest tree I could to get a look at what was going on. But it didn't help, I could still only see the plume as if a meteor had hit the ground.

I was about to make contact with Raynare, but before I could spend the small amount of Magic Power necessary, I was assaulted by a blinding light. The force of the blow made me impact the ground causing it to crumble as I flew back hundreds of feet. I felt electricity surging through my body as my muscles seized up as I cried out in pain.

Shit- Church reinforcements…

I look up to see the path of destroyed earth I left behind to find a young man, a few years older than me, standing where I once was. He had blonde hair and green eyes with priest clothes. This was Dulio Gesualdo, the strongest exorcist.

Fuck, how the hell am I gonna beat him? Thinking quickly, I contacted Raynare.

"Raynare, the Church has sent reinforcements. It's nothing I can't handle but get back to base as soon as possible before they send more. I'll catch up." I lied so I could get any useless players off board. I couldn't afford to be worried about their survival. I got a swift response of confirmation and informed me that they were leaving the facility as we spoke.

Looking back to my assailant, "I assume you must be the wielder of Zenith Tempest."

"Yes, I am" He responded in a carefree tone while preparing his next attack. Stalling him isn't going to be an option, he doesn't care much for conversa-.

He throws an icy wind at me, and in response I cast a fireball. The two elements clash in the middle with intensity, creating a small crater in between us. I didn't wait for the clash to be complete, as I immediately dodged to the side to break line of sight.

I ran through the forested area in a crescent path to get closer to him. As I got about halfway through, I heard rumbling as more ice broke through the woods and launched at me.

Gathering the Voice, "Blast away!" The ice immediately shattered and flew backwards. Not finished I said, "The ground will be infested with traps."

Dulio as expected came flying out of the debris only to step on a trap that created a massive explosion. Taking advantage of him being stunned I sent two more fireballs at him. They both impacted but the explosion from them was forced to disperse by a powerful wind. Without giving me a break, that same wind tore straight towards me as I jumped high into the air.

It turned out to be a mistake, because once I was in the air as I was struck from above by lightning. I crashed into the earth again, as my muscles seized in pain again. It was at this moment I noticed a massive storm cloud forming overhead, way bigger than the one I made.

I push my dirty blonde hair that clung to me from my sweat out of my face. It was at this moment I received word that Raynare and team had successfully extracted. I stood up out of the mud and began to prepare more spells.

I was limited on Magic Power, I couldn't even teleport far enough away. I need access to more ener-

Mid-thought, another torrent of ice flew towards me. Thanks to Thought Acceleration I was able to dodge, but I-


"Aaagghhhh!" I cried out as my flesh and clothes were seared away. I could barely see as one of my eyes was blind and the other clearly damaged. The only consolation was that I quickly couldn't feel anything anymore, all my nerves had been fried.

I felt an impact as an ice pillar rose out of the ground launching me straight up in the air, then I was struck by lightning again. "Aaagghh!"

I was going to die at this rate; this bastard wasn't holding back…

I was launched back down to the earth on my back. I looked at the sky that was growing darker and darker. I could see the lightning beginning to crackle in the sky right above me, then a flash and darkness.


Somewhere –

POV: Hiyama Oreki –

I opened my eyes to find an open field shrouded in night. The place was nothing but grass, and there was a bush in front of me that was burning with a pale purplish flame.

From it I heard the fatherliest voice ever heard, "No you are not dead yet…"

"Who are you?" I asked pensively.

"I am…" It responded.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked in confusion. The burning bush pulsed sending some type of semi-visible shockwaves through the air. Once it touched me, and passed I felt an overwhelming sense of calm overtake me. I could feel it, it was him…

I knelt before the entity, "Lord…" No way in hell was I going to chance offending God, I was going to be as respectful as possible.

"I have seen your many works in your new life, and I am pleased…" I heard the voices of people I had helped. Raynare questioning why I spared her, Mittelt calling me a hero, Akeno kissing me on the cheek, and more.

"What do you want with me?" I asked looking at the flame with barely contained tears.

"My time in this world has come to an end, but I made a deal. The terms of this deal would have a suitable replacement be sent to replace me as God." He explained.

"If you are still around then why do you need a replacement?" I asked in confusion. Surely if he was talking to me right now, he was alive enough to reincarnate.

"Unfortunately, the version of me in this world isn't like the Biblical God you worship. The God that you worship from Prime Earth is the original creator deity, all the additional worlds are just pet projects of his, including this one." I could see the bush begin to flicker for a moment before returning to its original state. "My essence has been dispersed far too much after sealing Trihexa for me to reincarnate. Even now I am running on a time limit so I must be brief."

He continued, "I will give you the power necessary to survive this battle, I only ask you spare Dulio's life. It would be a shame if I had you reincarnated only to die so soon. Your time on this world is about to get difficult immediately after this fight, more so than you could have ever imagined but know that I will be with you…"

He paused for a moment of which I was about to ask him what he was talking about, but before he could he said, "Regardless of the suffering know that there is no task too great and no struggle I have not made it such that you can overcome. Be still and know that I AM…"

Before I could say anything in response to what he just said, another pulse went out from the bush and everything faded.


