Chapter 11 - Chapter 10


During the evening, the Monteclaros were having their dinner and were talking about the mission that they had just finished. Just a little family gathering. Everyone seemed to be busy talking to each other when suddenly, someone's phone rang.

"Is that your phone, Cleverence?" Kólasi asked his eldest son as the phone rang.

Cleverence looked at his father and nodded. He was wondering who was calling since he was not expecting anyone; no one knew his personal number except for his family and, of course, his secretary and those who were also in his household.

"Excuse me, I'm just going to take this call," Cleverence said as he excused himself from everyone.

Everyone in the room looked and nodded at him. As soon as Cleverence left the room, everyone started discussing their next plan.

Cleverence, on the other hand, went to the corner of the room as he answered the call. He doesn't know why, but since this morning he was feeling something—like something was not right, but of course, he doesn't want to delay their missions, and besides, he didn't leave his daughter all alone in their mansion. He has nothing to worry about.

"Master..." he heard someone from the other line speak. It was his butler. It seems like he is out of breath or rather nervous about something.

"Speak," Cleverence replied. He doesn't know what to reply to anymore based on his butler's tone of voice. Something bad happens.

"The young lady..." he again started.

"Don't leave me hanging," Cleverence replied as he could feel his heart thumping like he was in a marathon.

"We don't know what happened... all of a sudden.. she is gone," he stated in horror. It was like his life depends on whatever words he spits.

Cleverence took a sharp breath as his fist formed into a ball. "What do you mean by gone?!" His voice echoed loudly.

The butler's voice was shaking, and his lips were trembling while explaining to his master what happened...

"We don't know what happened too, Master, as we were drugged. But one thing is for sure: the young lady was kidnapped by maybe one of your competitors." The butler replied while his voice trembled a little.

"It doesn't matter who or how high the position of who kidnapped my daughter. What matters the most is that the whole place must be closed. Make sure that all of the airports are closed," he commanded before he ended the call.

With a thumping heart, closed fist, and clenching jaw, Cleverence went inside.

"What happened?" his father asked him calmly.

"Cara was kidnapped," he said while typing on his phone. Everyone gasp.

"Ti diáolo?!" Kólasi exclaimed and stood up from his seat. And like a robot, everyone stood up and did their responsibility.

"Cane is not answering my fucking call!" Cleverence shouted in the midst of busy encirclement.

"All the CCTV cameras were blocked. This was well planned." Jasper murmured enough to be heard by everybody.

"How was it possible, Cleverence?! I already reminded you, for God knows that you shouldn't leave her alone." Kólasi shouted, which shut everybody.

"Cadence told me that he left her with Cane." Cleverence replied in a low voice, as he knows that he is at fault too.

"There's no way we could find where Clara is right now." Jasper butted in.

While Jasper is busy trying to figure out how they can trace Cara, everyone is busy contacting all of their connections so that the kidnapper won't be able to escape.


After his father went to answer the call, Cadence excused himself to go upstairs since he was still sleepy, so he decided to go to sleep early.

I was in a deep sleep when my phone started ringing. I immediately picked up the call when I read the caller's ID.

"Yes, Dad?" I answered in a groggy voice. He hasn't answered yet, but I can already feel the tension going on in his surroundings.

"Come here to your pappo's place. As soon as possible." He said, which annoyed me a little. I'm hella tired.

"I'm tired, Dad." I lazily respond.

"Stop being stubborn, Cadence. Your sister was kidnapped." And just like that, I felt my body freeze. My father was still speaking on the other line, but I understand nothing. Automatically, my body immediately moves faster than I usually move.

While driving, my mind and attention weren't on the road. Cara occupies my mind right now. How was she kidnapped?!

This can't be. No one must touch my sister. We did not take good care of her just to be kidnapped by one stupid asshole person. No one must dare to do that, but someone did. I'll kill that person who kidnapped my sister; I don't care who he is.

After too much thought, I wasn't aware that I was already in front of Pappo's place. I immediately went down from my car and went inside the place, running.

As soon as I entered, I was welcomed by quite yet very busy people. All of them are on devices.

"What happened, father?" I immediately asked my father as I went near him. I saw him contacting Cane.

"He is on an important agenda, Dad," I told him.

"You knew? Yet you did not tell me that your sister was all alone in our home all this time, huh?" He said his eyes are still focused on his phone.

"Cane told me that Cara assured him that she wouldn't go anywhere. Besides, Cane left her on your butler." Cadence answered, stuttering a little.

"Well, guess what? They were all drugged, and your sister was kidnapped." He said it with no emotions in his voice.

Our family is known for the power that we hold, for the wealth that we have, and for the faces that we were blessed with. But Monteclaro is nothing without our hero, Cara. She is the strength and weakness of our family.

"I already consignment our men to different countries all over the world to look for her." I heard pappoús on the side.

"Have you traced where she is?" I asked Jasper, who is busy with his laptop.

"I can't trace her. And I don't think I can. The person who kidnapped her must be so powerful and smart as well." Jasper replied, I can feel my eyes heating up, but I stood up and opened my laptop as well. They are smart, but I am smarter. We will find Cara as soon as the sun sets...