Chereads / HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 34 - Chapter 13 A Busy Time (Part 1)

Chapter 34 - Chapter 13 A Busy Time (Part 1)

Coruscant, the Core Worlds…

Haron had been reading up on the most recent intelligence, trying to find a weakness in the Separatist interdiction of many of the hyperspace lanes. It was a difficult situation he admitted with annoyance, having to battle through so many fortified positions to effectively fight the war or remain bottled up in their own territory. Some senators who had reason to dislike him were calling for his resignation calling the entire situation 'his fault' and that it was his incompetence that prevented the war from being fought properly but Haron knew their game. Often it was pride that drove those senators or those that had been denied their much loved bribes due to his influencing policy decisions in favour or actual effectiveness rather than their pockets getting fatter with credits. He knew their methods and had enough logical arguments to dismiss most of them easily besides it was only the Supreme Chancellor's word that matter here.

And despite his suspicions about the man and the lack of the evidence Haron admired the man for his skill in politics, he had the senate in the palm of his hands which was impressive and alarming at the same time.

No sweat he thought with worry as he was making sure his people were as ready as possible such the worst come to pass and looking for an opportunity to expose him. Worse the droid tank plans he had sent to Ordo had proven useless, the design was too flawed to be useable and so their plans to recreate the Basilisk war droids was firmly back in square one. It was frustrating and he sighed with annoyance at the situation.

An enemy he couldn't expose, a stalled project, politics of the Republic and the Mandalorians to worry about.

Still the solution to the hyperspace routes problem had apparently just presented itself, Jabba the Hutt's son had been kidnapped.

That was a very dangerous move Haron thought distracted for a moment from his other woes, wondering just who was crazy enough to mess with the most powerful Hutt crime lord in the galaxy? Jabba was not only rich but had a hell of a long reach and if he found out just who was responsible they were marked for death immediately. But it seemed whoever had taken the younger Hutt was careful enough to hide their involvement.

Haron pondered that while listening to Jabba's message in the Chancellor's office with Palpatine and members of the Jedi Council.

"Jabba requests that anyone who can provide any information they can on his kidnapped son immediately." The hologram of the protocol droid standing next to Jabba said, the hologram then closed down. Those present looked to the Chancellor who was deeply in thought, Haron himself was thinking it was almost too perfect given the timing and their current situation. With the Hutt's hyperspace lanes available to Republic ships they would be able to flank and break the interdiction points not to mention hit some fairly important targets which normally would have been out of reach without a shortcut through Hutt Space.

"I don't like it, having to deal with that criminal scum. This a dark day for the Republic." Mace Windu said from nearby, looking very comfortable at the idea. Haron could well understand his frustration as the Hutts were crime lords and allying with one often came with hard compromises but in this case it was a necessary evil.

"I understand my friend, but we need their hyperspace lanes to move our troops. So we must find Jabba's son." Palpatine said summing up the situation.

"We have a few Jedi to spare but many are not suited to this kind of task." Haron said feeling in his gut and in the force like there was something else at work here, ignoring the Jedi's glares at him their order was not up to the job at hand. "Those that are already have different campaigns to deal with but Kenobi and Skywalker are currently supposed to have finished theirs and have dealt with the Hutts before. General Kenobi could negotiate the agreement while Skywalker rescues Jabba's son."

"Good, make sure we contact them immediately and inform them of this new mission." Palpatine said and went to leave the room, Haron and Windu stared after him for a moment before sharing a look of mutual distrust aimed towards each other before they too left the room. Haron wondered as he made his way to his office if Yoda was the only Jedi that didn't trust Palpatine and what the end goal of this plot was. A cold shiver in the force ran through him and made him question whether this was a Sith plot and he found it likely but to what end he couldn't say.

- x -

Three Days Later…

Haron was in his office working on the latest proposals from different corporations hoping to benefit from Republic military contracts. Many were substandard to the vehicles, ships and equipment already in use and were rejected for that reason, Senators frequently on the companies' payrolls would argue for using them but usually Haron would just place them 'under review' with the Senate Appropriation Committee which he was a part of. The committee was he thought with a grimace the most awkward group in the Republic and that was saying something, more than once he had actually fantasied about just shooting them all and blowing up the Senate Building as they argued about everything and would take months to resolve anything effectively if they ever did. This meant he was able to come up with many arguments against them and if needed find something better.

This latest offering was from Rendili and Kuat Drive Yards, a big collaboration between the two rival ship builders and what they had created was something that he was conflicted about.

It was a new capital ship design for the Republic, a complement they were saying or replacement to the Venator-class...the Victory-class Star Destroyer.

