Chapter 17 - Pearl Harbor - 17

Hestia's POV

Aqua-chan... I sighed as I thought about her. She did a flawless operation, but the aftermath was something she clearly didn't think through. Typical Aqua.

Here I am now, walking across the makeshift prisoner camp while treating the injured to be honest it just a Allies base, we didn't modify it or anything. Another fog spire was built to fully cover the whole island, making it impenetrable. No ship or plane would be able to get in—or out—especially with our missiles capable of hitting targets up to 4,000 meters in the air. The underwater turrets could handle any attempt at infiltration as it just a few hundred meters below the surface.Back to the task at hand—most of the wounded soldiers have been treated, and the dead have been buried. The Allies' commander is currently in our custody after Triple knocked him out. I healed him already, but he hasn't woken up yet. Shouldn't take more than a few more minutes, though.Gawr's team is currently keeping the civilians calm. Speaking of Gawr... I glanced toward the dock and spotted her chewing on chunks of metal salvaged from sunken ships. Yeah... that's happening.

Meanwhile, Rupture's team is busy mopping up the last enemy stronghold on the other side of the island.

I walked past rows of prisoners, noting their terrified expressions. Not that I could blame them. Triple's towering presence behind me probably wasn't helping, either.

To further demoralize any resistance, all weapons had been dissolved back into raw resources. Even if they wanted to fight back, they couldn't even scratch a T-Doll, let alone a submarine.

("Hestia-chan, the enemy commander is waking up.") Quasia's voice came through my comms, pulling me out of my thoughts. I adjusted my path toward the Allies' MCV without hesitation.

To be honest, I was disappointed by the MCV. I'd expected some kind of advanced programming to optimize construction, but no. Turns out it's just a glorified 3D printer that requires manual assembly.

Stepping through a broken section of the MCV's wall, I spotted the commander propped up against a crate. Quasia leaned casually against the wall, her sharp gaze locked onto him.

as Quasia currently leaning against the wall and the Allies commander sit up against another wall as she staring him down..

"So," I started, stepping closer until I stood over him. "I'm here to negotiate for this island. In return, we won't report to the USA about your illegal occupation of this territory."

The commander blinked, clearly still trying to process the situation. "D... did you heal me? What about the rest?" he asked nervously.

"Yes," I confirmed. "Now, about this island?" I repeated, my tone firm.

He hesitated before giving me a tired smile. "You'll need to talk to my superior..."

("Aqua-chan, you might be needed for a meeting soon.") I sent a quick message through the comms.

("I'll handle it tomorrow.") Aqua-chan's voice responded, slightly annoyed. Not sure why.

"Very well," I told the commander. "We will talk to Your superior tomorrow for negotiations."

His brows furrowed. "Wait, what? How—?"

I ignored his confusion and turned to leave. Quasia and Triple fell into step behind me.

"You're not going to arrest me or anything?" he called after me.

I glanced back briefly. "We control all communications on this island. All routes off and onto the island are secured. All your technology has been hacked, and your weapons have been melted into raw materials. You're free to move around, but escape attempts won't end well."

With that, I exited the MCV, mentally shifting gears. Aqua-chan mentioned renovating the island to prepare for future sieges. Time to get started.

I addressed Quasia and Triple. "You can return to your ships if you want. I'll be working on fortifications and overseeing construction. Or, if you'd rather stick around, I'll set up a park up the hill for us later."

Triple nodded and wandered off, but Quasia stuck around. "I'll help. My nanoswarms are ready."

Fair enough. First on the list—underwater sensor towers, followed by perimeter defense turrets. Another layer of sensors to detect stealth or time-based attacks. Add Avalon laser cannons on the mountains for long-range sniping. Those cannons could tear through capital ships, so unless Allies bring Paradox Engine and their entire arsenal, this place won't fall easily.

But Aqua-chan mention something about Chrono tech that worried me—teleportation and time freezes. I'll need more PD turrets across the island, just in case.

