WHEN MY FAIRYTALE turned into a nightmare, I thought it was my job to fix it. I thought the world would surely make room for me, would make things better, if I bled a little more. Tried a little harder. Sacrificed more than the other wives with cheating husbands.
But Doc told me there was nothing I could do if he didn't want to change. And he ripped the fantasy of control right out of my hands. Suddenly, I was floating in an endless sea with no lifeboat, tugged around by my husband's whims.
A diamond ring.
A marriage certificate.
A noose around my neck.
Had I caught Jerrison cheating on me when we were dating, I would have kicked him to the curb so fast his head spun. Had I seen him with some girl in our apartment before we were engaged, he would have been old news. A new beau. A new life. I would have found someone else.
But I love him. I married him.