While the Venator was a dedicated fighter carrier that served as a front line warship with reasonable effectiveness, the Victory was a purpose built warship and nothing else. It had far stronger shields and its weaponry was far more powerful than the Venator which would make it a strong warship but it had very small fighter capacity and its design lacked an effective starfighter defence along with numerous other design flaws which he could see as being a real problem in combat if the enemy realised this weakness and exploited it.

The Venator in his mind was fine with the support ships it had but if it was used in combination with the Victory they complemented each other; the powerful weaponry of the Victory and the fighter capacity of the Venator. Deployed in major battles together they would be a powerful team but he didn't want to give the Republic a power pair of assets like that if and when they came against his people but in this case he was feeling the pressure.

Kuat was one of the most politically powerful planets in the Core and had immense wealth thanks to their great shipyards, this power cut right to the top of the political world and even Palpatine himself was being pressed by Kuat to adopt the design right now.

Haron realised that he might have little choice in this and so with his head hung in deep thought came up with a proposal to limit their use and at least put them where they would be most useful to the fleet. At the same time though he was making sure to pass the specs on the vessel to his own people so when the time came they would know just how to hurt this rushed warship.

He was interrupted from writing the statement he had to make over the ship by an urgent communication request from Senator Amidala's apartment. Haron was confused as despite their recent adventure on Balmorra they rarely had cause to speak but nevertheless he opened the channel and saw to his annoyance that the irritating protocol droid she owned was speaking.

"Duke Ordo, oh thank the maker! I was so worried that you would be busy, given your duties." C-3PO started speaking in its long winded way and Haron with a headache brewing had no patience for it and interrupted.

"Is there something the Senator needs from me?" He said sharply and the droid stopped talking for a moment before saying in a distressed tone.

"Oh yes, the Senator has fallen into the hands of a vile Hutt named Ziro who is holding her prisoner! I was going to contact Republic security but Master Anakin spoke so highly of you I hoped you might be able to resolve the situation." C-3PO told him and Haron was immediately concerned as while he and the Senator were not friends he knew she was important to Anakin and one of the few none corrupt politicians in the Republic. This he thought needed quick action to resolve.

"Where is she being held?" Haron said as he got up and picked up his helmet. Honestly was she some sort of danger magnet? He thought with a shake of his head, activating a conference call to Commander Fox, the clone commander of the Coruscant Guard knowing that while he and his warriors needed no help dealing with this it would be better to have some official presence.

- x -

Ziro the Hutt's club was very easy to locate, it was hardly a secret and easily found on the datanet so the Canderous was able to get him and his warriors there very quickly. When he saw the club he was almost laughing at how Ziro had modelled it on a B'omarr monastery like the one used by his far more important and powerful nephew Jabba. Clearly trying to look more impressive than you are Ziro, Haron thought with mirth and now realised given how Ziro had taken the Senator hostage he was likely involved in the abduction of Jabba's son. To try and take over Jabba's empire presumably Haron thought with a shake of the head knowing that if this plot failed then Ziro's life would likely be far...far shorter when Jabba found out.

"Right, scan reveals one human life-form in the main club floor so that will be Amidala. First the droid goes in as a distraction before advance. Only the Hutt and the Senator are to be spared so don't hold your shots." Haron told his warriors who nodded and readied their weapons while he turned to the droid who to his credit did not protest at the dangerous order and instead just remarked before he walked off.

"This part of town is most definitely not my part of town."

Haron was a bit astounded given the droid's usual behaviour but did not waste time as the senator was in danger. Fox and his clones would be here shortly but the threat to Padmé's life meant he needed to act now. The clones would be able to arrest Ziro when they were done.

"Right let's move." Haron said and he led his warriors out of the ship and onto the landing platform before putting a breaching charge on the door. He and his warriors stood back with C-3PO as the door was blown in and the droid wandered into the room, he and his warriors wasted no time and the moment the droid had confused those inside dashed into the room and started shooting.

The thing Haron realised immediately when he saw the room's inhabitants was that clearly Ziro was in bed with the Separatists as the room was filled with their battle droids and another model he didn't immediately recognise. Still he didn't care and started downing the clumsy and fragile B1 battle droids with ease.

"Run for it." Cried out the large, tattooed purple coloured Hutt in surprisingly basic but the sight of a Hutt trying to escape quickly was almost comical as he tried to dragged himself across the floor. Haron and his warriors were almost yawning with the lack of effort it took to take down the b1 droids and Padmé used the distraction they created to wrest the blaster rifle off one of the droids and shoot it down. She called out with triumph as she turned her attention to the purple Hutt.

"Stop Ziro! Stop right where you are." She commanded as she and Haron's party surrounded him.

"Mistress Padmé! Are you alright!? Was I too late?!" C-3PO asked desperately of the young woman who just said with a weary smile.

