The lights went out suddenly, turning every room into a barely visible place. The nervous murmur of the nobles filtered from the corridor. Suddenly, a deafening roar shook the foundations of the building. I didn't know what was happening, but something in the atmosphere felt unsettling. For a brief moment, I tried to find an answer in Aliana, but her silence indicated that she, like me, didn't understand anything.
After what seemed like a few seconds as if she had made up her mind, Aliana's silhouette in the darkened room seemed more assertive, with a soft tone she broke the silence.
-Cyan, I'm sorry to ask you this, but could you look after the princess while I find out what's going on? - Her voice, though calm, had a hint of concern in it.
- Okay, be careful - I answered quickly.
-Thank you," he whispered, and at some point his footsteps stopped echoing, he had disappeared through the door into the hallway.