Year: Unknown. Location: Unknown.
A soul sat there, meandering in an open plane within a large monolithic corridor split. It is Heath, and he is stressed. To destress, he finds the best way to calm himself down.
He counts the number of corridors there are. There is no floor, there are only paths. The number of paths feels as many as the number of atoms you could perceive in one's own vision if it had the best resolution. It is nearly uncountable, yet Heath tried continuously.
"2 Billion, 147 Million, 482 Thousand, 998. . ." That droning sound played out, if there were any other visible inhabitants, they would've heard it for possibly centuries, that was how big of a shock it was for him. He misses his friends, dearly. Clinging onto the remnant memories of his time on Earth. Weirdly, his memories that he thought he'd of forgotten by now were kept photographic, as if the limit placed when he had in a mortal body were now moot.
"2 Billion, 147 Million, 482 Thousand, 999. . ." Heath reached the 3rd 483rd thousand mark.
He got ever closer to the Integer Bit limit by counting the number of visible pathways he could view. He became more engrossed in this counting.
"2 Billion, 147 Million, 483 Thousand, 646. . ." Heath is one away from the Bit limit.
"2 Billion, 147 Million, 483 Thousand, 647. . ." Heath waited, to see if anything happened. Nothing did. He continued counting. Into the Trillions, Into the Quadrillions.
Into the Quintillions. He now got closer to a value that if it was translated into a cluster of Iron Atoms, it would allow us to see a grain of dust. "22 Quintillion, 493 Quadrillion, 999 Trillion, 999 Billion, 999 Million, 999 Thousand, 998. . ." Heath has been counting for so long, yet he never made a mistake, his memory because perfect in all regards in his spiritual form. Over time, he inadvertently relived through much of his forgotten time on Earth. It aided his sanity, which kept him conscious. "22 Quintillion, 493- ?" Then suddenly, something happened.
A light not from any of the pathways, but from something beyond had started appearing. As if it was cutting out a portion of space to slot itself in and stitching itself back together through pure energy. Like a crocheting motion when repairing a blanket.
A head formed, with that same Cheshire Smirk appeared. "YOU." A voice from Heath's soul reverberates, one that shakes all nearby 'fluctuations' in the space. The head spoke without moving its mouth, like last time. "Continue counting, I want to hear you reach the value I found a long time ago." It spoke with a calm, yet seemingly grating voice towards Heath. Heath's soul leapt from position and went to attack this 'thing' that tore him away from home. His soul twists in jagged, unnatural edges. If there is even a natural shape for a soul,
The being ignores it, simply continuing to talk now that he noticed he stopped. It was as if what he was doing was a hair swooshing in front of his face. "You know, your friends have missed you. I brought you from your home because I felt you could've been much more."
"HOW SO!? YOU TOOK ME FROM MY HOME, BITCH. I SPENT WHAT FELT LIKE A NEAR-INFINITE TIME IN THIS LABYRINTH ALONE, EVERY EXCRUTIATING SECOND WAS YOUR FAULT." Heath said with loud, collected fury towards him. Attacking him with greater fervour. The being's visage frozen. "You are right, you deserved better, and we have 'time.' While you're attacking, let me show you what I did to your world." Soon, a light, as if an intrusion into his soul occurred, Heath shrieked. Feeling unknown memories enter his soul space.
"Your world was developed to my standards, I gave the best candidates from your world a chance and made them into beings like myself, I could only give a portion of my power but they grew self-sufficient in time." A world, unknown to Heath appeared in his mind.
It had similar continents, but they were more patterned, and designed with a focused purpose. "Your world became a terraformed ground for people to become greater than they ever could. I provided them with greater technology, systems of work, and an automated centralised world government while allowing them to select qualified world leaders of multi-species systems. Many species of your world that were capable were uplifted and became sapient like yourself. They became a space-faring race quite swiftly to others."
This world was greater than Earth in every aspect, in part by this being in front of Heath. With ecumenopolistic buildings covering the continents and self-sufficiently made to feed themselves, this new Earth could house trillions. In 'sacrifice' of a few million.
And it even appeared they were making a Dyson Swarm. What felt like millennia of information through visions made Heath slow down his attacks. "Why did you choose us!?" Heath asked. "Because you all were the best choice with many others, traits that fit into a complete package. There are some minor tweaks for a soon-to-be immortal being. But you will learn, hopefully, you won't become somebody who steals people out of their homes like me out of necessity." The being states with a rueful smile. With orchestral guilt in its voice.