"3PO, your timing was perfect." She told him and 3PO it seemed was so relieved he cried out thank the maker. Padmé turned to Haron who nodded before saying.

"Next time Senator make sure you have some guards with you. It makes things far safer." He told her, wondering just what had possessed her to come here without at least a couple of bodyguards which he knew she had. She just smiled at him before the purple Hutt said quickly and great desperation.

"I will pay you! A million credits to let me go! Two million?!" He said scrambling to find some way to get out of this but Haron just told him.

"No chance Ziro, I certainly wouldn't want to be on the bad side of Jabba by helping you. He will not be pleased when he finds out just what you've been up too." Haron said and he saw the Hutt shake with fear at the mention of Jabba who he knew would certainly create the most painful and embarrassing death he could for Ziro should he get the chance.

Commander Fox and his clone soldiers came into the room and Padmé turned to the Commander and told him.

"We have a prisoner Commander Fox. Among other things he has been collaborating with the Separatists and tried to have me killed moments ago." Padmé told Fox who nodded and over Ziro's pleading for mercy just said.

"Understood Senator, we'll call for a prison transport."

Haron turned back to Padmé and asked.

"I take it there was a larger plot at work here." Haron asked Padmé who nodded.

A Week Later...

Haron was on the landing pad where his new ship rested, he was for once not wearing his armour and instead had donned a set of overalls and a belt of tools while he made some upgrades to his new ship. Fitting a new and faster hyperdrive in particular, taking the old unit out had been a time consuming job but it was worth it as the speed of the ship at hyperspace went up considerably.

It was a step in the right direction and would be just the initial stage of the upgrades he was going to make, it was also relaxing he found despite the awkward work. Something he could do to himself that had nothing to do with managing the Republic's war effort that was now accelerating with the success of the alliance with the Hutts. More campaigns were being pushed and as the advisor he found himself having oversight over nearly all of them. It was exhausting Haron thought not to mention regularly staying in contact with home and expanding their network on Coruscant.

Add to his worries, Ara had discovered she was pregnant again.

None of them had seen that coming, especially when both of them had been using protection but somehow it had happened. Luna claimed it was the will of the force itself, Haron personally didn't know what to think but definitely they were going to look into stronger contraception. This baby he realised with bitter anger he might never see born because he was here rather than at home where he wanted to be. He knew how important this mission was but honestly he wanted to just abandon it all and go back regardless sometimes, almost throwing his wrench in frustration as it got the better of him but he pushed his anger back down and worked to regain his self-control.

His hearing was better without his helmet so he was able to pick up the faint echo of footsteps on the metal floors of the ship and reached for the blaster he had close to hand. Making sure he was ready if it was a threat, he could feel through the force though Anakin's strong aura which relaxed him a little but a second younger and less powerful aura right by him. He was confused as to just who Anakin could have brought here since it was a force sensitive and not a clone and definitely not Padmé.

"You know if you wanted help in upgrading your ship you only had to ask." Anakin's familiar voice said with a smirk on his face as Haron got up to greet them.

"I know Skywalker but there is something about maintaining your own ship, something personally rewarding. Besides it is the only activity around here that I have that is truly mine. But on to othe things, just who is this?" Haron asked as a young togruta had followed Anakin. A female and judging by her considerable presence in the force and the lightsaber hanging off her belt she must be a Jedi, her age being early to mid teens probably a padawan.

"This is Ahsoka Tano, my new padawan. Ahsoka this is Duke Haron Ordo, leader of House Ordo and the Military Advisor to the Chancellor." Anakin introduced proudly. Haron was surprised given Anakin had remarked to him several times that he was not going to take a padawan of his own, felt they would slow him down and Haron was a bit bemused but nevertheless reached and extended his hand to the girl who shook it quickly before she started talking rapidly.

"Are you related to Canderous Ordo? I guess that makes sense since your Mandalorian and the name of the ship. Is it true you defeated a rogue Jedi?" She said and Haron was actually amused as Anakin looked on looking a little embarrassed at her enthusiasm but decided to cut in to spare him.

"Yes young lady I am a descendant of Canderous Ordo and yes I have fought and beaten rogue Jedi before. But perhaps you can explain how you ended up as Skywalker's padawan when he always assured me and others that he was never going to take one?" Haron asked directing the question more at Anakin who looked a little annoyed all of a sudden and started speaking before Ahsoka could.

"Master Yoda and Obi-Wan claim that it was a mistake but I think they intentionally set us both up for whatever reason." Anakin said sounding irritated at the whole situation but seeing the slight fall in Ahsoka's expression he seemed to feel guilty and said. "But despite being rash and snippy, she has potential and with a lot of training I think she can make it as a Jedi." Anakin added which did make Ahsoka perk up a little.

