In a world where celestial beings and ancient spirits shape human destinies, a fallen angel faces the consequences of her greatest sin—seducing a mortal man, creating the enigmatic Nephilim. Cursed by an ancient tribal spirit, she wanders through countless lifetimes, chasing the shadow of her earthly lover. Each reincarnation is a penance, demanding her to break the curse and seek redemption from a God who remains indifferent to her plight.
In her current life, a mysterious Tulpa—an imaginary friend with a mind of its own—begins addressing her as "Mommy." The Tulpa reveals this is her final lifetime, her last chance to break free from the eternal cycle. At a moment of ultimate despair, standing on a ledge, she is saved by Nile, a man whose connection to her past lives is more profound than either understands.
As she navigates her complex journey with Nile and the guiding yet unsettling presence of the Tulpa, she uncovers hidden truths about love, sacrifice, and the boundless courage needed to alter one's fate. In a quest filled with danger, mystery, and deep emotional ties, can she finally break her curse and find peace, or will her sins condemn her to an endless cycle of love and loss? or worse, the infinite empty nothingness that the Tulpa warns her of. Ghosts of past choices haunt her at every turn, demanding a reckoning and the courage to challenge divine will for the hope of salvation.