Chereads / Red Alert 2 Mental Omega: Wargirls Reincarnation / Chapter 47 - The girl with no name - 47

Chapter 47 - The girl with no name - 47


Yunru's POV

The food here is surprisingly good. I'm glad they still serve fried rice as a side dish—at least there's some rice. And this ramen? Absolutely delicious.

Nightshade and Melody have been answering most of my questions—at least the basics. For starters, they're not actually human. I asked because so many of the girls in the cafeteria look almost identical. Most share the same facial features and hair color, with two dominant looks among them. There are also a few outliers, like those two girls over there who are constantly trying to one-up each other. They look and act completely different from the rest. Nightshade called them the Raptor Sisters—they're the flying girls I saw in the recordings.

As it turns out, there are two main types among them. The first is the Combat Model, specialized in all forms of warfare. Then there's the Support Model, which handles construction, repairs, equipment modification, and other technical tasks. Essentially, Support Models function as a mix of field engineers and scientists roll in to one.

Right now, I'm watching a live broadcast of what they call a Raid Fight. A large, 3D holographic map is projected in the middle of the cafeteria, with tables arranged around it to keep the viewing area clear. I'm seated facing the display, with Nightshade on my right and Melody sitting further to her right.

I still can't believe they have something like this. Is it training? Entertainment? Probably both.

Their technology is beyond anything I've ever seen. Thanks to Nightshade, I can even see the Defender's point of view—this match is a 1 vs 3 scenario. She casually forms a small tablet-like screen from the black liquid she manipulates so effortlessly and hands it to me so I can follow the action more closely.

The match is about to end. From what I've observed, the outcome of these battles often depends on the model type. Support Models rely on drones and map control, while Combat Models focus on overwhelming force and unorthodox tactics—so advanced that I doubt even seasoned military officers could counter them on short notice.

Take those hover bikes, for example. Normally, you'd think they'd be easy targets since their riders are so exposed… and, as expected, they got sniped. But—surprise—they were decoys. Not just the hover bikes, but all three challengers? Also decoys. How is anyone supposed to react to something like that when the decoys can fire back with the same amount of firepower as the originals?

Then—boom. Just like that, the match ends in a massive explosion. A saturation bombing, triggered by hidden explosives deployed via UGVs. The Defender had anticipated their movements and planted the explosives in advance at some random locations, I don't know her logic but it work so she might figure their pattern out.

"Oop," Nightshade mutters with a smirk as the scoreboard updates. The Challenger team lost.

Support Model 'Pioneer' wins.

"That's her seventh win in a row," Melody remarks, sounding impressed.

"Do these live-streamed fights happen often?" I ask.

"Yeah, all the time. The people at the Main Base get bored easily, and since we have a five-square-kilometer simulation area, there are about twelve live matches per day," Nightshade explains.

She suddenly glances behind me, her expression shifting slightly. Instinctively, I turn my head to see what caught her attention.

It's the girl I met during transit… but wait—does she have a tail? It looks massive, swaying slightly behind her. And her hoodie is different from before. She's holding a food tray, and behind her are two other girls—both of whom I also remember from transit. One of them has a tail and ears as well.

"Hello?" I greet, trying to be polite.

"You don't have to be so stiff." she replies casually. "Also, sorry for not speaking Chinese back on the transport. The research on your language wasn't finished yet at the time."

She's speaking in perfect Mandarin now. So, she finished researching Chinese? How does that even work?

She takes a seat to my left, while her two escorts sit further down, carrying their own food trays.

"So… what's going to happen to me?" I ask.

Honestly, they don't need my technology—not with the level of advancement they already possess. If they wanted to, they could easily crush the Soviets. The Allies too. And yet, they've chosen to stay in Japan, hidden behind that permanent fog. Why?

"Well, that depends," she answers, listing off options. "Do you want to do research? Maybe field testing? Or would you prefer to just live a quiet life?"

She says it so casually, as if any of those choices are completely within her power to grant. It makes me wonder… why did she save only me? The way she acts, she seems important enough to make such decisions on her own.

She doesn't elaborate further, instead focusing on her meal—fried chicken, rice, and soup.

"Why only me?" I finally ask. The question has been nagging at me. She chose to rescue me—no other scientists, no one else. Just me.

She pauses mid-bite, then shrugs. "Well, to start with… I kinda messed with the future. Like, way too early, I guess?"

