Chereads / Alpha’s Obsession, Luna’s Revenge: / Chapter 13 - The Irresistible Offer

Chapter 13 - The Irresistible Offer

Selene's POV

The electricity was not yet restored. It only meant that there was enough confusion. The state was still under anarchy.

I desperately wanted to speak to Allison and bring him to my side.

Everything was not going as planned, but they had not gone out of my control either.

I am sure that after the mysterious disappearance of my mate, Alpha William Wolf would be rattled in case he was not behind his son's disappearance. He must be pretty much unnerved with not hearing back from Allison.

That communication devices were all shut down was in my favor.

Since it was too late to have heard back from Allison. I am sure he would send one of his messengers to get the report back from Allison.

I had to teach Allison, what he had to speak to the royal messenger.

I went to speak to Allison without wasting much time. I summoned Myrah to accompany me to influence him.

"How are you, Allison? Hope you are doing well," I said smiling.

Allison smiled back.

"I didn't want to bother you, dear, but there's something urgent I want to speak to you," I began.

"Yes, Your Highness." He responded politely.

"Myrah might have told you how sincerely I wish well for you and your family," I said and kept quiet in my attempt to note Allison's expression.

He had mellowed, but there was still some internal resistance that I noted.

He was undergoing a horrible dilemma caught between his family and loyalty to the state.

With his weakness for his child, I was sure he could not be trusted even in in allegiance towards me.

I guess something drastic had to happen for us to make him trust me.

Myrah butted in the middle of the conversation.

"Oh, your Highness, we are highly grateful to you for the kindness you have shown to us," she said smiling while nudging her mate.

Allison smiled. I could detect a positive scent now. With my power to detect and interpret odors, I could identify an enemy from a friend. It was the right time to touch his heart for weaning him to my side.

I came closer to him almost at a whispering distance, and then I held myself. It was not a dignified way for the royal queen to speak to a subordinate.

I thought it would be best to speak to Allison in private. I looked at Myrah indicating her to leave us alone. Myrah hesitated.

I felt Myrah wanted to say something.

"Yes Myrah, is there something you want to say?" I looked at her questioningly.

"Yes, Your Highness," Myrah spoke humbly.

"I thought," Myrah said, "in case you decide to release us when you take over the authority of the state once again," and then stopped speaking looking at her mate.

We were waiting eagerly to hear her. She took her mate's hand and pressed it between her palms tenderly.

I could guess, she would say something that might offend her mate.

"Please go ahead, Myrah," I encouraged her.

"I was thinking about our little Ketto…." She said.

She again went silent for a few seconds until I prodded her.

"We would leave our child in your custody, so long as the child's treatment demands," she said looking tenderly at her mate.

All of us were stunned and silent.

Allison's muscles tightened in rage but he controlled himself. I was surprised beyond me. I knew why she had proposed this offer, exactly.

Ketto's custody was a kind of promise and reassurance to me that they were loyal to me and would not do anything that was not in our interest. It was the ultimate offer to willingly break away from Alpha William Wolf.

My dad used to tell me that if you want to win someone to your side, show him respect. I had shown respect to Allison, and his mate. I had won Myrah but I wasn't yet sure about Allison's loyalty.

Alpha King Darius, my dad had told me about the importance of strategy. One of the strategies he recommended was about working on the weakness of the opponent. He used to say that everyone has a weakness, and if you can workout your strategy around the weakness of someone, you could win over them.

I had won over Allison, but I was not yet satisfied with the winning ver. I wanted to win his complete loyalty. It takes time to earn this kind of loyalty. I reckoned Myrah's offer to hand me over the custody of Ketto favorably.

This was one sure guarantee that Allison would not betray me, even if he wanted to.

According to my dad, one sure way to win over your opponent is to make an irresistible offer. I was going to make this offer to Allison.

I asked Myrah to leave us alone as I wanted to discuss my secret offer with Allison.

I was left alone with Allison. He was bound and handcuffed. Although he had considerably mellowed by now, I never trusted anyone. I sat at a respectable distance from him to ensure he could not harm me physically even if he wanted to.

I was also pretty sure after smelling his peaceful and positive odor that he did not intend to harm me.

In a very polite and dignified voice I began speaking to Allison. He had already begun to address me with the honorific "Your Highness". I reminded him of his valor and his commitment to the state. I appreciated it and thanked him for loyal to the state.

He treated me like the enemy of the state. I had to convince him that I had lost all contacts with my family and folks, citizens and commoners of the Southern Territory, and that I along with my mate dedicated to serve the state with the best of our abilities.

Allison was beginning to get convinced. He now acknowledged me as the legitimate Queen of the Northern Territory. It was now my turn to offer what I had intended as a part of my strategy.

Suddenly, there was a commotion.

Rita along with some officers knocked the cell to inform me that a royal agent of the state was there looking for Allison.

I acted with alacrity. I ordered Rita and other officers to arrest him.

I was ready with a plan. I could not be seen. The royal agent had to believe that I was killed.

I spoke to Allison. I made the irresistible offer he could not decline.

And from there, my mission became easy.