Chereads / A goblin with a name! Continuation! / Chapter 13 - The very first BETRAYEL!! (3) End!

Chapter 13 - The very first BETRAYEL!! (3) End!





The very first BETRAYAL!! (3) Final!


[Inside the dungeon of Volx]:

Cole, Juliet, Jason, Thor, and Thorfinn all had their backs against one another. As they all were surrounded in all directions by monsters that numbered up to 30 to 40, or maybe even the 50's.

While Delia was inside of the circle.

They all were holding their respective weapons in front of themselves. They were all protecting Delia who was holding her right hand on top of left hand.

The monsters that they were surrounded by all looked humanoid at first, in the dark. But when any light shined upon them, it showed their true appearance.

These creatures were very tall. They were at least two-head's taller than Jason. And Jason was the tallest of the group.

They're skin was colored dark-purple, red beady eyes that shined like blood, sharp elongated nails colored black, elongated toenails, their legs were bent backwards and their heads were very large, making it easy for any person to attack.

These creatures were known as Voids. C-ranked monsters that could only be found in volx dungeon.

[Flashback a few hours late earlier]:

Jason was deeply sleeping in his room with Delia on top of him in their usual position of her sleeping on top of him.

Jason and Delia were still wearing their adventuring outfit's all because yesterday when they both headed up to their room, they were too tired and lazy to even change, so they just ended up going straight to sleep wearing their outfits.

That was until his dream was abruptly stopped by a large resounding knock at his door. The knock was so loud that it practically woke him up straight from his sleep.

He grogelly got off his bed, opened up his eyes and stared daggers towards his door to wherever was behind it. He grumbled something about annoying people who won't let him sleep in peace.

He waited a while, trying to make it sound like he was still asleep, so the person on the outside by some miracle would leave him to sleep.

But it didn't look like fate was on his side as the knock turned into various knocks, continuing to get louder and louder, like the said person was urgently needing to talk to him.

So with no other choice, he slowly got off his bed, grabbing Delia and laying her down so she could continue sleeping peacefully without being woken up.

He took a pillow, and covered her long elven ears. Thanks to her elf-like ears, Delia had heightened hearing, so Jason was quite surprised that she didn't wake up.

That just proves how deep of a sleep she was in.

Cole walked up to his door, no, he stumped up to his door, grabbed onto his doorknob then he yanked the door open, and stared daggers at whoever was on the other side of the door.

But to his surprise, the person on the other side happened to be Cole, but his surprise wasn't because of Cole being there.

It was that Cole was smiling, yes smiling! And he did not mean a normal smile, he meant a bright beaming smile, so bright that it would basically make his entire face glow, shine like the sun. So much that Jason had to literally put a hand in front of him to block out some of the rays.

After a while, he felt the rays decrease to a degree that Jason could finally lower his hand, and when he did, he stared blankly at Cole.

Awaiting for some kind of an explanation of why he woke him up at 7. But he did not get an answer, instead he ended up getting a paper slapped onto his face.

Jason groaned, then proceeded to remove the paper off his face. He instead did not look at it, but at Cole with a, "Are you serious, look?"

The only answer he got was a ridiculous shake of the head from Cole, who ended up shaking his head up & down like a kid who was high on sugar. With no other choice, he looked at the paper, for some kind of an answer.

He immediately recognized the sheet of paper as his guild's adventuring quest sheet.

This was all that was written


"Quest approved by hawk's guild!"

[Quest]: Hunt down and kill 50-voids and bring back their hearts in perfect condition, unharmed. To be used to make teleporting pearls.

[Teleporting pearls information]:-

Teleporting pearls are pearls made out of the hearts of voids. When the pearl is thrown, planted or flung to a certain direction, the user has to have another pearl in his hand and when he crushes that pearl, he'll be teleported to wherever the pearl was flung, planted. Basically a teleporting spell, but using pearls instead.

[Location: Volx Dungeon]

[Quest payment]: 200,000 zens.

[Rank: C]


And that was all that was written. Jason blinked then blinked & blinked two more times just to make sure that he was not reading the sheet wrong, maybe his sleepiness was catching up to him.

Because he ended up reading 200,000 zens not 50,000 zens. This was basically 4x times more. He was really confused, how could this be a C-rank, this kind of pay was mostly for B-rank quests. So it really dumbfounded him.

If his knowledge was not wrong, Voids are C-ranked monsters. The reason why they are C-rank and not B-rank was because even though they had the ability to teleport wherever they left a certain mark.

They could use their blood as markers, so by just dropping a small amount of their blood in an area, they can teleport to that place infinitely without cooldown.

