Chereads / She is called 'SARKI' / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: Fate

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: Fate


Waking up from her deep slumber a suddenly thoat crosses her mind and instantly she is sitting up on the bed with wide eyes.

She has to travel back for the wedding and here she is exhausted from partying too much the other night.

Turning slightly she sees a man lying there and a groan escapes her lips.

Now she has to figure out how to tell him to get out.

Using the tip of her finger she nudges him.

"Hey, get up" It comes out rather rudely as she glares at his back.

What the fuck is he doing in her house and room.

"Hey" This time he waks up and when he seez her face a smile appears on his handsome face.

"Hey beautiful" Cringing she thinks of multiple ways to avoid punching him.

"Who are you" It comes out straight to the point as she glares at him.

The man looks stunned that she doesn't recognize him.

"Babe, it's Musa we have been dating for months" He says and the realisation makes her make an oh.

"We are datin-wait your name is Musa" She asks with a slight look of horror and he nods.

"Great, it's over get out of here" With that she quickly stands up and he looks at her confused.

"What but I-I love you" She rolls her eyes at that.

"Your name is the red flag, I have an uncle with that name and he once reported me to my grandpa so out of my apartment before I call security and it was not nice dating you, how come I did not know your name" She says all the while moving to open the door for him to get out.

"Babe pl-"He is cut off by a sigh from her.

"Laura, come get this man out of here" She screams and moves to her closet where she brings out a nice rolex wrist watch.

"For the losses" Throwing it at him she hops into her shower.

How come I did not know his name'

Getting a man was never hard for her, men fell and worshipped the ground she walks on and she is the envy of many women, her beauty unparellel and money unmatched but behind this beautiful facade lays a soul, one too broken to be pieced.

"Shit" Lily curses and her friend who is besides her turns to face her.

Currently sitting in an apartment owned by her, Lily is busy scrolling through the internet when she comes across a post.

"Trending again" Her friend asks with a raised brow.

Her friend, Laura Babangana, daughter to a very rich politician and an entreprenuer.

"Yeah, this is fucked up and I have to travel back today, I thought I only trend when I want to" Being not only the granddaughter of a very rich oil mugol and business tycoon, lily Indima is a well known model, entreprenuer and the list goes on.

Coming from a hausa fulani family and mother who is from Agadez, she is the only one with a caramel skin tone instead of their usual white skin colour.

"Grandps is killing you" Her friend reminds her of their grandpa who has warned her to stay off the web.

She was sent here as punishment for trending too much last month, apparently being a play girl and breaker of heart, something the old man frowns upon.

"A well respected woman from our sociery shouldn't do these things" He had warned to which she just obediently nod her head before being shipped to Paris.

"What is it this time" Laura asks, genuinely curious.

"Akram is getting married and they are all bringing back the fact that I am an ex of his and that too the one he truly loved"She smirks at her own words as she starts getting ready for the wedding.

Laura shakes her head at how Lily is getting ready without a care.

"Who attends their ex's wedding" Laura asks to which Liliy rolls her eyes.

"Sarki" it is a simple reply and after getting ready in comfy outfits they set out to the airport where the private jets are kept.

"Is that pilot new" Lily questions Laura when she catches sight of the handsome light skinned man wearing his uniform.

She is a sucker for light skin.

"Yes and off limits" Laura answers with a smile of her own which makes Lily grin.

"I never said anything" Lily says but her eyes remain trained on the pilot who is conversing with another.

"Your eyes say something, not another scandal Lily" Laura says and just then the pilot starts walking towards them along with the other white American man.

"Your flight is ready Miss Indimi" The white man who looks no older than fourty states with a small smile stretched on his face.

"Thank you henry"Lily states with a nod and Henry gestures to the handsome pilot.

Henry has been the one incharge of her jets for the longest time and they are a little less formal except when it is in front of others.

"This is Rayan, he'll be your pilot, he just joined us but I assure you he is the best" Henry says and that is when she moves her eyes to the man and damn she does a double take.

Light skinned, tall and lean but with muscles in the right places and lets not forget his face that gives off the cute vibes.

"Sarki" Lily says forwarding a habd forward for a handshake which the young pilot takes.

"Rayan" Laura introduces herself and soon she gets to learn the other pilot is already in the cockpit.

They walk towards the huge plane with the innitials 'Sarki' on it and after settlinh in the plane is ready for take off.

After endless hours, she finally lets out a relieved sigh when she feels the plane landing.

"Finally, I cannot wait to go back" With that she steps out of the plane with Laura standing beside her.

When they step outside fully, she sees two range rovers ready and set for her departure.

Just when she starts walking towards the car she pauses and turns to face Rayan.

"It was nice meeting you handsome" With a wink she turns around but pauses again.

"Wow" Laura voices behind her and she holds back her own exclamation at the sight before her.

Rows and rows of cars start filling into the private part of the airport and just then a very huge plane lands and she squints her eyes to see the innitials on the huge private plane.


Those are the innitials in gold and when the plane lands the convoy of more than a dozen cars arrange.

With a white rolls royce sweeptail and the others being either cardillacs or G63 she watches how different men come down from the cars and they are wearing black from head to toe except for the militrary men who are clad in comoflagded uniforms.

Palace guards come down and she hears praises being sang and it confirms her suspicions.

A royal.

The air suddenly becomes thick and heavy as the door opens and the stairs descend.

The whole atmosphere changes as she can see even the birds walking take of after schreeching.

Black italian dress shoes are the first to come in sight before a very huge figure comes into view, dressed in a black three pices suit that hugs every part of his body to perfection, so much that his muscles seem to be begging for some form of relief.

Although she cannot see his face clearly, the man standing there is no doubt of a different standing and lets not talk about his face.


She is busy studying him when suddenly he looks in her direction.

She freezes.

No man has ever made sarki freeze