She waves her hand, and the holographic map in the cafeteria vanishes, replaced by a projection of the Earth.

"Anyway, I'll explain how I messed things up later. For now, let's start with the original timeline—beginning in the year 1972."

The globe zooms in on the Soviet Union.

(5 hours Lore videos I not gonna write the retold stories + I waiting for Speeder (Mod maker) to launch Act 3 in a year or 2:

Helena's POV

"…So, relations between Allied nations continued to fluctuate, leading to repeated tensions—"

Master is retelling a story, using 3D holographic nanoswarms to create visual representations for Yunru. I enjoy listening to her storytelling—it's always fun.

Then, I receive a ping from the defense system near Setana Town. Huh? I check the alert—five turrets have activated. The target… some kind of commando?

Master raises her hand, opening another holographic window displaying live footage.

"Ah… Morales," Aqua says casually, receiving the same alert as me.

"Well, it's not like I equipped the point-defense turrets with non-lethal options for infantry… so, goodbye," she adds dismissively before closing the window.

I focus on the point-defense sensors, watching as the automated turrets open fire. A hail of laser rounds rains down on the intruder, who has just landed on the beach. He manages to dodge a few shots and return fire with his sniper rifle—but with the sheer rate of fire, it hardly matters. Besides, a single bullet isn't going to do much against point-defense turrets, especially ones with self-repair capabilities.

(Author's note: I know Morales is a favorite commando among many Mental Omega players, myself included. But realistically, the only one who might have a chance at infiltrating while the fog and coastal defenses are active is Malver—his psychic stealth doesn't match anything Aqua has encountered before.)

I shake my head slightly. Well… there goes Morales. The Latin Confederation just lost its elite commando—this early in the war, no less.

Honestly, what were they thinking? Sending a sniper commando into a no-sensor zone?

With Morales gone, the war between the Latin Confederation and Epsilon just got a whole lot easier for Epsilon. South America is going to fall faster than expected. That means we need to step up as well.

I sigh and return to my ramen, still listening to Master's storytelling. I know she's explaining the Mental Omega lore, but… her tail is distracting. The way it sways gently while she talks—it's hard not to watch.

Hestia's POV - Pearl base, Hawaii

The first Chrono Replicator is complete. Now, I just need to see how well it scales over time… not that the Hawaii base can afford more than one at the moment.

Eh, in about 16 hours, it'll hit the 64-bit limit that Aqua set.

That should be around four sextillion six hundred ten quintillion resources generated every ten seconds.

More than enough for absolutely anything. I still can't wrap my head around how we've gone from Kansen high-tech advancements to what is essentially broken sci-fi tier technology.

And the craziest part? Aqua's blueprints barely cost anything compared to those numbers!

If things keep progressing at this rate… at this trajectory, we'll be in space by the end of next month.

Shaking my head, I pull up my designer app. I still have the train system to finalize. At least the maglev train design got approved by Aqua yesterday.

Just as I'm reviewing the specs, I spot Belfast approaching. She's wearing her usual maid outfit, looking as composed as ever.

I'm currently in the underground section of Pearl Base when she calls out to me.


"Belfast, you do know you can call me by name, right?" I reply, glancing up from my display.

She keeps her usual polite smile. "The logistics for Pearl City are being overhauled. The underground tunnel system is now complete. Only the maglev train remains, Captain."

I sigh. "Well then, let's get going."

Belfast nods, and we start making our way toward the elevators.

Soviet's General (Soviet Player) - Obninsk, Russia

I still can't believe we lost our capital to an orbital strike…

Sitting inside my Soviet MCV, I take a deep breath, steadying myself.

"Establishing Battlefield Control! Stand by!" my communications officer reports.

The temporary Premier has thrown everything he can to help me hold the line.

"Iron Curtain devices ready!" another officer announces. This includes the prototype Iron Curtain.

"The instrument of doom!" a deep voice booms through the comms.

I now have access to Apocalypse Tanks the Premier can provide which is just a dozen, it not much but every bit help. As the battlefield map comes online, I can see just how little time I have left.

"Comrade General! I have ordered our officers to hold out for as long as they can. You are the last line of defense before these Allied scum reach Moscow!" Premier Krukov's voice comes through the channel.

"They shall not touch the heart of our Motherland!" I reply firmly.

"Good! I will handle the northern front. You will hold the center. Colonel Reznov is leading reinforcements from the south. You must hold your position, Comrade!" Krukov states.

An explosion crackles over the comms from his end.