Summoning my submarine rigging, I dove into the water. Quasia get into my rigging, and together, we began laying the groundwork.

Rupture's POV

They really thought they could escape? I watched as the missile turrets sank the destroyer deployed from the closest base. Now I was rescuing survivors from lifeboats and debris.

With my submarine rigging, I swept through the area, using nanoswarms to scoop up soldiers and deposit them into the lifeboats trailing behind me.

"Whoa!" one of them yelled as I tossed him onto a raft.

Annoying. At least Danielle was helping out, which sped things up.

Lib and Sakura were busy constructing a sensor grid on this side of the island, but we needed to wrap this up quickly so that I can finally relax.

Allies commander's POV

"So... let me get this straight," I began, pinching the bridge of my nose. "One of the girls is eating the hull of a Trident Battleship right now?"

The soldier nodded. "Yes, Commander. The survivors said she threw a missile at them, blew up the main turret, and then started eating the hull." He gestured toward a group of navy men nearby. "She eating the floating chuck at this moment I believe."

My headache worsened. "How many ships did we lose?"

"Ehh.. Commander, you should ask Navy about that, I only tank units" the soldier replied as he pick up the beer can and give it to me.. might as well with how badly we lost..

"Fine.. how much ships did we lost?" I ask.. as I already half guess the answer..

"You'll need to ask the Navy, sir. I'm a tank unit guy." He handed me a beer can. Might as well.

I cracked it open. "Fine. How many tanks did we lose?"

"All of them..." He gave me a helpless look. "Kappa? Gone. Zephyr? Gone. Even the Powersuits? Gone. Those girls just disassembled everything with their swarms."

So the ships are being eaten, but why didn't she just use the swarm to destroy them outright? Strange.

Another question nagged at me—why were they all girls? Was it like Tanya's situation, or did their command just think girls looked less threatening?

(Author note: This is Tanya Adam, she exist in Red Alert verse as a form of Commando unit before 'Tanya the evil' even come out)

I wandered toward the navy group, noting my tattered uniform. I'd been kicked in the chest earlier, but at least I'd been healed. Still, I look up at the girl who sitting on the rooftop edge.

Hoodie, short pants, and what I assumed to be stockings? Did they not have military uniforms? Or was this some trend I didn't know about?

shook my head as I arrived at the navy drinking group, who were sitting in a circle... and talking about dolphins?

"Soldier," I said, drawing their attention. They looked at me and immediately stood up to salute.

"What happened?" I asked, focusing on a guy who had a heartbroken look on his face.

"One of those demons ate our dolphins," he answered.

"I raised those dolphins myself, and their prism attacks didn't even scratch that demon at all," he continued.

"No damage? Like absolutely none?" I asked. As far as I remembered, dolphins were trained and equipped with Comet Prism rifles mounted on their backs to shoot at enemies. To not take damage from such an attack? I'd seen those weapons damage our ships during testing back when I first stepped up as a commander to test the effective of dolphin units.

"None, sir," he replied. "I saw one of those prism lasers hit her... she just looked really annoyed and pissed off," he added.

"So they're immortal? Or at least immune to our weaponry?" I asked, now annoyed that we can't do anything as our enemy seemed so overpowered.

"Sir," another navy member said, catching my attention. He was holding a beer can in his hand. "I watched one of those girls tank three shots from our main navy turrets. She didn't look wounded at all, sir," he said, taking another large sip of beer, seemingly as resigned as I was.

"Artillery won't work either if 16-inch caliber shells from our ships can't damage them..." I muttered. Where did these hidden factions even come from?

"Sir... with all due respect, I don't think we can fistfight them and win either," one of the navy guys said with a laugh.

Yeah, that's the problem. So... I really hope tomorrow's negotiations go well. I mean, whatever this faction is, they're not Soviet. That's for sure, or else they'd be speaking Russian already—let alone surviving this long. Although, I wonder what that first explosive was about. Was it to draw our attention? To the fog?

