Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the weakest Sword God

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Chapter 1 - Death

My life has been normal so to speak, it's the year 2024, I'm about to graduate from high school, I am 17 years old and my name is Dany

But I am what many would call a social misfit....

I'm not afraid of public speaking or participating in classes or anything like that...

But it's just that...I don't know how to relate to people no matter how I do it!!...

Most of the time I always end up making people around me uncomfortable with my stupidities or senseless things...

Despite everything, I have good grades if that's something to brag about...

I don't have a person I can call a real friend, I only have two classmates who put up with me in class although I can see that they're starting to dislike me...


"I would like to start over and make a better life..." I murmured.

"Hmm? Did you say something?" A classmate next to me said with confusion.

"a-ah!, n-nothing, nothing, I'm just studying!...what do I do?!" I stuttered as I stood up from my seat

My classmate looked at me with confusion but thanks to my annoying personality he didn't bother to continue insisting.

Shit...that was close...

Yes... in short my current life is shit...

And don't come to me with that "no" thing!!!

Your parents will be sad if you decide to end your life!!, you will go to hell!!


My mother died at my birth and my father blames me for it and that's why he doesn't give a shit about me!

He also remarried and is happy with his new wife and children!!

The bastard barely remembers me!

But I've tried... I've tried hard to get ahead...

I even asked to change schools when I went from second to third grade in high school to start over.

My mindset was "if they don't know you, you can start over, make friends and even have a girlfriend!"...

But shitty personality ruins everything...

And I don't consider myself ugly or anything like that, I even trained in the gym for years to improve my physique but that didn't help at all...

Sometimes I look at my peers of the same age with jobs, girlfriends and money...

Which makes me feel like shit!!!

And before you tell me something yes!!, I tried to work and as always I failed!!

I tried to work at a hamburger stand, then as an upholsterer's assistant, then as a street sweeper And finally I tried to be a dishwasher in a restaurant!...but as always I failed...

Maybe it's something I transmit or the way I act or something in me that always drives away the people I try to be friends with...

After years I just stopped trying and I'm not even 18 yet...

And if that weren't enough, I'm a virgin...yes...a virgin at 17...

I didn't even touch my mother's tits since she died so I'm a total failure...

The truth is I would like to go back in time and do it all again...

But I know that is impossible....


"Hey, watch where you walk, dog," the class bully said as i hurriedly returned home.

I didn't take it seriously and kept walking, thanks heavens for my genetics since I'm 1.85 meters tall which saves me from being a victim of bullying...but that doesn't save me from being considered the weird one in the classroom

I can't even be on the street because people are always staring at me...which makes me feel extremely uncomfortable...

And even worse with my father and his wife.

My brothers and sisters treat me like shit and my only consolation is doing housework...

Yes, I enjoy cleaning the house and that is why my father has not kicked me out of the house...although I can feel that when I turn 18 he will do it immediately....

I rushed home and walked through the door only to be greeted with a look of disdain from my younger stepsister.

-Shit...Dan is back!!- she screamed throughout the house

-Tell that annoying piece of shit to wash the dishes!- my father shouted from the living room

I could only clench my fists in anger at this.

Besides suppressing the urge to beat my stepsister to death who always gave me that fucking look of disdain and that malicious smile...

After washing the dishes I swept and mopped the house.

Also my father sent me to sweep the front yard which took me all afternoon but after hours I managed to do it.

Seeing my progress today my father didn't say anything and stopped giving me orders for the day...

"Haaaaa.... finally..." I muttered as I walked back into the house towards my room.

Thank goodness I have my own room, although it's not that great.

Still, my room is my sacred place and where I can enjoy the view of the world for a few moments.

"Now... comes the best part of the day..." I murmured

Yes, even with this shitty life I can have moments of peace...

I locked the door to my room and from under my bed I took out a book the size of a dictionary.

"Mushoku Tensei" said the title

"haaaa.....muack!!" I Kiss the cover of the booklet

With the payments I received from my job I was able to save up to buy the first 12 volumes of the novel.