There were different ways to kill them, but the best way to kill them fast was by attacking their heart. The strategy to fight them was by pin-pointing their marks & attacking wherever they were about to teleport too.

The question was how to exactly know where their marks were located, but the good part was that they were very dumb.

Even though they had the ability to teleport, they mostly liked to teleport right in front of their foes. So now, the fact that they had to kill 50 of them without damaging their hearts made it difficult, but not impossible.

And especially with Jason's intellect, it would be quite simple for them to figure out a plan. And since they were already C-ranks they had a lot of experience fighting voids.

And with Delia's ability, especially with her earth manipulation skill. So Jason immediately started thinking of multiple fighting strategics.

While Jason thought over multiple strategies, he didn't see Cole's previous enthusiastic smile turn into a grin, so evil that it literally would have sent chills down Jason's spine if he saw it.

As he knew that part of Juliet's plan had been accomplished. As phase-one was already accomplished, after Jason was done thinking over some strategies.

Jason looked up to Cole and asked: "What time are we going? And is everyone ready?"

Cole just nodded his head with his previous beaming smile back on & he said:

"I already informed them, you and Delia are the last ones. Everyone is ready. They are just preparing. At eight, we depart."

Jason closed his eyes and thought over Cole's words, then he nodded his head and spoke: "We'll be prepared. I'll get Delia ready. We'll see you there in one hour."

Jason quickly & angrily spoke before Cole. As he saw that Cole wanted to say something.

"I. Said. One. Hour!," Jason emphasized every single word through gritted teeth, then he continued on.

"Delia is not someone you want to wake up this early. And since you guy's never bothered learning about her & how she'd been developing. I had to. So I know her schedule. And waking her up is not going to be a good idea, unless you're ready to pay for the repair of our room? She is quite a cranky person."

Cole looked like he was pondering on Jason's words before he ended up shrugging his shoulders. Then he said:

"OK, one hour, we'll see you down stairs. Prepare everything, but it might take us longer than we expected since, after all, it is 50 voids and they're quite sneaky bastards."

Jason nodded his head, then he entered his room and closed the door. As Cole was walking away, his smile turned into a grin that ended up growing more, it started from one air till another. Right now he looked like the pure incarnation of the devil himself.

[One hour later, in the dining hall]:

Juliet, Cole, Thor & Thorfinn were all waiting for Delia and Jason to show up. Everyone was well prepared, with their respective weapons, & adventuring outfits.

This time, instead of having his head normally up, but instead Cole had his head slicked back, making him look like a royal knight, especially with the armor he chose to wear on.

Instead of his usual black and gold armour, he now wore white and gold armour, giving him a royal appearance. Delia walked down the stairs, wearing her usual goth outfit; the only difference was that she wore a silver mage's coat over her shoulders.

Giving her a commander-like vibe & look.

Her cold, indifferent eyes scanned down the entire group. Juliet meeting Delia's gaze ended up gulping down some of her silivia. When she saw Delia's eyes lock onto hers for a few seconds, she felt it, the superior difference between their strengths.

Cole saw the short interaction between Delia & Juliet. Then he stared at Julia with indifferent eyes before speaking out loud:

"Now that everyone is gathered, let us depart. We do not have that much time. Our goal is to finish up before four in the afternoon. Now, let's head off."

He turned around and headed for the door, and everyone followed right after him.

[Flashback end!]

Now back into the volx dungeon.

Everyone was literally sweating heavily right now. Excluding Delia who stood in the party's encircument. She gazed at all the voids surrounding them, counted each one of them, and once she was done, she spoke in a very low tone that only the party could hear:

"They total up to 30 in a 2-miles radius."

Cole squinted his eyes and said, "30? That is 20 less. But it's better for now. If we ended up with more then we could chew. We'll go and hunt the rest down later."

Thor and Thorfinn ended up nodding their heads to the plan, while Jason gave Delia a proud smile.

While Delia did not openly show her agreement on the plan, she only nodded her head and agreed.

Delia suddenly went down on one knee with her left hand stretched out. She then proceeded to put that hand on the ground, then seconds later the ground all around 2-miles radius started shining in a golden light.

She then started murmuring words that were incomprehensible to the rest, including the party. And then she shouted the last words in an incomprehensible voice out loud;

"Earth manipulation: Earth spikes!"

And just like she yelled, hundreds of giant earth spikes spilled out from the ground all around 200-miles. Stabbing some of the voids around their ankles, immobilizing them in their place.

But not all of them were pierced. Some managed to escape using their teleportation, but they were not attacked in their vital spots.

