The vibrant chatter in Westford's guild hall was overwhelming. Adventures huddled in their groups telling each other about the newly completed quests with loud laughter, or browsed the board with posted quests or sold leftovers. At the far corner, Roland, sun-tanned adventurer with a hearty laugh, leaned forward across the table to Cian, an exhausted half-elf.
"So, why'd you leave Hallowshade early?" Roland asked, grinning. "Thought you'd stick around after all that chaos."
Cian sighed, rubbing his temples. "After that… incident, I seriously considered quitting. But let's be real, this is all I know how to do."
"Quitting?" Roland raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Didn't think I'd hear that from you. But hey, how was the ride on that mutated wyvern? As crazy as they say?"