Haron was feeling a lot better about his concerns regarding Anakin and him being isolated with Ahsoka in his life. Being a teacher and a mentor and being responsible for a life other than his own would teach him to be a little more cautious and level headed or so he hoped. It also gave Anakin someone other than Padmé, Obi-Wan and more worryingly Palpatine to talk too.

"Good, because what good is it to have adventures without someone to share them with?" Haron said to the pair who seemed a bit confused at first before they started understanding what he meant. "Sharing the experience enriches it, builds bonds that can last a lifetime and form friendships that can help you learn more about the universe and yourself. When I was out in the galaxy and met my friends they helped me see the galaxy in ways I never could have before." Haron said, remembering all the friends he had in his life, both of them and how much they had taught him. Not just with the force but in terms of living his life, it was a blow to be so far away from them Haron thought with a sad lonely feeling but he consoled himself with the fact he would see them soon.

Both Anakin and Ahsoka seemed to not fully grasp what he was saying but they would in time Haron thought to himself with a smile. He guessed he would be seeing a lot more of Ahsoka in the future and with the installation of the hyperdrive now complete he wiped his hands with a rag on the tool rack and said with a small smile.

"Now that is done, shall we have a spar? I just need a moment to change and get my spear." Haron said and Anakin instantly smiled too as they got on with things. Perhaps Ahsoka could learn a little too he thought.

- x -

Sluis Van System, One Month Later...

The shipyards of Sluis Van were easily one of the best shipbuilding and maintenance facilities in the Outer Rim and a truly important asset to the Separatists. The local population was proud of their great industry and took enormous pride in their work and so no ship ever built there was ever really identical to another even if they were the same class which slowed down production somewhat but their skill as engineers was a thing of legend so most clients were willing to wait. It was well defended too with a number of powerful perimeter battle stations for protection. It had been a loyal world to the Republic for hundreds of years but had become sickened by the corruption of the Senate and had joined with the Dooku and his Separatists.

It was one of Dooku's best assets and reports had recently reached the Republic that the Separatists intended to make it a fortress world and assign a large fleet for its protection and to ensure the local population remembered just who they held their allegiance too.

However so far that had not happened and with the success of a number of recent campaigns the Republic intended to make sure the Separatists could not use that world to further their operations and deny them the use of the shipyards at the same time as gaining them for the Republic. Taking advantage of many of its defence ships being down for repairs or supporting campaigns elsewhere.

So under the command of Anakin Skywalker a task force stood ready to attack and take the planet and given this battle would also be a test of the brand new Victory-class Star Destroyers Haron too was present to see how well the new ship fared.

Given they had yet to receive a military contract for them only five ships currently existed and all were here under Haron's command to see just how well they did. Standing on the bridge of the small squadron the Arlionne Haron with the ship's captain Terrinald Screed while Anakin commanded the fleet from his flagship, a hologram of him and Ahsoka joined them.

"Right Skywalker, leave the station's and defence satellites to us, we need you to focus on any ships and fighters around." Haron told Anakin who nodded, himself fully aware of their fleet's strengths and weaknesses.

"Agreed, see you on the other side." Anakin said and the hologram clicked off so Haron turned to Screed who stood there rigidly as a professional officer albeit one with a cybernetic eye, a memento of an incident earlier in his career.

"Ahead half sublight speed. Power up all forward cannons and lock onto those defence stations, then fire the moment we are in range." Haron ordered and the Captain nodded.

"Yes sir." Screed responded and turned to the gunnery and helm officers to see it all done.

This was far from one of Haron's more elegant plans but he wanted to see just how much these ships could take and so he was planning to use its powerful weaponry and shields to simply force their way through the defences around Sluis Van to make way for the Venators flying in behind them.

He was feeling very exposed on this appallingly placed bridge but he was wearing his armour and helmet for at least minimal protection. So he watched as the squadron pushed forward and their forward shields started absorbing fire from the defence stations. The red bolts did shake the shields a little but the stronger generators paid off as their weathered the assault for now.

"All batteries return fire." Screed said calmly to the gunnery officer who duly sent the command to the gunners.

Green turbolaser fire erupted from the ship's large cannons, lashing hard into the stations ahead, the combined fire of all five ships tearing into the central stations which shields started to buckle under the impressive rate and level of fire. Haron was admittedly impressed at that but the swarm of fighters suddenly coming up at them from the planet made him worry a little till fighter squadrons led by Anakin intercepted the attack force before it even came close to them.

Smiling in relief Haron saw the shields collapse on the station and the turbolaser blasts tearing into its un-armoured hull. Demolishing swiftly the arrow wall of Victorys led by the Arlionne pushed through the barrier.