Heath's attacks were without ferocity at this point. "What is your name then if you took me so quickly! At least let me know who you are, we could've been friends if it weren't for your aloof, cold attitude from the moment we met! You big. . . Meanie. . ." Heath soon sulked.
"I'm Brijga (Brey-gee-ga), the first of my kind. And soon to be your older brother too." Brijga states nonchalantly, though with a more grounded nature than his 'uncaring' attitude on Earth. "What do you mean 'I' will be your brother, I would not love a kidnapper!" Heath gave out a final strike, causing the first tiny, past-sub atomic chip to appear off of Brijga's cheek. Which soon self-regenerated. That flake that left would soon go to another world and sprout intelligent life. "I need your help, please." Brijga says, with honesty in his voice.
"I need yours and the help of all capable people in this local universe to save Real-Space. When we are in this space, it slows time down enough that it allows us to speak as we are now. I had no choice but to take you quickly." Brijga continued his sentence.
Heath stop his attacks. "Why not just ask?" Heath genuinely asks, still with hidden anger in his voice. "Because it would've given us too little time. In this space between universes, time is not a concern. You may say it's been uncountable, but it's only been Yottaseconds, there are no fundamental elements like Planck scale fluctuations to determine time. There's only you, me and the distance between other people like yourself getting this same conversation. If I continued talking in your reality, it would impede my goal." Brijga sounded fearful.
A concept he heard once from V-Sauce propped up, both Infinite versions of Infinity and the process of entropy in development through supertasks. All the knowledge he ever learned on that topic would of course put such great fear into a godly being like the one in front of him.
"Is it about Entropy?" Heath asks, hopeful that it is not this topic he could never fathom beforehand. "Yes, the reality we exist in is slowly spreading itself too thin. Every branch of the omniverse and its infinitesimal power of the multiverses. To the energy of the uncountable universal variants is spreading beyond the confines of reality. At the rate we're going, everything will be separated to a true heat death in about an Aleph⌄(1) years. That may seem like a time beyond infinity to you, but for us beings. That is too short." Brijga said.
That didn't make sense to Heath though, as such a value would be impossible from the knowledge provided by Michael. Though what of it, his knowledge was not even at the foundational level in this topic. He let it slide. "How in the hell is that too short?"
"Because we are beyond energy. We are not even a concept, we are abstract beyond all reasoning. Much to our frustration." The mouth starts to open, only at the atomic level though. "You got to sort out your face man, it's too strange for me." Heath says.
"Huh, thought I had my facial expressions down, I accidentally set it to the average value of all of my faces talking at the same time. Whoops." His face suddenly acts like a globular static, almost appearing like Perlin noise, soon correcting itself. The face reacts by blinking, it still has that uncanny feeling but at least there's emotion now. "Is that better?" Brijga responds with proper facial-emotional range now. "Much better." Heath responded.
"Out of all the people I've been talking with, you're the first person who told me that. Surprised nobody thought to tell me, am I really that scary?" Brijga asks. "Well, if a being suddenly rips you away from your home and the very concept of my reality broke down. . ."
Those words were left unsaid, but Brijga understood. At least he had the decency to look embarrassed and culpable. "I had no choice, all people deserve a chance to be beyond the infinite. All time frames, all scales, every soul that is classed as unique deserve a chance to feel total unity with their local reality. It's an experience one cannot miss." Brijga reasons. "Let me guess, beyond euphoric?" Heath asks. "Definitely. If I had more precision, I could've taken less time to break the multiversal barriers between branches." Brijga says tacitly.
"Let me guess, like in comic books there's a universal barrier, but instead of it being some great wall on a 'smaller scale.' It's some unstoppable form of energy that permeates the background. Beyond any form of radiation we could've detected?" Heath asks.
"Close to exactly, it's a near-perfect, reflective barrier that would act much like your theoretical white hole. You simply shift your axis to face the opposite direction; Back into that portion of that omniverse. The only thing that was holding reality was it being a cluster with the other portions of the omniverse. It's a lonely existence. And I am one of the beings attempting to harvest the potential energy of what will probably become greater. Making reality larger, thus allowing for more life to exist in more Real-Space." Brijga posits.
