Chereads / HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 97 - Chapter 45 Head of a Snake Part 1 (Part 2)

Chapter 97 - Chapter 45 Head of a Snake Part 1 (Part 2)

Rift Alliance Conference, Spirit of Fire...Uncharted Space...

Calling an emergency session of the Rift Alliance Council was as good as telling the Empire something was up as they were bound to learn about it but it was a necessary risk given the situation.

The fact that they had guests too was enough of a change to the norm, the Underworld Alliance had been asked to attend and so Talon Karrde was present. He was like all of the other members were curious as to what the situation was as it was unusual for meetings to be made at such short notice.

Haron walked in and faced the other members, they all gave him their full attention.

"What I am about to reveal must not go beyond this room. That is something we must all agree too before continuing." Haron told them and the fact he seemed to issuing an order rubbed some people the wrong way but eventually they all nodded in agreement, so he could continue.

"Recently a joint Rebellion/Mandalorian expedition discovered a ship that belonged to the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Hardly an interesting discovery on its own but this particular vessel fought in the Battle of Coruscant, crashing as it left the battle." Haron said and then he got to the point. "But due to that accident, the droids did not manage to wipe the navigational computer before the crash, so it contained the information on the hyperspace routes it had travelled...including the one that allowed General Grievous to bypass the Core Worlds and strike directly at Coruscant. We now know how to access the same route and can use it to get past all of the Imperial defences and attack at the Emperor directly. Even taking out the upper leadership of the Empire in one stroke if we time this right." Haron said calmly.

He didn't say much as the news sank in, it didn't take long for them to see the incredible opportunity that had fallen in their laps. San Hill in particular who had long wished Dooku had actually bothered to share that information with the council back then because they could have attacked Palpatine a long time ago.

"So you want to mount some kind of attack during the upcoming command and strategy conference?" San Hill asked and Haron nodded.

"Which is why no one outside of this room must know that we know. Or that we are going to attack Coruscant, if the Emperor and his people know they they will vanish before we can even try. But do this right and we cut the head off the snake, even make sure that no-one can take the throne. We keep the true target secret until the very day of the attack. If we all agree." Haron said as he waited to see if they agreed.

The silence that followed his announcement lasted longer than he had expected, the idea was insane but would they admit that it was possible. They all sat there wondering about it but the first voice that spoke out was not a good sign.

"You're mad! It will never work!" Namzor's representative said but Alia Atreides of the Padisahah Imperium felt differently.

"It can, I see it clearly. The one chance we will ever get to strike a blow that will break the Empire into pieces. Otherwise we will pay a heavy price in blood for every system we take from them." Alia insisted, her impressive foresight letting her see this was as some Jedi referred to it a 'shatterpoint'. The Bene Gesserit had made a great study of them and found them wanting but some of their principles were intriguing.

"Force visions aside." Garm Bel-Iblis said with some distaste at the idea of basing so much of their strategy on something so obscure but the idea behind the attack was sound. "This could be exactly what we need to break the Empire and make things a lot easier for ourselves."

"There is no chance of taking the planet even with this hyperspace route." Than General Sky Falls in Thunder said and the Quarran representative of Mon Calamari General Nossor Ri chose that moment to speak up.

"Only if we wanted to conquer the planet, but this attack is more about ending the line of succession within the Empire and showing the galaxy that they are beaten. This attack could work on many levels...if we do it right." The Quarran male said and Haron was glad some of them were in favour of this admittedly risky plan.

"But an attack of this magnitude would require a very large attack force." Gol Potel, the ambassador from the Hapes Consortium said, seeing that. "To overwhelm the Imperial Defence Units and the planetary defence network."

"Not if we sabotage it first." Talon Karrde said with a look of intrigue on his face. Getting some of his people to do this would take a lot of convincing but he thought with a growing sense of interest. "It can be done."

"Indeed, but we will keep the actual target secret for now for the reasons we already mentioned. If each member state gives a portion then we can assemble a large strike force, one capable enough to punch through the lines at Coruscant and end Palpatine forever. Now, you all can see that it can be done. This a gamble, its hell of a risky gamble but it is one worth end this war and see the Empire collapse. So...make your decision." He told them with a stern voice.