Suddenly as the path opened towards the shipyards and main control station an urgent communication was sent from the station which both Haron and Anakin accepted at the same time.

"PLEASE STOP!" A Sluissi male cried out looking terrified, looked like snakes crossed with a humanoid. "We surrender! We will rejoin the Republic and the shipyards will service your fleet just please don't destroy them! They are a symbol of our people! Our pride! Please spare them!" He cried out in desperation. It was such an emotional appeal that it took both Anakin and Haron by surprise, especially as they had only blown up a few fighters and a defence station although they now had a nearly clear shot at the shipyards. Haron and Anakin before hand had decided to destroy the shipyards if they were unable to take the planet so the people of Sluis Van did have a right be be fearful.

Haron turned to Anakin who smirked before nodding in acceptance.

"We have an agreement, I will be meeting you with General Skywalker in hour aboard your central space station to confirm the treaty and your return to the Republic." Haron told him smugly, enjoying this a little too much.

The Sluissi male who he knew was the planet's leader nodded and rushed off to make arrangements, cutting the connection. Haron knew full well this could be some sort of trap but he and Anakin would be ready for that, it was a big achievement and once prepared and garrisoned Sluis Van would be a very useful holding for the Republic.

- x -

So with a large escort of clones and his own Mandalorian guards Haron and Anakin walked through the station where many Sluissi workers watched with fear as Haron and Anakin approached the Khedive, the leader of the Sluissi who had other high ranking members of the ruling body Sluis Van Congregate. Ahsoka, Pellaeon and Screed were waiting in the ships ready to destroy the shipyards if this turned out to be a trap but it quickly turned out not to be necessary.

"Welcome General! Master Jedi!" The Khedive said eagerly and had an agreement for them to rejoin the Republic and ensure the protection of our shipyards already in hand. Given their race had a reputation for being laid-back and easygoing it was surprising to see them this worked up but the shipyards did not only represent most of their planet's income but their best means of expression. With that level of importance their attitude became more understandable and Anakin spoke to them as they read through the agreement.

"This is quite fair, your people will service and build new ships for the Republic and receive a high level of protection from any Separatist reprisals. No sanctions will be levelled against your people and you will receive representation in the Senate." Anakin said and signed it, Haron nodded allowing Anakin to take this lead here to show his confidence in him...hopefully so they could build up the trust between them a little more.

A sea of relieved faces emerged once the agreement was signed and Anakin called the others to let them know things were settled and they could send troops to secure the docked Separatist ships which they would probably find uses for the future.

Haron however was suddenly distracted by a slight pull in the force, he was surprised and looked to Anakin to see if he had felt it but Anakin it seemed had either missed it or it wasn't meant for him. Feeling it again Haron turned to find the source and saw an old deserted office that looked derelict and abandoned, he was confused but as they were offered a tour of the shipyard Haron told Anakin.

"You go, I need to deal with something else."

Anakin looked confused and a little suspicious but was rushed away by the Khedive and other Sluissi with the clones following.

"Problem sir?" One of his guards asked and Haron could only say.

"Not sure, follow me." He said and walked over the office. The dust cover was extensive and logos on the older computer stations Haron realised this office had once belonged to the Rendili Stardrive company, the corporation that had built the Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser. Walking through the older complex he saw one of the main consoles and attached a power-pack to it, the console despite being unmaintained for years booted up and his slicer kit easily penetrated the minimal security on the system while his guards kept watch.

Once into the system directory Haron saw no-one had operated this computer in over eighty years, this had been a smaller office of the company that was involved in their innovative ship design branch but been shut down due to cut backs and forgotten. They hadn't even bothered to wipe the drives Haron thought so he was thinking that maybe it was a waste of time even looking but just as he was about to quit and leave he saw a set of files labelled 'Alternate and Supplementary Dreadnaught-class designs'.

Intrigued Haron opened the files, seeing the blueprints of two ships with some similar aspects to the Dreadnaught. A bit boxy like it was but more angular with smoother lines, the command centre was still built well within the vessel and both ships were covered in weaponry and powerful shields.

The main differences between these two and the Dreadnaught however was that one was a much larger version designed to act as a capital ship version and these two designs corrected the lack of starfighters and anti-fighter defence that plagued the Dreadnaught-class. Each had two pontoons connected to the ship, one on each side that contained hanger decks and launch bays to carry a considerable number of support craft.

Haron was stunned, these designs were far superior to the Dreadnaught, they had all its strengths while fixing the key shortcomings with the design. He couldn't believe that Rendili had gone with the inferior design over these ones but reading on he saw a company memo that said the two other designs were more expensive to build and it was the belief of their corporate branch that starfighters were going to be less important in naval warfare in the future so to go with the design that was less resource intensive and quicker to build.