And yes, despite living in Mexico, I am what could be considered an anime connoisseur.

Not an Otaku since they are more bothered than me

Although it sounds very pathetic, this book has gotten me out of many troubles and has given me laughter and relief over the years.

Although its animated adaptation leaves much to be desired...

But it was still enjoyable

I looked at my watch and it was 7:45 in the evening, the sky was already dark and I could already have my moment of relaxation..

I lay down on the bed and opened volume number 9 of the novel

I've always loved the Sylphie and Rudeus reunion episodes, it's the most touching shit I've ever read....

["Is your real name... Sylphiette, by any chance?"


Fitz, or rather, Sylphie, smiled shyly and nodded.

"Yes... it is. I'm Sylphiette. Sylphiette... from Buena Village..."

After a few seconds, emotion took over her and her smile crinkled and disappeared.

Before she completely collapsed, she managed to lean forward and put her arms around me.

"Finally...I finally said it..."]

"This shit...this shit is so peak..."I murmured as a lone tear ran down my face.

Even a loser like me has feelings you know?!

(sigh) "Shit...what will it feel like to have your own Sylphie..." I muttered as I settled down to sleep.

In addition to the novels, I had saved enough money to buy a phone, even if it was a Motorola brand, and there I have the 26 novels and the Redundancys

I could tell you any part of the novel why it seems like that anime is my bible...

It was already 9:20 at night and I liked to sleep.

I put the book under my bed, turned off the light in my room, I set an alarm for 6:30 in the morning and i lay down on my side in bed

After about 15 minutes I could feel myself falling asleep when suddenly...

(Knock!, Knock!, Knock!!)

Dany! Go get me a beer!! And bring pizza for your brothers to eat!! - my father shouted from the door making me jump in fright.

I put my pillow on my face and let out a scream of anger

I got up and found my father in front of me.

Thanks to puberty I had grown taller than my stepbrothers but I was still slightly shorter than my father.

"What kind of shitty look is that? Hurry up!" My father demanded as he handed me the money.

"...I was falling asleep..." I muttered as I took the money

"I don't care, hurry up, I'm hungry" he said as he walked down the stairs

I could only clench my fists in anger at this as I watched my father walk down the stairs.

Without being able to object or anything like that, I left the house in the direction of the store.

It was already mid-December so winter was near.

In this part of Mexico it never snows and instead it pours with rain

I had my usual sweater on and it started raining halfway to the store...

"Shit..." I muttered as I walked down the sidewalk

I arrived at a pizzeria that was about 5 blocks from my house and ordered 3 pizzas

Obviously I wouldn't get a single slice but it wasn't something I could complain about...

After waiting for 20 minutes the pizzas were delivered and so I walked to a local bar

The owner of the bar knew me as Dany, Alejandro's failed son, his best client.

Just by seeing me approach the bar, the owner already knew what my father wanted to drink, so he would just arrive, drink the beer and pay...

Thank goodness the rain had stopped so I wouldn't get any wetter than I already was.

I walked about 3 blocks until I saw a couple of kids throwing fireworks in the street.

This is already a tradition in the country since they even started in November.

But the fools even went too far and threw "doves", a powerful triangular-shaped pyrotechnic that was more dangerous depending on its size.

I don't know if I was in the wrong place at the wrong time but the damn brats threw a "dove"about 30 cm long that exploded under a truck...

The truck's tire burst and the truck driver lost control of the vehicle.

In less than a second the truck's trajectory changed and it hit me squarely, crushing me with a sidewalk.

I didn't feel any pain or anything like that.

It was so fast that I didn't even have time to process what happened.

Pizzas and beers spilled onto the floor as I was crushed from the inside by the truck.

I was pinned between the truck and a wall as blood poured out of my mouth.

I could hear the screams of gossipy old women and some men shouting "call an ambulance!!"

I couldn't listen anymore and my consciousness went out

I could see my life flash before my eyes and it was disappointing...

It was more painful than the crash itself

I didn't even say any final words and i just...died...


Hello!!! This is my new fan fic! I hope you like it and comment if you came from my previous fan fic!!