It took over an hour of constant arguing before they finally got all of them to agree, each of them would provide a part of the attack force which would if Anakin and Deera succeeded in their own missions would swell to a extremely large size.

But getting the strike force together was only the first part of this insane plan he thought, there was still a lot of work to do and they hadn't even finished this part yet.

Theed, Naboo...

"The opportunity is once in a lifetime. We need to take advantage of this." Anakin pressed, the Rebel Leaders around the table looked deeply uncertain, especially those that had been senators in the Republic like Bail Organa or even his own wife but General Dodonna and Admiral Ackbar were already on his side.

"If we want to end this war sooner rather than after years of bloody warfare then this is the best opportunity we have had the entire war." Dodonna said and Ackbar nodded in agreement.

"It can be done, this could end the war or at least bring that end sooner." Ackbar said but Bail was concerned.

"The attack on Coruscant scared the population during the Clone Wars, that's what helped Palpatine gain power. I don't want to risk setting up another dictator." Bail said but Anakin who was frustrated with the slow pace of discussion made his points while countering Bail's.

"That is always a risk but that is the future, a maybe, a what if. We cannot control what will happen in the future all we can do is act with information we have. Deal with the now and face the future as it happens. This could be the only chance we will ever have to get Palpatine and maybe the rest of the Imperial Leadership along with him, to wipe them out in one swoop. Now, a decision has to be made. Do we do it or not?" Anakin asked looking to all of them.

There was a tense few moments as they all thought about before slowly one by one, they told him.


Anakin smiled with relief, keeping the secret was still a big challenge but he knew that with the combined forces of the Rebellion and the Rift Alliance then they would be able to put a strong enough force to at least try and attack Coruscant. But it would need to be more than a fleet, he realised, they would need a ground force to attack the Imperial Palace as that thing had shields strong enough to deflect any bombardment, the moment that the Empire detected their presence those shields would go up in a blink of an eye.

So whoever went would need to be the best of the best he thought and started comprising a list of just who to take.

The Continental, Phripalmur...

The elaborate and luxurious hotel complex was also the most secure and private place on the entire planet, that made it the best place for Talon Karrde and Vysa to meet with the best placed man to ensure a major part of the plan was carried out.

"The Imperial defence net around Coruscant is probably the most extensive in the galaxy and you want it sabotaged." Winston said with a air of disbelief that they would even try something like this.

"The Underworld on Coruscant could do it." Vysa said knowing that the major players on Coruscant would have the reach and the means to achieve that end. Winston nodded in acceptance.

"They could but why would they want too? It would bring a lot of attention to them." Winston said and Talon had an answer for that.

"Like they haven't got it already. The Empire is stifling their trade and transport off world, the taxes they demand of their citizens is enough to plunge the galactic economy into recession, one of the deepest in galactic history to pay for its enormous war machine. They'll be out of business or more likely end up dead unless something changes, this would make that change possible." Talon stated quite clearly.

Winston nodded, he knew from his various contacts on Coruscant and some other worlds in the Core that all of the various crime families were struggling even the Pykes with all of the pressure being put on them by the Empire. The intense security was making it virtually impossible for them to operate trade and even the Pykes were finding it hard to smuggle anything right now. The Empire was so paranoid that they were collaborating with their enemies that even bribes were not being taken as the punishment for accepting them and being caught was way too high for most to risk, the few that did well they wished they were dead within the first hour of being caught.

Breaking the Empire would allow the elements of the Underworld Alliance on Coruscant to flourish again and aid in the break up of the Empire, the government that replaced it might be worse but as a collective they had the power to change that Winston thought and nodded in agreement.

"I will set the wheels into motion. It will happen when you need it." He reassured them, knowing it would take some convincing but they would get it done when they needed it. Keeping it secret would be tough but it could be done.

It would certainly be a sight to see he thought with amusement as he went back to his drink.

Luxan Territories, Wild Space...

Deera was in the middle of a long meeting with the Luxans, they were incredible warriors and their assistance in the attack on Coruscant would be extremely helpful especially in the ground assault which would be perhaps the hardest part of the battle.

Fortunately outlining what they intended did not put off the Luxans, far from it.

