"Never would I thought the situation is that bad.". He said as he casually walk along the path way. With his smart glasses he roam on his own city. Their mayor un beknown to them is a maniac in rnd. While everyone are rooting for him and they all are doing their work. He on their home is using his time to create technology which is unknown to the public. He looked on the map and he saw an aerial view of the situation. Which is usually broadcasting live imagery per hour. A second is not achievable but an hour is possible if you are rich. With his newly built technology which allows him to protect his city, he is roaming his jurisdiction with ease. Unfortunately a programmed robot do not have any feelings at all. They all are created with programs. Then on his glasses a report was sent. On the imagery a red dot did appear and it says "Naval ship decided to retreat.". Then he smiled and he said "Good judgment wise enough. Their soldiers are not worthy for mine.". Then he tapped the smart glasses and he closed the application. Then he said "Live PSA, databases report.". Then what comes next is a lot of data, from economy, to population, to gap, to resources and taxes.". Then he said "Great, nice work coming from me.". Then a citizen did appear and he waved his hands to the mayor. Then he too did bow down. "My city is safe enough to protect it from war.". While he is walking along the path, the news is still a mystery. Who is the valiant hero who made the robots be destroyed. Who is the valiant hero he created miracle in times of war. Unknown to them, it was the mayors creation. Those robots filled with programs and things.