Haron shook his head with disbelief, it honestly was making much more sense and almost laughable that someone in an office somewhere who probably had little to no idea of just how space combat worked had come to the conclusion that a key part of all naval strategy and tactics would be discarded in favour of big lumbering ships which were slow and full of problems that their customers would have to resolve on top of being very crew intensive. It was one of the reasons his ancestors had come up with the trial the heirs had to go through when they turned sixteen, to make sure they had a grounded view of how the universe worked and wouldn't be so easily carried away by false assumptions.

But looking at the designs the fools had rejected Haron was impressed and they fit well with his people's philosophy and way of fighting; plenty of firepower, heavy armour and fighter capability and modular design that was relatively easy to maintain and would allow them to go for long periods without refuelling or visiting shipyards.

While the Keldabe project had great potential it was only just getting underway at Mandalmotors so it would be years before they got one up and running, they needed something to act as interim capital ship or an alternative. It still needed work like the Dreadnaught had before they could even think of building one but it was an amazing bit of luck. Perhaps it was the force, he thought guiding him to the places he needed to be. Either way he was taking this, he downloaded the blueprints off the computer and wiped the system.

"Find something sir?" The guard closest to him asked and Haron said.

"Perhaps, it will be awhile before we learn if it has value or not. Come let us return to Coruscant, there are other matters to be attended too." Haron told his people who nodded before they left the office, the only evidence they were there were ever in that room was a faint trail of footprints in the dust covered floor.

Coruscant, the Core Worlds...Two Weeks Later…

"So in my opinion the Victory-class Star Destroyer has a potential strategic place in the Republic Navy as a counterpart to the Venator-class Star Destroyer." Haron said, finishing up his report to the Senate, standing in the pod as it hovered around the vast chamber. Public speaking was something that when he was Harry would have filled him with dread but after all the stuff he had been through since it was now almost as easy as breathing. He knew most of these people were filthy sleaze-bags and he had already figured out how to deal with them. They would do with his opinion what they will but he no longer cared.

He and his people had dirt on a good number of them now and knew how much it took to buy them if he needed too. His information network was slowly starting to expand as they made more contacts and their contacts made more contacts. It was slow work but he now was far more informed of things that were going on here.

"Thank you Duke Ordo, I shall speak to the representatives to see an order for more ships will be placed." The Supreme Chancellor said and then turned to the hall. "Now on to our next order of business..."

Haron knowing he had been dismissed was glad to leave as he hated this pomp and ceremony, it was so boring that he honestly would rather face an army of droids than attend these sessions but occasionally he had too.

Fortunately today he thought with a slight excitement he had something better to look forward too.

"Has she arrived?" Haron asked his men as the pod they were using docked and he disembarked, they answered.

"Yes sir, she is waiting in your office." Moria answered and he nodded and made his way there with his warriors following him.

When the door finally opened a smile came to his face, his guest turned to see him enter and smiled too.

"Deera." Haron said walking over and giving his younger sister a hug which she returned with warmth. Glad to finally see his sister in the flesh after months apart.

"I see you are doing well." Deera said with a smile, looking around the fully furnished office. Haron did respond but his smile lost a little of its shine.

"I might be getting well paid for this and finding us some useful pieces for future endeavours but take it from me sister I would rather be home." Haron said truthfully, sighing a little as that regret at being away from his children and the rest of his family and friends hit him again.

Deera nodded and hugged him again, she felt his missing home through the bond they shared as siblings and didn't need for him to explain any further.

However then the nature of their meeting changed as Haron turned on a high grade holoprojector that created images of him and his sister discussing their recent lives, then he picked up an ornament from his desk and they walked out of the room, heading for one of the empty offices and ducking into one when no one was around, Haron carefully turned on the hidden scrambler that was disguised in the ornament to disable any monitoring devices that might be around.

Turning to his people they silently nodded and checked all the room before nodding again, letting him know all monitoring devices were disabled.

Knowing the coast was clear Haron handed her a key card, a clone of Tarkin's no less which had taken him awhile to secure and smirking she went to his desk and inserted it into the computer terminal. She hooked up her small computer and her fingers danced across the panel as she did what she had come here to do...the visit was merely a useful cover.

For what seemed like an age they sat or stood in silence as she used her mastery of computers and programming to plant her little hidden programs that she had been developing over the last few months and installing hidden backdoors into the network that they could use when the time was right. If the Republic did become their enemy then it made sense to have a way to spy on them without any agents to get caught. These databases would likely become the back bone of future ones some day and if they planted these now they could sit quietly, undetected for years if needed.

It was very dangerous Haron thought with some concern, this would be a crime if they got caught which is why they were using Tarkin's id, a disused room and had disabled all the security systems. That was not guaranteed to keep them from being found out and they may end up causing the war they feared but organic and even droid agents can be caught or dismissed from their posts, this might potentially last a great deal longer.