Also yeah, the fog rose from the sea, covering the whole base and the city, nothing

"Have any of you got news on what happened at the Mercury Satellite uplink?" I asked, unsure myself as communications were still down and the fog remained thick.

"They're all dead... Apparently, one of your runners went to check. Nothing survived, though the uplink is still intact," one of the drunk navy guys said, pointing to one of the soldiers cowering in fear in the corner of the building.

I nodded and started walking again. A lot more people to talk to as well as lot of stuff to gather for a case.. At least I need to make sure my remaining mens are safe.

A few hours later

Hestia's POV

t was around 7:30 PM. The perimeter building was done... the residential building was done... and the park in front of the residential building was also done.

Apparently, halfway through the construction, Aqua-chan ordered Gawr to hunt down farm animals on the island and bring them back alive. That meant Quasia and Rawr had to help Gawr search for and contain the animals. Well, at least the main base now had meat on the menu.

Anyway, I was currently sitting on the sofa, watching Belfast grilling meat for steak? I didn't really know, as I'd never eaten anything before. My crews had already taken up seating spots around the park as other Kansen started to arrive with their respective crews—except for Gawr.

Aqua-chan did mention that Gawr could catch fish along the way, so she'd have something to eat at the main base too."Hestia-chan, can you make a picnic table?" Belfast asked, looking up at me.

"Sure," I replied as I willed my nanoswarms to create long benches and a picnic table.

Just then, Rupture arrived with her crew from the north, looking tired.

"Dinner's nearly ready..." Belfast said as Rupture nodded and sat down on one of the benches. I stood up from my sofa, letting my nanoswarms disassemble it back into resources. Then, I walked over and sat on the opposite side of the table. My crew joined me too, and I noticed Protea sitting down next to me.

I wasn't sure why, but she had a lot of problems early on, and now she was pretty attached to me. I still remembered how she yelled at me for being a "pervert" yesterday when I built her. Archer, Crusher, and Masoom also joined us at my side of the table.

"How was your day?" I asked Rupture.

She just smiled. "Annoying... then boring. I hope you really have something better to do."

I shook my head. "Not much better then your... I mostly had healing and building tasks. Although I did finish a few blueprints and sent them to Aqua-chan," I said, smiling.

She nodded as Belfast arrived with steaks, sliding the plates across the table. Okay, that was a neat trick—using frictionless surfaces to make the plates stop right in front of each person.

"Please enjoy. I have second servings if anyone wants more," Belfast said, bowing. She loved being a maid... but still, she was part of my crew.

"Belfast, you should join us too," I said, looking at her to make sure she sat down and ate.

She nodded and took her own plate of steak before sitting down. I looked back toward Rupture's side, and they had already started eating. Hot food didn't seem to be a problem, I guessed. So I picked up a fork and knife, cut the steak, and took a bite.

Delicious... really nice and tasty.

Aqua's POV

It was already nighttime, huh? Anyway, Melody and I had finally finished excavating. I mean, with a total of 18 nanoswarm deployers and 8 mini deployers, we managed to finish excavating the entire 10 square kilometers in a single day. Technically, Melody carried most of the workload—she's definitely efficient at her job.Melody is a Hestia-class MCV, the 2nd one I built, she help a lot on building that for sure.

"Good work, girls. Thanks, Melody, for helping out," I said. Now that I thought about it, we were literally 10 kilometers away from base, at the bottom-right corner. "Frictionless nanoswarms?" I asked, looking at Tama. She was technically the one who invented that trick. Given how smooth we dug and how polished the floors underneath were, it felt like a good idea.

So yeah, let's head back. Gawr should be arriving at the base soon too—with a few fish—so we can have dinner. Now I was kind of jealous of Hestia's team... she had Belfast, and I knew for a fact that Belfast could cook some good food.

Anyway, let's head back to base. Then I'll eat, sleep, and get ready for tomorrow's meeting with the Pacific Front.