That was what Delia was told to do.

The voids were screaming their lungs out. Some of the voids realized that they were trapped, so some of them teleported away.

Cole and the rest with their experience didn't waste the openings so they capitalized on it. They immediately attacked their nearest ones close to them and chopped out their heads, while Juliet blew up a close-by voids head with a blackish-purple fireball.

The voids seeing some of their kinds easily being slaughtered they only thought of one action. The rest teleported away, basically fleeing.

After seeing that the rest of the 20-voids ended up fleeing away, Cole yelled to his team: "Chase after them!, we can't let them escape!"

The entire party ran at their full speed, chasing right after the fleeing voids through their various blood marks on the ground. They ran and ran, until eventually they made it into an area where they had to stop.

Why?, there were two paths in front of the party, one to their left side and another to the right side.

The pathways were completely dark. No light visible from the outside.

The team realized that the voids all scattered away from either of the pathways.And they didn't know which one to choose.

So they pondered on it, asking one another and starting to talk over their decision. As Jason was trying to figure out a decision, Cole impulsively said:

"We don't have time, we need to find them. Okay, let's do it like this, we'll split our party into three each. Since we are six. Each team will be A & B. Each team's key goal is to kill 10-voids, and bring their heart's in perfect condition. Once we are all done, we'll meet here within an hour then we'll head for the guild."

Jason was going to say something but he stopped realizing that Cole's plan was well thought of & more reliable, and less time spent.

And especially as strong as they were, even if they were separated into groups of three, 10-voids shouldn't be that much of a problem. And they could easily escape, and meeting in an hour will give them enough time to hunt.

So with no other choice Jason just ended up nodding his head, and he asked: "So who are the teams?"

Cole then spoke: "It's better to go like this, seems we need mobility and strength. We need to equalize everything. Team A will be Jason, Thor, and Thorfinn. While team B will be me, Juliet, and Delia."

Jason nodded then he gestured for Thor & Thorfinn to follow him into the left pathway.

Cole, Juliet, and Delia all waited for Team-A to safely enter their pathway. Once the team was not anymore visibly seen, and no sound of them being ambushed or anything, they looked at one another and then headed straight for their route as well.

The route that Team-B entered looked like a sewer. With the only difference being that there was no sewer water, just ordinary plain ground.

As they were walking, the team had their guards up. But their guards weren't fully up, because as far as they could see, the route was just a straight line. And there was a left and a right corners from afar.

As they continued to venture deeper in, Delia was making sure to use her heightened senses to their fullest to pick up on any noise or smell.

They ended up making it closer to the middle. And at that exact moment Delia heard it, the sound of a pebble falling down in the far distance.

So she looked to Jason & Juliet with a look then a nod, and they both also nodded their heads as well. Giving her the go-ahead.

Without wasting any more time, Delia ran forward at high speed. And within a few seconds, she was in the middle.

She then speedily turned her head to her left and she saw three figure's. The three unknown figures body languages spoke that they were attachen by surprise.

But they later composed themselves. All the men wore white coats with large hoods that covered their entire heads, and on top was a crown-like thing that It looked like they were stitched on.

Delia was at first confused but without her realizing she ended up stretching her right hand forward, preparing an attack skill.

But she was stopped by someone's hand, so she looked at the said owner of the hand and she saw that the hand belonged to Cole.

Delia looked at Cole's hand that was holding back her hand and she instinctively shattered. But she ignored her fear and stared right back at Cole.

Cole looked at her and said: "You shouldn't be attacking humans. I thought that Jason taught you that."

Delia looked at him confused. Before she started scanning the three still unknown men, the closer she looked, the visible human characters were shown.

She then ended remembering the time that Jason taught her to never attack humans. The difference between humans and monsters.

She realised that they were indeed humans. But it really confused her as to why normal people who weren't adventures doing deep down here. They didn't look like adventurers.

Even though Delia learned some common knowledge of the world, she didn't learn what these people were, but she knew they weren't adventurers.

But she knew one thing, non-adventures should not be in dungeons. But she would have asked herself more questions, but suddenly her Instinctives screamed at her to dodge so without thinking twice about it she did so.

Delia took two steps backwards, pulling her own head back a few inches just in time, to see Juliet's mage staff aiming to attack the back of her neck.

And it would've come into contact with her neck if she hadn't swiftly dodged it.

Delia stared at Juliet with visible disbelief and something that surprised Juliet.

"What is that expression? H-hurt…?," mentally wondered Juliet.

Delia would've inquired a reasonable question to Juliet as to why she would have tried to attack her own teammate.

