"Absolutely not! I will not allow this filthy rabble into Miss Kaya's home!" said the butler, Klahadore, angrily.
"Filthy?" said Nami offended.
"Rabble?" Buggy.
"That's not up to you! Let me speak with Kaya, she will help them." spoke Usopp with determination.
"That's 'Lady Kaya' to you, troublemaker!" Klahadore replied angrily.
"Why you...."
While the argument went on, Aden was lost in thought.
"Question. Do i stay for this spectacle? Answer. Hell no! But what to do? Should i go explore the island, or do i go train a bit? Why not both? I could try and expand my passive sensory range. If it triggers only when someone enters my personal space, it would be bad for me if i fight someone really strong.
Yeah, i think i will do that." And with that thought, Aden slowly miraged away without anyone noticing.
"Should we step in, bro?" asked Luffy "Bro? Aden? Where did you...? Oh no, not again." Luffy said with desperation.
Aden has decided to explore the island, and train his passive detection ability. He has spent the last few hours just walking around with his eyes closed, focusing his power on his surroundings.
As he went deep into a forest, he suddenly stopped. Feeling his power slip through a tiny crack in the rocky ground, he got curious.
Pushing more air into the ground he felt the hole got bigger and bigger the deeper down it went.
"An underground cave? Here? I mean, it's not impossible. Okay i'll go cave diving for a bit." he has decided to explore the underground cave.
As he transformed into air and slipped into the crack in the ground, a man walking backwards appeared from nearby shrubbery.
Aden walked down a path, leading deeper and deeper into the cave.
"Good thing i don't really need to see. But using my power to feel the outline of everything is annoying." Aden complained to nobody.
Sensing a draft ahead, Aden focused a bit more. Not knowing what lay ahead made him cautious.
After a bit more walking, with no idea how deep under the island he was, Aden found a cavern with a pool of water. The pool was fed by a small spring flowing from a crack in the wall.
"How does that work? Does the water go into the sea somehow?" deciding it was not worth the headache, Aden just accepted the pond's existence as is.
Looking around a bit more, he saw fit to make some light for himself.
Using his powers to compress a sphere of air in his palm, he heated the air until it ignited. This was not that hard to do, but anything bigger than this needed a lot more effort.
Finally having a light source, Aden has set to exploring the cave.
There was not much to see besides the pond, and some mushrooms growing in damp places. The air was stale and smelled of mold. Not surprising really, seeing all the mushroom on the walls.
After exploring for some time, Aden found an alcove on the other side of the pond. Slowly, he entered it. And what he saw shocked him. It was a pile of bones, in rags of what seemed to once have been pirate clothes, sort of leaning against a rock. Next to the remains was a chest. Nearly rotted-away wood, and rusted metal holding it together.
His curiosity piqued, Aden decided to open it.
Inside he found a few small gold bars, some gems of various quality and a leather satchel covered in mold.
Pocketing the valuables, he then carefully opened the satchel. Inside he found a journal with the initials 'S.D.R'. Having no clue who that was, Aden opened it to the first page, and instantly knew he will not learn much. Most of the pages were gone, possibly turned to dust with how old they were.
But there were a few words that Aden could make out.
"They are after us again../...tain will see it through.../...government is talking about eras.../...Damn that bouncy bastard.../...found agai.../...I opened a door to safety.../...drains my energy.../...door to far away?.../...must run!.../...Curse you Jo..."
"Who was this guy? A Door-Door fruit user?
Sounds like it. Also, bouncy bastard? What the hell does that mean? Whatever, i should get out of here." Aden thought in confusion as he turned to leave.
Before he got far however, he caught a glint lf light from behind the rock. Thinking it might be something interesting, he went behind it and became speechless. There was a weapon he always believed impractical. A chakram. A circle blade, with a warping handle on the inside, forming an almost Yin-Yang shape. It was a bit rusty, but in great condition, all things considered. Upon closer inspection, Aden noticed the weapon could be split into two halves, each one forming an almost tear shaped blade, with a comfortable looking handle, the butt of which connects to the other. (Think Xena's chakram, but the two halves are shaped a bit more like Riddick's daggers. If anyone can provide a picture it would be appreciated.)
Aden has decided to take the weapon with him. Now that he had control over wind itself, he could use this weapon well.
"This weapon will be an amazing addition to my arsenal. I can just use my power to fly it around the battlefield, and return it to my hand. The shape would make it easier to do than with my daggers." Aden mused in his mind as he set to cleaning the rust off of the weapon.
It was nearly a day after Aden wandered off, and things were not looking great.
Klahadore has been revealed to be a pirate by the name of Kuro, who has been incognito in Kaya's service, hoping to get his hands on her riches.
Usopp was badly beaten, Merry nearly killed, and Luffy and the others were battling Kuro's crew, who after Jango hypnotized them, seemed to become a lot stronger.
Zoro was locked in a heated sword fight against a duo of cat dressed freaks, Luffy fought Kuro, and Buggy was split into pieces and systematically taking out the rest of the enemy crew, while Nami was just trying to survive. Jango lay beaten near the water.