It only encouraged them...they were on board. She shouldn't be surprised really Deera thought to herself, they love a challenge and this was going to be an exceptionally big one.

Rebel Base, Naboo...

Anakin was co-ordinating a lot of different forces for the coming battle but with an intentional misdirection of the actual target so if Imperial Intelligence did pick up on it then not only would it make the Imperials waste resources on a defending a false location while keeping the enemy unaware of their true agenda.

Taking a break after a long day of work he retreated to his quarters and sighed as he was wondering if they were going to get this mission going.

But then he felt a presence in the force, one that he had not felt in over twenty years. The world around him darkened and a dark space field appeared, he was standing in a runic like circle but before he could be really confused about where he was a familiar voice spoke to him.

"Strange place this is, do you think Skywalker hmm?"

Anakin smiled and turned to see a somewhat older Master Yoda sitting on a rock not to far away.

"I haven't heard word for you in years and then you just drop in? A bit rude." Anakin said with a warm smile to the old master who just smiled back and told him.

"Business I cannot have been up too? Watched though I have all of these years and impressed I am by all that you have done. Jedi Business though we need to discuss. Come to me you must to talk, hard it is to maintain this for long." Yoda said and a planet and its location in the galaxy appeared in Anakin's mind. Just how the old Jedi Master had done this deeply confused Anakin but before he could ask just what Yoda meant and what he had been doing all of these years the vision ended and he found himself back in his room.

It was really not the best time for him to be leaving but he could delegate things to Luke and the others for now, he wondered if maybe he could convince Master Yoda to help in rallying people for the attack or finding some more Jedi to help. He had some of them like Satele and Meetra had agreed to join the attack and he was waiting for some of the other Jedi sects in the galaxy to give him an answer.

Yoda's support might sway some of them he considered and so he told Luke and Padme where he was going and why and hopefully bringing some more Jedi help before taking R2 and his personal fighter and flying off into the unknown.

- x -

Ossus, Outer Rim...

When Anakin on his long flight realised just where he was his heart almost stopped, he had heard legends of this place as he had grown up in the temple but never had he imagined that he would actually see it with his own eyes.

Ossus, the Jedi's greatest home. While Tython might be where the order had been born it was on Ossus that they had truly found their home and its loss he knew had been deeply hurtful to the Jedi. Seeing that the planet had healed somewhat since the supernova made he realise just what Master Yoda had been doing all of these years, Anakin smiled as realised just what having Ossus back would mean for the Jedi.

He guided his fighter in and landed outside a large city and exited his customised X-Wing, R2 ejecting himself from the slot in the back and trembling slightly as he looked ahead but Anakin smiled and told him.

"Don't worry about R2, we're safe here." He told the droid to reassure him and then another familiar voice came, one that struck a deep cord in Anakin.

"All of these years and still the same droid is following you around, he must be the most loyal droid in the entire galaxy."

Anakin smiled as he saw the tall figure of Master Tuwan appear, his Jedi robes white and gold like those Master Yoda had originally crafted all of those years ago. He didn't hesitate and neither did Tuwan, walking towards each other and giving a warm and tight hug.

"It is good to see Anakin, much has changed in all of these years but let me be the first to say that I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished. The galaxy is much better off for having you." Tuwan said with a smile, the words had a deep impact on Anakin who held the great master in high esteem. "Shall we, there isn't much time." He said becoming suddenly urgent as they accompanied by R2 walked into the city and saw many people some of whom he recognised from the Temple looked at them as they passed.

"What is this place?" Anakin asked, putting aside his own worries about what Tuwan had said about their being little time for the moment. Tuwan who was walking towards a towering pyramid like temple in the centre of the city answered.

"Knossa, the city of Ossus that grew around the Jedi Temple here. There are several such places like this for the Jedi to hide in. A number of smaller enclaves and two other big colonies like this one. One of which is run by your old master." Tuwan told him and the mention of Obi-Wan who Anakin hadn't heard from for years instantly caught his notice.

"Obi-Wan, is he okay?" Anakin asked and Tuwan nodded.