"I must focus on my front now. Krukov out." The transmission cuts off.

I exhale sharply.

"Standard setup! Get our Tesla Reactors up and running! Then prioritize the Barracks and Refineries!" I order.

I have less than an hour to prepare.

And if my experience with our corrupt officers tells me anything… I might not even have that long.

Rupture's POV - Lanzhou, China

As I ride my bike through the flattened city, Sakura sits behind me, holding onto my waist. My connection to Artemis' sensor network is still active, but not for much longer.

She's about to go to other side of the planet in 10 minutes—her orbital speed is faster than Earth's, after all. Still, she'll gather intel on the Americans while she's on that side, so it's not a total loss. If it's a real emergency, she could probably ascend to a higher orbit to buy a few more minutes of operational time.

"Any sign of her?" I ask over comms.

"Not yet," Sakura replies, controlling most of her drones as they spread out across the ruins.

"Check the epicenter—she's probably buried under rubble," Lib suggests. Her own team of drones is sweeping the area as well.

She's riding another bike which Danielle control the bike.

"Then straight to the middle it is," I say, twisting the throttle and heading for the heart of the devastation.

We have about half an hour before the Chinese military convoy arrives.

No sign of Epsilon yet… but I'm certain Yuri will come.

A psychic as strong as the one who leveled this entire city?

Yeah. He's definitely going to sense her.

Tempo's POV (Hammerheads) - Arctic Ocean

"Deploying a new squad is much faster than rerouting an existing deployment," Shinano's voice echoes through the speakers inside her hull, as her tone seem annoyed.

"you will get launch first and 2 more Raptors will join in to Escort you, that should deal with most thing except Irkalla suddenly appear."  Shinano finished.

I shake my head slightly. Typical Shinano logic.

"In position for launch," I report. All six of my squads are prepped, with enough stored resources to establish a temporary base if needed.

"Fire in three," Shinano counts down as I feel my legs lock into the flight launch system.

"Two," she continues. I brace myself, making my body as small as possible.

"One… firing. Good luck and happy hunting."

The next thing I know, I'm being launched at Mach 7 from the railgun launcher. The sheer force slams against me before my thrusters kick in, stabilizing my flight as I aim toward Lanzhou. With the initial speed boost, we should arrive in one hour.

"So, what's the deal with Libra?" Mal asks from within my ship. She's one of my combat models—direct, efficient, and always focused on the mission.

I listen in as my squad discusses while I maintain course.

"You didn't get the data package?" Weave asks. She's my support model—though, honestly, she's more of a bombing specialist with kamikaze UGVs.

"I know she's Epsilon's commando, but that's about it," Mal replies.

That's missing some key details…

"She took down Norio—" Weave starts, but Mal cuts in.

"Wait, as in the Norio, Pacific Front commando?"

"Yep. And Paradox Engine soon after. Sure, you could argue the Paradox Engine was a strategic takedown, but then she was also the key activation factor for the Mental Omega device… after she slaughtered all of her own clones and stopped using her suppressor," Weave explains.

"More like Epsilon broke her mind trying to control her," I add. "They rewired her personality and thought process from the beginning—on the Moon, no less."

"Libra still has issues," Weave continues. "Mood swings, bloodlust… I'm pretty sure that's not part of what Yuri originally planned. Otherwise, he would've made her a more controllable weapon."

I nod along. She's right. Yuri values control above all else.

"So, getting her means the Omega Device won't activate?" Mal asks.

"More like Yuri himself will have to be present to activate it manually… but yeah," another voice joins in. This time it's Able, another support model. She specializes in UAV scouting and map control—perfect for keeping an eye on the sky and helping me with tactic.

I exhale slightly, refocusing on the mission.

Hopefully, Rupture's team gets to her first. Because if Epsilon or the PRC reach her before we do… things are going to get messy.

Actually… does the PRC even still exist?

After what Rupture did to them… they might still exist? just not at the level to rival other factions, I pretty sure.

("This is Raptor, we will caught up in 2 minutes") the com voice said, one of the Raptor escort I been assigned with.

■■■■■'s POV - Lanzhou, China

They tried to get into my head…

Too many voices. Too much noise. Unfriendly.

Be gone.

That was the last thing I remembered.

Now… it's too quiet.

I open my eyes. Darkness. Damp air. The scent of dust and concrete fills my lungs. It feels… familiar like my room.

'Stay here,' a voice in my head whispers.