When thankfully after an hour they were finally finished and returned quietly to Haron's office where he switched off the holoprojector and they sighed in relief that it was finally done.

"Shall we spar? All this sitting around has made me tense." Deera said, wondering just how her brother came up with these plots and would be glad to get off this overpopulated planet. Haron smiled at her, she saw he too was eager for some training to loosen them up.

- x -

On the landing platform that Haron now maintained for the Canderous he and his sister were stripped to their sweats and with their guards joining in they were practising their unarmed combat.

Haron and Deera knew each other's moves so well now that it came as natural as breathing, Deera let out a spin kick which he ducked to avoid but she danced away from his blow which had been intended for her gut.

They spun around each other, exchanging jabs and kicks with rapid speed that their people could only just keep up with. They carried on for an hour before all of them took a break and while they sipped water canteens to cool themselves, Deera gave him an update regarding their recent projects.

"The Dreadnaughts are finally being refitted but only a handful have been completed so far. We have uncovered some interesting new pieces on Iokath though, they have some guide of drone weapon which can punch through most energy shield or armour with ease and destroy even the largest vessels if in large enough numbers but we have not figured out the guidance system yet along with a powerful energy beam weapon which focused through a synthetic crystal and is powered by a small hypermatter reactor. Unstable but extremely powerful. Not to mention these automated surgery pods with nanites that can heal and build cybernetic parts if needed but the nanite coding system is very complex. A few other things as well but it is taking us a lot of time to get a decent understanding of it before we can use it." Deera said with her own frustration coming over in her voice. The technology they were finding was awe inspiring but it was so complex that it defeated even her so far. It was intensely irritating for her who wanted to really understand it all.

"You will figure it out, if anyone can its you." Haron told her and she felt his belief in her, she was touched but exasperated that he again expected her to figure stuff out. His smile though was infectious and soon she was smiling with him.

"How is Zara?" Haron asked with genuine curiosity, still not trusting the girl his sister was dating completely but knew his sister was true in her feelings. He didn't want to be overbearing so he knew he had to step back and let things take their course. Deera looked surprised at his asking but with a faint blush in her cheeks that could be from exhaustion or embarrassment and she managed to say.

"She's good, we spend time between Reijar and Iokath. We are just hanging out, the occasional dinner but that is all." She told him looking a little too eager for him to know that so he now knew they had likely gone well beyond that by now. Haron smiled knowingly before telling her.

"Whatever happens, whether she is on the level or not know that I trust you and I will be here for you no matter what happens. Remember that." He told her warmly, wanting her to know he was here for her whatever came next.

Deera was full of emotion at that but managed to keep a lid on it although her eyes became very teary, remembering her earlier mistake and what he had said then too.

A speeder then disturbed their private moment when it arrived at the platform, looking over Haron saw Anakin and Ahsoka exit and look for them. Sighing with frustration Haron got to his feet and his sister, just as frustrated as he was by the interruption got up with him to meet the interlopers.

"Duke Ordo, sorry if we are interrupting we just got back and wondered if you were up for some training?" Anakin asked politely and Haron with a small smile coming to his face told them.

"It's okay Anakin, and I told you call me Haron. I was just spending some time with my sister, the Countess Deera Ordo." Haron said introducing his sister with her title as she was a planet ruler in her own right even though she often ran it remotely and spent most of her time at Reijar. Deera nodded to them while he introduced them to her in turn. "This is Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his apprentice Ahsoka Tano."

Deera like her brother did not fear the Jedi, she had the force with her too and knew their ways but she was taken aback at how powerful Anakin was. She nodded and the Jedi returned it, Anakin looked at her with curiosity but it was not lustful or anything like that...his heart Haron knew belonged to Padmé alone.

"I didn't know you had a sister." Anakin said with a little confusion and Deera, glad for once that someone wasn't staring at her with lust said with mirth.

"Actually he has two...and a wife...and two children...with a third on the way but whose counting." She shrugged which surprised both Anakin and Ahsoka but decided to see just how tough the Jedi were. "Since you spar with my brother frequently, how about I spar with little Ahsoka here? See if the Jedi training is all its cracked up to be?" She said with a glint in her eyes, Ahsoka immediately looked annoyed at being called 'little' and said quickly and with heat.

"You're on!"

Ahsoka stalked off to a clear area and tossed her saber to Anakin who caught it looking a little embarrassed at her rash behaviour and worried for a moment but Haron just smirked and told his sister.

"Don't be too rough on her."

"I'll do my best." Deera said with a smirk and walked off while Anakin and Haron stood together watching.