And especially why would she aim for her neck, but once more her instinctives yelled at her but this time she couldn't react fast enough.

Delia felt a sensation of something chopping at her neck. And in the next second, the world started to blur and turn to pitch-black.

Delia collapsed onto Cole's openly awaiting arms. Cole picked up Delia's fainted body in a princess carry. Then he proceeded to hand Delia over to one of the unknown men in white.

The other two unknown figures both synchronously hovered their hands over Delia's form, a light-purple hua covered their hands for a few seconds.

The man who was holding on to Delia in a princess carry looked to Juliet and Cole then nodded his head.

Cole also nodded his head and asked the man in the middle: "So, are you heading to the main cathedral with her?"

The man shook his head and spoke in a low voice:

"No, the main cathedral is a three-months away. We are going to take her to one of the smaller branches, but we already sent a message to our leader to let him know that we have already got her. It will take us time, so we will be going from cathedral to cathedral, until we eventually reach the main cathedral, and that's where we will start. But do not worry, we have ways to calm her down, since you already told us all the information we needed to know. So we already prepared everything."

Cole nodded, and closed his eyes and thought over his decision. Was this the right thing to do? He was trying to figure out if he was doing the right thing, but a soft hand was holding onto hers.

He looked to Juliet who gave him a reassuring smile. Then she spoke:

"You are doing the right thing Cole, And by the time she grows up, she'lll be strong enough to be able to live her life just like Didi wanted, so you do not have to worry that much."

Cole closed his eyes, and with no other choice he just nodded his head, and said, "You are right."

He then looked at the man and said:

"It's best you guys go ahead now, in an hour we'll be meeting with our other teammates, that should give you more time to leave. So by the time they figure out that she is missing, you guys will already be long gone."

And since the branch cathedrals are all spread out everywhere, they wouldn't know which cathedral exactly.

The man holding Didi in a princess carry said:

"You are right, we'll be heading off now, thank you for the great contribution, we'll remember this great contribution you have given to us. We'll contact you from time to time every few months. To inform you about her future improvement's, or in case anything gone's wrong."

With that being said, the three unknown men all started to walk away, while Cole and Juliet just watched their backs, until eventually they were gone.

Cole then looked to Juliet and said, "We should go and complete our quest & meet the rest of the team."

[One hour later]:

In the exact spot where the party separated into a team of two, Juliet and Cole came out from their route and in front of them stood Jason, Thor, and Thorfinn.

Thor held a giant brown sack in his right hand. it in front of Jason & Juliet. Showing them that their part of the mission was completed.

While Juliet did the same.

In that moment that Jason looked to Juliet's right and didn't see Delia with them, so he raised an eyebrow and asked:

"Where's Delia? Oh, is she still hunting? I swear that girl has a weird thirst for fighting. I think her goblin blood is responsible for it."

A silence fell upon the party as Cole or Juliet didn't say anything, Cole was looking down. While Juliet didn't dare to look at him. Jason's inquiry turned into worry as he inquired:

"What is wrong? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Did she do something that she's not supposed to? Is that why she's not coming out? Is she now scared of the punishment I'll give her? Haha she should come out right now. I wouldn't do anything to her she knows that."

He put his hands in front of his mouth and yelled: "Delia, come out! I'm not angry with you!"

But nothing.

After waiting for a few seconds, nothing happened. Jason looked at Cole while the twins of Thor and Thorfinn both looked at one another with worry.

Then they both nodded their heads as if understanding something. Their faces that were at first neutral, turned into utter disgust and anger as they looked at Cole and Juliet. But they didn't say anything.

Then Jason walked up to Cole and grabbed him by his collar and asked:

"Where is she?"

Cole did not say anything, he continued to stare at Jason's eyes.

"I knew that you both hated Delia to your very cores, but…no! You two better pray to whatever God you guys believe in, that if you abandoned that innocent girl I will literally hate you guys to such a level that you both wouldn't recognize me."

Then he started walking towards the path where Juliet and Cole came from, but he stopped as he heard what Cole said that made his previous anger to skyrocket.

I sent that girl somewhere you will never find her, even if you search for years for her, you won't find her."

Jason angrily turned his head back and glared at Cole with such anger that everyone thought that it would have been visible to the naked eye.

He walked up to Cole and did something that surprised everyone. Surprise wasn't the exact word, but instead shock should be the word.

As no one knew that Jason was capable of such a feat. Jason stumped over to Cole and punched him. A punch no it couldn't be called a punch. But instead It was more like he flunked Cole.

Cole was hit so hard that he literally was flunked a few yards away from the group rolling a few times off the ground then stopped, landing in a hip.