'You're comfortable… don't let anything disturb that,' another voice reassures me.

'All hail to great Yur—' a smaller voice tries to speak but is drowned out.

'You are stable. You are you.' Another voice asserts itself, silencing the others.

Then, my stomach growls.

'Find food,' one voice urges.

I try to move my arm. It feels sluggish. Heavy.

'You're hurt,' another voice notes.

That's when I feel it—the dull ache, the gaps in my flesh. Holes in my arms. My body is riddled with wounds. Something cold… a steel beam is piercing through me.

That's when I feel it—the dull ache, the gaps in my flesh. Holes in my arms. My body riddled with wounds. Something cold… a steel beam piercing through me.

'You can fix that,' another voice urges.

I listen. I wish to feel no pain.

And just like that, the pain vanishes. My arms are still hurt, the steel beam still inside my body, but the smaller cuts and open gashes begin to close. My skin knits itself back together, leaving only the tattered rags barely clinging to me.

'Lift the beam.'

'Destroy it.'

'Careful now.'

The voices guide me. I feel disoriented.

'All hail to gre—'

Stop that, that not mine.

I focus. The support beam lifts effortlessly. My mind commands it as it always has. The ceiling above shifts—then suddenly launches skyward, flung far away in an instant.

A burst of light floods in, forcing me to turn my head, blinking in panic.

I was locked in darkness.

Is this… the sun? The one I've heard about?

I have no frie—

'That's why you have us, friend.'

'Yep, yep!'

'Now, time to find something to eat!'

'All hail to grea—'

'Shut up already.'

The voices chatter in my head. I push forward.

Time to find food as I stand up.

As I stand up, I hear movement—four people… girls? I wouldn't know. The only person I've ever known was my mother not that I seen her alive… the mother my father murdered when she gave birth to a monster.

Strange. They have no minds…


'Agree, let's get out of here!'

'Wait, maybe they have food.'

'All hail to—'

'Escape first. Your safety is important.'

I agree. Escaping is the best option.

Just as I prepare to flee, one of them suddenly shouts, "Hello!" and waves in my direction.


'We can't detect their intentions.'

'They might have food?'

'All hail to—'

'Just stay cautious.'

The voices swirl in my head, repeating themselves. The one that keeps chanting makes me want to scream.

"Food…" I mutter softly.

My stomach growls again. The four girls glance at each other. My legs tense, ready to sprint. I can outrun them—they're about a few dozen tables' length away, though I don't know exactly how far that is.

Then, I see it. A plate of rice. Rice…? Is that rice? I've never seen rice before. And something else…


'Don't let your guard down! Remember how that man lured you in with food!'

'All hail to Yuri—'

'Just shut the fuck up.'

The voices claw at my mind, but only one of the girls steps forward, holding the plate.

"You need to eat, little one," she says, crouching down and extending it toward me.

Wait… it's hovering toward me?

I reach out with my psychic senses. No danger.

'Real food. Not poisoned.'


The other two voices start fighting in the back of my mind, I hoping the one who chanting to be gone.

As without hesitation, I grab a handful of food and shove it into my mouth.


I clutch the plate tightly, devouring everything on it.

"Eh… I'm pretty sure I prepped some utensils—fork and spoon… well, not that it matters," the girl murmurs, watching me eat.

"Sakura, we've got five minutes before the Chinese convoy arrives. I'm going to set up some bombs," another girl says.

China. I was told China was the best… ever since I was locked away. But…

'Maybe… you can trust them? Just a little?'


'Stay cautious.'

The other two voices keep fighting.

"Okay… don't worry, little one. We'll protect you," the girl—Sakura?—says with a smile. A real smile. Not like the fake ones I've seen before.

"Okkay…" I mumble, still stuffing my face with food.

"Lib, sent up more drones. Use my resource storage. We're waiting for Hammerhead to extract her—it'll be faster than trying to escape China on the ground. I'll carry her inside the hull and prepare for proper extraction," another girl orders.

The two who stayed behind nod. Suddenly, black liquid starts pooling out from one of them.

I cough, my attention torn between eating too fast and watching that black liquid spread.

"Slow down," Sakura says gently, handing me a cup of water.

I hesitate. I reach out with my psychic senses.


I take the cup and drink.

'She feels safe?'

'We should still be cautious.'

'That voice is harder to root out than normal… Not that we've ever had trouble before.'

'As long as we have the determination to survive.' A new voice joins in—new friend.