~"My, my. Quite a gathering, isn't it?"~ a voice was heard all over the beach.
"Who is that?"
"Show yourself!" came a myriad of shouts feom the enemy crew.
~"Why would i? I'm perfectly comfortable making you uncomfortable."~ came a reply from the voice.
*shhhhhnkt* "Aargh! My arm! IT'S BEEN CUT OFF!!" came a bunch of shouts, following the whooshing sounds of something moving at high speeds.
"Darn. I missed your neck. Still gotta get used to this thing." said Aden as he miraged onto the beach next to Zoro, who just defeated his opponents.
"Who the hell are you!?" shouted one of the pirates.
"Why would i tell a dead man my name?" Aden replied with a cold voice, sending chills down their spines.
"Ah. The runaway ally. What, you leave your friends in trouble and show up now, to look like a hero?" Kuro mocked, attempting to turn them against each other.
"Nice try, glasses. But we know him by now. He went exploring and lost track of time." defended Zoro with a grin " But he always shows up when needed." he finished with a serious look.
"That's right! Don't you dis my bro!" shouted an upset Luffy.
"No matter. You will all die here anyway." Kuro said with finality as he began to sway side to side.
"Oh no!"
"That's Captain Kuro's secret technique."
"Captain stop! You'll kill us too!" came shouts from the enemies.
"Everyone get back! This looks dangerous!" shouted Luffy.
"I'll take out the fodder, you deal with the cat!" said Aden in response.
Turning towards the group of pirates, Aden stowed away his new weapon, and prepared to attack.
"You think we'll let you insult us!?"
"Even if Captain kills us all, we will kill you first!"
"Whatever you say, you waste of cells." Aden said mockingly.
"Waste of what...?"
"Oh my god..." Aden slapped his forehead in despair of the sheer stupidity of those people.
"Whatever." sighed Aden.
"Storm Stance:Wind-Blade Requiem"
Aden began running in a circle around the entire group, as he slowly turned into wind. The beach was soon buffeted by strong winds, concentrated on the enemy group. The spinning wind dome was filled with screams of pain and spurts of blood, as sharp blades of wind flew around the place seemingly at random, cutting down every single pirate inside.
As the screams died down after maybe a minute, so did the wind, revealing the blood-soaked sand and a pile of bodies.
Aden breathed a sigh of disappointment at the percieved weakness of these pirates.
Looking over to Luffy's side of things, he just caught Luffy send a powerful headbutt into Kuro's face, sending him toppling across the beach.
"That'll do it, i guess." said Aden as he dusted himself off, approaching his friends.
"Yep. Although, really? Again?" said Luffy bewildered as the others stood behind him with various stages of being sick.
"What? The sooner you all realize this is what being a pirate means, the better for you. Now i'll admit, i am a bit more brutal than necessary, but it's a brutal life we chose." rambled Aden a bit.
"Fine. We get it. Right guys?" asked Luffy to the others.
"Sure. I've seen worse anyway." came the replies, with the last one being Buggy.
"Okay. Let's go get a ship!" ordered Luffy and others followed him.
"You go ahead. I'll take a moment." said Aden
"Wake the fuck up, ya scratchy bastard!" Aden smacked Kuro to wake him up.
"What..?!" Kuro got startled awake, with barely enough strength to speak.
"You pretended to care about her, didn't you?
You lied to them, all this time. I may not know the details, but clearly you were a bastard all along."
"Yo scum. I will.." started Kuro tiredly.
"Die? Yes. You will die." said Aden, not letting him finish.
He pulled out his new dagger, which he stores one on each hip. He left his old ones back in the cave, seeing as they were about to fall apart.
He looked Kuro in the eyes, and slit his throat with no remorse or hesitation. As Kuro lay there, bleeding out, he heard the last words he ever would.
"Your name is fitting. Kuro is your name, and now, all you will see is black." said Aden walking away, after wipind Kuro's blood off of his dagger.
"There you are, bro!" shouted Luffy excitedly "Look! We got a new ship! Isn't she awesome?!"
"Yeah. She looks nice." replied Aden, honestly in good mood.
"I just wish you showed up before we set sail. You could have said goodbye." said Luffy disappointed.
"You know i hate those." replied Aden calmly.
"Yeah yeah. Oh yeah. Usopp joined us."
"Did he now?" asked Aden looking at the terrified new addition. Approaching the shaking teen, Aden seemed like a demon in Usopp's eyes.
" The name's Aden. I'm the quartermaster of this group. You need anything you come to me. Welcome to the crew." Aden merely said with a smile, introducing himself.
"Y-y-yeah. Thanks." stuttered Usopp, now calming down.
"So what's her name anyway? The ship." asked Aden suddenly.
Before anyone could respond, Usopp answered. "Going Merry. She is a gift from Kaya, so you better treat her well!" said Usopp, finding his courage a bit.
(Aaand another one done. I got a bit stuck on this one. But i think it turned out okay. Once again thanks for reading.)