"He is well, he has a family now from what I understand and is watching over a colony of Jedi not unlike this one." Tuwan said which amazed Anakin and made him glad that his old master had finally made something of a life for himself before unfortunately Tuwan let him know what he had meant earlier by there being little time. "Yoda is anxious to meet with you soon, he hasn't much time left."

That made Anakin stop still in shock, Master Yoda...dying?! He thought with disbelief. No that couldn't be right he thought with rejection of the idea, the ancient master had outlived so many people and led the Jedi for longer than most had been alive. He couldn't be dying now! Anakin thought before rushing forward with Tuwan towards the large temple.

They entered without issued and rushed through the corridors before getting to the main hall. Anakin entered the room and saw many Jedi that were at least familiar to him from the Clone Wars like Master Sabla-Mandibu and Celeste Morne but he only truly looked at one. In a bed in the centre of a large chamber was the aged Master Yoda, the little green alien looked to have aged a lot more than Anakin would have thought possible in the last two decades, looking so frail and weak.

But his eyes lit up slightly when he noticed Anakin was here.

"Skywalker." Yoda said, his voice old and creaky but Anakin walked forward and knelt at the side of his bed. "It is good to see you, thank you I do for coming and for keeping the light of hope alive across the galaxy." He said and seemed to be having a trouble his breathing, his breaths were short and laboured.

"Many others have done a lot of that work." Anakin said humbly as he was still trying to wrap his head around that the wise and seemingly immortal Grandmaster of the Jedi was dying.

"Indeed they do, but recognise your contribution we should. Many things have changed and speak with you I must, need to know you do what I must ask of you now." Yoda said with a pained expression.

"Anything master." Anakin said as the other Jedi watched. Yoda smirked before telling him.

"Never say that should you. Know what I am asking of you, you do not." Yoda teased him with some of that mischievous spark coming back briefly before he continued. "When gone am I, lead the will." Yoda then told him becoming completely serious.

Anakin was momentarily stunned, unable to completely take that in. Yoda wanted him to be the next Grandmaster of the fractured Jedi Order!

"Why me? I am not cut out for that." Anakin said but Yoda reassured him.

"Need someone the Jedi do, that understands the mistakes of our past and how to correct them. Not to go backwards but to move forwards, the Jedi must. Done a great deal of that already you have. Know to let the different sects develop in their own way you do. To be the leader of the Jedi, think of no one better can I." Yoda told him with a smile.

Anakin swallowed, feeling very much like an inexperienced Padawan again as he considered just what a responsibility this would be and how much had to be done. He almost turned him down for that but knew that Yoda was right, the Jedi must move on if they were going to survive and grow stronger so maybe a maverick like him was the best person to do that, he did not want the responsibility which came with such a role and knew reconnecting the Jedi even if individual sects were to stay independent would take a lot of work.

But it was worth it, especially if he wanted the Jedi to be more than just footsoldiers of whatever government arose after the fall of the Empire, to be truly active and doing the sort of work they should be doing.

Anakin nodded and Yoda nodded and told him many of the secrets that he had been keeping, including locations of other hidden temples and colonies along with some other things that Yoda had learned. It was a great deal but Anakin nodded and listened to every word he said before at last...the time came.

Yoda smiled gently and then closed his eyes, Anakin and the other Jedi looked on mournfully but then in amazement as Yoda's body disappeared right before their eyes. Anakin who had seen Master Windu's disappear before was confused as to how this could be...but Master Tuwan who had likewise seen this before in his own time spoke.

"He has truly become one with the force, he shall always be with us. At our side, in our memories and in the force...Yoda will always be there when we need him most." Tuwan said with a calmness that Anakin had always admired. The feeling of desolation at Yoda's absence lessened somewhat especially as they felt a warm feeling in the force that let them know he was right.

After all, there was no death, there was the force.

Anakin who had hoped to find an ally here was now hit with the full weight of events as he realised the enormous thing that was hanging from his shoulders, the Jedi would look to him now for leadership and he wasn't sure he was up to that task.

But before he could even consider what to do with this challenge that he wasn't sure he wanted, there was something else he needed to do.

End the Sith, they would return, history showed that time after time but for this moment at least...he would end them, Anakin swore to himself.

