Chereads / Rise of the North (asoiaf) / Chapter 8 - 8. Reign of Early Wolf Lords

Chapter 8 - 8. Reign of Early Wolf Lords

Torrhen would return from the south defeated and shamed as he didn't even face King Aegon in battle. Lord Torrehn now held the shameful name of "The King Who Knelt" however he would decide that he would not allow that to be the only thing that he would be remembered for. Lord Torrhen knew that in order for him to be remembered favorably in the North, and did not want to let down his people even more than he did when he surrendered his throne. His own third son and bastard brother, the former Prince Rickon and Brandon Snow fled across to Essos with many other second and third-born sons of noble houses and smallfolk alike and formed a sellsword company, Company of the Rose, when Torrhen surrendered. As they felt unable to live under southern rule, however, Prince Rickon wouldn't take any of his family's Valyrian Steel weapons or armor with him to Essos, as he knew that there was no guarantee of it returning back to his family, if he died.


The first thing Lord Torrhen did after he got back to Winterfell was to study the ways Northmen farmed with the input of many of the farmers of the North. Torrhen and the farmers would discover that by using a new three-field-crop rotation system, dividing the feild into 3 parts and leaving one part empty, that increased crop yield by 50%, this would be enough to store enough crops to outlast most average-length Winters. Torrhen would also send out many sailors to search for large fishing areas as most of the North's coast was not searched for fishing. Much of both of the North's coast was found to have plentiful fishing areas, the richest being off the Eastern coast of the North being, Karhold, the Dreadfort, and Widow's Watch, while on the Western side, the Saltspear River would be filled with plentiful fishing areas, along with the seas off of the Stoney Shore, Sea Dragon Point, and Deepwood Motte. Along with many lakes inside the North like the Long Lake which was rich in fishing as well. 


Torrhens actions here would help feed the North. Torrhen would also arrange for different Westerosi cattle types to be bred together to increase their resistance to the Northern cold, through animal husbandry and selective breeding. Torrhen would also have cattle breeders, discover better ways to store meat, through salting, pickling, drying, smoking, and the newest way of freezing, which was discovered after using ice, they found out how to extend meat lifespan for years in many cases. Winterfell and later North was the only place in Westeros till 200 AC with meat stored in rations. 


During the beginning of Torrhen Stark's efforts to increase the prosperity of both the North and House Stark, the Sistermen revolted against the Iron Throne. King Aegon ordered Torrhen to assist in putting it down. Torrhen's ships were falling prey to ambushes from Sistermen pirates, and their allied slaver pirate allies, within a month of the rebellion he lost close to 30 warships, and many other trade vessels. Torrhen sent his eldest son Brandon to take command of 10,000 Northemn, and his remaining fleet of 80 warships. Brandon and Queen Visenya would put the rebellion down in a few months.


Torrhen would continue to improve the North in the same way he had for 2 more decades before his death in his sleep. Instead of being remembered as the "King Who Knelt" he was now known as a great lord of Winterfell, who cared for the North and its people. 


When Brandon "The Boisterous" inherited, he continued and built upon Torrhen's policies. However early in his reign, he would experience one of the worst Winters that lasted close to 2 years. Some spots of the roads became covered in snow that it would have almost halted trade if not for sledges but even the elks and deers population fall short infront of the demand. As a result of this Brandon would breed large dogs and train them to carry sleds to continue the slightly weakened trade during winter.


Twenty years into Brandon's reign. King Aenys would inherit the throne, and the usurper Jonos Arryn would imprison his brother-in-law Ronnel Arryn, along with his sister Lysarra Stark, who was married to Ronnel at the behest of Queen Rhaenys, under the belief that King Aenys was weak. Brandon immediately raised an army of 16,000 men along with his new fleet of 100 ships and quickly invaded the Three Sisters which had joined Jonos Arryn in his rebellion, as a steppingstone to a landing on the Fingers. Brandon took the Three Sisters in 2 weeks and immediately moved onto the mainland of the Vale, where he faced an army aligned with the usurper Jonos, who he easily beat, and then marched on to join Lord Royce and set the Eryie to siege, as while no army could storm it, but it could be sieged out, however. Once he got to the siege, he saw his brother-in-law and sister Lysarra being thrown out of the Moon Door, he would swear to kill every single Valemen inside the castle. Then a week after the siege began, he would see Prince Maegor riding the massive Balerion the Black Dread, causing the garrison to immediately surrender. The combined Stark and Royce host would march in and immediately strip and execute every single usurper soldier that sided with Jonos Arryn. 


With the permission of Prince Maegor, Jonos would quickly be taken to the Godswood which while it had no Weirwood Tree, did have a large Oak tree. So there meters in front of the tree Brandon would use his family Valyrian Dagger Iceshard to disembowel him, and when he was still barely alive, he'd insult him by cutting off his head with the Arryn ancestral Valyrian Steel Sword Talon which was a longsword with a falcon head on the pommel, then he'd throw Jonos' entrails up into the Oak tree like how his ancestors did in the past to pirates and criminals hundreds and thousands of years before. After the usurper execution, Brandon would get permission from Prince Maegor, to plant a Weirwood sampling which would first be watered with the blood of the usurper Jonos Arryn. Maegor and Brandon would quickly develop great respect and a friendship with each other. As a reward for Brandon's loyalty, Prince Maegor would grant the vassalage of the Three Sisters to Brandon and the North. 

Lord Brandon "The Boisterous" would live for a few more years. When King Maegor declared himself king, Brandon would declare for Maegor and support him in the faith rebellion. In return, Maegor would have an actual Weirwood Tree planted in the godswood of King's Landing. Brandon would support Maegor until the end of his reign when he had gone completely Cruel. During King Maegor's reign, all of Brandon's sons would tragically parish, due to sickness. While shortly after, Brandon would die of depression leaving his younger brother Roderick Stark to inherit Winterfell. However shortly after Roderick Stark died as well, his son Brandon Stark "The Boastful" would inherit the lordship of Winterfell shortly after him, and rule during the early reign of King Jaehaerys I, before he himself would perish and leave his son Walton Stark as the new Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.