As we landed back in the city, Samantha got a call and moved away to talk. As we were about to head to the helicopter, she came back. "I just got a call that ten of the twenty people who wanted to see the storage devices want to know if we can do it later today as they are in town right now." I looked at her and thought for a moment before nodding. I need the capital for my next expansion, and it's time for me to get more of a leg into the business world. "Sure, they can meet us at the warehouse in two hours. Get us a limo so we can all go over there, as these two will join us." I pointed at the two flight attendants walking over with their jackets off as they spoke. "We quit our jobs, dear," Ashely said as I nodded, wrapping my arms around the two ladies and kissing their cheeks. Samantha and Marie smiled and rolled their eyes as Marie called the limo company, and within half an hour, it pulled up to the airport as we left our bags on the helicopter with Barbra.
We got to the warehouse about forty minutes before the meeting. I changed the amount of stock to ten-time storage devices, and I also bought a shipping container from my world, summoning it. Waiting for the people to come, they finally started to show up. The most important person was Mrs.Valentina. A Brazilian woman who has an iron grip on the shipment business down there, plus she is smoking hot. But I will have to tap it another time as it's all business this time. Pleasure can come later, as I spoke to her. "Mrs.Valentina, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said with a smile while changing her setting for her desire for me and also for her to buy half my stock at a total of $ 450 million, which would help me out. I changed the rest of the people to agree with buying the rest within their means.
"Mr. Hitchcock, please show me this groundbreaking device, as I am a busy woman." She said with pride, and I smiled as I picked up the device. "A standard ship can transport about 20,000 TEU. Each one of these devices can hold a standard TEU shipping container." I said while standing before the shipping container I bought and pressed the button on the storage device as everyone watched the box in my hand scan the container and pull it inside, making them shocked as I walked over and handed the storage box to one of Mrs.Valentinas female secretaries she had two which I also changed to find me attractive as I plan to sleep with all three of them. "Mrs.Valentina, while you walk to the spot I marked on the ground, face that way and press the red button this time." She looked at the box in her hands and noticed it was light, like really light.
She walked over and did as I said, pressing the button as the container started to be brought back out and onto the ground. Once the unloading was done, she touched the container to ensure it was real as I spoke. "You all are limited by the number of containers you can ship, as the boats can't hold more, and the fuel to run so many ships at once would eat through your profits, along with the crews and other expenses. With this, you can load a lot more without issues with backlogs and storage fees. Your earnings increase 50-100 times within a year without problems." I finished speaking as Mrs.Valentina said. "I will buy half of your stock at $450 million." She didn't even bat an eye as she would make that money up within a month, so that's no problem.
Samantha and Marie walked over with the paperwork as Mrs.Valentina eyed her secretaries. All eyed the two of them up and down as they took the paperwork, looked it over, and signed it after ensuring everything was in order. "When can we take these storage devices?" Mrs.Valentina said as I smiled and started to press a button on a box that was in front of a stack of devices, and they were stored. I do this ten times: take the one we used to showcase the meeting and store it inside as she looks at the only one I hold. "Samantha, get a receipt for the sale," I said, and Mrs.Valentina smiled. "Are you free these next couple of days? I want to have dinner with you to talk about investing in your company or any other technology you may have up your sleeve." She said while tracing a finger on my suit jacket.
"I think in two days I will have a chance to fly you out to my estate to have dinner with each other," I said while going to take care of the other businessmen. Mrs.Valentina walked over to Samantha and spoke. "Are you in a relationship with Mr. Hitchcock?" Valentina said as Samantha smirked while looking at the other three women with her before speaking. "We all are, plus more. The sooner you come to terms with that, the more you will be able to find out just how amazing James is. I can say no man will ever shine as brightly as him. So you won't lose anything by sharing him, or is your pride so shallow that you will try to cage him? I can tell you if you do that, he will break you into submission like he has done with a couple of girls already." Samantha said while handing a piece of paper and speaking. "Please sign this. We expect you to pay within five business days as the full shipment has been handed over. The bank account info is in the contract, so please transfer the money when you get that chance, as we don't wish to have to take legal action." Marie said the last part, cutting in as she stood by her harem sister.
Valentina was impressed by these two women and could tell they meant every word about this man, James Hitchcock. That made her find him even more handsome than when she looked at him. She wanted to get him into her bed, but it looked like she would have to share. That didn't mean she wouldn't want to be the top female in his harem, and she could tell that this Samantha was the top dog right now. "I will call you in two days. Please give Mr.Hitchcock my number, as I will contact him about any plan changes." She finished saying as she swayed out of the building, looking over her shoulder first at the two of them and then at James as her eyes filled with desire and lust, making her bite her bottom lip as she walked out of the warehouse. "Marie, we have a tigress joining us when we get back. We will need to have a meeting of the ladies as we will have to tame her outside of the bed as the bed will be James' part," Samantha said with a smirk as she licked her lips. She can see why Valentina has gotten to where she is, and even Samantha can tell she will be a good woman for James to collect for his empire.
The rest of the clients left the warehouse holding the storage devices like their family heirlooms. I smiled when Samantha walked up and spoke. "This deal went off without a problem; job well done, dear." She said while laying her head on my shoulder. "We sold them for $900 million for something I barely spent $1 million for. With this technology and how people want a better life and easier money, I will have an iron grip on this world within a couple of years. Nations will bow to me just to get a taste of my technology. I am the future of humanity, and they will know this within five years as I will make it clear as day." I said, grinning widely as Samantha moaned. "Dear, take me right now." She said seductively as her man just made her wet with his words.
Mrs.Valentina Pictures