Kazuki Mori, a young and ambitious mangaka, rents an old, secluded building to focus on his debut horror series, Whispers of the Radio. The building, a relic of the past, exudes an eerie charm with its peeling walls, creaking floors, and an ominous shrine nearby, rumored to be cursed. Despite warnings from locals, Kazuki, driven by artistic fervor, sees only inspiration in the foreboding atmosphere. With a small team of assistants, he begins his journey, channeling the unsettling ambiance into his manga.
However, odd occurrences soon start to unsettle the team. Faint whispers echo through the halls, lights flicker unpredictably, and claw like marks appear on the walls overnight. Kazuki dismisses these events as mere tricks of their imagination, fueled by the haunting ambiance of their surroundings. Yet, as days pass, the shrine's looming presence becomes harder to ignore. Its weathered visage seems to watch Kazuki, filling his nights with an inexplicable unease. His initial excitement begins to wane, replaced by a creeping dread he struggles to suppress.