"I need to work on her patience." Anakin said with worry as his padawan stood face to face with a Mandalorian warrior. Haron just smirked before saying.

"Somehow I think Kenobi probably had the same thought once upon a time." Haron said which visibly annoyed Anakin for a moment before he saw what Haron really meant and smiled a bit.

"I was never as rash as she is." Anakin said before looking over to see Ahsoka throw a haymaker at Deera who easily caught and redirected it before throwing the young girl over her shoulder. Ahsoka hit the deck hard and Anakin winced a little but Ahsoka was not one to give up and leapt back to her feet and tried attacking again with a hard kick that Deera easily evaded before striking Ahsoka hard in the chest. Both men winced as the girl fell to her knees before she got up again, strengthening her body with the force and actually managed to start kicking again. She actually managed now she was using the force more to land one on Deera who took the hit and managed to grab the girl's arm before spinning her around so she could get Ahsoka in a choke-hold.

Ahsoka struggled hard but Deera's arm was like a durasteel bar around her throat and she was starting to get light headed. Anakin was now looking worried but Deera then let his apprentice go who immediately started breathing deeply to get some air back in her lungs.

"Experience is the best teacher." Haron said to Ahsoka once she had enough breath back, addressing Anakin too who went over to make sure she was alright. "You underestimated us due to having the force and being raised as a Jedi not to mention allowing yourself to be easily provoked. My sister and I have been trained in unarmed combat since we were old enough to walk, she is a lethal weapon who has beaten many warriors bigger and stronger than her due to her exceptional skill. Rushing in without assessing the situation first will only get you in over your head." Haron told them, giving both a lesson in patience and why not rushing in was a good idea.

Anakin who was now sure Ahsoka was alright nodded, hoping that it made his rash young apprentice think a little before jumping in without looking first. Haron gave him a nod in return before giving Ahsoka a canteen of water which she quickly emptied.

"Thank you." Ahsoka said once she had her voice back and looking suitably humbled. Haron smiled at her and told her.

"'When you lose, don't lose the lesson'. A very wise man said that a long time ago and he has been proven right time and time again. Listen to Anakin and you will get better. Now Anakin, shall we dance?" Haron said with a challenging smirk which Anakin returned.

"Only so I can show Ahsoka how to kick your butt." Anakin returned which Haron only laughed as the two men took up fighting stances.

"We'll see Skywalker." Haron told him and without wasting any more time the pair launched into the fight, laughing with wild abandon as the traded kicks, punches and jabs letting all their feelings out and just enjoying the thrill of the fight much to Ahsoka's surprise and Deera's head shaking exasperation.

Tatooine, the Outer Rim…

The heat of the desert was something that even Jedi struggled with and Tatooine had one of the hottest and most inhospitable deserts imaginable. The vast open areas were the perfect place to hide though and despite many thinking it was a place of comprised of sand, mountains and caves existed too.

That was one of the reasons that Yoda's secret group of Jedi had chosen to build the next potential sanctuary here, aside from its remoteness and being unallied to the Republic or Separatists it had some hidden secrets of his own.

"An oasis with a light side nexus, wasn't expecting that. Especially so close to a cave system." Master Fay said as she meditated next to the water with Master T'ra Saa, both smiling serenely as they enjoyed the gentle and calm environment.

"It is a pleasant surprise." T'ra Saa said with a smile, she hated desert worlds given how little organic life could be found here but she was nevertheless enjoying the calm.

"And the caves once we stabilise them will be perfect for a refuge." Fay told her friend. "There are enough chambers below ground for training halls and dormitories and everything else we need. I even managed to acquire enough moisture vaporators so we don't need to use the oasis."

The two fell silent again as they just let themselves go into the force, enjoying this brief respite as once finished here they would have to move on to their next world.

Reijar, Ordo System…

Ara was glad of the respite from work so she could at last spend time with her children. Markus was already playing with a mathematical puzzle game designed to stimulate the child's ability with numbers, she smiled as her son solved another puzzle. It seemed extreme but the puzzles started simple and got harder as you got older so he was constantly being challenged and developing their early problem solving and maths skills. It seemed extreme to her to start them at such a young age but she thought with a sigh what did she know about being normal?

Neville and Hannah saw her sigh and came over while little Frank worked on a puzzle of his own.

"Tired?" Hannah asked, Ara just shook her head.

"I am just wishing I knew if I am raising my children right? Is it right to push them so young?" She said with Astoria playing with her blocks that formed patterns when she put them in the right order and Markus again getting another puzzle.

"That's the worst part of being a parent." Neville said sadly, sharing a look with his wife before turning back to their own son. "You don't know if you are doing a good job until it is too late. Just take it one day at a time."

Hannah hummed in agreement and the three went on watching their children, hoping that in the long run they were doing the job right.