Chereads / On the Other Side of the World / Chapter 2 - Betrayal

Chapter 2 - Betrayal

— A-a-a-a-a! — I jolted upright in bed. My heart pounded wildly, and my face was damp with sweat.

— That dream again... — I exhaled, wiping my forehead with a trembling hand. How long will it haunt me? All those battles, faces I'll never see again…

I ran my hands over my face once more. My fingers brushed against the rough scars — burns of a past that refuses to let go.

With effort, I stood and walked to the washbasin, scooping up cold water and splashing it on my face. The icy water sent a sharp, unpleasant crack through my head, but I endured — the sensation woke me up. In the reflection, I saw my face: unfamiliar, etched with scars, crimson fire burning in my eyes. Those eyes… had seen too much pain, too much blood.

I turned away, wiped off the droplets with a towel, and removed my damp shirt, leaving it on the bed. The maids could deal with it. I must erase all traces of weakness. All that remains is the sword. With it, I headed to the training hall.

Walking down the corridor, I lingered by one of the portraits. In the dim light, the figure seemed indistinct, like a forgotten shadow. A faint ache tugged at my chest. Once, I was like these people — tethered, protected… but fate is cruel to those who believe in safety.

They should replace the torches here, I thought, averting my gaze.

The hall was empty, and I began practicing my thrusts. The sword in my hand felt heavy, my movements polished to perfection, yet training was a necessary habit to maintain form. Strike after strike, I repeated the motions.

A sudden knock at the door interrupted me.

— Yes?

— Your Majesty, the advisors have arrived to see you, — came the even voice of a maid.

— Hm? I didn't summon them, — I said, growing wary. — What's this about?

Thoughts raced through my mind: why would they come uninvited?

— They said they wish to discuss a matter with you.

— Fine, I understand. Go to my chambers and prepare my attire.

— As you wish, — the maid replied in the same steady tone.

Another moment… After repeating a few more thrusts, I left the training center and made my way to my chambers.

Entering the room, I placed the sword beside the bed and donned the attire left out for me by the maid. Then I headed to the council chamber.

On the way, I glanced out the window. Heavy clouds churned in the sky, and raindrops trickled down the glass. The scene, to put it mildly, was grim.

— The view always ruins the mood, — I muttered, gazing at the capital — the city of Tallenor sprawled at the foot of the castle. A vast capital, towering buildings… and hidden secrets. Filth and cold, as though the weather itself poisons this city..

The streets here are cold, and behind every corner lies deceit and sorrow. I sighed. As an orphan, I knew these streets better than most, and perhaps that was part of my strength. A long journey brought me to the throne — a path paved with blood and recognition. But now, with the continent united, the questions grew even heavier. The kingdom lay in ruins. The war was over, but poverty, corruption, hunger — anything but order — remained. 

The Kingdom of Nordralia… And I, King Ellswood. A commoner who clawed his way to the throne through sheer strength. Many sacrifices marked my path.

The guards flung open the doors to the council chamber. In the lavish hall, five advisors sat at a round table. The ones I least wanted to see but could not avoid. Each of them craved power, unashamed of intrigue and manipulation. I always knew they kept me under tight control — their influence among the nobility was vast.

— Greetings, Your Majesty, — they said in unison, standing and placing their hands over their hearts.


I took my seat on the throne, casting them a cold gaze. On either side of me were my "advisors": Lord Richard Weymont, High Inquisitor Siren Northwood, Duke Richard de Dorn, Duchess Eliza van Arden, Marquis Felix Montgomery, and General Horace Ryd.

Each had their own story, each their own self-serving interest. Driving them out of the kingdom would be like trying to remove a stone from a fortified wall. 

— So, what do you want? — I cast a glance at them with slight irritation.

General Ryd was the first to break the silence:

— Your Majesty, even though you did not summon us, we decided that we need to discuss the future of the kingdom.

— Strange, — I frowned. — Where is my Hand? Why is he not here?

The general visibly tensed but quickly replied:

— We informed him, Your Majesty. It seems he was unable to attend.

Suspicious, I noted to myself.

— Go, check on him, — I directed one of the maids standing near me.

She nodded in response, left the hall, and headed to the Hand's chambers.

At that moment, another maid handed me a glass of water.

— Here, Your Majesty, some water after your training.

I took the glass, took a sip, and glanced at the advisors. They suddenly relaxed, as if waiting for this moment.

— Alright, so what did you want to discuss?

Advisor Richard de Dorn stood up:

— Your Majesty, the kingdom needs change.— He paused, looking me directly in the eyes. — After long wars, our lands are ravaged, the people are impoverished, the army is weakened, and there is not enough food...

— Do you have a solution to these problems?

They exchanged glances, as if preparing to say something important.

— Yes, Your Majesty. We have an idea...

Something was off. Their faces bore an expression, something akin to malice. They exchanged glances again. And just as Richard was about to speak further, the door suddenly burst open.

— Your Majesty! — a maid ran in, cutting Richard off mid-sentence.

— The Hand is dead... Your Majesty... — the maid said fearfully.

— What?! — I leapt to my feet, slamming my palms on the table. Rage consumed me. I looked around. Faint smirks appeared on their faces.

And then suddenly — a cough. Deep, painful, I started coughing, covering my mouth with my hand. I looked at my hand, where liquid was spreading — blood. On my palm, on my fingers — crimson drops. My vision darkened, my legs gave way. I fell to one knee, leaning against the edge of the table.