"Well, you can have more food later, but eat too much now and you'll end up in a food coma," Sakura says.

I pause mid-bite. "What is a food coma?"

Her face tenses slightly, as if she's searching for the right words.

Did I say something wrong? My body tenses, bracing for a hit.

"Well… it means your stomach will hurt if you eat too much at once," she explains. She must have noticed my reaction because her tone softens.

"Y-you're not angry at me?" I ask hesitantly.

She just smiles and shakes her head.

'Maybe she's hiding it.'

'Or she's struggling to explain.'

'We'll keep that in mind.'


'Someone's coming.'

I snap my head toward the approaching presence. Sakura notices too, her gaze shifting in the same direction.

More than one mind. More coming.

Then, a stronger presence—one that makes my skin crawl. Their intent… they want me.

"Subterranean! Epsilon is here!" Sakura shouts to the others.

They react instantly, prepping their weapons.

"Sakura, get in with the girl!" one of them yells back.

More and more minds emerge from below. The strong one… it's reaching out—

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions shake the area.

Sakura turns to me, urgency in her eyes. "Can you trust me?"

I not sure why but I nod to her.

She grabs me and runs. My head suddenly feel pains as something invades my mind.

"You will be one with Yuri!"

"Ugh!" I scream, clutching my head. Wreckage starts to fly upward—shields, barriers, anything to make this stop.

'None of that!'

'Stay calm, you are yourself!'

'Shield hurry!'

'You can fight this!'

all my voices join in to help.

As quickly as it came, the pain vanishes. The world shifts around me.

"You're safe now," a voice says—this time from outside my mind.

I open my eyes.

Sakura gently sets me down onto something soft… a chair? She wraps her arms around me, holding me close.

"You're safe," she repeats, softly patting my head.

Something wet trails down my cheeks. I don't understand why, but I hug her back.


'Safer than outside, at least.'

'We're inside?'

'No attack found. We're safe.'

Rupture's POV

I fire another missile at the surfacing Subterranean vehicles.


Yuri's himself is here… or at least one of his elites.

I raise my stock graviton assault rifle and fire several volleys at the approaching mind-controlled forces—a mix of Allied and Soviet troops now under Yuri's influence.

("Danielle, ride north! Lib, jump on!") I send out a comm message. The enemy won't be able to intercept it.

My armored bike materializes, and Lib, still firing at the incoming Subterranean driller vehicles, leaps onto the back. I rev the engine and speed up north.

("Artemis, I need a strike on Lanzhou in 20 seconds! Yuri's here!") I send another comm. Artemis is stationed in orbit, but her angle is slightly off. The blast will graze a large area—hopefully enough to deal with these Subterranean pest.

Meanwhile, Sakura is reinforcing my inner hulls with another overlapping Chrono layer. It seems to be helping the girl… but it's draining half of my reactors just for one room. Still, it'll be worth it.

("Lib, send out drones. Watch for more enemies popping up ahead!") I command, launching two more missiles behind us at our pursuers.

Boom! Boom!

("Chinese convoy neutralized!") Danielle reports. ("Heading north now.")

Just as the report end a ping from Artemis. Firing.

A black laser sweeps across Lanzhou, scorching the landscape. I keep riding, narrowly avoiding the edge of the blast as the heat brushes behind us.

Sakura's POV

That was almost a disaster… Yuri's assault on the girl's mind triggered a psychic backlash—her will to defend herself was enough to nearly wipe out the already flatten city block with floating debris.

"There, there," I whisper, gently patting her head.

Meanwhile, my nanoswarm is hard at work, modifying part of Rupture's hull to handle the increasing heat. I'm adding extra reactors along with additional radiators to help vent out the excess heat from new reactors.

The power drain from these overlapping chrono layers is absurd—especially for a mini-sub. But it has to be done.

She clings to me tighter, and I return the embrace, making sure she feels comfort… or at least something close to it. I don't fully understand how her mind works, but I want her to know she's not alone. I keep patting her head.

"Are you okay now?" I ask gently.

"Y… yes," she replies, her voice still trembling.

Her condition when we found her was even worse than I expected—malnourished, dehydrated, severely underweight. Clear signs of abuse. Yet, despite the scars covering her body, she's still functional. It seems like her psychic abilities are keeping her body intact, preventing her from breaking down entirely. I let out a small sigh and hold her a little closer.

