Chapter 2 - 2

"Thank you for your service!Old sport!"Waving his hand to the old bus driver,Shane slung his green duffel bag over his shoulder and headed down the sidewalk.

"Dude Homelander or The Deep!"glancing over to the group of kids dressed head to toe in Vought merchandise,standing infront of a new VoughtBucks,Shane stopped in his tracks.

His eyes fully focused on the poster,Of the seven plastered on the glass window,Shane's eyes began to shake uncontrollably,as his breath became heavy and ragged.

"Obviously homelander Duh?!"the sounds of the surroundings began to blur from his hearing,the beeping of passing cars intensified,while the noises of familiar shouting and screaming rang in his ears,the voices he would never,could never forget.

"MAJOR!"suddenly he was back,licking his lips,as deep breath came out of him Shane was hit with a sudden heavy feeling in his right hand,Shane eyes looked down,as blood trickled down his right arm,staining thick crimson on the glass.

"That guys crazy!"it was the group of kids,all pointing their phones in Shane's direction,pulling his glass filled arm out,from the middle of the stained seven poster,his blood splattered across the side walk.

"You are going to pay for that!"rushing out the door of voughtbucks,was a middle-aged man with greasy thick hair and,crooked glasses.with a name tag that read Nile hanging on a blue apron.That stood infront of Shane.

Shane's mind was to clouded to even care,ignoring whatever he was saying ,Nile yelled and shouted at Shane,who gave one look at him before pushing past him and walking off.

"The police are on their way pal!"shane,lifted his blood soaked arm infront of him,and clicked his tongue.'Now my mood is ruined.'he thought.seeing various glass sticking out of his skin,while others where to deep to see.

After walking for a while,Shane stood infront of a brown brick house,with the windows opened and a white wooden fence circling around it.'finally'he thought with a smile,pushing the wooden gate open Shane walked past,and entered where he was met with a blooming rose garden he and Martha had planted the day Abigail was born.

Stepping onto the white stone pathway that led to the stairs of his home,Shane made his way until he stood directly infront of the wooden door. dropping his duffel bag to the ground.shane Raised his arm up and nocked twice.

Nothing,it was quiet "Martha?"shane spoke confused,he was just talking to her half an hour ago,on the phone she knew he was coming.nocking again with more force Shane waited for a moment longer and again it was dead silent,narrowing his eyes Shane could taste it,his instincts that where honed from countless experiences where telling him something was Off.

Turning his head to the open windows that showed the living room and the kitchen Shane,didn't want to think of the worse but….gritting his teeth,he grabbed his pistol that was hidden,in his pants and kicked the door open,popping the hinges right off.

"Martha!Abby!"rushing inside,he headed towards the kitchen,looking around he saw Martha bag laying on the table,while the stove was on,his heart began to race,Shane clenched his grip on his pistol,and headed to the living room.

'Damnit please!PLEASE.'Shane thought,but he was met with nothing the T.V was on showing Abby favorite show,Queen Maeve True strengh.shanes eyes where erratic,as he noticed her toys where scattered across every where.

"MARTHA!ABBY!"yelling there names out,Shane's rushed up stairs,hoping for something.

His eyes widened,his breath became ragged,Blood was the first thing he saw splattered all over the walls of the hallways drenching,the three doors connected to it and right in the center was a small crimson ring,with hints of gold that caught his attention.

Shane's stood motionless,as his eyes erratically moved,for a while he said nothing as he approached it slowly he picked it up,shakily holding it in his glass filled palm.he knew who it belonged to.and it hurt even more.

"Martha"his voice was hoarse,raspy until a quiet voice sounded out.

"Daddy?"shanes eyes,widened instantly hearing his daughter voice.

"Abby!where are you!"he said loudly,while kicking down the nearest door,searching for her, as he heard whimpers.

She was quiet and didn't say a word,as Shane's searched all the rooms until,he came out of his bedroom holding a small pale bleeding child missing her right arm.tears poured from his eyes,as he watched his daughter small hand reach out to him,touching his face.

"Dadddy,your back."her eyes fluttered weakly,her voice barely hear able,shanes tears fell down on her cheek.

"Daddy,it hurts."gritting his teeth Shane rushed down stairs,holding her tightly in his arms.

"Don't worry daddy here!"shane said,as he sprinted her out of his home,running past the garden of roses where in the center two roses where withering away,hearing startled gasp from his neighbors leaving their homes,and from people walking on the sidewalk.

Shane knew that their was a hospital not that far from his home,pushing past everyone in his way he ran and ran until he made it inside.

Drenched in sweet,and blood Shane panted."Help me!"shane yelled shocking the nurses at the front desk who immediately noticed,Abby situation.

"Daddy."hearing her voice grow softer and softer,Shane gripped on her tightly and said.

"Don't worry,I'm here."she lightly smiled,to his words,Shane watched as they took Abby into the emergency room,and prayed to god to save her life.

"Sir your bleeding what happened to your hand!"a blonde nurse spoke worried,to Shane who's blood trickled down to the ground.