He was laying with his back flat on the ground and his face staring up upon the dungeon's ceiling, sky, or whatever they were called.

His eyes were wide open in surprise as he did not expect Jason to be this physically strong.

But Cole couldn't think more into it. As he felt something straddle him and he saw Jason straddling him.

Then the next second, Jason brought his fist down and punched Cole in the face, then another, and another.

Jason continued to just punch Cole over and over again. While Cole did nothing to try to even push or fight back.

As he knew that Jason was not only furious, but he was more disappointed in him than anything else.

He understood it. He knew that Jason cared for Delia. The moment that Cole promised Didi he'd protect & raise Delia, Jason made sure that Delia was taken care of by himself.

But he ended up sending her away somewhere where he himself didn't know where it was located.

But after a while of Jason pounding Cole badly, Thor & Thorfinn both ran forward and pulled Jason away from Cole.

Cole's face was slowly starting to become unrecognizable by how many sores and blood he had on.

Juliet ran forward right after the twins pulled Jason away from Cole, screaming Cole's name. She then proceeded to kneel on both knees and started to heal him using one of her skills.

About a minute later, Cole's face was still full of sores and blood still dripping from his lips. But he was A-OK for now.

Cole stood up, looked at Jason. And Jason stared back right back at him with visible anger & disgust. Then Cole said something that added more to the fire.

"Who would've thought that you had such strength. Such a shame that the monster made you reveal it," he spoke then proceeded to spit out a glop of blood onto the dungeon ground.

Jason was about to run forward to give Cole another beat down but Thorfinn stopped him.


[Somewhere in the city of lurr, inside the Cathedral]:

In a room colored completely white with various decorations and a single white colored bed. Sleeping on top of the bed was a white-haired elf.

Sky-blue eyes flattered open, scanning through the whole room with visible curiosity as she didn't recognize the place.

But suddenly those same sky-blue eyes turned to pain then to that of betrayal. As memories of what happened to her came flooding in like the oceans waves.

Basically giving her a terrible headache.

Tears started to form in the corners of her eyes as the betrayal finally settled in her mind. She then proceeded to grind her teeth against one another in absolute hate and fury.

She was grinding her teeth so hard that blood was spilling out, her sky-blue eyes turned to black with cross-like slits.

A sudden feeling of fury and revenge came completely over Delia like an uncontrollable wave. Then she heard it…

a furious howl filled with vengeance yelled in her mind, telling her to get up and get her just deserved revenge.

And without Delia noticing her system opened up revealing only a single sentence:


| : |

|_________________________________ |

| |

| [Berserker-mode](LvL2) Activated! |

| |

|_________________________________ |

She then gripped onto the bed sheet and tossed it to her left side, she then ran for the room's door, yanking it open. She then proceeded to start running.

She was running so fast that she didn't realize that she passed a large plethora of people from various races all wearing peach colored robes with small amounts of gold on their wrists, waist & ankle's.

All having one thing in common that being the looks of shock. But Delia didn't care for them, just her revenge mattered right now.

The cathedral was so large and complicated that it took Delia 3-minutes long to find an exit. As Delia made it close to an exit she faintly saw a large amount of people's figures.

Then in the next second Delia made it outside and she saw them. A large plethora of people all holding pure white shields with a golden colored lion insignia in the middle.

But once more Delia didn't care for them so she just growled out loud visibly shaking the cathedral guard's. A man in the middle of the guards came forward then proceeded to lower his hood.

Revealing a blonde-haired man with glasses. The man spread his hands apart and spoke to the berserk Delia:

"Miss Delia I really do apologize for this but we can't let you leave here. Superiors orders. So if you could please control your revenge and return to your assigned room for no~," he would've continued but he was abruptly stopped as Delia's right foot slammed into his face, precisely his nose.

Practically breaking his nose and his blood spilled out. The man took a few steps backwards holding onto his broken nose, while two of the guards stepped forward to somehow try to help the man out.

The man holding onto his broken nose didn't utter anything and just gestured for the guards to go and restrain Delia.

And so they did but before any of the guards could react Delia jumped high into the sky, basically skipping over all of them.

She then landed right behind them then she proceeded to slightly look behind her. She then looked forward and was about to run away but a sudden sensation abruptly stopped her in her next step.

The sensation was that of a sharp needle penetrating into the back of her neck. Once again slowly but surely the world started to turn into white & black.

But due to Delia's passive berserker skill she both mentally & brutally forced herself to stay awake. Then she heard the loud sounds of someone clapping their hands.

Delia angrily stared back at whoever was behind her, clapping he or she's hands.