I don't know her exact age, but she's definitely not mature yet. I'll need to send a medical nanoswarm to check her vitals later, but that can wait until we're somewhere safer. Right now, the last thing I want is for her to unleash all that psychic power again.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosions rumbles from outside, shaking the hull slightly.

"Would you like something to drink?" I offer, keeping my voice calm.

The backup reactor finishes construction. The radiators are done too. At least now, Rupture has a baseline power output of four—though she has the capacity for six. Her resource storage is lower then half now.

"Can I?" she asks hesitantly.

"Careful, it's hot," I warn as she lifts the mug from my hand—without touching it.

Psychic telekinesis. Convenient. Incredibly convenient.

She watches the cup for a moment before taking a big gulp.

■■■■■'s POV

Delicious… I think as I pull the cup away from my lips. That's the word for it, right?




'No threat.'

The voices in my head murmur their thoughts as Sakura asks, "So, what's your name?" She settles into the comfy chair next to me, lifting me up before gently setting me on her lap.

"Name?" I tilt my head. What is that?

'Something adults call themselves?'

'Nothing important.'

'Just what you call yourself.'

'We don't really have one.'

The voices inside me answer. I don't have a name. The last thing I was ever called was… monster. I don't want to be called that again.

Something wet trails down my cheeks.

Warm arms wrap around me, holding me close, and gentle hands pat my head.

"There, there," Sakura soothes. "If you don't have a name, why not pick one for yourself?"

'New name!'

'But what should we pick?'

'Maybe something nice.'

'I have no idea…'

I take a shaky breath, trying to calm myself, trying to think.

"Maybe I can help you pick one?" Sakura offers, still patting my head.

'We still don't know her thoughts.'

'Nor her true intent.'

'But she seems friendly…'

'She helped us escape that headache.'

She looks friendly. She acts friendly. And she made the pain go away.

"Can I ask… what are your friends' names?" I sip more of the hot chocolate, hoping knowing their names will help me choose mine.

"Well, we're inside Rupture right now—she's my captain. Then there's Lib and Danielle, the other two girls helping the captain handle the situation outside."

Wait… we're inside someone?

'We got eaten!?'

'Not sure…'

'But it did save us from that headache…'

'Yeah that headache is gonna rip us apart.'

I frown. The best way to get an answer is just to ask.

"We got eaten?"

Sakura blinks, then chuckles. "Not exactly. Let's see… how can I explain this…? Oh, wait a sec."

She raises her hand, and black liquid swirls around it, forming into something solid—a box? No… a box that look like glass?

"I'm not sure how your mind will interpret this, so be careful," she warns. "This is a crystallized data package."

'No reception.'

'Not an active mind.'

'Maybe take a peek?'


Curious, I reach out with my psychic sense and take a peek—

—Too much. My hand grip off the cup, and my mind floods with information.

'Too much—'




I clutch my forehead and groan.

"Sorry…" Sakura murmurs, rubbing my head reassuringly. My hot chocolate cup floats in the air. Probably her doing.

Through the knowledge I just absorbed, I now understand—I turned smaller… or at least, that's part of it. I'm inside a submarine. A humanoid submarine. That's why she has no mind—she's not human.


'Why does our vocabulary seem bigger now?'

'That does seem to be the case.'

'So… good headache?'

I blink a few times, still processing everything.

"That's… a lot," I admit. This is the fastest I've ever learned something, and it gave me a headache. At least I can stop when I want to.

"Yeah… sorry about that." Sakura keeps patting my head.

"You're not human?" I ask, looking up at her.

She shakes her head.


'Now thought I got another question.'

'Did she save us because she wanted to?'

'Why not ask her?'

I hesitate. I don't want this moment to end. I don't want this feeling to disappear.


The whole place shakes violently as another explosion thunders from outside.

I feel arms around me—warm, firm, holding me close. Please be real. Please don't be fake… But I can't confirm it.

'Just ask her we can prove it that way'

'It might be fake.'

'It might not be.'

'But if it is real…'

"I'm not human," Sakura says softly answering my question, still patting my head. "But that doesn't mean I can't feel like one."

"Is… this real?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"What is?" she asks back, tilting her head slightly.

'Have courage.'

'Ask her.'

'You can do it.'

'Should really find an escape route first.'

I take a breath. "Why did you save me?"

Sakura hugs me tighter. "Because the alternative was much worse—for both you and us."

"How bad?" The words leave my mouth before I even think.