Imperial Monitoring Station, Unnamed Planetoid...Two Days Before the Assault...

The large complex with enormous receiver dishes was set among the orange rocks and was constantly monitoring the border for any signs of a potential attack. While the sector had become something of a backwater in the war at present it was still a potential area of invasion and they could monitor a good part of the border from here so it was an important duty to make sure that the Empire was safe from any further invasion.

The Separatists were not known to use stealth ships, it wasn't their usual tactics beyond a few rare examples but the Mandalorians did. They had been using cloaking technology for years and had been steadily improving it all of the time. A brand new larger drop ship with an advanced cloaking system and special stealth plating dropped out of hyperspace in the system, it did not even register on Imperial scanners and moved quickly towards the surface, dropping the cloak just long enough to fire four proton torpedoes, striking down the main shield generators and three defence emplacements before activating its laser cannons, firing at the Imperial buildings and people that it could see, a Special Operations Team led by Trilla Suduri leapt from the side hatch and began to drop bombs onto each of the large scanning dishes at the highly vulnerable point where they joined each tower. Detonating them as they returned to the ship, the charges were small but powerful and blew the connections with ease which sent the dishes falling towards the ground, crushing both people and buildings before coming to rest.

Trilla smirked and told the pilot to get them out of here, the job was done and the first stage of the plan completed. Now it was time for stage two.

- x -

Imperial Fuel Refinery and Depot, Later Day...

The lost of the monitoring station had immediately put the local Imperial forces on alert and they were expecting a invasion, the refinery was no different but there was nothing they could have done to protect against what the Mandalorians were going to throw at them.

Everything seemed quiet, they expected a fleet of ships to arrive but instead the base began to explode seemingly on its own! Their sensors had recorded a number of small and brief distortions just short of the atmosphere but it could have been just brief glitch in the system or meteors like they had from time to time.

But they were not meteors, they were the hyperspace capable stealth missiles launched by the Mandalorians as a distraction, laying the facility to waste without ever even seeing the enemy. But they did the bombardment slowly enough intentionally so the Imperials could get a distress call out and the Empire began to move ships into the area to repel what they thought was an invasion.

Rally Point, Unified Fleet...Same Moment...

The combined force assembled from the Rift Alliance and Rebellion was now getting ready to jump, the Infinity was surrounded by a number of AdenKeldabe and Orar class battleships with a pair of Aggressor-class special weapon ships, accompanying each of them were smaller Gladius, Halberd and Crusader class ships while flights of Vipers, X-Wings and U-Wing bombers flew around them.

The Mon Calamari had provided a number of MC80, MC55 and MC30a cruisers along with B-Wing heavy starfighters for escort. They flew along side the Thranta-class Light Cruisers, CR90 and Foray class corvettes and a motley collection of other ships with T-70 X-wings, A-Wings, ARC-170 heavy starfighters and a number of other models provided by the Rebellion and Corellia.

The Separatist Alliance had provided LucrehulksProvidence class battleships and other small vessels with a large number of Vulture and Hyena Droid fighters, all upgraded with modern technology. The Than had sent a squadron of a hundred ships as well.

The Padisahah Imperium had sent some of their new battleships and heavy cruisers along with many of the Jackal fighters.

The Underworld Alliance had even arranged for a squadron of their M-Class heavy gunships used by the Ravagers.

The fleet was enormous, totalling over six hundred ships in all without counting starfighters and bombers. Possibly the largest task force that the enemies of the Empire had ever assembled at one time.

But as the fleet prepared for the jump, many still not knowing just where they were going there were some things that had to be said.

On the landing deck of the Infinity, those that were going were bidding their loved ones fair well. This battle was dangerous, more so than any other that they had fought in and there was a real danger that they might not be coming back.

The warriors were all going because they had an heir at home or others to carry on their legacy, Haron had ordered this as he knew that many would die regardless of what they did and so he did not want houses or clans to be wiped out.

That was the reason why he was leaving Marcus at home, along with all his siblings. Ara too as he knew she would be needed more than him if this attack failed or if he died and it succeeded then she would need to be there to help Marcus and Leia rule. It was the same reason why Neville and Hannah would be staying with their boys while Luna stayed as her order needed her too. Deera and Zara were coming while leaving their daughters at home and so was Vysa leaving Eliza with their daughter. His nieces were strong women but he worried what losing all of them would do but he would not order them back, he did not have that right.