Secret Church Facility, The Alps –

POV: Dulio Gesualdo –

That was easy… I was expecting someone a bit stronger to have attacked the church so openly. In ITALY of all places, it's like he was asking to get his butt kicked.

I walked over to the body of the man I just killed. I couldn't tell what he looked like with his entire body being charred. I prepared to take his body back to the Church; he had some interesting abilities with his Voice. The higher-ups will want to study him.

As I kneel down to grab him, he suddenly isn't there anymore. I jumped up to look around for where he had gone. When I finally looked up, I saw my storm in the sky, but something was different. Now there were rays of light shone through the clouds. It gave a heavenly aura that caused my mouth to gape open in wonder. This is what it must have looked like right after The Flood.

Focusing my eyes I could see a figure floating in the sky as a large ray from the sun shone down on him.

In an echoing voice I couldn't understand, thousands of voices spoke in unison. I sent a powerful surge of lightning towards the figure, only for it to dissipate as if an invisible bubble surrounded him.

I guess I'm going to have to get a bit more serious…

I flew up into the air to be on the same level as the figure I could now see was the man from earlier. Only this time he was different; his eyes glowed an ominous golden and his naked upper body was covered in mouths.

Each one was speaking in a language I couldn't understand, it wasn't long before it stopped, and the man looked at me.

"My name is Dulio, what is your name?" I asked.

"My name is Hiyama. Shall we resume?" He replied in a monotone voice.

"I'm afraid so… I can't let you walk away after attacking us so brazenly." Just as I finished two massive fireballs the size of buildings appeared in front of me. Shit-


I managed to form a vortex around myself for protection. Immediately I summoned four tendrils of lightning from the storm to slam down onto him. The mouths began to chant again, as the lightning was blocked by a barrier.

I kept the lightning going as I pushed myself back to gain more distance. As I was backing away, I called an even more powerful lightning bolt down. This time it broke through his defenses and slammed into him.

Taking advantage of the stun, I summoned a gale of wind and fire. I brought them together to increase each other's strength before throwing them out. The flaming gale expanded and rotated into a massive flaming tornado, setting the forest on fire. I threw as many as I could out, before I was interrupted by a massive sword falling down on top of me.

I dodged out of the way, but smaller swords swarmed out of the clouds above towards me. I created a gale of wind surrounding me in all directions to block the blades. Suddenly the tempest barrier fizzled out, forcing me to fly away at speeds faster than the human eye to dodge the blades.

I looked at the man who remained in the exact same place. I needed to disrupt his chanting…

I called on the power of Zenith Tempest and expanded the storm to the maximum extent possible. The dozen flaming tornadoes split into more and more, until the whole forest was on fire and the wind was so strong I had trouble moving around.

The same could be said for Hiyama, he was being tossed around by the wind as he continued to chant. Suddenly I sent a gust of wind pushing him into one of the flaming tornadoes. This did the trick as I heard the changing come to an end for a brief moment.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, I summoned a bolt of lightning from the sky and slammed it into him, then another and another and another.

"Don't move!" I heard from him. Suddenly my muscles seized, and I lost control of the lightning in surprise. In that instant, the chanting began again. This time the weather turned against me.

I was assaulted on all sides by a massive gale of freezing wind. I expelled a wave of heat to scatter the wind, but in the moment, I did that I was set upon by a descending column of fire from the clouds.

"Aaaagghh!" I cried in pain. I was burned, but not too severely. My enchanted clothes gave some protection from the flame.

Though at that moment I was distracted the air around me flashed and then-


The air around me exploded, sending me hurtling to the ground. I catch myself slightly before impact.

I've had enough…

I expel a massive wave of flames in all directions, incinerating the forest and everything in it. The compound was the only thing that remained untouched.

 I flew at full speed towards the burning Hiyama and prepared another strike of lightning and a burst of flame. Instead, he reached both his hands out towards me revealing two mouths.

"Heal!" "Blast away!" I was suddenly launched back thousands of feet, then was assaulted by another storm of swords. I successfully protected my vitals, but I currently had two swords poking through me.

I didn't even feel pain, I just kept fighting. I used magic to teleport a distance behind Hiyama and launched a massive ice pillar into his back. Simultaneously I sent a torrent of wind from the opposite direction to leverage the pillar to rip him apart.

Instead of that the pillar broke apart on contact with the wind, and Hiyama was nowhere to be seen. I heard a noise behind me, so I flipped around and launched a torrent of flame in that direction. There was nothing the-

"I win…" I heard from behind me. Damn, he tricked me-I spun around to throw a punch, only to be met with a fist to the gut causing me to splutter. I felt as my ribs cracked, and I was launched back only to look up and see-

Wait- Is that a fucking meteor?!


A/N: So what do you guys think? Any constructive criticism is welcome. Also, be sure to leave a review and power stones as that is my motivation. I decided to make Dulio a bit weaker compared to his canon self for storytelling purposes, but he'll be at his regular power level once he becomes and angel.