She hesitates for just a second. "Well… let's just say you were gone. In a sense. Your mind managed to slip back out a few times, but.. yeah."

Her voice is calm, but my senses tell me she isn't lying.

She holds me closer. "If you're afraid, don't worry. We won't do that to you. I'll make sure of it."

Still no lies.

Gone…? How does someone die in a sense?


'She's telling the truth.'

'We should still be careful—she doesn't have thoughts we can read.'

'But… her hug feels warm.'

I take another deep breath, trying to push the thoughts away. "So… what happens to me now?"

"Whatever you want it to be," Sakura answers. "Well, after we evacuate you from here."

"Will you come with me?" I ask without thinking.

She looks up toward the ceiling, as if listening to something.

"You can," another voice says, echoing through the hull—Rupture, the captain. "I'll get two of the Hammerhead's girls to switch places."

Sakura smiles down at me. "Yes, I can join you if you want."

I nod.

'More safe.'



'We don't know…'

The voices in my head whisper, some agreeing, some questioning.

"So, let's get back to your name, shall we?" Sakura says, handing me another cup of hot chocolate. I take a big gulp, savoring the warmth.

"There are a lot of names," she continues, her voice thoughtful. "Some people name themselves after gods or goddesses to give a sense of power or importance. Others—like me—choose something simpler."

The black liquid around her hand shifts and forms into an image—a tree, tall and strong, with pink and white leaves slowly falling to the ground. My senses register it as solid.


'Calm and safe.'

'Looks safe.'

'That's pink? it is pink, right?'

"I want to see one," I whisper.

Sakura nods. "You will. Once we go back to Japan—or home."


'A safe place?'


'Just be cautious.'

I look up at her again. "How do others come up with their names?"

"For humans, most of the time, their parents give them a name," she explains. "Some people change their names later. Others choose one for themselves."

She pats my head again, her touch gentle. "You can choose your own name too."

'We should pick our own name.'



'Ask her to give us one?'

I stare into my cup, thinking. What should I be called?

"Can you give me a name?" I ask, agreeing with the voices. Maybe it would make me feel closer to her… more real.

"Hmm… you're giving me such a hard task~" she says with a teasing smile. "Let's see… what kind of name would you like?"



'Something with meaning?'

'Closer to her.'

That last thought triggers more whispers.

'Closer to her?'

'Closer to Sakura?'

'Hmm, that could help form a bond.'

'Like a parent…'

"Maybe… something similar to yours?" I ask, looking up at her. I've been sitting on her lap this whole time, wrapped in her warmth.

She blinks. "Do you want me to adopt you?"

I freeze. The word hangs in the air. My chest feels tight. Then, before I know it, there's wetness on my face again.

'What is adopt?'

'It means becoming family.'

'Yes, family.'

'She seems friendly enough…'

"There, there," she murmurs, pulling me closer, her hand gently wiping my tears away. "You won't be alone anymore… I promise."

"Promise?" I sniffle.

"Yes," she says firmly.

I nod. Slowly, I turn around on her lap and wrap my arms around her. This is how you hug someone dear to you… right?

'Go for it!'

'Nothing bad will happen, trust her.'

'We'll be here if you need us.'

'No threats so far… she's safe enough.'

"M… mom?" I say hesitantly.

She smiles even wider and hugs me tighter. "Yes, dear?"

I bury my face against her. "What's my name?"

She strokes my hair gently, thinking. "Hmm… how about Spring?"

Spring? What's that?

'Something about seasons?'

'What's a season?'

'Need more data.'


"What's that?" I ask.

Sakura blinks a few times, then chuckles. "Do you know what a season is?"

I shake my head.

"Well… let's fix that." She lifts her hand, and the black liquid forms into a familiar cube. "This time, try to go slow. It's not a lot of information, but it's better than me explaining it from how season operate."

I nod.

'Headache again?'

'Should be worth it.'

'Careful now…'

'Preparing data transfer.'

I reach out with my mind and touch the block of knowledge.

No pain this time. Just… new information, filling in empty spaces.

So that's what seasons are… and my name is Spring?

Hope. Life. Rebirth. A brighter future.

A small smile forms on my lips. That's… me.

I look up at her face.

"Nice to meet you, my daughter," Sakura says warmly, pulling me into another hug.

"N… nice to meet you too, mom," I whisper, my voice trembling.

But this time, it's not fear.

It's something new. Something warm.

And for the first time… I think I like it.

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