Bo Katan was joining them too, saying her goodbyes along with many others, Haron watched the goodbyes and was just really hoping this worked...if it didn't the cost would be way too high.

Turning to his family no words were said as they exchanged hugs, his children and friends all wishing him luck before he turned Ara who just kissed him deeply. He returned it and whispered in her ear.

"I will do everything I can to get back to you." He said to her and she whispered back.

"You'd better." He smiled though and kissed her again. Deera and Zara kissed and hugged their daughters as did Vysa.

Anakin was being no less emotional as he bid farewell to his own family, much to his fear Luke was going with them. He wanted to leave his eldest son behind but Luke would not hear of it. Mace was staying and Allara had promised if he did not return to finish Mace, Tash, Zak and Wila's training. He hoped it would not come to that but it was a precaution he had to take. He was going to face one of the most dangerous Sith Lords that had ever been and even if the rumours that they had heard which said he was losing his power and sanity were true that did not mean that Palpatine wasn't dangerous.

Anakin had underestimated him once and nearly lost everything...he wasn't going to take that risk a second time.

He hugged Padme and kissed her, she was terrified for him but knew it had to be this way, she had little experience in fighting in battles so all she would be in this battle would be a distraction and the younger ones were being kept back as only those who knew what they were doing or where otherwise essential were going in. Inexperience would kill you in the fight they were about to enter.

She didn't want Anakin to go, didn't want to lose him but he would go regardless she knew. This was too important for him not too. What made matters worse was that Luke was going after him, her husband leaving to fight in a battle was bad enough but her eldest son going too was horrible feeling, she knew she might be looking at them for the last time and as she hugged Luke with Leia she never wanted to let him go.

But reluctantly she was made too by Luke himself as he saw the mystery woman that her son had been dating, she walked up to them and with an extremely nervous smile introduced herself.

"I'm Mara Jade." She told them and held her hand out, both Leia and Padme hesitated with distrust before shaking it but Anakin seeing the smile on his son's face made himself remember how he had been when he and Padme had gotten together.

His son was in love he thought and pondered on the woman, she was beautiful he objectively admitted with her incredible red hair and green eyes and he had to admit a very impressive figure in a black formfitting jumpsuit. He was loyal to Padme with all of his soul but he could immediately see just what had drawn his son to her. Not to mention he could sense the strong will that radiated off of her and she had a strong presence in the force of her own.

He just hoped she was ready for this fight.

Anakin, Haron and everyone else that was going waved those that weren't off and went to their various stations, for Haron and Anakin that was on the bridge, seeing the impressive command centre for himself Anakin was impressed by the advanced technology and displays, Haron then went the communications station and handed the data disk to the comms officer.

"Navigation data and final co-ordinates. Spread to the fleet and jump on my command." Haron ordered and the comms officer to his credit did exactly as he was told. When he saw where they were going he blinked in shock as did many across the fleet but Haron allowed only a moment before giving the order with one last look to Anakin, knowing this was the last chance to pull out but both men nodded and so Haron gave the order.

"All ships, jump."

The fleet began jumping to hyperspace, the small ships in the vanguard first along with the starfighters flying independently of carriers before the heavier ships followed, all of the hopes of the Rift Alliance and Rebellion going with them.

Executor, Deep Space...At the Same Moment...

On his flagship Darth Vader was choking the last few officers that he could not trust, the command conference had presented him with the best opportunity that he could ever hope to destroy the Emperor and take the Imperial Throne for himself. There would be no more mistakes like the countless ones made by Palpatine so far, he would make sure of that he thought with anger at the worthless lump of flesh that currently sat on the throne.

It had taken some time but he had finally managed to acquire an ally on Coruscant, Sly Moore was as enraged as he was by Palpatine's constant failures and had arranged additional forces to join with Death Squadron in wiping Palpatine and his loyalists out.

The time was at last here, Vader thought to himself and then had his fleet join to hyperspace, Coruscant and his new throne awaited him he thought with a great sense of anticipation.