— What... is happening?.. — I croaked, looking around. Their faces glowed with malicious delight.

— Your Majesty, are you feeling unwell? — General Ryd drawled mockingly.

Siren Northwood rested her elbow on the table, propped her head on her hand, and, crossing one leg over the other, spoke with a smile:

— How do you like our poison?

— Poison?! How... dare you... — The circle around the table burst into laughter.

— We had to go to great lengths to acquire it, — Siren continued, — but your days were numbered the moment you meddled in our affairs.

— You truly surprised us. We thought you would die in the war, but who would have guessed you'd survive? — she went on. — Though there was good news when, during a sudden attack on the camp near the fortress of Mrakhard, that wench died... — Siren said with disdain in her eyes.

After those words, my blood seemed to rush faster through my body. I drew a small dagger hidden beneath my mantle. With the last of my strength, driven by fury at her words, I slashed towards her neck. My vision darkened... I didn't see if my dagger reached her...

My eyes closed... Darkness consumed everything...

Forgive me, Liana. We will meet sooner than you might have thought.

In my mind, her image surfaced again — light-yellow hair, mystery in her eyes, a face that would remain etched in memory forever.

White light…

I was ready for the end of my journey when suddenly…

Everything around was filled with white radiance, or rather, something like a smoky haze.

— What is this place? — I thought, bewildered, looking around.

— Greetings, Your Majesty, — a pleasant and gentle voice sounded from somewhere behind me.

I quickly turned to see who was speaking. In front of me stood a door. An ordinary, unremarkable door. The voice was coming from behind it. I stepped closer, turned the handle, and opened it. Behind the door, I saw the same white space that had surrounded me all this time.

— I understand your confusion. Do not worry, — the pleasant and warm voice came again from behind me.

— What is this place? No, who are you? — I asked, not understanding what was happening.

I turned again to see the one who was speaking. This time, before me stood a girl. Her beautiful features and pleasant smile seemed to fill the space with some kind of light.

— I am the goddess of this world. You can think of it that way, — she said.

— A goddess? I'm not much of a believer to trust something like that, — I replied skeptically.

— For you humans, I am akin to a deity, — she said, with a hint of disdain.

— Then what is this place? Is it something like a space between heaven and earth? Some sort of passage for the deceased? — I pondered aloud.

— I've heard something similar from fanatics when I was a soldier.

— This place is unusual even for me. I am here for the first time, — she said.

— What? For the first time? Why? Don't you meet souls and guide them to heaven or something like that?

— Hahaha, no, of course not. We don't deal with such matters.

We? So, she's not the only one… She's strange, I thought.

— I created this place specifically to speak with you.

Not understanding her intentions, I looked at her, puzzled.

— I am giving you a choice of what to do next, — she said.

After her words, she spread her arms to the sides. Two doors appeared in the direction of her hands. They looked as ordinary as the one from which I first heard her voice.

— Behind the right door lies what you humans call heaven. In this place, harmony and peace reign. The souls of the dead, as you thought, indeed end up here.

The doors opened to reveal a beautiful landscape: a blooming garden with fruits on the tree branches. People peacefully engaged in various activities — some read books under the trees, others played ball.

— The second option is another world, a place unknown to you. There, countless new things await: acquaintances, discoveries, and sensations.

The second door showed a large city. Its end was lost on the horizon. An enormous wall surrounded the city, stretching into the distance. On the lively streets, people were buying all kinds of goods. A huge castle stood in the center of the city, its peak lost in the sky.

— So, what will you choose? — she asked.

— Mmm, can I ask a question? — I looked at her doubtfully.

— Of course.

— Why are you giving me such a choice?

— That is a difficult question. There is no definitive answer. You have suffered all your life: you were betrayed, you lost your beloved. Don't you want the right to continue?

— Then why shouldn't I just choose heaven? I could finally rest and worry no more.

— You think logically. Of course, you can go to rest, relax, and enjoy yourself there. But aren't you curious about what awaits you in the new world? Don't you want to explore the unknown?

— No… I just want to meet her… — I said, feeling a bit down.

— Hmm, yes, to meet her again, — she replied, snapping her fingers.

After that, she stepped aside. In the air, a painting appeared, the one that hung in the castle, depicting a girl.

— You mean her, right? — she said, running her hand along the edge of the painting.

As her hand reached the edge, the painting changed. Now it showed flames in the background, and in the foreground, there was me holding her lifeless body. It was that very day…

— Truly, a sad love story, isn't it? — she said, snapping her fingers again, making the painting disappear.

— But did I ever say she went to heaven?

— What?...

— I think you've already guessed. She is in that world, — the goddess pointed to the second door again.

I stood still, bewildered. She's there? I can see her again? But it can't be that simple.

— So I can meet her?

— Yes, but you'll have to find her.

— Find her?

— Yes. Even though I sent her there, I don't know who she became. And if you end up in this world, I won't know who you'll become either. But don't worry — she's fine. She's definitely in that world.

— Then I'll go there, of course! — I said confidently.

— Then just open the door and step inside.

I approached the door. It was already closed. I opened it, turned to look at the «goddess» one last time. A strange smile flickered across her face.

I couldn't turn back anymore. I had to see her again. I turned and stepped forward. Everything went dark. My strength was leaving me.

What awaits me there…?

Darkness engulfed everything.




The end of Chapter 2.