"Because then you can create a feedback loop for more beings that can reel in this energy that is slowly 'radiating' if that is still even a concept beyond the boundaries of reality! Like the fact our supercluster, if it was theoretically not affected by decay. . ." Heath theorises.
"It would become one larger hyper-reality, with all other matter staying. You get it! So by following your example, the barrier between portions of reality would become transient and could stay together. Not flowing away like the other superclusters from yours in your old reality if it weren't for a portion of my intervention. To create an ideal living space for more potentially living beings that are stable in existence." Brijga says with a look of delight.
"You had it all figured out, didn't you? And if you're powerful enough to stop the separation of multiversal sets in what I guess is multiple omniversal portions. How are you not strong enough already to help slow or even nullify entropy? Are you all overwhelmed?" Heath asks.
Brijga says with understanding. "Because that is a factor of multiple powers. For your potential limit you could not hurt a fly by grabbing its wings. For me, that's like grabbing a supercluster without overloading it with energy. That's why I said precision rather than power beforehand. That still allows near infinite energy to escape as 'Hawking Radiation.' Which is overwhelming." Brijga finished explaining. "If you accidentally overloaded it with energy?" Heath asks. "Boom." Was a simple reply from Brijga, Heath looked horrified.
"Don't worry, I know as I once tried that with a dead supercluster, I only used that power when necessary." Brijga says. "And when is it necessary?" Heath asks. "When somebody wishes to absorb the power rather than distribute it, I have to kill them." Brijga says seriously.
"How do you even kill a being like you?" Heath says, not expecting a response. "You target the weakest point of their soul and break them from the inside with their most disliked memories, or implant new incredibly painful memories. Chipping it away slowly, it can break down their personality and crack their soul over time. The more it is cracked, the greater chance of breakage." Brijga tells him. Heath is surprised he responded. "You would've known soon enough from my time scale, so of course I'd say it now." Brijga says it chalantly.
"And I kill them because distributing energy allows for more people to collect near-infinite levels at the same time; Pretty much creating a bigger slice of the cake for us to eat, allowing for faster growth. Making greater developmental pace. A Pyramid Scheme." Brijga responds.
". . . Okay, I believe I understand. What will I do, a trial run to see how I can deal with my 'potential' in becoming a being like you? Like a tutorial on a single universe before moving ahead?" Heath asks, almost to himself. "I think it is closer to a universal cluster, so about 5 - 6 universes, but yes." Brijga finishes Heath's train of thought for him. Happy they've agreed. "You'll probably start on a random planet in the unknown portion of an omniversal section. Can't put you where others will intersect with you after all!" Brijga says informally.
"Should be good practice, is it okay if I follow your lead? I still don't fully trust you though." Heath asks, hoping for some guidance. "Sure, and that's fine, now. I gotta give you the necessary power to do this. Here." A light shines on Brijga's nose, soon poking his chest.
This stirs some of Heath's memories from Earth, where he got poked in that same spot, he thought for a moment before being blinded by pain again that the image of Elias overlapped with Brijga. In an unexpectedly short 'time,' the pain fades away. Leaving Heath as a shaking mass in the void that is coalescing into the shape of a head. It creates the old face down to a T, except with the same issues with Brijga, no wrinkles or pores, not even without hair this time, matching his old baldness, only leaving facial hair. He gets up, and he thinks of a mirror.
A mirror appears in front of him somehow, seeing his new 'perfected' look. He appears aghast. "I look horrifying!? Holy shit. . ." He never wanted something like this. He wills himself to appear less synthetic. "*HUFF* Now I look marginally human again." Heath comments.
"I liked you better the other way, it was more 'structurally stable' in Real-Space. But come, we gotta go to your new home for a gigayear." Brijga moves Heath to his learning spot. During the start of the travel, Heath kept on asking continuous questions towards Brijga like "Will my friends also become beings like me?" which was answered a yes. "How much time will it take for me to meet them again?" A long time, Brijga would say. And on and on and on over the next few 'minutes' of travel. I am personally surprised Brijga could deal with it.
Brijga kept on pausing or looking as if they were concentrating on other tasks, obvious that they were hard at work, Heath stopped asking questions. Much to Brijga's confusion. "It's fine for you to ask questions, I can multi-task speech and work." Which delighted Heath.
From there, a few other esoteric topics like 'Magic,' Astronomy, Astrophysics, Developmental sciences, Mythology and Xenobiology were covered, then. Heath's new world was visible.